Mind Over Matter: Mindset Development

Feeling Lost In Life

November 02, 2023 Deja Wallace
Feeling Lost In Life
Mind Over Matter: Mindset Development
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Mind Over Matter: Mindset Development
Feeling Lost In Life
Nov 02, 2023
Deja Wallace

This week I discuss big lesson I’ve learned  from my recent interviews, finding balance between chasing dreams and living in the moment and the power of mindset.  

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This week I discuss big lesson I’ve learned  from my recent interviews, finding balance between chasing dreams and living in the moment and the power of mindset.  

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Podcast available on ALL listening platforms
Mind Over Matter linktr.ee/mindovermatterbabyyy
Watch Manhattan Neighborhood Network EVERY Saturday @ 12pm

Follow us on Instagram
DEJA @deja.waja

Speaker 1:

ixa to the we damage reminder target us. You no, harlton.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to mind over matter baby. I'm your host, deja Wallace, and if this is your first time joining me, welcome. If this is not, welcome back. I appreciate you. You real, you loyal, shout out to Q, just give us one For real. But like I really appreciate you, you really came back for another episode, episode 77. Pon your head top. You get me. I'm excited, like we all side today, and I got my equipment working. I got this shot set up right to perfection. You get me, and I'm really excited for this episode.

Speaker 2:

I have a lot to talk about. I haven't done a solo episode in a while. I got a lot to talk about, a lot to get off my chest. It's been weighing a heavy on my chest. I need to get it off. It's getting real heavy, so I need to just get it out there. You know it's a lot I want to talk about and it's a lot we're going to get into. I'm going to talk about having clarity, staying focus, paying attention to the little things in life, appreciation for life, just appreciation in the little things and just having overall vision for yourself. That's what we're talking about in today's episode of Mind Over Matter Baby. So kick back, relax and enjoy this episode. I feel good. I'm feeling good, I'm feeling great.

Speaker 2:

I'm outside. It's a beautiful day. It's a bit nippy, it's a bit chilly, but it's just a bit chilly. It's not too crazy. It's not brick yet you know it's not O'nah but it's like it's a bit chilly. It's a bit chilly, but, yeah, I just want to get into this episode.

Speaker 2:

I don't know where to start, I don't know where to begin. I'm here chatting your ears off, but just know from our audio listeners we are outside. You can hear the light rustles of the leaves. You can hear the birds chirping. You can hear the engines of the cars passing. You can hear the children in the background. Well, you can't really hear it because I keep chatting. Let me make you hear it. A moment of silence for all of that. You hear the birds tweeting. You hear the nature sounds. You hear it, you see it. I'm not lying. So we're really outside, not in so much I want to talk about so much. If you don't listen to the last episode, you should. I think that's one of. If not, I'll say it's not. Yeah, I'll say it's one of the best episodes I ever recorded. Period.

Speaker 2:

I had Smart on there and it was very enlightening. He taught me a lot in that conversation. I was genuinely just very naive. That was not. I really be lost sometimes, even though I give you guys some gems, but I still be lost for real.

Speaker 2:

The thing is sometimes my friend brought this to me the other night she brought this awareness up in me that I never realized that sometimes I'll say certain things and I know the right thing to do, but it's in that moment I don't really live up to it. I don't know if any of y'all can relate to this, where you set a boundary for yourself and in that moment you live it up to it, but you don't really like it fully, live up to it. Live up to it and when I say that, like I already said, I set a boundary for myself that I'm not gonna talk to the certain person anymore, and then a certain person, like for the day, yeah, I won't speak to that certain person, but then, like, I have to keep reminding myself to set that boundary, you know. So it's something that I'm learning is to stand on business like, really, really like, stick to your word in this life. Like if you say you're gonna do something, do it full, like you can see it through in its entirety, not just in the moment. I set all of that to say that, like I know better in life, but sometimes, like I have to keep reminding myself until it becomes like a common practice and a common belief. That's really, yeah, that's really what she taught me, cause, like, sometimes, like you know, I'll be taking the high road and I do like pride myself and like I'm not a very argumentative person, right, I don't like arguing with people, but in the moment I didn't stand on business. You know, you gotta really follow your beliefs and follow your practices all the way through, in every moment, even when it's hard, cause that's when God's testing you. That's really what I learned to get me, yeah, not conversation really like open my eyes and smarts. Conversation really opened my eyes a lot to just the power of your thought. I always know like, even when you're listening to this podcast, I may say some profound things, but it's like you already knew it, though. You know you always. Really, I feel like, even when we're like we get, we hear certain things that like spark action in us. We always knew it. We just needed that reminder, you know, and that conversation really was my reminder of just the purpose and the vision of where I want mind over matter go.

