

May 14, 2022 Tenderfire Media Season 1 Episode 2
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May 14, 2022 Season 1 Episode 2
Tenderfire Media

Join Jaya and ashe as they discuss where permission might be a better word even than choice when it comes to offering yourself a way towards acceptance and freedom; what's needed, where there is resistance, what it feels like to notice... 

We're talkin' about permission, and we hope you enjoy.

This is the second of six parts in a series called First Fire. Each episode in this series is a small part of one longer conversation.

Music from this episode is by Auxjack.

To find out more about Open Dharma and Deep Rest Meditation, follow these links.

Dharmacosm is produced by Jaya Julienne Ashmore and ashe d. phoenix.

We feel permission to enjoy creating together on the Tenderfire Media network of tells and shows. 


1. consent; authorization.

"Since borders are imaginary, one should not need permission to immigrate"

2. agency in the self 

1. an official document giving authorization.

plural noun: permissions
"permissions to reproduce copyright material"


late Middle English: from Latin permissio(n- ), from the verb permittere ‘allow’ (see permit).

late Middle English (originally in the sense ‘commit, hand over’): from Latin permittere, from per- ‘through’ + mittere ‘send, let go’.

(Definitions from Oxford Languages).

Show Notes Transcript

Join Jaya and ashe as they discuss where permission might be a better word even than choice when it comes to offering yourself a way towards acceptance and freedom; what's needed, where there is resistance, what it feels like to notice... 

We're talkin' about permission, and we hope you enjoy.

This is the second of six parts in a series called First Fire. Each episode in this series is a small part of one longer conversation.

Music from this episode is by Auxjack.

To find out more about Open Dharma and Deep Rest Meditation, follow these links.

Dharmacosm is produced by Jaya Julienne Ashmore and ashe d. phoenix.

We feel permission to enjoy creating together on the Tenderfire Media network of tells and shows. 


1. consent; authorization.

"Since borders are imaginary, one should not need permission to immigrate"

2. agency in the self 

1. an official document giving authorization.

plural noun: permissions
"permissions to reproduce copyright material"


late Middle English: from Latin permissio(n- ), from the verb permittere ‘allow’ (see permit).

late Middle English (originally in the sense ‘commit, hand over’): from Latin permittere, from per- ‘through’ + mittere ‘send, let go’.

(Definitions from Oxford Languages).


It's more being interested in what feels fishy to you to be curious about, wow, I'm feeling emotional about even talking about the fear of money, much less money itself. And so of course, then it would be one way to go is like, okay, even the resistance to the fear of the money, feeling that in your body briefly, you know,


briefly? Letting it pass that briefly. I feel like as a choice and sometimes for me, or it feels eventually it feels like, does it feels like it's not a choice and then it feels like it's a choice.




Briefly. Yeah.


Yeah. To have the permission that it could be brief.


Yeah. I feel like you talk a lot about permission, like giving permission, giving yourself permission.


yes, it's everything.




Well, to be honest, I feel like I would go more with permission than choice.


Oh, okay.


Choice is- I find is a little bit tricky. I think it has a place. And if we understand every word has its limitations, like there's not a need for like a word police. for example, permission to feel afraid of. Hmm.-I think it gives more a chance to be in touch with the fear of money or to be curious about what's moving. What's sad. What's, what's shaky to even think about speaking the words. And so it- permission to feel resistant, to feeling the fear of money. Even it's like a trust. In ourselves and life and our experience that even resistance to feeling the fear of money, when we think we should be at least feeling the fear of money, if not, not having a fear of money, you know, like the shoulds are there, but when there's permission to whenever I'm ready, I might want to turn towards feeling that resistance to feeling the fear of money. It kind of just opens up. Um, The word, the phrase fluid unfolding is coming. That just, it sounds a little bit trite. So I'm kind of trying to find another way. It's like trusting that even in the resistance to feeling the fear of money, even in that resistance, there's aliveliness that has intelligence in it. If we would let it, if we would let it, um, have a little bit of room. And have the energy that it has, that energy can free itself a little bit, or start a conversation with us a little bit or show another side. That's not just my idea of it, but the actual fact of it, which is more round and more workable, more accessible, more towards compassion and freedom.


Permission. Yeah.


So permission is kind of trusting that integrity is


yeah. Yes. Yes. Wholeness is telling us is. Jaya: And permission that whatever's feel, or to not want to feel whatever's going on is sort of coming back to the starting place of wholeness and integrity. Even if my personal conscious upstairs self has no idea about that and doesn't want it to be. So because you know, all the defenses are up, but it's kind of a, I think something maybe in the back gets a little bit of relief. Like a little, maybe this story is not all there is totally.