That Doesn't Happen Every Day

Vietnam in our Family Album

March 20, 2023 Dean Petersen Season 2 Episode 4
Vietnam in our Family Album
That Doesn't Happen Every Day
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That Doesn't Happen Every Day
Vietnam in our Family Album
Mar 20, 2023 Season 2 Episode 4
Dean Petersen

In 1968, my Dad, Owen Petersen, left the Bridger Valley of Wyoming for Vietnam where he served as a platoon leader in the 3rd Marine Division. After he came home, he put the photos he took into an album that collected dust with our other photos. In this interview we ask him about those pictures and what it was like to be boots on the ground in the war.

Veteran Suicide and Crisis Lifeline:  988

The varied sounds of bullets passing by:
Marine in Afghanistan
The Basinger

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Show Notes

In 1968, my Dad, Owen Petersen, left the Bridger Valley of Wyoming for Vietnam where he served as a platoon leader in the 3rd Marine Division. After he came home, he put the photos he took into an album that collected dust with our other photos. In this interview we ask him about those pictures and what it was like to be boots on the ground in the war.

Veteran Suicide and Crisis Lifeline:  988

The varied sounds of bullets passing by:
Marine in Afghanistan
The Basinger

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