Speaker 2:

And last few podcast episodes right, I haven't done a solo episode in a while, so I know y'all miss me, but these past few episodes excluding the last one which was a banger, if you didn't see that, go listen to that right now. Like, just stop listening to this and go listen to that Cause. That one right there, that one right there, that one is the timeless episode for sure. It just embodies everything about what my podcast is about and the messaging I want to get out with this podcast and I love everything about that podcast. The guest, just the amount of topics we covered was actually beautiful too. And the insights and different perspectives we really like. We really talk about a lot.

Speaker 2:

That last episode was smart. That was like episode I really needed too, because for these past few episodes I feel like I've just been there, like I just been there and I just it was just a way for me to stay consistent. I wasn't really there like curating it, having conversation, just orchestrating the conversation, but at the same time I wasn't there. And it's nothing against my last few guests, it's prior to smart, it's more so I didn't have any clarity Starting the podcast. I had so much clarity, so much drive, so much ambition and I've been keeping it up for a while now. Yesterday marked three years since I started the podcast, which is really big for me.

Speaker 2:

But all of that being said, these last few episodes I'm in the 70s now, so it feels like I'm just trying to like just get an episode done and even though I'm being consistent at the same time, I didn't get the same gratification and satisfaction that I was getting Like when I first started recording, when it felt very genuine, very natural, and probably a lot of that is because I do have guests and what I realized is that sometimes I feel the most like that is when the guest doesn't align with the vision that I have for the podcast. I'm just producing to produce. That last episode really ripped me out of that cycle and I feel like that was a kind of like that was a sign that I really needed to rip me out of that cycle. Just keep producing, to produce, to produce, with no real clear goal on what am I getting out of this episode? And it's not that every guest I have I'm gonna get something out of them Saying all of this to say have your why always in mind when you're doing something, so the choices you make are all aligning and fitting into that, your overall vision.

Speaker 2:

Especially with the social media age, it's like incentivizing us or encouraging us to keep producing, keep producing, keep producing, try to stay relevant, try to over expose yourself in a way for entertainment. There's just a balance that I'm trying to learn right now, because life is a marathon, life is very long and I'm only 23, but right now, in this fast paced society, it's like I feel like I'm 45. I really feel like technology has really sped up the way we perceive time, and time really feels like it's just fleeting. And every moment I look like damn, it's tomorrow already. Like even I seen a meme going viral and it's talking about mind you, it's November 2nd, halloween was two days ago Talking about ready for Christmas and ready for Christmas, and it's like yo, sometimes we get so caught up in the future we don't enjoy the present moment. We get so caught up in the potentiality of where we're going and who are we gonna become and am I ever gonna become the person I always wanted to become? And it's like focus on what you're doing now. What can you do now to make yourself happy? Stop worrying about the future version of yourself.

Speaker 2:

It's funny because I was reading something in a book called Millionaire Success Habits. I can't remember who it's by right now, but in the book he talks about having a Ferrari mindset and with a Ferrari mindset he talks about how a lot of us were going fast. We're doing a bunch of things we're conquering each day and it's for like quick moments of gratification and a lot of us are just doing this like being productive, being productive, being productive, but who to say your productivity is actually intentional and it's actually. You actually know where you're going with your productivity. So basically he was saying that a lot of us we're driving around in these Ferrari minds but we don't have a location of where we're going. We're just doing things to do it, just to look productive and feel productive in that moment, but overall we don't even know where we're going. Like, where are you really going? Why are you really doing the things you're doing? Think of the longevity and things. And that's really what I have to keep reminding myself is to think of the overall goal, your destination, and don't get too caught up in trying to be there. Enjoy where you are right now, enjoy the ride. You know, and that's really like a big takeaway I took from that analogy is that ask yourself why, sometimes, like, really sit down and ask yourself why, why am I going to work today?

Speaker 2:

To get money, okay, but why do I want this money? To have better security, okay. Why do I have better security, want better security? Because maybe I grew up not feeling like I had that type of security. Okay, why did you feel like you didn't have that type of security? Because I didn't grow up with much, okay. So how do you think that, like, you have to keep asking yourself why, you don't have to keep realigning yourself Because sometimes we are doing things just for the surface level why you know, like, dig deeper, try to figure out like and I'm talking to me, I'm talking to me Like I'm really like trying to understand, like my why. You know why, why are you doing the things you're doing? You have to really dig deep and understand what, why it is you're doing what you're doing, because that's gonna speak a lot about the character of you as an individual and what motivates you.

