The Product Biz Podcast by Monica Little Coaching

The secret to using your voice on social media to sell more products with Katherine Beck

Monica Little Episode 51

Did you know that it takes just 6 seconds for someone to determine if they are going to listen to your Instagram story... or if they are going to simply pass through it and move on to what the next person in line has to say?

That’s because 6 seconds is all it takes for someone to decide if they want to listen to you, if they like you and if they trust you.⁠

Did you also know that in just 6 seconds, your followers have decided if they are going to buy from you or not?

They're deciding that quickly if your products are the ones that they want and need… or if they can simply live without it.

In those 6 seconds, people are subconsciously attracted to you or are holding off… simply from your voice.

And this isn't about the sound of your voice. It’s about the WAY you speak. And the way your own beliefs, fears, and judgements show up through the words you say.

So my question to you is this… are you attracting customers to your products when you speak?⁠

Or, are you focusing more on the words you are saying and the thoughts running through your head about "getting it right" or "what will people think"?⁠

In this week’s episode, voice and communication coach Katherine Beck shares how to let go of the fear and judgment of showing up on social media and how to attract more sales... with your best kept secret and most underutilized tool: your voice.

With over 20 years of being 'the voice' of big brands, Katherine Beck (voiceover artist & voice coach) is the leading authority on how to speak & perform with intention & influence so you can create a greater impact in the world and make more money doing what you love to do. With over 30 years of performing & public speaking Katherine has developed her own unique methodology to voice training that applies to Entrepreneurs, Actors, Broadcast Journalists and Podcasters. Speaking of podcasts, she is the host of a #1 globally ranked podcast, The Voice of your Brand as well as the globally ranked podcast The All American Actor's Podcast which is ranked in the top 1.5% of all podcasts. Katherine is the CEO & Founder of Launch Your Voice & All American Voice.


  • How your inner thoughts, beliefs & feelings can be heard in your voice every time you speak
  • The 3 CONNECTIONS you need to sell with ease and how to use your voice to authentically connect and attract customers AND sales
  • Why selling with emotion - not just logic - will increase your sales when you are speaking about your products and your business


Follow Katherine on Instagram @katherine_beck_



Instagram: @monicalittlecoaching

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Monica Little: [00:00:00] Hello and welcome to episode 51 of the Product Biz Podcast. My name is Monica Little and I'm your host, and I'm so excited for today's episode about the secret to using your voice on social media to sell more products with special guests, Katherine Beck. So I wanna lay the foundation of this super interesting episode with a statistic that says that it takes just six seconds for someone to determine if they are going to buy from you or not.

People decide that quickly if your products are the ones that they want and need, or if they can simply live without it. And in those six seconds, people are subconsciously attracted to you or are holding off simply from your voice. And what we're gonna talk about today isn't about the sound of your voice.

It's about the way that you speak. It's the way that your own beliefs or fears of judgment show up through the words that you say. And the question I wanna ask before we dive into today's episode is, are you attracting [00:01:00] customers to your products when you speak about them, when you show up on social media, when you're at markets, talking to your customers, when you're pitching your products to other stores?

Or are you focusing more on the words that you're saying and the thoughts running through your head about getting it right, or what will people think? In today's episode, a voice and communication coach Katherine Beck shares how to let go of the fear of judgment of showing up on social media and how to attract more sales with your best kept secret and most underutilized tool.

Your voice before we dive in today, let me tell you a little bit more about Catherine. She has over 20 years of experience being the voice of big brands. She's a voiceover artist and voice coach, and is the leading authority in how to speak and perform with intention and influence. So you can create a greater impact in the world and make more money doing what you love to do.

She has over 30 years of performing and public speaking and experience, and she has developed her own unique methodology to voice training that applies to entrepreneurs, [00:02:00] actors, broadcast journalists, and podcasters. She is the host of a number one Globally ranked podcast, the voice of your brand, as well as the globally ranked podcast to All American Actors Podcast.

She's the c e o and founder of Launcher Voice and All American Voice. This is such an interesting episode about how we show up, how we use our voice, what stories we're limiting beliefs, what fears, what potential judgments are actually showing up through the words that we say and how we show up. With those stories and how to truly overcome them and to use your voice as your new, best kept secret.

So excited to introduce you to Katherine Beck, and let's dive right in. Are you ready to go behind the scenes and learn what it really takes to create consistent sales each and every month with your handmade small business? Join me, Monica, little Self-taught multiple six figure small business owner and your product business coach.

