Mind Over Matter: Mindset Development

Self Awareness: Help Yourself (ft. The Smart Guy)

October 25, 2023 Deja Wallace
Self Awareness: Help Yourself (ft. The Smart Guy)
Mind Over Matter: Mindset Development
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Mind Over Matter: Mindset Development
Self Awareness: Help Yourself (ft. The Smart Guy)
Oct 25, 2023
Deja Wallace

The remarkable Aliko Yusuf Shakur, better known as  Smart. Joins me in discussing the imporatnce of knowing yourself, how our thoughts and feelings shape our reality, African spirituality and much more.

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The remarkable Aliko Yusuf Shakur, better known as  Smart. Joins me in discussing the imporatnce of knowing yourself, how our thoughts and feelings shape our reality, African spirituality and much more.

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Mind Over Matter linktr.ee/mindovermatterbabyyy
Watch Manhattan Neighborhood Network EVERY Saturday @ 12pm

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DEJA @deja.waja

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

But that was the thing that changed it right. So understanding like, okay, the mind, right, like the mind. So I started visualizing myself being the smartest man in the world. I started visualizing myself being the most powerful and the strongest, the most intelligent. And then my body, it produced it right, but it started with the thought of it.

Speaker 2:

I would go to the yard. I couldn't pick up 200 pounds. I went there every day and I'm watching other people to lift it and I go back. I go back to the cell and I'm sitting in the cell and I'm just in my mind and visualizing myself. I'm living. This motherfucker, I'm living, I'm telling, I'm thinking, I'm thinking, I'm thinking it. And remember, when you think about something for three minutes or more, your body starts producing the chemical. So I started feeling like I just took a fucking, you know creatine shot or I just started feeling like I could feel something happening. And when I got to the weight, I just felt. So I just felt something. I really felt stronger and I said, okay, this is what. Okay, and that was the. Then I became addicted to that, that like, okay, if I, if I, if I think it, it can happen.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Man, come on, I'm a G, I'm a G, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to Mind Over Matter, baby. I'm your host, dejo Alice, and, as you can see, I have a lovely, lovely guest in the building. I'm so excited to have this guest with me, mr Smart, also known as Eliko Yusuf Shakur, but most people know him as Smart and, yeah, this is going to be a great episode. If this is your first time joining, welcome, I'm very excited to have you here. Thank you for joining me. Episode 76 of Mind Over Matter. We're talking about trusting your intuition, so kick back, relax and enjoy this episode. So, for the people who don't know who you are, give them like a quick, like introduction. Let them know.

Speaker 2:

Um well, they know who I am, you know they know.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I'll ask you. I'm at that point finally, you know and I take pride in saying that because it's been over I've been working on just my brand, my message and my work for over 10 years. So I'm at the point now where people actually do know me and, because of the power of social media and that being leveraged, people actually do know me, like even I was at the little shop next door, five people came into me, right, so they know me. But what I do is I do motivation speaking, I do music, I do boxing, I do community work, I do activist work and my focus is empowering black people and teaching black people how to reach their full potential. I got a seminar no labels tour. The website is nolabelstourcom, my number is 917-907-3687. And my Instagram is thesmarki underscore.

Speaker 1:

Okay, well, you actually give people your personal number.

Speaker 2:

I have to.

Speaker 1:

Wow, that's different. Many of I want to talk about, like what's the podcast, like what we're actually going to get into. It's going to be like a very enlightening conversation and I'm glad to have. I feel like you're the perfect person for this conversation.

Speaker 2:

All right for sure.

Speaker 1:

So intuition when I think about intuition, many of us confuse intuition with, like some mystical guide, right? So for me, when I think about intuition, it's more so having the willpower to take all your emotional data, your spiritual data, your even physical data and create action in that exact moment. That's how I look at intuition. As so, what is your perspective when you think about intuition?

Speaker 2:

Um, it's different. I mean, I feel like I feel like I'm indefinitely in green with what you said. I think just having maybe an internal feeling of what's going on and identifying what you're feeling and why you're feeling that, so that's what I would consider like intuition, you know.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so how do you like even build trust in your intuition?

Speaker 2:

Well, you got to know self, right. Like it's very, very important to understand what introspection is and being able to I'm trying to simplify it too right, like. It's like you have to know who you are and then you have to know what parts of you you're currently utilizing. So, like I say all the time, how you think creates how you feel, how you feel, becomes an emotion. That emotion becomes a vibration, that vibration becomes a magnet that attracts things to you. So, when I understand what I'm thinking, I know why I'm feeling this way. Right, and I know my perception is created by my thoughts, right.

Speaker 2:

So I learned to trust my intuition, because it's a feeling, it's an instinct, it's an emotion, but I know those emotions come from those actual thoughts. Right, so I'm able to trust because I know that I created this intuition, I created this instinct, I created this feeling due to repetitive thoughts and I'm thinking subconsciously. So how you think creates how you feel. How you feel becomes an emotion. That emotion becomes a vibration, that vibration becomes a magnet that attracts things to you. So, when you feel something, you only feel something because you're thinking something, and a lot of times we go so much on the feeling but we kind of like disregard, or we're not aware of the actual thought that we're thinking. That's creating the feeling that's leading to this intuition, because intuition could be wrong, right. So before we learn to trust our intuition, we need to identify what we're thinking first, and then, when we understand what we're thinking and the cause effect of that, then we're able to trust that intuition because we know again that thought, that emotion, that intuition.

