Empowered Puppy

Ep 6: How To Help Your Puppy Transition

Jeanette Forrey Episode 6

Welcome to another installment of one of our Friday episodes! Today we’ll be answering all our listener questions about helping your puppy transition into their new home. It's a big transition for puppies when they enter a new space. They are leaving behind the pack that they knew, along with all of the familiar smells and sounds, for an entirely new environment. So, it’s important that you support them by making the process as seamless and calm as possible. Give them a few days to get used to you before inviting visitors round, and make sure you and your family allow them to get plenty of sleep and that they aren’t constantly being disturbed; however tempting that may be! Puppies also have sensitive tummies, so be sure to keep their diet consistent and nutritious, and incorporate their kibble into their training instead of treats. Tune in to learn more about how you can help your puppies transition, how to communicate with them, and how to set yourselves up for a thriving and happy relationship!

Key Points from This Episode:

  • An introduction to today’s topic: how to help your puppy transition.
  • What the first three days with a puppy should look like.
  • Why you can expect your puppy to sleep a lot and why you should never wake them.
  • Some of the adverse health effects puppies can experience when they don’t sleep enough.
  • How to keep your home a calm safe space for your new puppy.
  • Why you need to wait a few days before allowing new visitors into your home.
  • How to use lots of positive praise and start potty training.
  • Why there needs to be consistency with the terms you use to train your puppy.
  • How to agree on rules and phrases as a family, so that they all match.
  • The ‘puppy puppy puppy’ recall and how it can save your dog’s life.
  • How to incorporate teaching the ‘puppy’ command
  • How this resembles training the ‘come’ command.
  • Why it’s so important to communicate with your puppy in a way that they understand.
  • Examples of how we communicate incorrectly with our puppies.
  • What to do when your puppy is in the teething and biting phase.
  • How standing still and turning can help you set limitations and boundaries.
  • Why everyone should have a long leash and how to make one yourself.
  • How to incorporate your puppy’s kibble into training and why you should delay using treats.
  • Why you need to wait at least nine weeks before changing their diet.

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Jeanette Forrey

4E Kennels

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Jeanette Forrey

4E Kennels

4E Kennels on Facebook

4E Kennels on Instagram