As I give you the insight and [00:03:00] inspiration on how to better run your business and increase your sales in ways that you may not have even been aware of, so that your business can truly become what you knew it could be back when you first start. Learn how to let go of perfection, overcome the fear of failure that is holding you back, and finally start taking action so that you walk away feeling like you've cracked the code on how to run a successful small business.

You are listening to the Product Biz Podcast. Well, hello, miss Catherine. I am so excited to have you today on a product based podcast to talk all about how to use your voice, and I am just so excited to have you as a guest today. 

Katherine Beck: Thank you so much. It's so nice to be here. 

Monica Little: Oh my gosh. And we were just connecting that you're originally from Chicago and now you're in Austin.

Australia. So it's just such a small world to know that you're from Chicago, and so many of the people who I know listen to this podcast are also from Chicago. So it's just crazy that you're born and raised in Chicago and now you're [00:04:00] living in the wonderful world of Australia, which is just nuts. It's such a 

Katherine Beck: small world, isn't it?

Such a small world. Yes, it totally is. 

Monica Little: Yeah. Awesome. Well, I'm super excited that we're gonna be talking all about how to use your voice. So I know this is a topic that you are so passionate about, but before we dive in into what this really means, I would love to know more and bring everyone up to speed too, on what you do.

What is a voice coach? Tell us more how you came into this passion and what you really do to help people with using their 

Katherine Beck: voice. Yeah, definitely. I am a voice coach, but it's funny, I was thinking about it this morning and I am more so I am a voice coach, but I'm also a communication coach, and that evolves from my background of being an actor and a voiceover actor.

For many years, I started as a child and one of the things that we're trained in acting to do is text analysis. And in I identifying [00:05:00] what is actually on the page, we're also identifying what's not on the page and that human connection. And when I entered the online space, I. And I wanted to be more than just an actor.

I wanted to share my expertise with others. I started first with actors, and then I wanted more. I wanted to work with people who weren't actors, who I could see in the online space like me, who were really struggling in finding their way, finding their audience, finding their voice, and truthfully connecting with people in a very,

Unorthodox way. You know, we, we were born to have a connection, one-on-one in person. But as we've evolved, we've got this digital form of communication that oftentimes creates a barrier between us and the people that we're speaking to. Sometimes we can't even see those [00:06:00] people speaking to us, you know, they're probably talking back to us and we can't hear it, or they're, they're having a conversation with us in our head.

So there's different forms of co, of communication, and I realized that all this work that I've done for myself as an actor, Working with other actors on getting ready to do auditions and role preparation. So much of it is about that human connection, that human element, and I thought, my gosh, I've got so much that I'm just dying to share with so many other people that.

I decided it was time to evolve and, and work with personal brands, online business owners, anyone who sells a product, program or service online. So it's been a really interesting evolution of. Working as a VO voice coach for actors and now translating that to work with the non actor to help [00:07:00] prepare them for the digital stage.

Monica Little: Yeah, and I think it's so interesting what you said of how so much of the world has changed now that we're like on our phones and we're communicating not directly to people. And I feel like that leads to a lot of people maybe. Not truly knowing how to communicate and not truly knowing, cuz we're always hiding behind a screen.

We're always hiding behind a phone. We're always on Zoom like you and I are chatting right now virtually. So it's so interesting to see how that dynamic has really changed, like as technology evolves and things like that, but also interesting on the people side of how that affects us, right? Yeah. How we maybe get less confident to actually show our face because we're so used to.

Being behind the camera. Being behind the screen. And I think that phenomenon, like we're in the perfect spot to be having this discussion cuz it's only gonna keep growing and growing the more digital like the world gets, you know? So it's such an awesome, awesome, um, place for you and I to be having this discussion today.

So I wanna know a little bit more as we [00:08:00] talk about showing up and truly like using your voice and that connection and that communication that you mentioned. What are some limiting beliefs or thoughts or feelings that people have that really prevent them from showing up authentically? If that does mean, you know, showing your face on social media or talking about your products or really connecting with people in that way, what are some of those limiting beliefs that you notice come up a lot with people?

Katherine Beck: What doesn't come up? Yeah. Good. Yeah. Very good. Right. It's, it's all the, the major ones, you know, the imposter syndrome, the fear of judgment, the fear of what other people are gonna say, the trolls. It brings up all of those things that we've bottled down deep inside. Now come to the surface quite regularly with this introduction of social media.

And now how do we regulate our. Bodies and our brains to deal with it and, and make this part of our business, which it [00:09:00] really is an essential part of our business, but how do we handle that for ourselves in a, a healthy way and still be able to show up? One of the, the biggest fears that people have is public speaking, but now I think one of the biggest fears that people have is showing up, is actually just pressing record.