Speaker 1:

I love that. I need to start saying that every day. Yeah, for sure you just said that so fluently. Yeah, for sure, and that's really what the essence of Mind Over Matter is to create your inner reality first, how you want it to attract your outer reality. So I really, truly believe that if you're able to govern whatever is happening inside of you, everything else will fall into place, and that's really what Mind Over Matter means to me. What does that statement mean to you? Mind Over Matter, what's the first thing you think?

Speaker 2:

Well, I always try to make sure that I break things down in a way and just don't say it so fast before I understand it right.

Speaker 2:

So you know, maybe Mind Over Matter, like my mind, is presiding over physical matter, like my mind is, you know, my mind is the driver, right, and maybe Mind being the primary thing that matters, right, and my mind is, you know, controlling everything of physical matter, and so that's what I give from that. But also, we got to understand that our minds are so powerful, and once we start to understand how the mind works, then we can tap into our minds and create a life that actually matters. See, this is why understanding neuroscience is so important, right, and understanding that our thoughts create electromagnetic vibrations and those vibrations become magnetic and they have a gravitational pull to them and things matter and those things come to us based upon those vibrations, right. So I think the mind is very, very important, especially for this generation. So Mind Over Matter. What that means to me is, you know, the answer question is just the mind being the primary thing, before we put it on something physical or tangible.

Speaker 1:

It's interesting because I thought about this documentary I was watching called what the Bleep is Happening, and you could watch it on YouTube for free and basically it's so powerful the mind because in the documentary there was a bit where they had water and they had people thinking like positively and people in a room thinking negatively and it was actually changing the shape of the water with their thoughts?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, for sure. I mean, you know, because the molecular structure of water can and will change by even us just speaking to it. So, like you know, right in the motion of boom, boom, boom, hey, I love you, I love you, I love you, you love me, you love me, you empower me, you energize me. Oh, this is what's happening, right? So that's why I said it's very important to understand physiology, neuroscience, how our body works, how our mind works, and that in association to things that we consume, things that we use and stuff like that. And there's an opportunity in the space now for us to basically wake up, and I think it's very important that we take advantage of that, right? Yeah?

Speaker 1:

yeah, and you said something very interesting early about how sometimes your intuition can be wrong and a lot of the times, like I, feel like we're in denial about it because we don't want our intuition to guide us in a place where we have to do the difficult work. And our intuition isn't always going to make us feel comfortable. It isn't always going to guide us in a direction that is stable for us. Sometimes it would require us to go out into the unknown. So what is like a common misconception you think people have about intuition and following it?

Speaker 2:

Well, our intuition is being controlled by people who colonize and impress us, right? So this is how the intuition can be wrong. Again, how you think creates how you feel. How you feel becomes an emotion. That emotion becomes a vibration. That vibration becomes a magnet that attracts things to you. So if you're being conditioned subconsciously and directly to think a certain way, then you're going to feel a certain way and then that intuition is developed based upon those actual feelings and thoughts. So the reason why the intuition can be off is because you know whether it's media movies, you know family members who have conditioned you to think a certain way. That is completely wrong, right? You know.

Speaker 2:

Now your intuition is off and then, if there's no defense from it, right then you forever live a life of. You know, false or uninformed, or maybe not the most powerful or highest level of intuition, right? So that's why it's very important for us to be mindful of you, know our thoughts and what cultivates and architects the thoughts that we think on a day-to-day basis. And then understanding the power of being present, understanding the power of, because it only takes one second, but every second that goes by it's a chance to turn your life around. So our hours and lifetime filled with second chances.

Speaker 2:

Because once you change your vibration, then the trajectory or direction you're going in is going to change as well. So it only takes three seconds, three minutes the most, to actually change not only what you're thinking but also what you're feeling. And what happens internally is when you think about something for three minutes or more, your body produces a chemical, produces a hormone that is correlated or associated to that actual thought. So if I'm afraid of something, my body is going to produce a chemical that can create a temporary paralysis. Right. If I'm excited, if I'm happy, you know, my body is going to produce an endorphin. Right. If it's sexual and I'm horny, my body is producing these things right. So once we understand the chemicals that our body produces based upon the thoughts we think, now we can manipulate our thoughts to create chemicals that are conducive to us, you know, being successful or just having a better mental state, so to say.

Speaker 1:

Do you think people's intuition can be programmed? Yeah, I never thought of that. Honestly, I thought intuition was like God speaking to me, or my inner voice.

Speaker 2:

No, that's the illusion, right? So when we understand that slave owners right, they realize that it's one of my notes too that they basically extinguish every avenue by which light can enter the mind of the slave. If they can only extinguish the slave's ability to see the light, then we would be on the same level as the beast in the field. So light meaning information, avenue meaning institution. So can you go to school? Is it easy to go to school and understand what Komet is? Is it easy to go to school and understand the story of Haru? Is it easy to go to school and understand that the Egyptians taught the Greeks and the story of Jesus was inspired by the story of Haru? Is it easy to go to school and understand that the King James version of the Bible was created because he wanted to break away from the Roman Catholic church? And King James was a homosexual, he was a murderer. The things King James done would make Hitler look like Gandhi. Is it easy to go to school and learn alchemy how to move things with your mind and telekinesis? No, we have destroyed so meaning. If they destroy every avenue by which light can enter the mind of the slave, let's break this down. We have destroyed. So we've destroyed the schools. We have destroyed every avenue, platform school. We have destroyed every avenue by which light information, the true knowledge of self, of who we are. Now, if we can only extinguish the slave's ability to see the light the ability to see light is the ability to learn, the ability to acquire new skills, skill acquisition, the ability to grow mentally, physically. If we can destroy the ability to see the light, then they will now be on the same level as the beast in the fields and if we're not careful, the destruction of our ability to see the light is starting to manifest itself today. I think about it. There's a lot of, they say. Scientists said the only things that separates animals from humans in terms of sex is the fact that animals have sex from behind, and everything gets glorified about doggy style. The black woman from behind, the black woman is a female dog. This is my man, this is my dog, this is my dog. Right we're becoming. This generation is becoming consciously on the same level as the beast in the field. When you see zebras getting hunted by lions and you know, imagine a police officer being a lion and a little black boy or a black teenager being a zebra. Right, there's a hundred zebras and there's one lion. That one lion has the fear of God and a hundred zebras, and if these zebras would just turn inward they could trample that lion to death. Right, I have destroyed every avenue by which light can enter the mind of the slave. If I can only extinguish the slave's ability to see the light, then they will be on the same level as the beast in his field. These kids are calling themselves demons and they're calling themselves everything but who they are gods and goddesses, and we're. They're trying to have an agenda to move this generation to be on the same level mentally as beasts in the field. So we have to be, we have to be aware of the mind, we have to be.

Speaker 2:

This is why that question you proposed was so powerful. Right, like you know, how can I trust my intuition, understanding that intuition can be conditioned, can be architected, can be curated, can be controlled, and it is and it has been for us as a culture. So how you think creates how you feel. So now, when I change how I think, now I'm changing how I feel and now I'm feeling, how am I feeling about this situation and this scenario? You only see what you look for right, but I'm, I see, I'm looking based upon what is programmed into my mind, whether it's for me or someone else. So the solution to that is to study, right, to study, have knowledge yourself. Understand that you're, you're. You're not a female dog, I'm, I'm not a dog, I'm, I'm. I'm not a nigger, I'm not a op. You know, I'm a God, you're a goddess. I'm the original.

Speaker 2:

Why people have been on this earth for over 2,000, 200,. We've been on this earth for over 200,000 years. Why people have been on this earth for less than 10,000 years, for less than 8,000 years, with the old, with the oldest living organisms on this fucking planet, right? So how can we be the minority? We're really the majority, right, and in, in, in every I'm going to say this again we are. We've been on this planet for over 200,000 years. It's been proven and documented. Okay, um, so, when you understand that this is why our relationship with our ancestors is so important, the knowledge that we're going to get, but how do we, how do we converse with our ancestors? How do we have? How, how can cause they make it seem like, oh, this is impossible, you're dead, you're gone? No, no, no, no, no. This is why African spirituality is. It's why African um spirit. I'm getting tongue tied.

Speaker 1:

I was like how do you say Spirituality?

Speaker 2:

Spirituality. That's why African spirituality cause I get passionate. I'll be happy. I'm trying to control myself, right? But I'm a little frustrated about this whole ordeal, cause I feel like we've been, you know, we've been bamboozled, and I feel like I feel like um. Once we understand who we are, we're going to stop being controlled by people who are not us, right? So this is important to understand that your intuition can be controlled and curated, um, by your thoughts. So you have to protect your mind, and you protect your mind through meditation. You protect your mind through understanding the actual mind, the actual brain. So we have to start getting um interested in neuroscience, the different parts of the brain and how the brain works. The pituitary glands, right, spiritual melanin. Our brain produces a liquid form of melanin, like our skin has melanin. Our brain produces liquid melanin and that is like the power source of us, um, um, yeah, right. So, and then I'm going to say this, this next point, right, um? Cause it's all connected Um, white people don't want to disappear, so they are afraid of white genetic annihilation.

Speaker 2:

If every black man woke up tomorrow and said I'm going to have 12 babies within 18 months, there will be no white people on the planet. So they're afraid and they they weaponize um homosexuality to protect against white genetic annihilation. They weaponize the over sexualization of black women to protect against white genetic annihilation. They weaponize the emasculation of black men to protect against um white genetic annihilation. And our elevation is viewed by them as their annihilation. That's why it's so much emphasis on um killing and trying to destroy us.

Speaker 2:

And if we're not aware, this is not, it's not a it's not a race war, it's a genetic war. And we have to begin to understand how they view us so we can understand why there's this battle. We will never get peace with Europeans. We will never have this. I have a dream speech Dr King talked about because they are afraid to become extinct and the weapons of mass destruction is in my balls. Literally, this is a genetic war. So when we understand that right Now I'm protecting my balls, now I'm mindful of what I do with my balls, what I do with my semen, what I do, I'm mindful of that and I understand the power of that and I understand the hate generated because of what's going on inside of me, genetically, right, yeah. So when we understand that, then now we don't have false expectations on peace, we don't have false expectations on freedom. We don't have false expectations on living in this peaceful world with white people, because they believe that if we live in the world with them, they're going to eventually disappear from the world.

Speaker 1:

So it's really deeper than just white and black is going on psychologically. They've been studying us for years and we haven't even taken the time out to study their tactics and what's going on.

Speaker 2:

But we don't have to. That's what I said. Listen, we taught them, See. They like to say that the Greeks are the fathers of psychology, fathers of medicine.

Speaker 1:

They give everything to the Greeks. Yeah, they do.

Speaker 2:

And so we came from Comet. Yeah, that's, true, we taught them Right, so check it out. We've been here for over 200,000 years, so once we start to understand who we are, we're going to be the first to know who we are.

