Historically High

Theodore Roosevelt Part One

January 31, 2024
Theodore Roosevelt Part One
Historically High
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Historically High
Theodore Roosevelt Part One
Jan 31, 2024

Teddy Roosevelt is a figure whose exploits sometimes blur the line between fiction and reality. The man who we've affectionately dubbed "Rich Forrest Gump" for the shear amount of larger than life experiences he was able to fit into his 60 years, actually began as almost the antithesis of the man he would be seen as later in life. As a child he was described as sickly, with asthma so severe he overheard a doctor claim he wasn't likely to survive passed childhood. He was able to overcome this hurdle gaining a love for fitness and all things nature along the way, but just as everything seems to be coming up Teddy, an unthinkable tragedy strikes that sends his life in a different direction. Learn how he founded the Roughriders during the Spanish American War, and how he rode that wave to the highest office in the land. 

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Teddy Roosevelt is a figure whose exploits sometimes blur the line between fiction and reality. The man who we've affectionately dubbed "Rich Forrest Gump" for the shear amount of larger than life experiences he was able to fit into his 60 years, actually began as almost the antithesis of the man he would be seen as later in life. As a child he was described as sickly, with asthma so severe he overheard a doctor claim he wasn't likely to survive passed childhood. He was able to overcome this hurdle gaining a love for fitness and all things nature along the way, but just as everything seems to be coming up Teddy, an unthinkable tragedy strikes that sends his life in a different direction. Learn how he founded the Roughriders during the Spanish American War, and how he rode that wave to the highest office in the land.