ClearlyRated Survey Says Podcast

How to Leverage NPS in Your Marketing Communications

November 03, 2022 Episode 13

In our previous episodes, we discussed why NPS is a game changer as well as getting your team excited about your NPS program. In this episode, we are expanding on all those topics and addressing how exactly to leverage your NPS in your marketing communications. We are excited to welcome our sales legend, Cris, into the conversation! Cris’ entire job is focused on talking about NPS so we thought she would fit right into this conversation. Tune in to learn the following: 

  1. Key hurdles when talking about NPS and how to discuss it with those who don't know what NPS is? 
  2. For those who run NPS programs, how can they talk about their score and celebrate their wins? 
  3. How to improve your current NPS?
  4. How can NPS be underutilized? 

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