Rich Life Lab

Selling at the Top, How To Be Fully Present in Your Life, Turning Worries into Progress: Whit MacCuaig #3

September 08, 2022 Nathan Hurd

#2 - Whit MacCuaig is the Vice President of Development and Finance at Chesapeake Real Estate Group (CREG). He has managed the development of Million's of Square feet of industrial real estate, deploying hundreds of millions in investment capital and construction financing.

He also happens to be a long-time friend and one of the people living the most authentic lives I know. For many years, I've observed Whit making bold decisions with his career, his time, his family and his life.  Always moving to be in alignment with his deepest priorities. 

In this conversation we discuss his experience of selling his home at the top of the recent real-estate bubble and his views on what's likely coming next. 

We discuss learning to trust intuition, how to cultivate humanity in the work you do, how to prioritize the most important people in your life, how to free up your headspace to stay connected and present in your life and much more. 

Show Notes:
Selling a house at the peak of the housing market: [4:40]

Trusting your instinct and intuition: [19:10]

What Whit thinks is coming with commercial real estate: [27:00]
How Whit thinks about his career and derives meaning from his work [33:48]

Whit shares an incredible story of cultivating humanity in his work [38:50]

Why being present with his family brings Whit the most richness in his life [45:42]

How to make sure you prioritize the people you love in action not just intention [47:22]

How to clear your mind to stay mentally present with loved ones and friends outside of work [51:34]

Whit shares a belief that helps him feel less conflict and more connection with other people [59:16]

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