First United Methodist of Copperhill TN

Repent and Believe

Pastor Buddy Butler Season 2021 Episode 4

These highlights of the first Sunday of Lent worship include music, prayers, Scriptures, a sermon and the celebration of Holy Communion.  Before the service begins, get some juice and some bread or a cracker, so that you may celebrate the Sacrament, too.  You will hear the following today:

  • Greeting and welcome
  • Prelude by Jerrie Sue Massengale
  • Call to  worship  
  • Opening Prayer
  • Hymn #252  When Jesus Came to Jordan
  • Gloria Patria
  • Prayers of the People and the Lord's Prayer
  • Doxology
  • Hymn #467 Trust and Obey
  • Scripture Mark 1: 9-15
  • Pastor Buddy's sermon
  • Holy Communion
  • Hymn  As the Deer
  • The benediction (Sending Forth)
  • Postlude

Permission to podcast "When Jesus Came to Jordan" by Fred Pratt Green and Samuel Sebastian Wesley and “As the Deer” by Martin Nystrom in this service obtained from CCLI License #A-20215896.  All rights reserved.