Link Ahead with the City of Dublin, Ohio
Link Ahead with the City of Dublin, Ohio
Family legacy, a passion for neighbors and what the pandemic taught Mayor Chris Amorose Groomes
When newly sworn in Mayor (for a second time) Chris Amorose Groomes was 8 years old, she'd ride her bike down Sawmill Road to Tuller Fruit Farm for a delicious apple fritter on Saturday mornings. She'd see maybe 10 or 12 cars on the long ride as Sawmill, then, was just a two-lane road. Today, we know how busy Sawmill is and Home Depot now stands on the fruit farm property. It's that kind of history and institutional knowledge she brings to the job along with her years on City Council. But the Mayor's family also has a steadfast dedication to City service, and it's instilled in her: her mother founded the Dublin Chamber of Commerce, helped write the original charter for the City and her father served as Dublin's Vice Mayor. Mayor Amorose Groomes talks about that plus her vision to keep Dublin on the path for global leadership in sustainability, fiber to the home, quality of life and transportation. (hint: we're in the running for a possible major upgrade to Amtrak train service)