Sacred Space

Shamanic Healing in Pregnancy, Birth & Postpartum

May 06, 2022 Tessa Santalucia Season 1 Episode 4

This is an introductory episode on Shamanic Healing in relation to Pregnancy, Birth & Postpartum. As I mention in the episode, this is a huge topic, and something we will come back to in future episodes.

Although I covered many different aspects in this episode there is so much more to talk about, e.g. how my friend opened sacred space for my birth from a distance, how you change your spiritual practices around to fit your baby in, and much more. Enjoy!

If you are looking for a session with me (I will shortly be back part-time from maternity leave) or would like more information on Shamanic Healing or perhaps join my Diving Deep self-paced healing program head to

With love,