Selfcare with Li
Hello My Beautiful Being, I wanted to let you know a name change for the podcast! It is now Selfcare with Li! The podcast dedicated to personal growth, living intentionally, and walking in your purpose. Li strongly encourages everyone to write their vision on paper. Using our words is the only way to create the days, weeks, years, and life we want. The seven pillars of selfcare has really helped me with my journey in falling back in love with myself. Though the battle was and is still challenging, I want everyone to fall back in love with themselves, and reach your highest potential. I want to encourage self-improvement and personal development as we journey through this life. Life is amazing when we do it on purpose and care. It's not enough to simply talk about what we want. Anyone can have a good talk game. We can take it one step further and take action. Join me every Wednesday to come up with an action plan. Let's be intentional together. Check out my website www.selfcarewithli.com!
Selfcare with Li
Welcome back my Listeners,
It is WEDNESDAY! HUMPDAY! You know this podcasts release brings me so much excitement and I am excited to gather with you and cheer you on because as you know, YOU GOT THIS! I am excited to talk to you today as this title is a bit aggressive but neccessary to say the least.
I have found myself balancing work and content and having a social life etc. I also found myself worrying about the pettiest, smallest, and insignifcant things that have allowed my anxiety levels to RISE! I am here today to claim that we are releasing fear and worry and anxiety from our entire being today. It is imperative we release so we can move forward and do the best we can with what we have! (SHOUT OUT TO MARIAH CAREY!) but seriously, it is important to release the barrier that holds us back and get to business and STAND ON IT!
I provide essential tips to release worry, and strategize socialite , it is hard to keep up with all the things, and rest is important! However, the opinions and thoughts of others should not stand in my way of my greatness. I must do what I need to do in order to succeed. I want to be that nudge to push you in the right direction. Take yourself seriously, and forget about the ones that will look at your greatness and wish they were apart of it. It is so easy to give up , but it will not benefit you in the long run! I want you be strong and keep going, we are all fighting battles and worrying is one that we will conquer TODAY! TOGETHER! Remember I am cheering you on and rooting for you! YOU GOT THIS!
Love you always and have a fantastic rest of your week! LET'S GET IT!!!
INTRO music LazyPOV
Commercial music Produced by LUNAREH
Exit OUTRO Produced by Confina
MEDITATION Music: The light with you-moment
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My Social Media
IG: @thelimorales
Youtube: Selfcare with Li
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