King's Cross Church (Moscow, ID)

The Majesty of God | Toby Sumpter | (What is “Reformed” Anyway? #1)

February 06, 2024 King's Cross Church (Moscow, ID)
The Majesty of God | Toby Sumpter | (What is “Reformed” Anyway? #1)
King's Cross Church (Moscow, ID)
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King's Cross Church (Moscow, ID)
The Majesty of God | Toby Sumpter | (What is “Reformed” Anyway? #1)
Feb 06, 2024
King's Cross Church (Moscow, ID)

As a newer congregation with many newer folks, I want to spend the next few weeks going over some of the basics of what mean when we say we are “Reformed.” Historically, this name goes back to the Protestant Reformation of the 16thcentury, but it is fundamentally based on the supremacy of God, revealed in Scripture, as the perfect Word of God. To say we are Reformed is to say that we want everything we think, say, or do to be God-centered and obedient to His Word. This is not to say that we have arrived, but it is to say that He is worthy. 

As we do this, we really do want to stand in the “old paths” and hold fast to the “faith once delivered for the saints,” but we want to actually live in this glorious house and not merely become the next museum curators. Or to change the metaphor, we want to fire these cannons at real, modern enemies, not merely polish them and rehearse how they were once used in the glory days of yore.

King's Cross Church is a member congregation of the CREC in Moscow, ID. Visit our website at

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As a newer congregation with many newer folks, I want to spend the next few weeks going over some of the basics of what mean when we say we are “Reformed.” Historically, this name goes back to the Protestant Reformation of the 16thcentury, but it is fundamentally based on the supremacy of God, revealed in Scripture, as the perfect Word of God. To say we are Reformed is to say that we want everything we think, say, or do to be God-centered and obedient to His Word. This is not to say that we have arrived, but it is to say that He is worthy. 

As we do this, we really do want to stand in the “old paths” and hold fast to the “faith once delivered for the saints,” but we want to actually live in this glorious house and not merely become the next museum curators. Or to change the metaphor, we want to fire these cannons at real, modern enemies, not merely polish them and rehearse how they were once used in the glory days of yore.

King's Cross Church is a member congregation of the CREC in Moscow, ID. Visit our website at

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