You know a hundred percent. And so many times I found myself holding back because there was like this block there of I don't know what to say. Well, where is that coming from? Of course I know what to say, but it's coming from some sort of belief deepened down inside that's telling me what are other people gonna think of me if I say this?

How are people gonna judge me? What if I say the wrong thing? What if people laugh at me? What if I make a mistake? What if I don't know what to say? What if I stumble my [00:10:00] words? What if I say um, and ah, every five seconds, all these things are coming from a place of these deep down fears and worries that we've been holding on for so long, but we bottle them deep down inside so we can forget about it, and they get exposed when we put ourself out on stage.

And stage is any sort of stage. It could be in front of a group of people live, but it can also be on a digital platform like Instagram or TikTok. Or any of the places. 

Monica Little: Right? Yeah, absolutely. And I, I love one thing that you said too, just to chime in, is, is how you talked about like public speaking? Mm-hmm.

Because essentially I was just talking to some of my members about this, of how they're like nervous to show up on social media and to show their face and to actually be talking about their pro products. And that's exactly what I said to them. I'm like, it's essentially the skill of public speaking, right?

Like if you want to not show up for your [00:11:00] business and not show your face, What you're basically saying is like the skill of public speaking is something that you're not open to learning and open to really understanding and becoming better at. I mean, that's something that's so important for a small business owner and exactly like you said, today's day and age, that's showing up on social media, that's sharing your story, sharing your face, and talking about your products.

And I, I love how you mentioned there's all these different fears of like, I don't know what to say and what if I mess up and what if I make a mistake? And there's a lot that you talk about too, of how that actually shows up in your voice, right? Mm-hmm. So can you talk through maybe some of the examples of someone who's actually maybe in their brain subconsciously think thinking some of these things when they do show up on social media, what are some of the maybe things to like look out for?

Or how does it show up subconsciously in your voice? 

Katherine Beck: How do we distinguish how it's showing up in our voice? Right. So I was thinking about that today [00:12:00] and what was coming up for me is there's basically three layers of dialogue. There's the outer layer of dialogue, which is us speaking to other people, whether or not they, we can hear them speaking back.

There's the outer layer that we're actually vocalizing the words that we wanna say, right? So, For example, that could be something like, let's say you're, you're selling a product and you could say, and I don't know, gimme your product. What's, what's a product and a price that maybe, oh, okay, you sell or one of your member sells, 

Monica Little: or, um, let's talk about candles and let's say they are $30 for a beautiful candle and a ceramic jar.


Katherine Beck: $30. Let's say the person that makes the candles decides they want to increase the price, and it's a price that they're a little bit hesitant about. What would that price be? Let's say 40. Okay. So they're increasing the price to 40 and they've got a little bit [00:13:00] of uncertainty, and so they might say, and the price of the candle is $40.

Okay, so that's the external dialogue. Then there's the. Inner dialogue. That's the dialogue you can hear in your voi in your head, but we can't actually hear outside. So inside your head you might be thinking, should I charge $40? I don't know. Maybe I should just keep it to $30. That was working really well for me.

So that's going on in your head. You're aware of that. You can hear the chatter inside your head. But the person outside is hearing and the candle costs $40. Then there's a third layer, a subconscious dialogue that's happening that you're actually not aware of. And this is the limiting belief. This is the old story that you keep telling yourself, which could be something like, no, I'm never gonna be successful, or, Nobody's gonna buy from me or nobody wants what I have to sell or [00:14:00] I'll always be broke.

Right. So that's the, the subconscious dialogue that we don't even know is there. We're not aware of it, but it exists, which is fueling the thoughts. And the feelings that are coming up in the inner dialogue, which is saying, should I keep it 

Monica Little: at $30? I dunno, 

Katherine Beck: $40? I'm not sure. Right. And that is orchestrating the voice that comes out when you say, And the candle costs $40.

So the listener can hear the nerves or the hesitation that's coming through the thoughts and the feelings through the inner dialogue, which is being orchestrated by the subconscious dialogue. So it's three layers of dialogue. 

Monica Little: That is so insightful and everything is like clicking and making sense to me of like, okay, now I know why I do the things that, that I do and why I say some of the things.

So I love how you said, you know, that determines how your voice comes out. Mm-hmm. [00:15:00] And are there any. Cues that you see. So for example, for me, I find that I talk really, really fast sometimes where I just wanna like get it over with and just say it and I'm like, I just wanna be done with this, right? Yeah.

