Regression and rebellion: what to expect when your dog hits the terrible teens, Antonella Marsicano, #16
The Pet Perspective by Napo
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The Pet Perspective by Napo
Regression and rebellion: what to expect when your dog hits the terrible teens, Antonella Marsicano, #16
Mar 24, 2023
Antonella Marsicano

Raising a puppy can be challenging, and just when you think you’ve cracked the housetraining and recall… It goes out the window. You might even worry you’ve done something wrong! However, your puppy might be in regression, which can feel like the terrible teens for dogs.

We’re joined by clinical animal behaviourist and CEO of the Animal Wellbeing Centre, Antonella Marsicano, who will explain what regression is, what to expect from an adolescent dog, and how to continue your dog’s training as they get older.

This episode of The Pet Perspective covers:

  • What to expect from an adolescent dog
  • What is regression?
  • How your own behaviour influences your dog’s training
  • Understand what’s going on in your dog’s head and why they might be “naughty”
  • How to find the reward that’s guaranteed to get your dog’s attention