Speaker 2:

They don't matter. This is why and not to cut you off, but I'm going to say what's so important about you opening up your mind is a black woman, right? It's like the power that we possess. This is why it's like dandelions, right? You've never seen images. But it's not multiple stones 22. One for me and one for you, and you put that in the glove. It's a wrap, you understand? So we don't have to worry about how they feel, about how we feel about ourselves. We don't have to worry about being stopped by someone who doesn't have the power to stop us. You have to believe in their ability to destroy what you're building, to give them power to destroy what you're building. Once you remove the power, you remove the energy, you remove the care and you only focus on self, you no longer look out the window to see if the white people are clapping for you. You look in the mirror and you clap for your motherfucking self. Then the world is going to change, and it's going to change overnight.

Speaker 1:

And that's why, like leading to this next point, emotional intelligence is so important as well, and I feel like a lot of people in my age group my friends and stuff. I feel like they lack a lot of emotional intelligence and they are more so likely to replace their emotional intelligence with artificial intelligence that they heard from something. So a lot of the times when I'm speaking to people my age, they sound like a social media feed.

Speaker 2:

Yeah well, ai studies patterns.

Speaker 1:

Exactly. I can't have this conversation with somebody my age right now.

Speaker 2:

You can and you will, because now you're going to listen, because now you're going to now remember how you didn't create, how you feel.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's true. How?

Speaker 2:

you feel becomes an emotion. Yeah, that's true. That emotion becomes a vibration. That vibration becomes a magnet that attracts things to you. Ai is pointless in the black man's world because we're innovators. Ai only studies patterns. I'm in the future, I'm creating. I'm an innovator. There's nothing like me. Ai cannot do it. Ai is pointless for us when we operate on a level that we can. We're innovators. Ai has to study patterns. Again, it has to. It cannot create anything. It studies patterns and then creates things based upon the patterns that it studied, but the patterns in studying was already in pre-existence. Create new patterns that's what it is.

Speaker 1:

For sure.

Speaker 2:

So then we become superior to AI and we will always be superior. So now, when we talk about emotional intelligence, I wanted to put into four points right One, self-awareness. Number two, self-management. Number three, empathy. And then number four, the application to that in relationships. That's what we call social skills and being pro-social instead of anti-social. So saying, okay, well, self-awareness. We're breaking down emotional intelligence in the four parts.

Speaker 2:

Part one self-awareness. I have to be aware of self. Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? I'm a God, I'm an original man. Who are you? You're a goddess. You're a goddess. You're a goddess. You're the original woman. The smartest organism on this planet is you. I come into a close second. So that's that self-awareness aspect.

Speaker 2:

Then number two self-management. Now I need to manage my emotions, self-management of these emotions. I have to manage my emotions. But in order for me to manage my emotions adequately, I need to manage my thoughts, because how you think creates how you feel. How you feel becomes an emotion. So, in order for me to manage my emotions, I have to manage my thoughts and I have to curate, I have to create these thoughts and think thoughts in a way that creates emotions that I need to feel conducive to an actual purpose and if that purpose is being happy, if that purpose is being successful financially, if that purpose is starting a business, then I need to think thoughts connected to emotions that will help me feel this way and I need to create a reinforcement calendar. So the part two of emotional intelligence is emotional management. You can create a reinforcement calendar. Identify the things that motivate you to operate on the highest level. Okay, identify these things and what are these external stimulus and what thoughts create these feelings? And then let me document it. And then, from Monday to Sunday, I plan out how I'm going to feel every single day. Now I'm managing my emotions. So Monday is happy, tuesday is excited, wednesday is ferocious, thursday is studious, friday is spiritual, saturday is peaceful, you know, sunday is athletic. You know, like you're identifying how you want to feel, you're planning to feel those emotions. You're managing those emotions through the thoughts that you think, because the thoughts you think create the emotions you feel. Okay, how you think creates how you feel. How you feel becomes an emotion. That emotion becomes a vibration. That vibration becomes a magnet that attracts things to you.

Speaker 2:

The third part of the emotional intelligence breakdown is empathy understanding and acknowledging others' emotions and not letting those emotions be projected onto you. Not allowing myself to pee based upon what you're drinking, not allowing myself to shit based upon what you're eating, because what you eat don't make me shit and what you drink don't make me pee, right? But I'm empathetic. I understand I have to have a level of empathy and, due to that empathy, it allows me to have a form of emotional separatism where I separate your emotions from mine. I don't allow your emotions to become mine and I don't allow your emotions I mean my emotions to become yours in a form of expectations.

Speaker 2:

So I have to have empathy. Empathy is going to allow me to be patient, it's going to allow me to have people in my life and it's also going to allow me to separate people's emotions from mine, because I only need to feel how I want to feel, and then how I want to feel is how I need to feel, and how I feel is created based upon how I'm thinking. So I'm going to understand how you feel and why you feel this way. It's going to give me more insight to just how people think generally, but I'm going to still be focused on how I feel. But I don't hate you for feeling how you feel, right. I understand empathy, I'm empathetic. I understand that you're afraid that my genetic power will erase you. I understand, but I separate those emotions.

Speaker 1:

That's like the law of detachment, really, where you don't allow outside factors to really manipulate you or influence you to how you feel internally. For sure, for sure.

Speaker 2:

And then the last part, the four part, is the application of those things I just said into relationships, into society, and moving from an anti-social approach to more of a pro-social approach. So that was my four part.