But I know sometimes other people, and I notice this in myself too, even sometimes with the podcast, I'm like taking really deep breaths, like I'm out of breath. So do some of these actual cues in terms of. The actions or the words, or the sounds or the speed, is that also fueled by some of these subconscious beliefs and what are some other ways that they're shown in the actual like 3D when you're speaking?

Katherine Beck: Yeah, a hundred percent. So pace is definitely one of 'em. If you're talking fast, you wanna get it over and done with, well, why do you wanna get it over and done with? It's coming from someplace the breath. So, Let me just check in with you. When you say you're taking these deep breaths, where are the deep breaths coming from?

Are they coming in from your lower belly or are they coming in from [00:16:00] the upper chest? 

Monica Little: Upper chest, for sure. Like out out of breath. Yeah, so those 

Katherine Beck: are shallow breaths, so that's gonna support the nerves. When we breathe into the belly, what happens is, It's allowing us to breathe from a place of calm. It starts to center us, and you can automatically feel a difference when you're actually breathing, as you should, as we naturally breathe.

But what happens is those thoughts, those feelings, those things that have happened to us over the years, and they could be men, like minor things that have happened. Like for example, you may have gotten up. In front of your class to do a speech when you were in high school and someone said something could have been, the teacher could have been a friend, somebody in the classroom, and it affected you and you've held onto that without realizing it.

And it's kind of like either put a block on your voice or it's sort of [00:17:00] like held your voice in a period of time. And so, In order to not feel the things that you don't wanna feel, you know, uh, judgment, uh, people laughing at you. All of those beliefs we were talking about before, we don't breathe where we should breathe because if we do, that actually allows emotions to come out to the surface.

So instead of allowing ourselves to emote and to feel what we wanna feel, we bottle it deep down inside to protect us, to keep us safe. So then we go into the shallow of breathing, but then we can hear it. We can notice like, I feel like I'm out of breath cuz we're not breathing properly as we should. So it's all connected.

So you hear it in your breath, you can notice it in your body as well. You can feel tenseness in your body holding back pace. Uh, it could be monotone. It could also be [00:18:00] really melodic. You know, it could be a forced energy, a projection of, I really need this sale. I really need it. And so the energy is kind of like shooting out to the other person, and they can sense that as well.

It's like, whoa, okay, hold on. It's too much for me. So there's gotta be a balance of all the things, and when something is off balance, the listener. So it could be the customer, right? They pick up on that. Again, sort of like the three layers of dialogue. It's the same for them as they're receiving it. They may receive it on that more subconscious level and not be aware of it, but they're, they're receiving it.

Monica Little: Yeah, that's so interesting. And as you're talking, I'm like, okay, posture. I gotta fix my posture. Okay. Gotta breathe in front my belly. I'm like trying to make all these tweaks cuz this is, this is so interesting. And I truly believe too, [00:19:00] exactly like you were saying, that the customer on the other end can pick up on that subconsciously, and you're either.

Pushing them away with your voice, even if you have the best intention, like the candle example. Even if you have the best intention with your candle, that your candle is gonna help someone to calm down and relax at night, and to have like some peace in their home after a crazy day. But, Subconsciously if, if you have those great intentions, but it's coming out from these fears and beliefs of like talking super fast or breathing super shallow or you know, like you said, maybe being too aggressive in how you come across it, that can totally shut out the person on the receiving end, even if you're saying the right words, right?

Even if you're saying everything that's perfect on why they should buy it and what they need, and it's a hell yes for their life and they want that candle, but that voice, that tone will totally block them off, right? 

Katherine Beck: Exactly, and I think that's a real key factor is a lot of people in business are thinking about the words that they have to [00:20:00] say and they're thinking about their product.

That those are, you know, obviously two very important things is how are we gonna sell the product? And, you know, the, the messaging behind that to sell it. But what we're forgetting is that, We are a personal brand, which means we are also part of that product. And so we are selling all the time. Every time you speak, you're selling well.

It's not so much that you're selling the product, you're selling the feeling the product gives you. There's a very big difference, so most people are selling the product. What you wanna do is sell the feeling the product gives you. 

Monica Little: Yeah, so tell me more about that. Is this kind of the logic versus emotion conversation, or give me a little more context in what you mean by that.

Katherine Beck: Yeah, so people go online because they want a connection and people buy from people, they buy from a [00:21:00] human connection. What do people want from a human connection? Your customer wants a few things. They wanna be, feel like they've, they're being seen. And they're being heard and that they're being understood to just take it a little bit further and they're looking for a person where a lot of us have have heard no like and trust, right?

