Sacred Space

Teacher Inca Priest Giuliano Salas on Pregnancy & Birth in Indigenous Peruvian Communities

July 05, 2022 Tessa Santalucia Season 1 Episode 8

In this episode, I interview Teacher Inca Priest Giuliano Salas on 'Pregnancy & Birth in Indigenous Peruvian Communities' and as always we talk about it from the perspective of our Andean Magick/Shamanic perspective.

If you want to hear more from Teacher Giuliano I invite you to head to my Instagram handle @shamanicsoulwork and take a look at my 'Live Replay' highlight where we have several recorded lives we did on Instagram a while back.

To connect with Giuliano, as mentioned in the audio, you can visit his website at:

You can also find him on Instagram @inkahealer

Enjoy the episode and this sacred knowledge.


(Please note: there was some mild construction noise around the 42 min mark so you may hear some hammering. The audio was temporarily stopped but not long enough for me to properly cut that part out, so for a second it may seem like we jump right into another topic).