Happy Chicks Podcast

Why “SHOULD” can take a flying leap on a short pier. Keeping Guilt out of Gratitude


Who else was raised to eat your vegetables because there were starving children in Africa?

"You should be grateful to have broccoli and brussel sprouts with your silver side and mash pumpkin, don't you know there are starving children in Africa?"

To which we would sarcastically suggest we parcel it up and post it to them and see if they liked it! None of this bode well for a harmonious dinner, nor did it help our notion of what being grateful was all about.

So what is it to be grateful and why do people bang on about it so?

Is grateful the new black, it can’t be cos slow is the new black, so maybe grateful is the new rose gold in muted tones.

Whatever it is, it’s agreed that it’s important, so let’s delve into why.

Shandra Moran
Shandra is the founder of The Transit Lounge, a boutique coaching consultancy for women who’ve had a career and now want to start their own successful solo business. 

She’s an award-winning promotions and marketing director, Professional Results coach, internationally accredited money breakthrough coach, podcast host and co-author of an international bestselling book ‘Elevate Your Success’. 

An early ‘midlife crisis’ led Shandra to leave the media industry and follow her passion for people development, and after training as a coach, she held a senior management role within a learning and development company. Following a diagnosis of severe adrenal fatigue in 2014, she reinvented her professional life once again when she left her successful career to create ‘The Transit Lounge’. 

Shandra is passionate about working with professional women who want to be their own boss - so they can earn great money, doing work they love, without burning out. She helps them do that through Private coaching and her online coaching and implementation group ‘Women In Transit – the path to being your own boss



Alena Turley

Alena is an award-winning Australian educator, podcaster and martial artist. Founder of pioneering blog, the Soul Mama Hub, her new membership - the Soul Mama Academy -  connects over-extended mothers with juicy, holistic energising ideas and each other. Her mission is to bring women together to co-create a lighter, happier and kinder way of life.
