Zephyr Lodge, Guatemala: Best Option Near Semuc Champey and Lanquin
Make Every Day An Adventure Travel Podcast
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Make Every Day An Adventure Travel Podcast
Zephyr Lodge, Guatemala: Best Option Near Semuc Champey and Lanquin
Nov 01, 2022
Marina 'Travel Experta'

Zephyr Lodge is a hostel surrounded by jungle and mountains, situated in an amazing are, close to Grutas de Lanquin and Semuc Champey, packed with amazing views

In today's podcasts, I'm going to talk about Zephyr Lodge in Guatemala (Lanquin), what it has to offer that makes it special and more,

 Key Points

  • Where it's located?
  • Rooms
  • Amenities
  • Facilities
  • Restaurants
  • Tours
  • How to get there

About Marina 'Travel Experta'

  • I am an Experience Collector, World Traveler, Expat Mama and Wife
  • I have been an expat for over 20 years, raising 2 trilingual sons
  • My family and I have traveled to over 40 countries and counting …
  • I’m here to inspire you to travel, move internationally, have fun with your family and so much more!

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