But what does that mean? What does that mean to the personal brand or the person that has a product? What are they actually looking for? They're looking for somebody who's got an authority or expertise or knowledge that they've got the best product.

They're looking for someone who is authentic and. What does that mean? You know, to be authentic. [00:22:00] They're looking for someone that they can trust. That's the trust part of the know, like, and trust. They're looking for someone they can trust. So when you show up authentic, you're proving to them, ah, I can trust you when you're speaking from a place of authority and know-how expertise you're showing them that you know.

So we've got the no, we've got the trust. And the last part is the like, and that's in being approachable. So allowing there to be a genuine connection. And the most effective way to get there is from speaking with emotion. When we think about people's buying behavior, of course they need the logic. But ultimately when it comes down to deciding to buy the product, they buy from emotion.

A feeling that they get to go, if I've got a choice between this [00:23:00] person and that person, their product and the other person's product, but I've got a stronger connection with this person, cuz they're creating a connection and a feeling that allows me to feel like I can know, like, and trust them. They're gonna choose that person over the other person that might have a great product as well, but they haven't created that emotional connection.

Hmm. And so that comes through every single time you speak, you're selling the feeling because you're taking them on a journey of where they are now to where they wanna be. They want a candle maybe cuz they're in the dark. They don't have any power, so they need the candle to be in the light. And the way that you explain why this candle, this $40 candle, is the one that's gonna create the light that's gonna illuminate their room and create a place for them to have serenity.[00:24:00] 

And peace versus I've got this $40 candle and it's really great and it's long lasting and it's made out of beeswax and you should buy it. Yes. Right. So which one are you gonna 

Monica Little: choose? I love that so much because I talk with my members a lot about showing the emotion through like reels, right? So let's talk about this candle example since we're rolling with it.

Um, a lot of my members, I tell them like, don't just talk about the benefits of the candle. Like you said, what kind of wax it is, the burn time. What the WIC is made of. Like, sure, those things are great, but what do your people want to feel in terms of the ambiance? Like do they want it in their bathroom and like the lights are dim and maybe there's some eucalyptus and a candle is lit, or do they want it on their bedside table reading a book next to the candle or whatever it may be in their kitchen, which with like a fresh scent, whatever, whatever that, um, end goal with that candle is.

How do we make sure that the reels and the videos are actually portraying that? Right? Yeah. So emotion through videos, but I love what [00:25:00] you said of that emotion and connection, like through your voice and just how you say it. Yeah. So how does someone actually bring that emotion out? Because even as I talk about it, I'm like, How, how does that actually come into fruition?

Katherine Beck: Yeah, it's, uh, well that's what I teach, you know, and it's revolved around, uh, a process of working as an actor for many years as well as a dialect coach and really understanding how. Emotions come through the body, both physically, like I said, through the breath as we talked about before. But then vocally, as those sounds get formed into words, there's a specific formula that I use in the actual words that we use to create that sense of feeling to connect to the other person.

And it goes very granular, very scientific into. The consonants and the vowels. Um, so it's really [00:26:00] fascinating. We do it automatically all the time. It's just that when we get into this platform and we're selling, we forget just like the breath, we automatically breathe as we should. We're, we're conditioned for that to be an automatic response That naturally happens, but we change the breath.

And we do the shallow breathing, which actually breathing, which doesn't support how we're naturally supposed to breathe. The same thing happens when we show up on social media and creating these reels and these things, and we need to use our voice. We forget how to do it. We forget how to communicate. We forget how to interact, show up truthfully, authentically, emotionally, because all the other stuff gets in the way.


Monica Little: So as part of that process, just identifying what those limiting beliefs are and really understanding like, all right, I'm talking really fast because I'm nervous about what I'm gonna say. I don't know if it's gonna be good. I just want this to get over. And really [00:27:00] stopping and acknowledging that, and then working through those beliefs and saying like, Hey, I have great stuff to say, and it's gonna come out exactly like it should.

So as part of that process, really working through a lot of those stories that we have underneath the surface, 

Katherine Beck: Yeah, that's definitely the first step for me when I work with clients. Uh, we identify your old voice story. What is that story that is holding your voice back in time and not allowing your voice to represent who you wanna be when you show up as a business owner today?

So we identify what that story is and we replace it with a new voice story. And I give my students what I call voice declaration, which is a personalized statement that they can say to themselves to feel confident every time they use their voice. For me, it's, I have something to say when I remind myself that I have something to say, it reminds myself that I've got a very powerful message that I.

