Mind Over Matter: Mindset Development

Choose Peace & Optimism

November 28, 2023 Deja Wallace
Choose Peace & Optimism
Mind Over Matter: Mindset Development
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Mind Over Matter: Mindset Development
Choose Peace & Optimism
Nov 28, 2023
Deja Wallace

Can you imagine a world where calmness isn't considered a weakness but a strength? That's the world we'll be painting in this conversation. From Japanese culture to martial arts, we explore intriguing examples to illustrate how calmness and positivity can be real life-changers.

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Can you imagine a world where calmness isn't considered a weakness but a strength? That's the world we'll be painting in this conversation. From Japanese culture to martial arts, we explore intriguing examples to illustrate how calmness and positivity can be real life-changers.

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Mind Over Matter linktr.ee/mindovermatterbabyyy
Watch Manhattan Neighborhood Network EVERY Saturday @ 12pm

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DEJA @deja.waja

Speaker 1:

you, you, yeah, welcome to mind over matter. Baby, I'm a little out of breath y'all. I ran and I jumped on this stone. From audio listeners you can see we outside, we outside guys, from my I mean not from audio for my video, for my video. All right, let's get into this episode. I'm your host, deja Wallace, and if this is your first time joining me, welcome. But this is not welcome back. I appreciate you real, you, lawyer. I appreciate you.

Speaker 1:

Episode 79 9. What I didn't say is that I love you because you really came back to listen to another episode. You get me. Today's episode.

Speaker 1:

I want to talk about remaining calm Home, namaste, remaining calm through every season. You get me. And having faith and trusting in your faith. You get me. We're talking about all of that in today's episode. So kick back, relax and enjoy this episode. You get me. You get me. You get me. I'm allowed.

Speaker 1:

I don't know it all and I don't have it all figured out, and I don't care to pretend that I have it all figured out, but I'm gonna make it look good. You get me Not gonna see you looking crazy, even if I'm struggling, and you're not gonna see me out of character. I want this to be like my prop, my prominent Character, like this is gonna be, my default is to just go into like a natural state of Calmness, because I think that calmness is actually a strength, contrary to like other people thinking or other people or society promoting like aggressiveness and being, you know, assertive and being Mean is power, more powerful than being calm and being Peaceful and being kind. I feel like that's way more strength and being those three things than being loud and mean and arrogant, like I Think we should like glamorize these traits, not those traits, but these traits being calm, being peaceful Because it's so much strength and being calm, no matter what, it takes way more courage, I feel like, to even be calm in situations where things aren't calm. It takes way more courage, you know, and it makes you stand out. Because think about LeBron James.

Speaker 1:

Lebron James, he before his games. He's chilling, he's calm, he's doing a little dougie and he has no worry like he's stress-free. Why? Because he knows he's prepared To execute, he knows all of the work he's did. Now is just His time to shine and that's really what I got to learn in life is that I don't need to be rush, rushing anything and I don't need to be. I don't need to be anxious for the future, because it achieves nothing. Worry achieves Absolutely nothing. Worrying achieves zilch in this life, and what I learned also is that you can't worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow is not promised to no one not to be dark or anything.

Speaker 1:

But my my sixth grade or fifth grade one of them Social studies teacher taught me that I didn't give him a homework. She was like tomorrow is not promised to anybody. I'm like, damn, you're just gonna throw that on me. Like that I'm, I'm like 11.

Speaker 1:

I felt sad, but it was deep. I was like, yeah, like you really can't worry about tomorrow, because you know much times plans fall apart. No, much times things don't happen as planned. Like even when you're looking at, like the weather. A lot of people worry about what the weather is going to be like on the weekend. You know like, oh, I want to go out, I want to do this, I want to do that on this weekend, and they're worrying about the weather for the weekend. On a Monday it says that it's gonna rain. You're worrying about the rain. You're worrying about the rain, and the weekend comes and the rain isn't even there. You know what I mean. Sometimes Things don't go as planned and worrying isn't going to make it any better.

