Mind Over Matter: Mindset Development

Chasing Perfection

January 13, 2024 Deja Wallace
Chasing Perfection
Mind Over Matter: Mindset Development
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Mind Over Matter: Mindset Development
Chasing Perfection
Jan 13, 2024
Deja Wallace

On this week's episode I'm joined again by the host of "Let There Be Light" Kirstie we give our remedy on how to tackle imposter syndrome, chasing perfection being light warriors plus much more.

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On this week's episode I'm joined again by the host of "Let There Be Light" Kirstie we give our remedy on how to tackle imposter syndrome, chasing perfection being light warriors plus much more.

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Mind Over Matter linktr.ee/mindovermatterbabyyy
Watch Manhattan Neighborhood Network EVERY Saturday @ 12pm

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DEJA @deja.waja

Speaker 1:

my favorite affirmation that I've been telling myself this year is that I am a light. I'm a light to be around and I am filled with light. And I have to keep telling myself that because the past version myself, I thought that was a threat, I thought that I had to hide my light, and it was that same night that I realized that I always knew this was a problem, like I spoke about this before. But you had did this thing where it was two candles that you were burning, and then there was one candle under the table and then there was one candle on the chair, right, yeah. And then what did you say? Again, you were like I said which one do you think is seen? Right? She was like which, which one is like more noticeable? And I'm like the one on the chair, obviously. And then, and then she said like regardless, both lights are going to be burning, but no matter, useful is gonna be the one under the table that's not seen yeah.

Speaker 1:

I'm used to this meeting call now, so it's not a meeting call.

Speaker 1:

It's a greeting call. Okay, yes, a greeting call. I'm used to the greeting call. Now, welcome, welcome to mind over matter, baby. I'm your host, deja. Well, as in, as you can see, I have a returning guest. If you've seen the last episode, you already know how it goes to miss the lovely Kirsty Johnson. Thank you. Thank you from let there be light podcast. Oh, thank you, deja. Thanks for that intro. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm excited for this episode. We had a lot of technical difficulties the last episode, but we were still talking some things that I think will resonate with the people. I definitely think so too, and, like we both said, some things happen and you just got to keep rolling with the punches gotta keep rolling, okay.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you can't stop can't give up exactly. I mean, yeah, we're gonna get into all of that in this episode so just grab a snack, kick back, relax and get ready for this episode. Episode 82 of mind over matter. Baby, we are going to be talking about things not going as planned. Oh, that's a really good one yeah, what happened exactly?

Speaker 1:

and just like chasing perfection. Oh, that's amazing cuz you're talking to someone that has had to break that perfectionist mentality out, you know. Yeah, yeah, and just to give a people a little background knowledge of, like, how we had to struggle to get this podcast exactly how we both envisioned it, you know yeah last episode.

Speaker 1:

We were recording it, we thought everything was good, we held we home, we skipping home, we like, oh, it's so fire, we got this good content on the beach, you know, came in islands to survive. Next thing, you know how far video is gone. I know, I think that was it like. Basically, the camera started to cut out, yeah, and that was a fire at the like yeah, yeah, that was a fire episode, you know it's funny.

Speaker 1:

I feel like most of the time when you record, like when you're not recording, that's when the like craziest things happen. Like for me, you know what I mean like most of the time when I don't have my phone to record, that's when the craziest things happen, you know what I mean. You mean like moments that you wanted to capture, but like something awesome happens and it happens when it's not on camera.

Speaker 1:

Exactly yeah, like that's the story of my life yeah, yeah but how do you deal with like things not going as planned? How do you like, recalibrate and like still still keep that same enthusiasm as the first time? Because the first time I was recording I feel like, you know, I had this high energy, like I cannot remake that episode. You know what I mean. So how do you keep that strong faith and like that energy? How do I keep that strong faith and energy?

Speaker 2:

when the one thing don't go as planned.

Speaker 1:

I would say I've had so much things in my life that did not go the way I planned it that eventually, over time, you build up this resilience where you just push through, and I'm someone which you've. You've always heard me say if not and sometimes I say that if not is because I have plan B already put in place, like I don't like that.