Speaker 1:

Breakdown of emotional intelligence and what it means to me. Wow, I'm going to have to run that back and study that, because that was some good gems right there. Okay, so for me, when I'm thinking of how can I be more emotionally intelligent, that really started in my period of isolation. During the pandemic, a lot of us spent more than a usual amount of time alone with ourselves and it made me really discover the beauty of being alone, because I feel like a lot of people are uncomfortable with being alone, so they label it as being lonely in a way, and I had to really differentiate from my mental health the difference between being alone and being lonely, because I thought it was so beautiful when I came out of that period.

Speaker 1:

At first it was very anxious feel, but when I came out of that period I found beauty in being alone and because I was so overstimulated and always around people in my day to day life, I thought it was a curse to be alone. In a way, I really just thought being alone was like I didn't. I wasn't, I didn't love myself enough to be alone. I didn't accept my thoughts, my thoughts were very negative, so it was very hard for me to be alone. But coming out of that period, I started meditating and I started realizing that there's a lot of beauty in being alone, because you're basically the most truthful with yourself when you're alone, and that's really what I learned from being alone. So do you feel like your periods of isolation has helped you elevate in any way?

Speaker 2:

Well, it takes a village, so by design. So, again, because there's some new information that we're speaking about in terms of our intuition, we can have wrong intuition, we can have false intuition. So we're not supposed to be alone, we're supposed to be in community, we're supposed to be in village, we're supposed to have this thing right. So it's very important to understand that and maybe some for some, they may need to separate to recalibrate, they may need to separate to heal, they may need to separate to refocus. I'm not an advocate of being alone. I'm an advocate of attracting the things to you that you want by nature. We don't want to be alone.

Speaker 1:

But I feel like in that period a lot of people were forced into isolation, even if they wanted to be around people.

Speaker 2:

I mean again, I know I was around people. You know what I mean. I was right. But what I'm saying is, by nature, we don't want to be alone, and what happens sometimes is the people that are in our life don't make us feel good, so we just want to get away from them. And then getting away from them turns into being alone. But what if you knew that you don't have to be alone and the people that are in your life will be loyal, will be loving, will be compassionate, right, will reciprocate what you give to them, right? What if you knew that was a possibility? Would you then be alone? Right, and that's a rhetorical question, right, most people wouldn't, right.

Speaker 2:

But how do you bring those people into your life? How you think creates how you feel. How you feel becomes an emotion. That emotion becomes a vibration, that vibration becomes a magnet that attracts things to you. So just mantras, mantras, mantras.

Speaker 2:

That's why the second part, part of emotional intelligence, is the self-management of those emotions. I'm blessed, I'm loved, I'm happy, I'm blessed, I'm loved, I'm happy. And this is the mantra, this is the thought, that thought long enough for my body to produce the chemical Right that creates the electromagnetic vibration, that Creates the gravitational pull that becomes that magnet that brings those things and people into my life. So now I have the life that I'm living Because I'm thinking about the life that I'm living in, a life I want to live every second, to the point where I'm conditioning my mind to think those thoughts Passively. I don't have to put no effort in, it's just. It's just. It's thinking that way, right? So I Think that we need to move Away from the people that are not Good for us in our life and meditate alone To attract the people to your life, so you don't have to be alone and Well, sometimes it's it's.

Speaker 1:

It's easier said than done, of course.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, right there, wait, hold on. You just said it.

Speaker 1:

Say it again it's easier said than done. Say it again it's easier said than done.

Speaker 2:

So now, this is why, this is why it's very important to pay attention to what we say. Mm-hmm cuz you just, you just said it, you said it right there, right yeah you said it. So what did you say?

Speaker 1:

It's easier said than done, yeah.

Speaker 2:

You said it right. It's easier said than done, yeah. So what if you knew that your words manifest? So if it's easier said, oh, come on now is easier done than said what.

Speaker 1:

I don't get it.

Speaker 2:

Well, it's easier said than done, yeah, so if it's easy to say it, why you're not saying it? Because when you say it it gets done. Mmm, it's easier said than done. So if what I say comes into existence, then if I say it, then it's gonna get done. Easier said than done, right? So I'm blessed. It's easier to Say it, then go through the physical action of it, right? So easier said than done is an actual positive term. We just don't understand how to pull the positivity out of the term, so most people say that term in a negative light. Easier said than done.

Speaker 2:

So if it's easier said than done, and but you have to know that that Even think of that so good, but but we have to know that, right, what we're saying is gonna get done, because what we speak comes into existence. So if I sit here on this couch and I say from this couch, man, I'm happy, I'm happy, and that's all I say I'm happy, I'm happy, I'm happy, I'm happy, I'm happy, I'm gonna be happy if I don't have to move, if I, easier said than done, if I sit on this couch and I say I'm rich, I'm rich, I'm rich, I'm rich, you know, it's gonna happen. Well, no, watch this. I'm rich, I'm rich, I'm rich, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, right listen.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I want you to understand this very point, right, I'm listening. You know what's gonna happen. My vibration is gonna become so powerful that somebody's gonna come and Sit here and record me and it's gonna monetize itself. Something is gonna happen. I'm gonna sit on this couch. I'm rich, I'm not moving to sit. This mother for you, I'm rich, I'm rich. Check it out. What's gonna happen is because what we say easier said than done. Let's break this down now. No.

Speaker 2:

Going over your head. I don't want to go over, it's not. It's not better now because I'm gonna give it to you, not just move your foot quick. I'm saying I want you to, want you to get this, I mean.

