The federal government recently introduced its new Canadian Dental Care Plan, with the goal of providing oral health care to all. But so far, not everyone is smiling. Thousands of dentists across the country have not opted into the plan because they still have a mouthful of unanswered questions. And patients are even more confused, with many assuming — incorrectly — that the plan means free dental appointments. Dr. Maneesh Jain, president of the Ontario Dental Association, joins us to break down all the uncertainty. For the record, he hasn’t joined the program either. Also on this week’s show: What happens when two dozen Village Media editors gather in the same town?
The federal government recently introduced its new Canadian Dental Care Plan, with the goal of providing oral health care to all. But so far, not everyone is smiling. Thousands of dentists across the country have not opted into the plan because they still have a mouthful of unanswered questions. And patients are even more confused, with many assuming — incorrectly — that the plan means free dental appointments. Dr. Maneesh Jain, president of the Ontario Dental Association, joins us to break down all the uncertainty. For the record, he hasn’t joined the program either. Also on this week’s show: What happens when two dozen Village Media editors gather in the same town?