Speaker 1:

I know people don't like that I know people say that. But, like plan A, I'm going to execute plan A the best that I can. But I'm also someone that weighs the possibility of okay, if this does not go the way that I planned. And if I'm just so hell bent on plan A and if it doesn't go the way that I plan, there's always some form of backup, or I rest in the fact that, okay, I can come and try this again. You see me, I always have a plan A and that's it okay, because I feel like the if is opening up, opening up an opportunity for other possibilities. Oh wow.

Speaker 1:

I never and it can limit you to settle for plan B, because plan A is always gonna be harder, wow so plan I always say, like plan A is my plan period, you know, because I have so much faith is going to work, I don't need a backup.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, some people may think that's kind of delusional. You know, I wouldn't say it's delusional. I think it's the way that you look at things and it's your like precision for stuff where you feel like that's it like. If it isn't not, I think for me I face like so many disappointments and so many other stuff has happened that I've had to learn how to roll with the punches and say, okay, if this doesn't work. And it doesn't mean that I don't give plan E, my all it just myself preparing in the back of my mind that like, okay, I have another thing lined up if that doesn't work. Like, for example, I was telling you that like I'm going by feet to start this bookstore cafe and for myself, I've started to map out, put out everything that I would like to do for it. And in the back of my mind I know I still have bills and other stuff lined up.

Speaker 1:

So if that doesn't come true for me, I know that, okay, I'll just be back in the workforce for a bit, but I am still giving my all to you're saying I feel like when you say, if you're just opening up your imagination to that possibility, when you say opening up, okay, I still saying so you're saying that by me saying if I'm already setting myself up for failure and not, is that and not absolute failure? Okay, but I feel like the probability is going to be higher of failure coming and you just going to the plan B. I see what you're saying. It's almost like a crutch.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 1:

I get it Exactly, I get it. I get it. I think it's. It's more than like it's something not so ingrained.

Speaker 1:

Yeah it is At this point, it's probably a program that's ingrained, where I'm like you know what, like I'm so used to things maybe not going the way that I would like them to go, so I kind of roll with the punches and be like, okay, if it's not gonna work, this is gonna work, that's gonna work, but it's making sense now, now that you look at it and now that you say it that way Cause a lot of people have been saying to me, kirstie, if you're going to be walking by faith and not by sight, that's what it is Like. That's what it is and that's what someone said shared with me, like when I told them, like I started to get. I think what it is to is cold feet. Yeah, you start to get cold feet because it's like, oh my gosh, this is something that I really want, this is something that I'm really focusing on, and the possibility of it not working out kind of like irks me. So let's just say that that part, then, is a perfectionist.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, a perfectionist is someone that would probably try to make another planet. If planet doesn't work, it's just cause maybe I feel like I don't want to be left like devastated. And the thing with perfectionist I feel like it also opens the door to procrastination. Wow, because, like this last episode, I'm a perfectionist when it comes to the things I care about. Not in every aspect of life, but the things I care about, like the podcast, you know.

Speaker 1:

When I lost the last episode footage. I was telling you I don't want to post it anymore, like it's over, like it's just gonna be. This gem is gonna be lost in time and only we are gonna get to enjoy it. And you caught you. You talked me out of that like perfection mindset. And you were like no, deja, it's here, you have it, you know, and I had to stick with that plan A.

Speaker 2:

Well, I had to stick with that plan.

Speaker 1:

A, and I think that sometimes, if I did try to get that one video exactly how I envisioned it, it would have just made me not even want to do it anymore. You know what I mean? Wow, that's so true. I really think that that's what would have happened, because we emphasized on something going exactly the way we want it, that we're willing to toss away it if it's not exactly the way we want, and that just really opened up a lot for me, because it does. When you mentioned procrastination not so true, because if you look at it right, if it doesn't go the way you want, you're like okay, whatever, bye, yeah, you know rather than we pushed it out and you'd dwell on it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you'd dwell on it. We pushed it out and we say, no, we're gonna come back out here again and we're gonna do 82. We didn't come back out here and say we're gonna redo 81. Mm-hmm, you know we're like no, we're gonna do 82. Yeah, cause that is done already. And you did record your first podcast episode yesterday. Yes, I did. On last episode y'all watched Kirstie. She was not officially a podcaster yet, but now she lost her virginity, she started it she started it finally, yeah, and how did that feel for you?