Speaker 2:

So what happens is listen, we said it right, okay. So how you think creates how you feel. How you feel becomes an emotion and emotion becomes a vibration. That vibration becomes a magnet that attracts things to you.

Speaker 2:

So if I sit here easier said than done I had to get hyped for that because that shit is some real fucking shit that every black man and every black woman needs to know. Easiest said than done. So we're gonna make lazy Profitable. So if I sit on this couch every day and I say I'm rich, I'm rich, I'm rich, I'm rich, and I speak it, and I speak it and I think it and I think it right, what's gonna happen is that word is gonna become a vibration and that vibration is gonna have a Gravitational pull and then eventually, literally, people gonna pull out phones and cameras and they're gonna record me saying I'm rich, I'm rich, I'm rich, I'm rich, I'm rich.

Speaker 2:

And then people are gonna be inspired by that and then they're gonna get rich right, because they're gonna be so like, what does? I'm rich, I'm rich. I'm gonna be playing it every day in the morning. You're gonna hear my voice all over the world I'm rich, I'm rich, I'm rich, I'm rich, oh my god. Movies, commercials, and then, before you know, somebody's not gonna do it. Hey man, you changed my life, man. You know you changed my life man. Well, I change my. I did, I'm rich. It's just they're gonna give me money.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Right easier said than done. So if it's easier said than done, then why you not saying it? Because your damn show ain't been doing it, mmm. So if it's yeah, yeah, yeah, all right, let's get to it.

Speaker 1:

That's right. No, this is true because I've lived in it before. You're living in it now. I'm living in it now, but that's right. Do your thing come on now? Yeah, I have a specific moment where I Attracted money to me, like the next day, and I kept saying the same thing over and over and over. I was like money flows to me abundantly and I just kept saying it, saying it, saying it. But it was something my friend had suggested me to start doing, so I kept saying it, saying it.

Speaker 2:

No, no, no, no, see, there you go. It was something you made your friend suggest to you Do you do it subconsciously. Yeah, okay, come on out. She told you who are you.

Speaker 2:

I'm a goddess exactly so now what happens is? So now what happens is you're you attract like you made that, you made that happen, right, you made that happen, and then you just brung back what you, you, you needed the confirmation From, from external stimulus. So what you did was your mind created that conversation to give you confirmation to take action, to get what you actually wanted. It's true, that's why it takes a village sometimes.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I like how you like, really are very particular about the words you use because, like you said, well off camera, you have brought up a point where you said that Podcasting, or content, is like the new higher hieroglyphics and it's funny because I started this podcast in hopes of like, when I'm long gone, that my Future kids and like my you know, just generations down the line will look back and then see me speaking highly. You know they were speaking life and it's interesting that.

Speaker 1:

You brought that up because I never thought of it like that the new hieroglyphics is content, so break that down. What?

Speaker 2:

you mean when? You said that well, well, well, basically, we got to understand too that the, the, the first hieroglyphics Right um, those things have been um Manipulated right. Hold on, oh sorry.

Speaker 1:

Let's see.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, um, those things have been manipulated, right? So it's very important that we start to really really Learn our history and our culture because, like I said, um, they have destroyed every avenue by which light can enter our minds, and if they destroy the ability to see the light, then we're on the same level as the beast in the fields. So this is why this type of content, this, this hieroglyphic we're reshaping the minds of the next generation so they're not on the same level as the beast in the fields mentally, right. So this, this being a hieroglyphic, this is going to live past Our physical lifespan in this realm. It's going to live past that, right.

Speaker 2:

So, with Understanding that this is the hieroglyphic, this is going to be the thing that our Generations to come, come to for enlightenment, for information. We have to, we have to have a, a, a motivation to deliver this information in a way that is valid, that is productive, that they can actually Take some, some, some energy from and apply it to their lives to make their lives better. So, um, this is, this is why the content is so important right now. So that's my outlook on it and, and you know, a lot of times Shit just comes to me and I and I'll be, you know, like I'm, I'm, you're flowing, yeah, so, um, I'm gonna, I'm gonna, uh, expound on that. Expound on that Mm-hmm prior to the later time, but maybe in our part two when we go Instagram live okay, Okay you're ready here.

Speaker 2:

first content I wish you know me.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's it like an interesting concept. I need to think more about that, because I never thought about that until you actually said it. So A lot of what we're talking about may not resonate with certain people who aren't like spiritually mature. Right, and that also comes with what a lot of what you were saying like just having emotional intelligence, the four pillars you spoke about before, and what was like the defining moment in your life where you realized you had a certain behavior that was no longer conducive to your growth and made you even shift to this mindset right here.

Speaker 2:

Well, well, the moment I started meditating, you know, and that behavior, that behavior was was thinking negative, like, like thinking negative, and you know, and that was the thing that that I actually had to change right, like, okay, how I think, and that was everything.

Speaker 1:

That's, that's exactly what changed it for me was meditation. Yeah, right.

Speaker 2:

So, the moment I knew what the mind can do, right, the moment I knew what my mind Was over right, like you know, your mind over matter, right, like you understand, like, like my mind, my mind, my, this is so powerful, right, I can do anything with this. And I started to do that, you know, in the power of visualization and you know, and due to um, my isolation and prison, you know, I had to it forced me To figure out what was going on here. It just, it brought me here, it brought me here right. And when I got here, I was like, oh shit, this is okay, hold up, man, I could box, I could fight, I could, I could lift, I could power lift. You know, I'm, wow, I'm man, I'm. Hold on, show you, I'm, show you, I mean, this is, this is, this is um, impropt too. But this was the thing that I got to go. I got to go. My gram smoker underscore, shame, this plug, shameless plug, shameless plug. But I started to Wait, so you got this.