Speaker 1:

That's really what I want to get out of this episode is to let you know that being calm is Way more Realistic to me than worrying. Make that your reality. Make that something that is Inmate in you is to be calm, to be peaceful. Back to that analogy of the weather. It's like you were worrying all week. The weekend comes, the forecast changes a little and it's like what you were worrying for nothing. You spent all that energy worrying and still remain in calm and letting go. It's really gonna take the courage. That's why I say it. That's why I say like being calm takes courage, because you have to take the courage to step out of that Normancy.

Speaker 1:

And what I also realize is how people react to that is not your Responsibility. To cater to it does not matter. Like if they're confused, if all hell is breaking loose in front of me, I, I promise you I'm still gonna remain calm because I know that I'm protected and I know that Everything is Happening for a reason. This had to happen, so this had to, so this can happen, cause and effect and have. How many times have you been in the argument and you've regretted everything. You said it after the argument or you feel like you could have said this differently, or you could have said that differently. But how many times have you regretted remain in calm? How many times can you remember you've regretted remain in calm? Never, probably.

Speaker 1:

In the moment it may seem like, like I said, other people perception of you is not your Responsibility for you to cater to that. In the moment, other people may make you feel like I would have done this, I would have done that, okay, that's how you would have handled the situation. But I know that the blessings on the back end of me remaining calm is going to Be tenfold compared to me being aggressive and me being angry, and it also shows a sense of just maturity and it's going to Definitely make you look at things from a different perspective. Your head, your mind, is going to be clearer. You're going to see things a clearer point of view when you're calm, compared to when you are angry, aggressive, anxious, depressed, like all of that. So it's like a superpower to remain calm in this world, because it's so Rare to see.

Speaker 1:

And most of the people who are calm, they just have this sense of knowing because they know that things are unfolding in this beautiful synchronized way as it should be, and I Feel like people who Initially, action is to like yelling arguments or is to be, or their initial reaction is to be aggressive when they have any type of altercation and that's just in they in them. A lot of the times they're not thinking clearly, they're just the fence, they're just their defense mechanisms are up, they're trying to protect themselves, they're trying to Assert themselves, they don't feel Assertive, they're putting up their their walls really when they're approaching like that. But when you are able to just calm to aggressor, somebody yelling at you is, it may get them more upset because they don't, because they see that quality in you and they cannot comprehend how someone can be that powerful. You're more powerful in that situation when you're calm, and that's their initial reaction is to get riled up and get to get angry. It takes way more courage to remain calm in that situation.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm gonna give you a little, a little, a little situation To to really show you why Guan so boom, I'm at work, right, making my smoothies, doing my thing. You know All of that, you know. So I made my juice right, mind you, I was fasting, I was fasting. This was like early November. I made my juice so that was like my Meal. I was fast juice, fasting. It wasn't like a full fast, I was just trying out something, you know, trying to raise my vibration and all that. So, yeah, I, I made my little orange, apple, ginger. Boom, I Do suits, busing, like I love that combination.

Speaker 1:

If you, if you, if you don't know, now you know that come Combat me. A shot goes crazy. Yes, I'm not to. I didn't get to sippy yet cuz I was still dealing with customers. Whatever, come back, my juice gone. Ask my coworker Where's my juice? I don't know. Ask my other coworker oh, where's my juice. Oh, that's juice. I threw it out in the sink.

Speaker 1:

Boom, it's so easy to get riled up and get mad at that and I kind of did. I'm not gonna lie, I'm gonna be transparent. I did get mad and I told her Make my shit again. Everybody looked at me like yo, like you know, trying to end. I'm what's it called? Instigate that. But you know cuz I'm not like that. So you say that out loud in front of customers. They knew it was serious, like it was for real. So everybody's like yo, damn, they do that's day jumpin, like that. I'm like, yes, cuz like that was disrespectful, you know I. And boom, she made the juice over after whatever. However long she took, she took her time but she still made it over right.

Speaker 1:

But set co-worker was testing me. This was Godway of testing me, you know, and she kind of triggered me when she said if that was me, me personally, I would have been upset. So then when she said that, it kind of made me want to like combat her. But it got worse. She was just like I could see some people can't work under pressure and I'm like, damn my God, it's really testing me. Do I drag this whole and do I hurt her feelings so hard that her mother feels it, or do I just let her be? And in that moment I'm not gonna lie, she was testing me and it almost worked. I gave her a little, I told her a little something about her mother a little quick.

