World Nuclear News

Focus on uranium, plus India's nuclear sector - and Sama Bilbao y León's hopes for 2023

Episode 9

Uranium is a key part of the nuclear energy sector and there has been a growing focus on it, and the entire nuclear fuel cycle, following Russia's military action in Ukraine. Claire Maden sets out the fascinating history of uranium and John Ciampaglia, CEO of Sprott Asset Management, joins us to discuss the uranium market in 2022 and how that is linked to wider nuclear sector developments.

As a new year begins, World Nuclear Association's director general Sama Bilbao y León reviews the main achievements and challenges of 2022 and sets out her hopes for the sector in 2023.
There is also a special focus on India, with an overview of its nuclear energy history from Shah Nawaz Ahmad, the WNA's India expert, as well as an overview of current and future developments.

Key links to find out more:
World Nuclear News
Guide to uranium (from World Nuclear Asssociation)
A guide to nuclear power in India

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Episode credit:  Presenter Alex Hunt. Co-produced and mixed by Pixelkisser Production