Our Next Guest Is...snappy interviews with inspirational Australians.

Don Elgin: Paralympian whose philosophy is to always 'have a crack'

Michael Pope and Carson White with Don Elgin Season 1


Don Elgin is one of the most natural, proudly Australian , 'warts and all' speakers on the circuit. Hear what drives this Olympic medal athlete as he shares some stories of the highs - and lows- of life. And there's a salient tip for anyone who has an important event - and a new diet: don't mix the two!  

" Well what can I say Michael and Carson you are simply amazing, it was a joy from the time you kicked in my front door and taped the listening device to my head then proceeded to announce to my family that anything they say or do could be used in a court of law, the silence that followed gave you the perfect platform to hit me with all number on mind boggling questions and from then on I was putty in your hands. The experience itself will surely go down in history for me as one of the strangest podcast I've been involved in but in a weird type of way a very satisfying one. I thought it was great strategy to have one person ask a question whilst the other heated the cattle prod on my stove only to return when they had another question that required a far quicker response. The questions themselves were well thought out. I particularly liked the ones that dredged up all the emotions I had been working to suppress for years.  Your way with words and the words themselves still ring so eloquently in my one good ear; 'suck it up princess' I think was my favourite line from the day and how we were all able to make fun of having one leg. You guys were great. I loved how you told me it would be fun and there would be laughs and tears, boy o boy were there tears.   
 Thanks also for the allowing me the privilege to join you both on what must surely be one of the most listened to podcast ever produced and as soon as my hearing returns to normal I will be tuning in. You blokes are incredible and I can't thank you enough for visiting. Strangely my neighbours have even whispered a question or two to me over the fence, like ' will your friends will be visiting again Don'??…. You blokes sure know how to make an impression!"DE

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