The High Impact Athletes Podcast

Marcus Daniell - Olympic Bronze Medalist Tennis Player

April 13, 2022 High Impact Athletes Episode 1

In our very first episode, Host Dylan Moscovitch and High Impact Athletes Founder Marcus Daniell discuss the organization's backstory, Marcus' work to connect athletes with effective, evidence-based charities, and just how important it is to harness the power of the collective athlete voice to educate the world about the outsized benefits of giving effectively. Marcus expands on how he found inspiration in Peter Singer and the ideas of effective altruism, his pledge and the meaning it added to his career, and his long-term vision for how athletes can create positive change in the world.

Join us on our journey as we explore the ways that athletes and leaders are doing the maximum good possible and helping to build a future that is... Larger Than Ourselves!

Marcus is a tennis player from New Zealand with 5 ATP titles, quarterfinal appearances at both Wimbledon and the Australian Open (twice), and numerous caps for the NZ Davis Cup Team.
On January 4th, 2021, Marcus took the Giving What We Can pledge to donate at least 10% of his annual winnings to effective organizations for the rest of his life.
Alongside his tennis career, Marcus has completed a B.A. from Massey University in Psychology and Spanish and has been awarded the Arthur Ashe Humanitarian Award for his work with HIA, joining recipients such as Nelson Mandela and Roger Federer.
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