Free Your Heart with Ashley Mondor
Free Your Heart with Ashley Mondor
Vaughn Pierro: Multi-dimensional healing through breath // Ep. #10
Meet my friend, Vaughn, who is a multi-dimensional healer that uses breathwork and sound as a pathway for your transformation. Through a pattern of connected breath, shamanic elements, and channeling healing language of light, she guides you into an etherical experience of healing mind, body, and soul.
Trigger warning: I mention rape as part of the generational healing process.
What you'll learn from this episode:
- How Vaughn and I crossed paths. (Ya'll - it's magic!)
- What led Vaughn to breathwork.
- Shifting your identity with the help of spirit.
- How to know if you're an energetic match for Vaughn's type of shamanic breathwork.
- Use your triggers to heal yourself.
- The mystical experiences that have happened during breathwork sessions.
- Growing up in the church and what she had to heal from in order to allow her gift of Light Language to be re-activated.
- Masculine and feminine energetics and where those blocks can show up in the body.
- How to work with Vaughn.
- Ways to begin working with your breath for shifting your energy and healing.
Connect with Vaughn:
- Visit her website.
- Contact her for 1:1 sessions via email: Info@VaughnPierro.com
- Hangout with her on Facebook and Instagram.
Have a question?
Drop me a note on IG (@Ashley.Mondor) or send me an email at Hello@ashleymondor.com. I can't wait to hear from you!
Did something resonate? Have a question? Send me a message!
This podcast is for entertainment purposes only. Please consult with your doctor, therapist, or financial advisor for medical, mental health, or financial advice.