Talking About Tumors with Ryann and Ryan - A medical oncology podcast
Designed for residents and fellows to provide an overview of the clinical practice and evidence behind management of each individual tumor site. Hematology/Oncology, evidence based medicine, education, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, cancer
Talking About Tumors with Ryann and Ryan - A medical oncology podcast
02_10 BRCA Positive Breast Cancer in the Clinic
1. BRCA 1/2 genes and relation to malignancy
2. Family history taking and identifying patients for genetic testing
3. Risk reduction strategies for breast and ovarian cancer
4. Systemic therapy considerations in BRCA positive breast cancer
As always, citations, and sources include education from our respective training programs, the Devita textbook, and Uptodate.com. We highly encourage review of guidelines published by ASCO, ESMO and other organizations local to your practice.
DeVita, Vincent T., Jr., Theodore S. Lawrence, and Steven A. Rosenberg. Devita, Hellman, and Rosenberg's Cancer: Principles & Practice of Oncology. 10th edition. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer, 2015.
Uptodate.com Waltham, MA: Wolters Kluwer.
Some highlighted references recommended to read related to this specific episode:
1. Litton JK et al. NEJM. 2018;379(8):753-763. doi:10.1056/NEJMOA1802905/
2. Geyer CE et al. Ann Oncol. 2022;33(12):1250-1268. doi:10.1016/j.annonc.2022.09.159
3. Robson M et al. NEJM. 2017;377(6):523-533. doi:10.1056/NEJMOA1706450/
4. Tutt ANJ et al. NEJM. 2021;384(25):2394-2405. doi:10.1056/NEJMOA2105215/
5. Risk Reduction and Screening of Cancer in Hereditary Breast-Ovarian Cancer Syndromes | ESMO. Accessed March 13, 2023. https://www.esmo.org/guidelines/guidelines-by-topic/hereditary-syndromes/risk-reduction-screening-hereditary-breast-ovarian-cancer-syndromes
6. Breast Cancer Screening for Women at High Risk – Cancer Care Ontario. Accessed March 13, 2023. https://www.cancercareontario.ca/en/guidelines-advice/cancer-continuum/screening/breast-cancer-high-risk-women
7. Chiarelli AM et al. JCO. 2014;32(21):2224-2230. doi:10.1200/JCO.2013.52.8331
8. Detection, Prevention, and Risk Reduction. Accessed March 13, 2023. https://www.nccn.org/guidelines/category_2
Talking about Tumors with Ryan and Ryann is not medical advice. We have received no funding in relation to the information discussed within this episode and have no financial conflicts of interest to disclose. All opinions are those of whoever stated them. We have compiled this podcast to serve as an introduction to the field of medical oncology for post-graduate trainees interested in the topic.
Hematology/Oncology, evidence based medicine, education, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, medical oncology