Get Online with Stacey Kehoe

Exploring Why Core Values Matter In Company Culture

Stacey Kehoe Season 2 Episode 4

In this episode, we have a group discussion about the importance of company culture, what it actually is, and how to figure out whether it’s working for you or against you. Company culture is “by the people, for the people”. However, the bi-product, of course, is a far more successful enterprise. I have asked a few members of my team to join me and discuss company culture, core values and what really is important to the millennial workforce. So listen in, and lets open The Vault that is Brandlecive Communications company culture. 

The workplace is where you spend more than one-third of your life. Do your employees wake up every day and look forward to a day of work or do they drag themselves to the workplace counting days to the weekend? Do they feel the same ownership and dedication towards the business as you do?   

Only an approach that really values people as a unique resource, that treats employees with trust, and instills a sense of confidence and cohesion among the workers will achieve a beneficial company culture.  

Employee incentives and appraisals might not always be enough to motivate an employee to work for the best outcome for your business. Sometimes in extremely challenging circumstances when a collective endeavour is required to save the day for your business, it is the love and affection employees feel towards their workplace that turns out to be a decisive factor. 

There is no single benchmark for a “great” company culture—every business is different—but you will need a consistent and strong set of values if you want to remain competitive in the near future. It’s only going to become more important from here.  

These are hard lessons I have learned through growing my business.   

Once upon a time I didn’t give company culture any thought, but it is through hiring and firing, recruiting great talent, overcoming challenges and actually asking my team what they want from the workplace that over the last few years I have begun to take my business in a new direction. 

Useful links: 

Content Creation Workshop

Brandlective Team Day 2018 with 'Steve' - Really Wild Business 

Brandlective CSR Policy  

Brandlective’s #1MillionDays initiative  

Brandlective Brand Guidelines & Core Values

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