Speaker 2:

you guys right, let's go. You got this. I'm playing with this here you go right there. And there.

Speaker 3:

Here you go, here you go, keep going. Come here, visualize, come to me, me being the strongest man in the world. You gotta get here.

Speaker 2:

Keep going and then keep going.

Speaker 1:

Keep going. Two people that add up to 500 pounds when he's back.

Speaker 2:

Keep going, keep going. There you go. Then this last one right, the deadlift. This is close to 800 pounds, not on the stairways and no shit like that.

Speaker 1:

Right. Nah, that's crazy, you maxed out.

Speaker 2:

I don't have no max.

Speaker 1:

Oh, you know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

No, so but that's crazy.

Speaker 2:

But that was the thing, that.

Speaker 2:

That was the thing that changed it, right. So, understanding, like, okay, the mind, right, like the mind. So I started visualizing myself being the smartest man in the world. I started visualizing myself being the most powerful and the strongest, the most intelligent. And then my body, it, it, it, it produced it. Right, but it started with the thought of it.

Speaker 2:

I would, I would go to the yard. I couldn't, I couldn't pick up 200 pounds. I went there every day and I'm watching other people to lift it, and I go back to the cell and I'm sitting in the cell and I'm just in my mind. I visualize myself, I'm lifting this motherfucker. I'm telling, I'm thinking, and I'm thinking, and I'm thinking it. And remember, when you think about something for three minutes or more, your body starts producing the chemical. So I started feeling like I just took a fucking creatine shot or I just started feeling like I could feel something happening. And when I got to the weight, I just felt something and I really felt stronger and I said, okay, this is what. Okay, and that was the.

Speaker 2:

Then I became addicted to that, that like, okay, if I think it, it can happen. Yeah, and then when I said about not having no max. If a fucking three ton car this is my brother, if a three ton car is on my brother, I'm going to lift it up. I may never lift it again, but if that is, if it's a matter of lifting this car and saving them, yeah, or not lifting it and never seeing him again. Oh, the car is going to be lifted. I'll be on the news man lifting two. Hey, hey, hey, yeah.

Speaker 1:

You know I meditate a lot, right, but it's always this one thing that I struggle with is visualization, and I still don't know why. I write down what I want to happen, I speak it out loud, but when it comes to the visualization part, it always is like hard for me to visualize it.

Speaker 2:

So you got to break down what visualization is right, what it is it's meant to images, and you got to practice. It's like a muscle. You got to develop it right, so, so, so we make it. We make it real simple. Right, sorry, this looks like a fucking nail, right? So you got to see this fucking nail, right, so right, what color is the nail? White, okay, what is it on?

Speaker 1:

A table.

Speaker 2:

Is it laying down or standing up?

Speaker 1:

Standing up.

Speaker 2:

Okay, put the nail up Right. So now you know how the nail feels. Yep Right.

Speaker 1:

It's plastic.

Speaker 2:

Put it there. Okay, boom. Now close your eyes. What color is the nail? White, where's the nail at?

Speaker 1:

On the table. Is it laying down or standing up Standing?

Speaker 2:

up. Open your eyes. What color is the nail?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Where is it?

Speaker 1:

at On the table. What is it doing Standing?

Speaker 2:

up. That's how you visualize it. And you start something small Because your confidence in the visual is high when it's minimalistic, so you have to have you taper up. So think of it like bench press. Mine's like a muscle, right. So I've bench pressed over 500 pounds. I have not started. Hold on, let me just show you. You know what?

Speaker 1:

I mean no, I already seen it. No.

Speaker 2:

Segway. You know what I mean. This is important, right? This is no cap, I know. So I'm telling them if I get it or I die. So I'm talking, I'm thinking, I'm visualizing. You know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

This is see me and you.

Speaker 2:

So that's the mind, right. So that's the power, that's the power of the mind. So I showed you that, so you can. But I didn't start off lifting that much, right? So I started off with just no ball and a weight. So I think the weight is is like 45 pounds, just a bar itself, right. And then I lift that, that bar, right. So that's the nail. See. So the lift is an analogy for the visualization. So you just lifted the nail, which is the 45 pound bar. Then what's the next steps you're going to do? You're going to put two 45 plates on the bar. That's going to make it 135.

Speaker 2:

So now you're going to go from a nail to maybe a watch, and then you master lifting a watch, right. Then you go from a watch to maybe an article of clothing, right. And then you, and then you grow, you grow and you strengthen your ability to visualize in that way. So the reason why it's tough sometimes to visualize certain things, because the we're taught that we, we, you know, we're conditioned to think a certain way about ourselves or perceive ourselves. So self image is important too as well, right? So this is why you, you, you, you make it small, Like I'm pretty sure you saw that nail just like it is right now. Right, but you got to practice that and then be consistent with the practice. So consistency, clarity and commitment, those, these, those three things will help you increase your ability to visualize.

Speaker 1:

Okay, well, yeah, because I always try to go straight to the. What do I want my lifetime, like achievement, to be when I try to visualize it? So what? That being said, so?

Speaker 2:

that being said, you take somebody who never went to a gym and you put them under that weight and you see what I said, right, either I get it or I die. Yeah, they going to die. You know what I mean? Yeah, they ain't never lived shit, right? Yeah, so it's it's. It's not impossible, but it's a lot more harder to do it that way. So you, you, you, you make, you make what you're visualizing minimalistic. So now you can meet your level. You can gauge your level of confidence in your ability to visualize based upon what you're visualizing.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And then you become stronger. Stronger, then it becomes easier to have that, that bigger lift right, or that bigger vision. I mean yeah.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's going to help a lot. I'm definitely going to use that.