Speaker 1:

But my co-worker brought me back to reality Like it could have been way worse, and that's why I don't like arguing, because I'm gonna hurt your feelings. It could have been way worse. But my co-worker looked at me and was like Deja, she's not worth it. And I came back to reality and I'm like yo, I don't like that version of me. It reminded me of an old version of myself and some people are gonna test you and bring out that old version of you.

Speaker 1:

But be strong. That's why I say it takes way more courage to remain calm in moments like that and that was God testing me. And I'm happy that I did stand on business, like I told her to make my juice back, but at the same time I let go. You know what I mean. I didn't push the situation, like me, and set co-worker. I see her and it's still hey, how you doing. I'm not gonna hold that against her. You know what I mean. So that's really what I learned from that is to be calm, remain calm in every situation, no matter what.

Speaker 1:

And my thing is, when you're angry, in a situation like that, if I was to respond with anger, it would have satisfied the aggressor way more than when you respond with calmness and peace, because it confuses them, it trips them up. It's like yo, like damn, she knows herself, she's really sturdy in how she feels about herself and I can't infiltrate that energy. Oh nah, like she's different, you know, or he's different. So, yeah, like you really have to realize that kindness is a strength, being calm is a strength, love is a strength.

Speaker 1:

All of those things are innate in us, but society kind of distracts us from these characteristics and promote aggression, and it promotes confusion ultimately, because how many times you mad and you just don't even know where to start. You just like, damn, I don't know, this is happening, this is happening. I don't know what to do. God help me, help me. God help me. You don't know what to do and you just all confused. You know what I mean and that's how it's feeling in that moment with that coworker. I'm like, damn, this bitch, this bitch this and this bitch that. But like, really, don't give people that power over you. And that's my message for today. If you learn anything, cool, yeah, I don't got nothing more for you. That's really what I had to get off my chest and I got it off my chest.

Speaker 1:

So if you got anything to say, say it in the comments down below. You can't make yeah. Is there anything else I want to share with you all? Um, yeah, just keep going at what you're doing, remain calm, like everything is happening on God's timing. It may not be on your timing, but God's timing is way more accurate and way more precise than your timing. Your timing is a little off and I go live God's timing though. Immaculate Trust in him, trust in yourself, let go and let God and stay calm. That's your. They get super power.

Speaker 1:

It is how you respond to the world around. You. Can't, you can't influence, you cannot influence how other people are responding to this world, and don't be influenced by how other people are responding to this world. Respond to this world in a way that feels good to you and for me, that's being calm, that's being peaceful and that's being loving. So that's how I'm a move. You know, my faith in myself is stronger than anybody's perception of me. At the end of the day I'm a quote that my faith in myself is stronger than anybody's perception of me, and I really hope you feel like that, like I'm not to get cozy because I, yeah, oh, like telling you y'all, being calm is a strength.

Speaker 1:

Like you ever see, like these um jujitsu warriors and stuff, a lot of them prioritize meditation and remain in calm. Think about that. That's some food, some food for thought. A lot of these um Japanese cultures, when they do these intense, just martial arts and different type of fighting. They prioritize remaining calm. Remaining calm, think about that. It's actually a strength, y'all, it's actually a strength, you being self models, are. You react to your reality. So don't be a victim. You get me.

Speaker 1:

I'm trying to drop bars, but I don't know if they coming out good or not. I'm gonna have to watch it back and I'm like, ah, it came out good, but I don't know Cause. Like in a moment, I just been thinking a lot. You know, yeah, yeah, yeah. You remember when they had like those viral, that viral thing that said keep calm. And yeah, keep calm and do what you need to do. Random thoughts. I just be rambling, but if you listen to the end of this episode, thank you, I appreciate you. Shout out to you. You failed. You loyal. I appreciate you. Uh huh, I appreciate you, uh huh. Yo, what is wrong with me? Oh yeah, I forgot to tell y'all. I forgot to tell y'all real quick, tell a friend to tell a friend. Mother, dog, auntie, cousin, sister, brother, grandfather, mother, sister, mother's mother. That is mind over matter, baby, shit, I'm out of breath. How I start this out of breath and end it out of breath. Oh, I gotta stop smoking that shit.

Remaining Calm and Having Faith
Remaining Calm and Positive