Speaker 2:

You know, mindlessly, just living in them, living for, like instant gratification, is not it for me personally, I need things that is going to have a substantial longevity, that's timeless, that's classic, that every time you hear it it's going to speak to you, not just because it's trending and it's a lot. It's a lot in this life that I'm learning right now and it's beautiful how everything is just revealing itself to me and I feel like that's what happens when you walk in your purpose, you start to learn. A lot of the lessons that were repeated to you before, when you were lost, is now being solved and it's like, oh my gosh, I like I've been trying to like learn this thing about myself and I'm actually learning about it. Like if you get me, you get me. If you get me, you get me. Just walking your purpose is like everything, like it makes you realize that life is bigger than just you. You know, even when I think of my wife for the podcast, like I said, I want to just like make positivity common, make it something that people could see as realistic, and even when I ask myself, why do I want that to be? Because I've been a person where that has been my reality and I always and I want people to see the benefits of having that in their reality and it's like you have to keep digging and asking yourself why. Because the stronger your purpose, the stronger your vision and the more clarity and the more purpose you're gonna move with in your day-to-day life. And that's really what I'm starting to realize with this podcast is that when you move in faith and you move in confidence and you believe in not just what you're seeing but what you're feeling and what is unseen to others, life just makes more sense. And you don't have to explain it to people. I'm probably losing a lot of y'all. If you get me, you get me.

Speaker 2:

The long story short, I'm saying, is you get what you look for in this life. You know, say, you got a fresh pair of white uptowns not even what is this? A fresh pair of ones on right. So you got a fresh pair of ones. It's tepola today. A fresh pair of ones right first, fresh out the box. You haven't had a fresh feets in a minute.

Speaker 2:

So you're feeling yourself, feel like Christmas morning, right, you step out. It's a nice sunny day, about to hop on the bus. You like, nah, you know what, I forget that bus. I'm about to call me a Uber. I'm feeling nice, I don't want to mess up my feet, I don't want anybody stepping on my feet, I don't know why you're stepping on my feet. So you go and then you take that Uber and you step out, and you step out of that Uber and the first thing you see when you step out that Uber is another fresh pair of ones. And you're like, oh snap. And you're like, bro, I like your ones. And then you're like, yeah, I like your ones too.

Speaker 2:

And it's like you know, you see, for what you, what you look for, and I sell all of that to say that in life, when you are able to like, change your thoughts into a more positive thinking pattern, you're going to attract the things in your life that are on your frequency. So, whatever is in your mind, your reality is a manifestation of your thoughts. Year, year, next year is going to be a manifestation of your thoughts now. So why wouldn't you want to think positive? I don't know if that analogy was a good one, but if you get me, you get me.

Speaker 2:

I'm saying that all to say is that your people will find you in time. Do diligence, just do what you need to do right now. Focus, pay attention to how you're, to what your thoughts are. And those people of those frequency will find you, you know. They'll start to recognize you. They'll see they'll, they'll recognize themselves in you. So they'll be drawn to you, drawn to your, your energy, drawn to your vibration and drawn to your frequency. And those people who aren't on your frequency, they're no, they're no longer able to tune in to what you got going on Because you're not on their frequency anymore.

Speaker 2:

So it don't even sound the same when you speak. It's like huh, what are you talking about? No, no, why are you so happy? Why are you so positive? That life is hard, life is rough, life is rigorous. You know, it's like it's two mindsets. You have the choice to choose whatever mindset you want. It's two types of people in this world People who receive a glass of water that's half filled, not all the way filled. You're gonna have one person who's going to complain that they don't have enough water, or somebody else who's going to be appreciative that they even have water. So choose that. Choose the mindset you want. One is conducive to growth, one is conducive to stagnation. So choose whichever mindset you want. And that's really what it is Power of choice, the power of your choice. That's your biggest freedom in this world.

Speaker 2:

And yeah, and I really have to, like, keep reminding myself that, I have to keep reminding myself that life is a marathon, like it's another week and I'm keep, I'm still producing, producing, producing. But, like now, I know where I'm going with it and I know that these next episodes are about to be fire. Why? Because it's going to be purpose filled. It's going to be aligned with what I want the message to be and what I want you to receive from it. Just hear me babble, and if you listen to me babble for this long, I appreciate you and I really hope you gain some insight from this. I really hope this conversation was helpful for you, because it was helpful for me. I needed this, I needed to get this off my chest.

Speaker 2:

I had to get it off my chest and I'm so serious, like I'm so dead ass, like I really had to get this off my chest and I'm happy I was able to, if you listen to another episode big up to you, shout out to you I appreciate you. Shout out to you and make sure you tell a friend, to tell a friend mother, to tell a friend's aunt, mailman's dog, babysitter, auntie, cousin, uncle, little daughter, dog, aunt, mother, that it's mind over matter, baby.

Mind Over Matter
The Importance of Purpose and Clarity
The Power of Choosing Your Mindset