The SALT TALK with Jermine Alberty
The SALT TALK w/ Jermine Alberty is a podcast dedicated to having conversations of healing and recovery surrounding topics of mental health challenges, addictions, spirituality, and guest will talk about how their work serves, affirm, loves, and transform those they encounter. Join us for each episode as we get salty.
The SALT TALK with Jermine Alberty
Episode 1: Mental Illness is not Weakness - A Father & Son Conversation
June 29, 2022
Jermine Alberty, Jerimiah Alberty
Season 1
Episode 1
Join Father & Son duo Jermine and Jerimiah Alberty for the inaugural episode of The Salt Talk. We will have a blunt yet light-hearted conversation about eliminating the stigma of mental illness and debunking the myth that mental illness is a weakness. As a community, we should celebrate those who live with mental illness as not only survivors but thrivers. We will add a little dash of flavor to the conversation and talk about how our service, affirmation, and love of others will transform not only individuals but our community.