Speaker 2:

I have advice for the people who overcame the struggle. I have reinforcement for the people. And if you're watching this, and when you watch this and when you see this, claim it, because it's easier said than done. And if you've been struggling, now it's time to make it easy. So, if it's easier said than done, then why are you not saying it? And if we know that what we speak comes into existence, I'm only prophesizing prosperity over my people. You already overcame the struggle because you're seeing this episode. You're alive, you're watching it.

Speaker 2:

So now you're taking this information and instantaneously applying this information and then now you're changing your life. Right, because you know it, right Because of what we said. But every second that goes by, it's a chance to turn your life around. So there's a I was a lifetime filled with opportunities. Right, it's a chance. Every second that goes by, with every second one, it's a chance.

Speaker 2:

And how you turn your life around is investing the three minutes it takes to create the chemical, to create the emotion that turns into the vibration that becomes a magnet that will attract things to you, that will attract better to you, that will attract the money to you, that will attract that loved one to you, that will attract that husband to you, that will attract that wife to you, that will attract that business to you, or the ability you need to execute to create the business and actually have a successful business. It takes three minutes or more, right? Easiest said than done. So we're going to say it because it's easiest said than done, and when we say it then it gets done and we ain't been doing it because we ain't been saying it. And we ain't been saying it because we ain't been feeling it. And we ain't been feeling it because we ain't been thinking it.

Speaker 1:

And I have to reflect after this episode, I'm going to watch this thing like 10 times.

Speaker 2:

Yes, important.

Speaker 2:

And then compartmentalizing the pieces of this content, which is the hieroglyphic, now right, and putting these hieroglyphics on the wall in your mind's pyramid and then have it in the sand like, oh, wow, okay, let me let me, you know, let me let me have it, let me have it here.

Speaker 2:

And you know, you got me on your mind's mirror, I got, I got to stop saying the word pyramid, because the real word is mirror, right, and then pyramid was the thing to ascend, right, you know, it's important, that's another conversation, right, but I think, editing it, getting the clips because you got to do it anyway, right, you got to get the clips for YouTube shorts, the clips for TikTok, right, but those clips, it ain't just the Goviru, I mean, we'll Goviru and they're going to Goviru, but it's the medicine, it's the reminder, it's the reinforcement when we talked about it. The second part of the four pillars of emotional intelligence is emotional management. So I'm going to, I'm going to manage these, these emotions, and have things that create these emotions, and that information is, is, will, will assist you in that.

Speaker 1:

That was beautiful, thank you. Thank you for this. It was really. It was really enlightening and it was very different than any interview we ever had. It really made me like and it's I know it's going to continuously make me reevaluate my thoughts.

Speaker 2:

For sure, Because it's easier said than done. Right, and with every second that goes by it's a chance to turn your life around. But turning your life around takes three minutes. You have a chance with a second and you're doing it in three minutes. It takes a second to take advantage of the opportunity and three minutes to create and capitalize off of that opportunity.

Speaker 1:

Okay, you heard it here first y'all. We're going to wrap up. Is there anything last words you feel?

Speaker 2:

like no labels to it. Oh yeah, you know, we got the New York City. We did Atlanta, boston and Texas, so we're doing New York now. I'm excited. This is going to be probably one of the biggest events, so you don't want to miss this. You can attend physically or digitally. My website is nolabelstourcom. Everything's about the correct way. My number is 917-907-3687. You can call me. It's a real number that actually works. I will be picking up when I say hello, you know it's me. Yeah, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

Yes, so if you reached the end of another episode, I appreciate you Shout out to you. Thank you, reddly made the end of another episode.

Speaker 2:

Oh, another thing too Can't take it with us when we going. So we got to live life. I know I'm doing wrong, but damn, it feels right. We vibrate on a frequency. Emotions is a magnet. Thoughts manifest. Now you forced to take action. Fail or fail faster. Endurance is a test. We only learn when we fall. Every note turns to yes.

Speaker 2:

Take a deep breath. Don't become overwhelmed by the stress. Think about what you overcame. The situation will be next. Life is long, so live it, survive, move on to the next. I made mistakes, but I'm a new man and God gave me a second chance. No fear, I got a goal for mine. The top is only for those who climb. It's a lonely road. When you chosen, never wait to be given roses. Grow your own, stay focused. Your time is approaching and treat family and friends the same when it's time to judge, because you can see through water, but not through blood. Never be afraid to fail. We only lose for not trying, and procrastination is another form of dying. Every life serves a purpose, but a fish won't climb a tree. Open your eyes and see what you really want to be.

Speaker 1:

Bars, you heard it here first.

Speaker 2:

Heard it here first, Mine never mattered. God damn it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And her mind and my mind matters.

Speaker 1:

Yes, so make sure you tell a friend, and tell a friend mother that it's mine over matter, baby.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's. Oh. You know what's so crazy. What, yo, you need to make some merch with that. Mine over matter baby.

Trusting Your Intuition for Personal Growth
Power of Thoughts and Intuition
Understanding Self-Awareness and Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence Breakdown and Isolation
Words Manifest Desires
Visualization's Power in Overcoming Struggles
Investing Time for Life Transformation
Embracing Failure and Overcoming Challenges