Learning @ Home
At Tutor Doctor, we believe that there is more to academic success than just subject matter knowledge, and that many things can influence a student's academic career and life. Our podcast, Learning@Home, brings in experts from around the world to discuss various topics from developing a growth mindset, executive functioning skills, money management for teens and so much more, in the hopes that you can find some "aha" moments to help your student! Whether you're a parent, student or teacher, this podcast is for you!
Learning @ Home
Building Resilience in Kids
November 26, 2018
Tutor Doctor
Season 1
Episode 5
Building resilience in kids in today's world is so important. We talk with Alison Parker & Lacey Frank, two moms who are former teachers and now run Tutor Doctor of the Emerald Coast, about why building resilience is imperative to help kids thrive in academics and in life. They give advice on how to foster strong relationships with your kids, how to role model resilience, and how to teach children that failure is OK.