The Undetected Narcissist Podcast

Fear of Dating a Narcissist Again - Part One

Angela Myer Season 1 Episode 15

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 Do you have the fear of dating another narcissist or fear attracting another narcissistic person into your life? Many people, including myself, can develop a fear of dating or attracting another narcissist into our lives. That is WHY I stress that everyone needs to be educated and informed about narcissism. Not all narcissist are evil and bad people. We have to remember that they were created that way by their society, environment, trauma, abuse, or another person. When you are educated and informed, you now are in the position of power. You are in the position of having a choice coming from a place of awareness. Why I feel people end up getting abused and hurt by the narcissist is because they are not educated and informed. They are in the dark and confused about the narcissistic person's actions, behaviors, and manners. When a person is confused, you are more likely to take things personally, instead of recognizing the narcissist is projecting their own issues upon you. So let me give you a few examples of what I mean before we dive into this subject matter.

In order to better support my kiddo and all of you, I am all about educating myself on different subject matters that can support me in making a positive difference in a person's life. I recently started listening to an interesting audio book called, "Parenting Children of Trauma". I did not know the book was written for parents that have adopted or fostered a child. Listening to this book has taught me so much about parenting and parenting a child coming from a place of trauma because these loving parents who took these traumatized kids into their homes were so confused. Just like you might be with the narcissist. These parents felt like failures at times, they took it personal, and were in the dark. This book transformed so many parents lives and gave them the knowledge and tools they needed. Once they were informed and aware, they no longer took the child's behaviors "personally", they more saw it as a cry for help and compassion. The book written by Dr. Bruce Perry and Oprah Winfrey, "What Happened to You? Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing", educated me about how trauma impacts the brain and supported me in comprehending various trauma responses. It truly opened my eyes and heart. Now when I see and hear someone coming from a place of trauma, I can now better support them, instead of thinking they are crazy! It is just the trauma talking and my heart is full is full of wisdom and compassion. That is why I wrote my book, "The Undetected Narcissist". I wanted to spare children and loving parents from further abuse because a narcissist can go undetected. Perfect example is the Johnny Depp and Amber Heard trail. The smartest this Mr. Depp did was to bring in a psychologist and have Ms. Heard observed. I really feel that was a game changer, but 100% necessary. And the sad truth is, I had the same thing happen to me and my son. Yet, I did not have a psychologist in my pocket. Therefore, once I healed from psychological abuse, I needed to speak up. I felt is calling from a higher purpose to share our story and truth.

To read more, please visit my blog post. Enjoy!


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