Empowered Puppy

Ep 1: How to Approach People with Service Dogs

May 27, 2022 Jeanette Forrey Episode 1

Hello everybody and welcome to another one of our Friday episodes. For today’s show, we are going to be focusing on answering questions and will be covering a wide range of topics from puppy gut health to discipline and everything in between! We kick the show off with a listener question about if and how to approach people with service dogs and this leads to a discussion on the different ways to behave that are most appropriate depending on the situation and type of owner and dog you are dealing with. We move on to discuss how to assess the best environment for your therapy dog, how to prevent ear and gut infections, and the main indicators that a puppy will make a great diabetic alert dog. From there, we discuss a range of training techniques for dealing with picky eaters, boisterous behavior, and puppies who won’t respond when you call them. So for all of this and so many other great tips and tricks for being the best badass puppy owner you can be, tune in today!

Key Points from This Episode:

  • If and how to approach people with service dogs.
  • Different ways that approaching people with service dogs can upset an owner or create bad habits in the dog.
  • Signs to use to gauge whether it is appropriate to approach a service dog.
  • Dogs that are wearing vests; which are appropriate to pet?
  • The difference between therapy, service, and facility dogs.
  • How Jeanette handles people who try to pet her dogs when she doesn’t want them to.
  • The bond Jeanette developed with her dog at a long-term care center.
  • How to gauge what kind of environment your therapy dog would do best in.
  • Methods for preventing ear infections in dogs.
  • When to change food and how to know it isn’t causing GI issues.
  • The prevalence of protozoa and parasites; Jeanette’s deworming protocol.
  • How to make sure that the fecal test you conduct is accurate.
  • Conducting fecal tests and using antibiotics: the correct treatment for GI issues.
  • If items in the SEI point to whether a dog will be a diabetic alert dog.
  • What signs in a puppy indicate they will be a diabetic alert dog.
  • How to treat dogs who are picky eaters.
  • Anxiety puppies feel for the first days with a new owner and how to mitigate this.
  • If organic broth is bad and what kinds of broths to use.
  • How to know if your puppy is being too rough or loud and how to correct it.
  • Training your dog to return to you when called.

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Jeanette Forrey

4E Kennels

4E Kennels on Facebook

4E Kennels on Instagram