Speaker 1:

Talking on the topic of perfection, how did that recording that first podcast episode of yours feel for you? I think this aligned so perfectly because, as you can tell, deja was my lovely person asking me the questions in there and kind of warming me up, guiding me through it, and perfectionists came out, because there were times when Deja was telling me listen, you need to loosen up. You're sounding very preachy right now. You're not. You're sounding politically correct, you're not sounding yourself. You know. She did a little prayer with me and then afterwards I was able to talk like myself. I was able to talk and relax and I just made the room comfortable, got myself my little blankie set up in the corner, sat comfortably. So I would say it was a great experience and after that first one, you just wanna go again, right? I think what initially happened was my nerves was there and I started to think about like, oh my goodness, this is my first episode.

Speaker 2:

This is what people are gonna foresee.

Speaker 1:

It has to be amazing or else they're never gonna listen to me and I had to get out of all of that. So I was grateful that you were there to talk me out of that and, like you kept saying, come out of your head. Come out of your head Cause I was legit in my head for like the first 23 minutes she was like a dare in headlights when that karma turned on, and she's a very talkative person.

Speaker 1:

So I'm like wait this, the same girl. She was like welcome, welcome to, to let it be, let there be light. Wait, no, wait. No, I'm like girl, just Deja was literally like those directors that are like listen, if you don't get it together, I'm throwing you off my set, and I needed that. I needed someone to like kick me in my butt in a way and to be like listen, this is not, you, come out of your head. Yeah, for real, yeah. And also let the people know how much hard work this actually is for real.

Speaker 1:

You just see us here post a little 60 second clip and you think, oh, you guys just just just chatting. No, this is a lot of hard work. Like, let the people really know how much hard work it is to really start a podcast. Girl, I am gonna let them know for sure. I think one of the things that you underestimate is the equipment, the amount of equipment that you're gonna need, the amount of time that you're gonna need. And if you think about it, yeah, time is like time is essential, time is important, right Cause you don't get that back. And I think one of the things that I saw is like the setting up. You see us here sitting down looking great.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we look like we chilling. We look like we chilling, Got a little drinky right.

Speaker 1:

Got our little drinks, got everything. Like we had to go and dig out rocks. Like to hold the stand together. We had to like improvise, we had to tape. We had to tape the selfie stick to the phone with the ring light, Like it's a lot going on behind the scenes.

Speaker 1:

It's a lot going on behind the scenes and it's like you have to think quick and if you're one of those persons that get easily frustrated, you're gonna give up, like you know you have to be somebody's like no, I'm going to push through, no matter what, I'm going to get this thing done, and it's like so much stuff is going to pop up in your way. It is not as easy as it looks, so I just want to shout out Deja.

Speaker 1:

I want to shout out everybody that does podcasting, everybody that's been, like you know, doing this for a while Now content creation Cause it looks so beautiful when it's out there on Instagram, but you don't know if that could be like the hundred retake, or however much retakes that they've had to do and if you lose footage, like what we started to say, like that was very like I felt sad, but because I know it's Deja's like, I had to like encourage her and say no, like let's push through. Because, if I gave into like how you were feeling. The two of us would have just been sitting there like we lost. I was so 81.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and that's why I say perfection kind of opens your, opens your appetite for procrastination. Cause if she fed it into my, oh my God, it has to be right. Oh my God, I don't have the footage. Oh my God, we would have still just been there dwelling on it today and woke up like damn. We really lost that, you know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah and another thing that I learned is work with what you have. Oh, that is it work with what you have. I came here, I left my laptop charger I can't edit a bunch of just extra stuff trying to throw me off of getting this podcast out there and I just realized I have to work with what I have. I don't have my laptop charger. She has a laptop, she did. I don't have the premiere pro, but she has the editing program. You know, we didn't know how to work them. Almost a thousand dollar cameras. We got an iPhone, though.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we work with what you have, work with what you have, with what you have.

Speaker 1:

That is absolutely huge, deja, because there is. You're gonna go out there and I think I've seen so many videos that other youtubers post about do's and don'ts for for podcasts. Watch them because they're. They're serious, like when they start to say to you things like Don't go and purchase all these expensive stuff, don't go and over, kill yourself. And not, it's very true, because when you purchase those things, remember you're not a professional Right exactly so you're not gonna know how to operate out, like me and Deja was scratching our head with how to get the camera to video past 12 minutes, whereas now we're using an iPhone and it's like okay you know how to use it and we know, because we did not know it is a camera.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, definitely.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but that goes back to perfection. Yeah, going to breed procrastination because, yeah, it does. A lot of people don't want to go out or not on there. You know that journey of creation being a creative, because they want to have everything right from the jump, but you can't have everything perfect. Never going to happen, like yeah that's really what it is.

