Selfcare with Li
Hello My Beautiful Being, I wanted to let you know a name change for the podcast! It is now Selfcare with Li! The podcast dedicated to personal growth, living intentionally, and walking in your purpose. Li strongly encourages everyone to write their vision on paper. Using our words is the only way to create the days, weeks, years, and life we want. The seven pillars of selfcare has really helped me with my journey in falling back in love with myself. Though the battle was and is still challenging, I want everyone to fall back in love with themselves, and reach your highest potential. I want to encourage self-improvement and personal development as we journey through this life. Life is amazing when we do it on purpose and care. It's not enough to simply talk about what we want. Anyone can have a good talk game. We can take it one step further and take action. Join me every Wednesday to come up with an action plan. Let's be intentional together. Check out my website www.selfcarewithli.com!
Selfcare with Li
How To Learn To Love Yourself
Good Morning Listeners!
Selfcare with Li the Podcasts is back, i wanted to provide tips on how to learn to love love yourself, and letting go toxic patterns and behaviors. I know, this is a pretty deep topic for someone who has taken a brief hiatus, but i wanted to come back to the show from the summer self love series and spill all the tea on what I have learned through the process and the journey of self love. I am happily in love with myself again, but, it took a lot of hard work, it was not easy and honestly I am not done. I wanted to spread the love, in case you too, have forgotten to take care of yourself, forgive yourself, and to love on yourself.
Life be Life-ING, i know that we pick up behavior and toxic traits by the life situatations or circumstances, but I am here to tell you, do not forget who you are during the tough times. I want to provide you with a little bit of my experience in this episode, to provide a safe space for you to feel and to let go. It takes time, although I spent my entire summer tapping back into loving myself, I am still growing through and learning how to love myself unconditionally and through the tough times.
I want you to know that you are not alone, you are capable and deserve love. You must learn to let go of the hurt and the baggage and release the toxicity by changing your habits and your perspective. I know I always mention the 12 building blocks of selfcare:
12. Physical
You can start from any of these elements of selfcare, and learn to love yourself through your process, again you are in control, just remember who you are!
Until next time, here is to SELFCARE WITH LI!
Love you 💕
INTRO music LazyPOV
Commercial music Produced by LUNAREH
Exit OUTRO Produced by Confina
MEDITATION Music: The light with you-moment
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IG: @thelimorales
Youtube: Selfcare with Li
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