First United Methodist of Copperhill TN


Pastor Buddy Butler Season 2021 Episode 7

This Feb. 7 service was prepared for online and phone listening only, as harsh weather conditions cancelled on-location worship.  Thanks to Ben and Pastor Buddy for pulling together the files needed and to Jerrie Sue and Ben for all the music.  The worship includes:

  • Greeting and Welcome
  • Prelude You Are my All in All
  • Call to worship
  • Prayers
  • Hymn Come Christians, Join to Sing 
  • The Apostles Creed
  • Gloria Patria
  • Lord's Prayer
  • Doxology
  • Scriptures
  • Sermon
  • Hymn My Faith Looks up to Thee
  • Postlude reprise You Are my All in All

 Permission to podcast "You Are my All in All" by Dennis Jernigan in this service obtained from CCLI License #A-20215896.  All rights reserved.