Speaker 1:

And just to add to that, right, that is one of the reason you guys will hear from, obviously, episode 81 that I share. Like the things that kind of Help me back from starting my podcast, even when I've had like the equipment and other stuff for like about a year ago, it is that same thing. Like I was like, oh my gosh, I want it to look like this. Comparsing is a killer of joy. Yeah, right, so you're looking at other people's podcasts out there, you're looking at all these other stuff. You need to have tunnel vision when you're starting your own and you need to save yourself, look it's. It does not have to be the way. Like I wanted a perfect set. I went out and got like um, led lights, all of this stuff, and then when I saw it in front of that camera, I froze up because I was like, oh my goodness, like this is really happening.

Speaker 2:

Yeah versus like here on the beach.

Speaker 1:

Yeah the camera puts on extra pounds. Oh my god, my hair.

Speaker 2:

Oh my god.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and it's like when it's time to execute, everything else is just extra. It is, it's secondary. They're not coming for how much you paid on your camera. That's not why they're listening to podcast. They're listening to the podcast for you, exactly. You are, as a person, the message that you're sending out there the message that you're sending out there and With your podcast now. I love the message you're sending out let there be light. Thank you.

Speaker 1:

And it's like a powerful. It's a powerful Moment on this trip that I had when it was the first night. We were playing dominoes and everything and then we had that talk and you were talking about just that. When you are a person who do, who's filled with light and recognize their light, it's kind of lonely in a world that's filled with darkness.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah but when you have faith and you continue down that path, you'll meet other people who are light warriors as yourself. Yeah, and Do you consider yourself a light warrior? I definitely do, and you know, obviously, jesus says that we are the salt In light of the earth, and I think that that is one of the things. And when he says the salt and light of the earth, salt, give something flavor, right, and that's that's the reference to that. There we give something flavor, as in, we bring something different, right, and we make something more Tasteful, right. It gives you the taste of life, the true taste of life.

Speaker 1:

And when it talks about light, if you go anywhere that's dark, you can't see, right, but where there is light, you start to see, you start, you have visions, you have dreams, you, you start to see something totally different. So I would say I do consider myself a light child and child of the light. Someone not God uses To shine his light through me so that I can share message with others. Exactly, and that's how I think it's just such a beautiful time, a beautiful time For us light warriors to be alive. Even though they may be certain Instances that try to make it seem like you are alone. You're not alone. You're not, you never alone. Good people are there.

Speaker 2:

They are genuine people are there.

Speaker 1:

You just have to open your eyes and recognize.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, open your eyes and recognize, yeah, cuz then they will multiply. But if you pay attention too much to them, dark the dark, oh yeah, that's gonna multiply. That is absolutely true, yeah. So just protect your energy, protect your peace, protect your light and Shine bright like a diamond Definitely Like a diamond. You know, there's a verse that Says let your light so shine before man that they may see your good works and glorify your father in heaven, mm-hmm. And that verse, literate, speaks about your talents, your gifts, everything that God has given you To be able to go out there and do what you have to do, even this, right here, deja, what you're doing.

Speaker 1:

You're on to episode 82. That is you alone. You're like to shine in this world, to make a difference, to make an impact. And once people see that, they're like oh, my goodness, what is it with this girl? Like she, she has a gift, she has a talent, she has a light, mm-hmm, and that's it right there. And with that light, other lights start to turn on, mm-hmm. But the things start to click. And this is like my favorite affirmation that I've been telling myself this year is that I am a light. I'm a light to be around and I am filled with light and I have to keep telling myself that because the past version myself, I thought that was a threat. I I thought that I had to hide my life. And it was that same night that I realized that I always knew this was a problem. Like I spoke about this before.