Am here to share with the world, and if I hold back and I don't use my voice, [00:28:00] then that's one less person out there that I wasn't able to serve. Yeah, 

Monica Little: I love 

Katherine Beck: that. Yeah. And from there then we start building. Your voice brand. So when we think about, you know, our visual brand, and we're thinking about like, let's say for a product, the colors and the font and the packaging you might use for yourself as a personal brand.

Again, if we're using our voice and we're showing up, how are we presenting ourselves? What do we want our voice to represent? You know, as we start to create the voice that matches us as a personal brand, what are those characteristics and qualities that we want to. Vocalize when we want people to hear that represent us and so we start going from that place and creating that vocal identity for us that that new version of us, when we show up and we speak, that is truthful and authentic to us today.

Not the person that we once were, that is still hiding in the background and afraid to show [00:29:00] up. 

Monica Little: Yeah. I love hearing you explain this cuz it just shows how. Like detailed, this is right. Mm-hmm. How there's actually a lot of strategy behind your voice and maybe it's not strategy, maybe it's just uncovering all of the crap that has led us to the voice that we have now and it's really just uncovering your authentic voice that's underneath all of it, and how much conditioning and change and beliefs and, and scared, you know, feelings we have that led us to the voice that we have now.

But what you said earlier was super interesting cause I had a similar conversation. I can't even remember who it was with, but it was probably four or five years ago. When I was telling someone about showing up on Instagram, how I was speaking fast, I guess this is something that I still do. Mm-hmm. But I remember this conversation.

I wish I remembered who it was with, but they asked me like, why are, why are you speaking so fast? And I'm like, well, I just don't know if people care what I have to say. Mm. So I wanna get it over with. And what they said to me, which was just totally mind blowing, was, well, do you care what you have to say?

And I was like, dang. Like that's, [00:30:00] that's deep. Like, do I care what I have to say? Do I think this is good enough? Do I think this is actually compelling and con, you know, connecting with people? And I had to do a lot of internal work to be like, yeah, I actually do care what I say and it's not gonna be perfect sometimes, and there's gonna be bumps in the road.

But I like you said, like I have a voice, I have a reason for this voice. So that was something that was really eye-opening for me, but I love hearing you explain how you work with people in your program to help them with their voice because this is such an amazing tool. That truly can be transformational for a business to make it something that you're connecting with people easily and they're getting on board with what you're saying and you're really just resonating and, and being super authentic with them.

And that's a word that I kind of wanna dive in with you a little bit more about being authentic. So do you have any tips or exercises to help people sound more confident when showing up on social media, when selling, how to like be more authentic in the [00:31:00] moment? Anything, any advice that you would give?

Katherine Beck: Yeah, for sure. I think, you know, the first part is really some of the things that we talked about. It's hard to be authentic unless you dive into what's holding you back from being authentic, right? Because there can be a false. Authenticity. And that's where things start to get pushed and forced is because we think that we're, you know, showing up authentically.

And this is what it means to be authentic, but it's much simpler than that. And until we can identify the things that are holding us back from really showing up truthfully as ourself, it's always gonna be sort of this like undercurrent of stuff that's actually holding us back from being authentic, but, I think one of the things you can do straight away is make it about them.

Make it about your audience. It really is about serving them, and the [00:32:00] more you make it about them, the easier it becomes to show up. The more confident you feel because you've taken the pressure off of yourself. It's no longer about you. It's about them. And. Anytime you find yourself making it about you and you notice yourself going back into that inner dialogue and you hear yourself thinking and you're, you're focusing on what to say, turn it back over to them and let them take care of it for you.

Because when we have a real, honest, and real and truthful conversation with another person, That's what's happening. We're giving and receiving. We don't know what the other person's gonna say, so we don't know how we're gonna respond. And oftentimes we get caught up in a trap of. I've gotta make this real.

This is what I wanna say. These are the touchpoints. Or, uh, I, I'm gonna do a webinar and talk about this, that, and the other. Or I'm gonna, you know, I've gotta stand I in the markets and I'm gonna sell my candles and I gotta make sure that I say X, Y, and Z, right? So we start thinking about all the [00:33:00] logical things again, and we get out of our heart, we get out of that emotional connection with that we want with the other person.

So one of the things you can do is start just noticing, being aware, am I getting back in my head? Or am I really truthfully connecting to the other person? When you're truthfully connecting to the other person, they will take care of everything. You already know what to say. You've worked it out. Now you just gotta let them take care of it for you.

Set it free. 

