Careering Podcast

F Series: The F word | Careering Podcast Ep.11

September 21, 2022 Careering9 Season 1 Episode 11
F Series: The F word | Careering Podcast Ep.11
Careering Podcast
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Careering Podcast
F Series: The F word | Careering Podcast Ep.11
Sep 21, 2022 Season 1 Episode 11

This week we're kicking off our F Series. If you're a regular listener, you know we're not afraid of an F bomb so to expand our vocab further than our creative uses of the word F**K, we're diving into a whole F word series.

To start our series we're tackling the mother of all F words. The one we, especially as women, avoid at all costs. This week we're talking about the word FAT and what it means to be fat at work.

Join us as we share our experiences and reckons on everything from weight, diet culture, body acceptance and the impact of it all in the context of our workplaces.

TW: This episode is a bit intense and discusses some topics that might be difficult to listen to. If you're not in a space to listen to it, feel free to skip this episode.

Episode links

Learn more at or follow us @careering9

Theme music : Summer Light - Lesfm 

Learn more at or follow us @careering9

Theme music: Summer Light - Lesfm

Show Notes

This week we're kicking off our F Series. If you're a regular listener, you know we're not afraid of an F bomb so to expand our vocab further than our creative uses of the word F**K, we're diving into a whole F word series.

To start our series we're tackling the mother of all F words. The one we, especially as women, avoid at all costs. This week we're talking about the word FAT and what it means to be fat at work.

Join us as we share our experiences and reckons on everything from weight, diet culture, body acceptance and the impact of it all in the context of our workplaces.

TW: This episode is a bit intense and discusses some topics that might be difficult to listen to. If you're not in a space to listen to it, feel free to skip this episode.

Episode links

Learn more at or follow us @careering9

Theme music : Summer Light - Lesfm 

Learn more at or follow us @careering9

Theme music: Summer Light - Lesfm