Speaker 1:

But you had did this thing where it was two candles that you were burning and then there was one candle under the table and then there was one candle on the chair, right, yeah, and then what did you say? Again, you were like I said which one do you think is seen? Right, she was like which one is more noticeable? And I'm like the one on the chair, obviously. And then she said regardless, both lights are going to be burning, but no matter, what useful is gonna be the one under the table that's not seen? Yeah, that's what she said. That, yeah, how will that light under the table impact those out there? You're just gonna be hidden away, hidden right Versus the light that was on the chair. That one is seen, everyone is seen, not.

Speaker 2:

You could feel the warmth.

Speaker 1:

You could feel the warmth.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You can feel the warmth? Yeah, because regardless if you try to hide your light or not, it's still going to shine, and hiding it is only going to hinder you, it's gonna affect you too. Yeah, it's going to block you, You're gonna feel trapped. You're gonna feel trapped, You're gonna feel like an imposter sometimes. That's it. That's it. Imposter syndrome is very big. Imposter syndrome is very big and I think getting over imposter syndrome is in the doing, Okay explain that more.

Speaker 1:

How can somebody get over imposter syndrome? So, getting over imposter syndrome just for a reference, for myself, it's through affirmations and getting out there. In the doing so, every time, remember there's this negative voice inside of your head that's telling you you can't, you can't, you can't. And I think for me, I filled myself with the word of God and I chose to look at myself through the lens of Christ, look at myself through what he says, what his word says about me and who I am, rather than that negative voice. So the Bible talks about pulling down thoughts and taking them captive. So if there's a thought that pops up in my head that goes like contradicts what God says I am, or that contradicts who I know that I am, I pull those down and I replace them with something positive, I replace them with a truth, because what's popping up in my head that's a lie, that's not the truth. So, and also in the doing so, for example, I was given like a position, a higher position, and I started to get cold feet. I started to feel like, oh, my goodness, I can't do this. And my manager looked at me and she said you're having imposter syndrome. And she was like it's gonna pass and how it's gonna pass is in the doing. You gotta get in the work. Once you start to put in the work and once you start to do it, and she was like get rid of that perfection mentality, because you're going to mess up and that is okay. When you mess up, you just confess it and we fix it and we roll with it and we get it done Because, like you said, it causes procrastination. You'll stay stuck. I could have stayed completely stuck, but I was like, no, I can roll with it, I can push it. When I made mistakes, I fix them and we keep it going. Affirmations are a big part too, because even if you're doing the work and you're seeing the results of the work, you can still feel like an imposter. It's true, people right now I've been doing things for years Celebrities, other people yeah, they still feel like they could do more and then what they did is not good enough. You know what I mean. That's just like that's that negative talk, yeah, that negative self-talk. Yeah, like I said, the programming already is like really, you have to really just convince yourself so much that you feel it, you know that you're worthy. Amen, amen, can I get it, amen. Yeah, girl, that's it. Listen.

Speaker 1:

On this trip, deja has just been glowing, growing, and her spiritual journey has just been inspiring me, you know. So, no, it definitely has, because it's like you're taking it in, you're not rejecting it. You know, obviously I haven't been like preaching, preaching, but I've just been sharing some truths, some things that I've been through, and I've just watched you become even more enlightened. Yeah, I'm not going back to New York the same. Oh, definitely, honestly, like I'm excited for when you go back. Yeah, me too. It's gonna be a light in Brooklyn, shining bright, shining bright, shining bright like a diamond, shine bright like a diamond. That's their theme song.

Speaker 1:

Shine bright, like a diamond, ah, yeah, what else? Let's also talk about change, okay, cause we did talk touch on that a little before, and we are talking about planning and plans not going as you expected it. And a big thing that I realized in this thing called life is that I hate planning, and I understand now why I hate planning. It's because I feel like life is about improvisation. Improv like, oh, you mean like impromptu, yeah, like improv. Okay, you know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

I feel like most of the things you plan and most of the things you schedule, it's never going to be as you imagine it. You know what I mean. It's very rare that things go as you imagine it, that's true, but it's very rare and even think like a to-do list, right, how many things on a to-do list that you write down that? Alright, how do I put this? Sometimes you don't even write things down on the to do list, but you get it done. You know what I mean, cause in the moment, it doesn't require you to get that done. You needed something else to be done. You know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

Am I losing you?