Monica Little: I love the analogy that you said of like selling at a market, because that brought up such a specific example for me of when I used to sell at markets, and there is such a big difference between the first few markets when I was selling and I was like, I need to make my booth feedback, right?

I need to sell X amount of products. Every single person that comes to my. Stand to my booth, to my tents like they need to buy something. And how I would speak to people. I, looking back, definitely, I'm sure they could pick up on the neediness in my voice on like the anticipation on the fear of not [00:34:00] breaking even.

Things like that. And I remember there was a point in the market season where I was like, I don't even care about that anymore. Like, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna have fun, I'm gonna have conversations with customers, I'm gonna answer their questions. And it's crazy, just looking back, this is now I'm just connecting.

I knew that the energy was different in terms of my mindset. But now seeing that my voice probably was totally different too. And that's probably why more people were buying cuz it was more of that authentic connection. And it's not this neediness or this, am I gonna make my booth feedback? And it said it's what do my people wanna know?

Like what questions do they have? How can I serve them? How can I make sure if it's a yes or a no? They're making the right decision based on the products that I'm selling. So I'd love to hear you say that. And another thing I wanna mention too, that you said, you know, don't make it about you. Cause I was just having a conversation with one of my members about Instagram.

Um, and I know she listens to the podcast, so she's gonna hear this. But she was saying that, um, you know, she doesn't like to write [00:35:00] really long captions because that's just not, you know, what she likes to read. And I was telling her the same thing. I'm like, well, When you have your Instagram, it's, it's about the customer, right?

So maybe you don't like to read long captions, but maybe that person who's gonna buy, let's say a candle again, who's gonna buy your candle? Who's gonna love the candle? Who's gonna feel this peace and joy and just, you know, some calm and relaxation at the end of the day. Maybe they need those more details in their caption to actually make the purchase and then their night is gonna be so much better once they have it.

Right. Yeah. So I, I love how you said, you know, take yourself out of it, both from removing the pressure, but also from just putting the customer first on, on what do they truly need to make that decision to have your product and however it's gonna help them. 

Katherine Beck: Yeah, and I might add one thing to that with the content creation, because I know a lot of people, and I'm one of 'em, and I think that's why I do what I do, is I was always a very shy, introverted girl growing up.

I was very quiet, [00:36:00] and so I. That, I think that's why I became an actor many actors do is because we'd much rather be other characters. Uh, and that's our way to express ourselves than actually showing up as our true self. We find that very daunting and scary. So when I became a personal brand, online business owner and I had to show up on social media, even to this day, I still find it a struggle.

I don't find it easy, and the way that I've been able to get through it, knowing that I need to create content for my business to connect and to, you know, find new traffic and new leads and all, all those things, is to find it in a way. To speak to my audience and say what they need me need to hear, so I'm still serving them and I'm serving what I know that they need to hear, but I'm doing it in a way that makes me feel good.[00:37:00] 

Because there's so many different ways that you can show up and create content online. You can have a podcast, you can have a YouTube channel. You could do Instagram reels and TikTok reels. You could do carousels. You could just do Facebook ads. There's so many different ways that you can create content.

What it came down to for me was recognizing I don't have to do all the things, and I also don't have to do the things that don't make me feel good. So how can I use my voice and how can I show up and serve others and create content that will serve them in a way that inspires me and lights me up and feels aligned with me?

And so for me, I've created things that are called, I call 'em voice inspirations, which are little voice memos. And what I do now is I will get on my phone and the thoughts that come in my head, like little downloads, I'll just record. And then I'll edit it. I'll cut it to a visual. [00:38:00] That's got just very simple texts, maybe captions a little bit of motion.

I could use B-roll. It's not me showing up because I don't like to be on camera all the time. I'm a voiceover artist. I like to use my voice. Right. And I found that was a really creative way for me to create content in a way that feels good to me, but is having an an impact with others. And what I noticed is when I started making that shift, Korean content that really.

Worked for me. Instead of trying to put myself into a box of what everyone else was saying to create for content, I noticed more shares, more follows, more interest. Hmm. But when I wasn't doing that and I was trying to do what other people were telling me to do, it didn't resonate the same. And I look back at those videos and I can see, and I can hear as we're talking about, Someone who was uncomfortable mm-hmm.

Therefore [00:39:00] wasn't really fully connecting with their audience. 

Monica Little: Yeah, I think that goes to like that balance, right? Mm-hmm. Of, of what, what does the customer need and what actually lights you up and finding that middle ground to actually bring that to life. And I love what you just said, and with the client example that I gave too.

