Going after huge markets and large incumbents with Jay Srinivasan, CEO Spoke
The Bridge
The Bridge
Going after huge markets and large incumbents with Jay Srinivasan, CEO Spoke
Jul 29, 2022 Season 1 Episode 10

Jay Srinivasan, CEO of Spoke, joins the aSaaSins podcast to talk about.
- Going after large incumbents like ServiceNow, SAP, and Salesforce, and how he landed on the problem space for Spoke.
- The differences between being a second time aSaaSin vs. a first time aSaaSin, and what has been easier and harder about each venture.
- Advice he WOULDN'T offer to first time founders and when is the right time to sell your startup.
- The importance of product, go-to-market fit when scaling, and why this is more important than product-market fit.
- Walking through the acquisition process for Jay's two startups, Appurify (Google) and Spoke (Okta).