Speaker 1:

No, no, no, you're not losing me, because I think that that is the way how your brain works and how you work. I'm a bit ADHD, so I need lists and I need to find cause, otherwise I will forget yeah, I'll forget, or it'll go all over the place. So I live by lists. Okay, so, like, and that's okay, cause we're allowed to be different. Yeah, and for myself, I have to list out the things that I have to do, or else it won't get done. Okay, yeah, or and that's why, like with the podcasting stuff and all that stuff, like I can show you back when we get home in my journal, like I have a note that says this, this, this, this, this, this, this, and I crossed off on each one because that's just the way that is More so of an organization.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so I have to organize my brain, whereas I think for yourself, your brain is already like somewhere where you can store that information and you just start to. You have a list, you know, but your list is up here. Yeah, your list is up here, so you can just tick through in your brain boom, done. Yeah. Whereas for me my brain doesn't work like that. Like I have five million tabs open so I have to get it out on paper and then cross off. Yeah, for me it's like okay, say, I have like record a podcast episode on my list, right, but the weather is raining, you know what I mean. Yeah, so instead of recording, I will have to edit an old episode instead. You know what I mean. So sometimes I'm just saying like in life, change is always prevalent, so sometimes you can't be too attached to the to-do list, cause I feel like most of the extraordinary things that happen in my life personally, I didn't even write it down and just happened.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So that's really how I look at it.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Interesting. You know, thought, thought, no, no, no, it's always interesting because I think that that's definitely like I said, like that's how your brain works and that's how you've been able to like, organize and get yourself to the way to where you are today. Yeah, and I think to what that does is that releases control. Yeah, right, there's a more. I think I have to work on that, so you're sharing. That inspired me, because when I release control, I'll stop being so rigid to that one thing.

Speaker 1:

And that's why I'm so anxious when I do plan.

Speaker 2:

When I plan, I feel so anxious.

Speaker 1:

I'm like all right, this has to go as planned.

Speaker 2:

This has to go as planned, oh yeah, oh my God, this has to go as planned.

Speaker 1:

If it don't go as planned, oh my God, I'm gonna break, I'm gonna break and I'm gonna. You know, oh, I saw that yesterday that when things don't go as planned is a total different Asia. So I'm just like leave her. She just going with the wind and she knows what she's doing. Yeah, she has it all up here, right, and that's the good part, whereas I'm like I got a list of stuff and it gotta go according to this. I'm throwing all Fags.

Speaker 1:

You don't think that's perfectionism? Is that a part of perfectionism? In a way, I think it's a part of perfectionism, but also, too, like I'm being that serious when I say the whole ADHD thing, like that's like I know it's a label, right, but it's like okay, my brain legit has 5 million things going on. Like I'm here at the beach right now, right, and like there's two people over there and I'm fighting to like pay attention to what we're talking about, because I'm like, ooh, have you ever seen? Like Finding Nemo and Dory? And it's like Nemo has to keep telling her look over here, or the dad saw it.

Speaker 1:

Dad has to keep telling her like yo Dory, like stay on, point, stay on point so that's. I think it's a tool that I've used, but it can be perfectionist as well. Yeah, for those that may not struggle with that same thing, yeah, it's a good tool.

Speaker 1:

I'm not gonna just say, if you're playing stupid, I'm not gonna say that, but I'm saying like if you don't plan, it's okay too. I feel like I don't know. Yeah, I find my planning to be more of like for me. It's more wise for me to plan with the way that I operate, the way that I get things done, Because, like I said, I'm a planner. So once it's planned something, I literally have written down plan B already. But you're absolutely right, and I think from this episode I will gather that because I watched Rob Dial. He's also another awesome podcaster and he speaks about that. He speaks about sticking to planning. He speaks about that. And he was like for those of you out there that's always writing plan B, you're never really gonna get planning done because you've been setting yourself up, so set yourself up to feel.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So this, this, this brought that out, so this is good. This is bringing out some stuff. Yeah, wow, deja. Yeah, I think too, in the culture where it's like, it's ingrained in us to try to be, you know, perfect, from social media to in school, getting the letter grays, trying to be perfect for your parents your spouse, and it's really, really unrealistic, you know, because, like I said, people are always changing, transforming, they're always evolving.