What I mentioned to her is your reels are where you can be super concise, where you like to be super concise, right? Because you can't have a lot of text in the actual reel. It's just a couple lines, but. There is your balance right there of being super concise and, and what you really like, but maybe adding a few more sentences in the caption for the people who may need that too.

Yeah, so it's kind of like best of both worlds really finding that middle ground of what makes you happy and what excites you, but also making sure that the customer is served the information that they have too. Um, which I think coincides with what you said perfectly. As well. Exactly. Which I love it. Um, one other thing that I wanted to ask you.

So we talked about, you know, these limiting beliefs and these stories that. Change [00:40:00] basically our voice and how we connect with people and, and how we want to really acknowledge them. What are some ways that people can actually find those stories? Is it, you know, record yourself speaking and play it back and watch to see what you notice, and then maybe think through, you know, what, what is causing that?

Or is it something different? Like how do people actually get to the underlying stories that are maybe changing how they show up with their voice? 

Katherine Beck: It's so interesting. So when I work with someone, whether one-on-one or in my program, that's one of the first things we do is identify your voice story. And so often it's like this story that you think doesn't really is like no big deal.

Like it's not this like catastrophic event, it's this it, it could be like, A beauty pageant or a spelling bee, or just one day you were in class and the teacher said something to you like it could be the simplest thing that you just wouldn't even think about. [00:41:00] So what's that first story that comes to mind, a moment in time where you felt some sort of hesitation or doubt or didn't feel good about using your voice?

Think about just that first, first thing that pops into your head and write it down. And just write down everything that comes to mind. Anything you hear anyone else say, like, did the teacher say something? What did they say? And even if it's not word for word, whatever comes up, just write it down and that's gonna give you clues into those limiting beliefs that are holding you back still today.

From that story and that one story, we can find something and we can reframe it in a way. To now serve you so that you're rewriting your voice story to the voice that you wanna have today. And that's where we start to pull apart and find that voice [00:42:00] declaration for you, which you can kind of think like an affirmation, something that you see or something that you say out loud or even say in your head before you get up to do an Instagram reel or you, you go to sell, to give you that confirmation that.

You have the confidence and you have the right to speak and you know exactly what to say and you know others wanna hear it and that everything's gonna be okay. Hmm. 

Monica Little: Yeah, that's beautiful. I think there's so much power in that and really uncovering it and it's, this has just been a very eye-opening conversation for me too as I'm listening to you speak and taking all, all the tips that you said.

So I know the person listening right now is also gonna have. Some awesome takeaways and just understanding how important and powerful our voice is. But maybe more so just like I was mentioning earlier, some of my main takeaways from while you're speaking is just getting back to ourselves and not being afraid of showing up authentically and not being afraid of what we have to say.

And especially as we have products too that we sell not to be afraid of, of [00:43:00] talking about how great they are and, and what benefits they have for people too. So, Thank you. Thank you so much for such an awesome conversation. Before we wrap up and let people know where they can find you and your programs and all that amazing stuff, I just wanted to end with one final question.

If there's anything else you wanted to share, any tips about voice, any tips about selling, any other main, um, just pieces of insight that you have? I wanted to open it up in case you have anything else to to end with. Oh gosh, we covered so much. Put you on the spot. Put you on the spot. Um, 

Katherine Beck: you know, F, follow that voice that's connected to your heart.

Mm-hmm. That voice will always know what to say and the right way to say it, and let the other person take care of it for you. Whether you can see them in the room, in the zoom room, on the computer screen or not, you can't see them. You're talking to a group on Instagram Live, for example. Connect to your heart and that will connect to your voice.[00:44:00] 

And deliver your message in the way it needs to be said. So beautiful. 

Monica Little: Mic drop right there. Thank you. Thank you so much, Katherine. I would love for you to share where people can find you. Tell us more about where you are on Instagram, your website, your program, all that fun stuff. Yeah, so 

Katherine Beck: my website is my name katherine

You can find me on Instagram, which is at katherine underscore beck underscore. Same on TikTok. And I've got a program called Launch Your Voice, which helps you make a voice transformation, which really does transform not just your business, but as you can hear your life as well. So feel free 

Monica Little: to reach out.

Oh my gosh. Amazing. I'll be sure to link all of that in the show notes so people can easily find you and learn more about it. And I just wanna say thank you. Thank you so much. This was such a great episode. You have so much knowledge on this topic and I'm just so honored to have you here sharing your expertise.

So thank you so much for being a guest this week on the product, this podcast. Aw, thank 


Katherine Beck: so much.[00:45:00]