The Analytical Preacher - Bible Discussions For The Modern World

Does The Problem Of Teleological Suffering And Evil Refute Christianity?

February 09, 2024 Andy
The Analytical Preacher - Bible Discussions For The Modern World
Does The Problem Of Teleological Suffering And Evil Refute Christianity?
Show Notes

Many atheist claim the problem of teleological suffering and evil is a slam dunk against the existence of a loving God.  If an animal unintentionally evolved to where it must infect, eat the eyes of or kill a human host to reproduce, then that is just part of the world we have to live with.  But if a "god" intentionally created such parasites and the suffering they cause, he either isn't much of a god or certainly isn't a very nice one, they say.  Christian and atheist philosophers have gone round after round on this issue, essentially drawing to a stalemate.  But how does the Bible address such questions?  In this podcast, we study the scriptures for exactly that answer.