Speaker 1:

So perfection is just something you're always going to be chasing. If you're looking for it and shout out to Wolf, he's another podcaster from HalfwayUp and his favorite thing to say is done is better than perfect. Well, sometimes you just gotta complete the task and foresee it.

Speaker 2:

I think that's big, that's big.

Speaker 1:

Done is better than perfect, because it goes back to like, if you have a list of things to do and if you're trying to do those things on the list perfectly, it's not gonna happen. So if one doesn't go perfectly, you just kinda toss the list away and it's like you know it's better that it's done. Yes, yeah, so, yeah, okay, I gotta look him up.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

He does my audio engineering for a lot of the episodes in the studio. Okay, awesome, yeah, anything else you wanna touch on? Let the people know Any Bible verses you wanna leave them off with I'm always leaving Bible verses, Drop them. I think I probably left the last one. That's like one of my. That was one of my favorites, so give me a second. I'm thinking. Okay, I'm thinking and this morning was so beautiful too, that that, oh, we had like a devotion and we just kinda like read through.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we read the Bible, and I don't. I don't really be reading the Bible, and it kinda made me wanna read the Bible more. I'm not gonna lie. Yeah, definitely it's a cool book. It is. It is one of the best sellers and it will all of all times, it always will be, I see why yeah? Those stories are crazy too, like she be telling me stories about prostitutes and I'm like, wait, this is in the Bible. Yeah, definitely rehab. What the heck. Rehab was a prostitute Doesn't mean she stayed that way.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

But you know, when she came to know certain things and she came from the bloodline of Jesus. So it just kinda shows people that look like if you feel like your family is completely broken and messed up, please know that families have been broken and messed up from the beginning of time and it just shows how God redeems generations that turn to Him. So that was pretty powerful, yeah. But there is a verse I cannot remember where it is, but it says one second. It's coming to me, Sorry.

Speaker 2:

It's okay, Pastor Kirsten.

Speaker 1:

Oh, wow, I'm getting, I'm getting the Pastor Kirsten, taking this, what's going on? It says I made a little hole in the sin. I didn't notice it and I think that's what distracted me, right, cause I like there's like I tell you, like my brain is like that's something, like I supposed to be thinking about a memory verse and that thing. Consider it, okay. So back to the memory verse that you asked for. Consider it pure joy when you face trials of many kind, because through the trying of your faith you're going to be proved worthy, right.

Speaker 1:

So consider it pure joy when you face trials of many kind and don't really quote me on that fully, but I know that I just kind of paraphrased it and basically what it means is when things happen that doesn't go your way, and when there is trials, tests and other stuff. Going back to what we what this show is about, know that when those things happen, they come to test your faith, right. And when they come to test your faith, that's why it says consider it pure joy. So rather than looking at it as something, oh, this is something so terrible, this is something so bad, look at it as joy, like kind of say, oh, you know what this came to hinder me. But I'm not going to let it hinder me, I'm going to push through. So I consider it pure joy when I face trial of many kinds Now.

Speaker 1:

I know what doesn't work. Now I know what doesn't work and I can cross that out and try it a new way now. Can try it a new way now, exactly, yeah. Yeah, you can't grow and be perfect at the same time. You can't so lean into your failure. I know it sounds crazy, yeah, but you should be happy, like she said, because now you know that there's so much more to learn. You're not a master, so enjoy the journey of it, definitely. And done is better than perfect, done is better than perfect. That's a big one, deja. I think I'm literally going to write that down and keep that with me.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's gonna yeah, that's gonna help me to get through a lot of stuff, because it's like you're working on something and You're like, oh my goodness, if I'm hunting, listen, my name is attached to it. So you know, you kind of have this mentality of, well, whatever I give in, it has to be well done.

Speaker 1:

I think that's a very big with our culture, specifically like our Jamaican background, like they strive for excellence, you get in warped if you're not Producing what you need to produce, or if you come home with something where I was like kids will come home, it up, be, or you know. So, yeah, my friends used to be so confused I'll be like I got an 80. Oh my god, and they'll. And they'll be like oh my god, I wish I got an 80. You know what I mean? Yeah, but I literally was like no, anything. 90 and below, I Can't bring that home. Yeah, and and that is where it stems, that is where that profession starts stemmed in us, because we start to feel like it is not good enough. We were not affirmed to say, okay, great job, good job, you did good.

