Selfcare with Li
Hello My Beautiful Being, I wanted to let you know a name change for the podcast! It is now Selfcare with Li! The podcast dedicated to personal growth, living intentionally, and walking in your purpose. Li strongly encourages everyone to write their vision on paper. Using our words is the only way to create the days, weeks, years, and life we want. The seven pillars of selfcare has really helped me with my journey in falling back in love with myself. Though the battle was and is still challenging, I want everyone to fall back in love with themselves, and reach your highest potential. I want to encourage self-improvement and personal development as we journey through this life. Life is amazing when we do it on purpose and care. It's not enough to simply talk about what we want. Anyone can have a good talk game. We can take it one step further and take action. Join me every Wednesday to come up with an action plan. Let's be intentional together. Check out my website www.selfcarewithli.com!
Selfcare with Li
How to Control Your Emotions Under Pressure
Good Morning Listeners,
Happy Wednesday! I am so happy to be back with you all , Summer is almost here! I wanted to dedicate this episode to the Emotional selfcare building block, especially as we are so close to summer and you're around family and friends and still balancing responsibilities, that could lead to pressure and or stress, maybe even anxiety, I know that it can be difficult to juggle work/life, when you are feeling angry, disrespected, mad, sad and or all emotions. I want to provide useful tips when you're under alot of pressure. I want you to gain control over your emotions, process them, and determine if the circumstance, situation, and or person deserves your response and or reaction.
Alot can change in an instant, it is important to be well prepared. I discussed in previous podcasts on impulsivity, I believe that if you suffer with impulsive behaviors, this podcasts will help center and ground you when you are feeling reactive and or acting off of emotions or feelings. I believe we can be the best versions of ourselves if we just take time out to be more intentional about everything within the day. I believe that you are capable of all things that you put your mind too. Controling your emotions during difficult times is one of them.
There's a lot of growth through out this podcasts, you all are reaching your highest potential, accomplishing goals, and I am happy to witness you all living your best lives. I want you to continue to be your best self, even under pressure, no one deserves to see the worst side of you, so learn to never let them see you sweat!
With these 5 tips , I can assure you, this will allow you to grow and understand that not everyone deserves your attention, responses, and or reactions! You are glowing and you are growing! Everything you ever wanted, is already yours, all you must do is continue to show up as your best self! Learning how to control your emotions will be the life hack you need to continue on to success and ground yourself at your highest vibration!
You got this! I look forward to you listening to today's podcasts, thank you for supporting the podcasts! Dont forget to like , comment, and download the podcasts 💕🌱
Love you!
INTRO music LazyPOV
Commercial music Produced by LUNAREH
Exit OUTRO Produced by Confina
MEDITATION Music: The light with you-moment
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