Speaker 1:

No it's like, no, we are going that, yeah, what we send you to school for I send you to school to come home with this, yeah, what we send you to tutoring far is, if it's not a hundred, they're not satisfied, oh, it's not satisfied, and it's like that's not realistic. So, yeah, exactly, I think that could. My thing is let them take what we taken under the stress we got in this day and age and see how they come out. Oh, no, they were crumble because, but then they had that freedom and not opportunity. They didn't have as much distractions, exactly as we do today. They didn't have as much things competing for their attention. Exactly, and as harsh as they like to say, their parents were on them, but then they had to keep them in line, they had to keep them in check.

Speaker 1:

There's so much things right now fighting for attention. There's so much other additional labels right now and, um, yeah, so many other things popping up now compared to then. So, yeah, I'm just grateful, grateful. We made it out, yeah, and now we have to undo that programming. He rose above the madness. Yeah, it was above the madness. Yeah, onto the next generation. Now, what? What are we gonna do for?

Speaker 2:

that next generation.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm not trying to feed them, no more madness. So, yeah, this is, this is just beautiful what we're doing here. You know, I think so too. I think so too. It's just flowing to, like just the environment, the beach, the topics, this whole trip of you coming and visiting me, helping me get myself set up, Mm-hmm, there's a lot of things that I'm learning from yourself, you know, there's a lot of things that I, like I started to browse through some of the videos, mm-hmm and I can't remember the guy's name right Mm-hmm, but he was speaking on a specific topic and just to hear yeah just to hear the way he just spoke so Naturally about it, just to see him Just share how he really feels, speak truth, I was like, wow, this podcasting is, it's a way of life, my yeah and things out.

Speaker 1:

things are getting out there, yeah, and even with things that are fighting for people attention, I think with the podcast like yours, that is fighting for the right attention.

Speaker 2:

You know what I mean that is you're feeling like you want regret.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you won't regret watching. Yeah, you're always gonna learn something. You're always gonna have some type of Just revelation in a way. That's it. That's it because, even sitting here right now, like there's so much things that I just learned about what we talk about mm-hmm, different perspective, because obviously we're two different people. Yeah, we live in two different countries. So just to hear some of the things that you share about back in New York, some of the things that I share about over here and came on, mm-hmm, it's, it's really good when you have these conversations and I think there's so much conversations on foolishness, right, yeah, that anything about all you get your ass.

Speaker 1:

Eight Grown man in a room with other grown man talk about all. You get your ass a bro. Yeah, like, yeah. No trust in really me.

Speaker 2:

So like there's.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there's stuff out there that's like, wow, people really sit and talk about this. Like you can understand, like you know if they're at a bar or whatever the case may be. No, they actually paid for studio time to talk about it.

Speaker 1:

Hey, for studio time to talk about absolute rubbish and it's like I, I'm sorry, I prefer to plug myself into something that's gonna edify me. So I definitely think these are. What you're doing is super conscious. Yeah, it's a movement. It's a movement and I want to see more of that. For Gen Z's yeah, I want to see more of them, because the label on them right now it's not good, right, and they got a break. That stick my so no, not all of us is out here doing Whatever you have, no, no values.

Speaker 1:

No, nothing for anything falling for anything. You know, we spoke about the man that builds his house on the rock versus the man that builds his house on the sun. Yeah, right, and and that's why I'm grateful for is that you have that good foundation and even now, more so, you're walking and not and I look forward to other people that are gonna come on your show and your light is gonna shine and that's gonna open a door to bring them out of darkness.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

For real. I appreciate you. Look at the chickens behind us. Oh, they're just like, definitely, like we want to get seen in New York. We're seeing over a while. Yeah, they want to be. They won't go viral. They want to go viral real bad. But thank you for reaching the end of another episode. I appreciate you shout out to you like, oh my god, you reach another episode. Like, oh my god, you really love yourself, god, you believe in yourself. That is fire, like it looks good on you. You're glowing like keep, keep up the faith, you know. And yeah, thank you for listening. Telepathy, telepathy, mother, that is mind over matter, baby, baby. That was good, it was.

Embracing Imperfection
Starting a Podcast
Embracing Light, Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
Finding Joy in Trials and Imperfection
The Power of Conscious Podcasting
Appreciation for Listener's Dedication