Mind Over Matter: Mindset Development

Heavenly Guidance and Manifesting Dreams

January 27, 2024 Deja Wallace
Heavenly Guidance and Manifesting Dreams
Mind Over Matter: Mindset Development
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Mind Over Matter: Mindset Development
Heavenly Guidance and Manifesting Dreams
Jan 27, 2024
Deja Wallace

On this week's episode, I'm joined by  Kirstie Johnson from Let There Be Light Podcast,  we dissect the nuanced dance between manifesting our dreams into reality and the guiding hand of a higher power. We're peeling back the layers of misconception attached to new age manifestation and sharing why it's so important to have a support system. 

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On this week's episode, I'm joined by  Kirstie Johnson from Let There Be Light Podcast,  we dissect the nuanced dance between manifesting our dreams into reality and the guiding hand of a higher power. We're peeling back the layers of misconception attached to new age manifestation and sharing why it's so important to have a support system. 

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Mind Over Matter linktr.ee/mindovermatterbabyyy
Watch Manhattan Neighborhood Network EVERY Saturday @ 12pm

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DEJA @deja.waja

Speaker 1:

Regardless if anyone supports me or not, if there's something that I put my mind to, I believe that God has given that vision to me and I'm going to do it, and I'm going to do it. And I now believe that there's an army of angels behind me protecting me guiding me and leading me in clearing and cutting the way to ensure that the plans that I have, they come into reality, that they're manifested.

Speaker 3:

Don't you know what I'm gonna do? Mind over matter is magic, I do magic. Don't you know what you think the matter is? Mind over matter is magic, I do magic. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

She got it. She got it. Yeah, I got it now. Yeah, welcome to Mind Over Matter. Baby, I'm your host, deja Wallace, and I have a lovely lovely. She's basically a co-host now at this point because it's the third time y'all see her Exactly, kirstie Johnson from Let there Be Like Podcast. Also, I love the Cousin of Mine and, yeah, we're just enjoying life right now. We're having it our way. I feel like 2024, we're really having it our way. Oh, we definitely are Like for the visuals, for the YouTube, for the content, like, if you're watching, that's what I need to say If you're watching, you get it.

Speaker 2:

You get it the girls that get it, get it. The girls that don't, don't. Okay, it's a vibe. It's a vibe. You can hear the scenery from our audio listeners. Let's give it a moment of silence. Okay let's just give it. You guessed it we're on the beach, we are, and I'm about to get kicked out by a palm tree, by a palm tree.

Speaker 1:

Let me just pull this down a bit.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, but we got the vibes right. We got the vibes right. We got the vibes right. And on today's episode I want to talk about. What are we talking about today? I want to talk about westernized. No, I don't want to talk about it. Sorry, excuse my language. Sorry, you better cut this out.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I'm going to cut that out.

Speaker 2:

On today's episode, I'm going to talk about creating your reality. Okay, it's going to be an interesting topic. I'm going to talk about creating your reality and just manifestation, and, yeah, I want to talk about that. Those two things, those are like the two main things I always talk about, but I want to talk about that in terms of your dreams, following your dreams and stuff. Okay, okay. So episode 83 is about to come in. In three, two, one, kick back, relax and enjoy the ride, definitely, yeah. So, kirstie, how do you feel about manifestation To be?

Speaker 1:

honest manifestation when I hear that a lot of things, obviously you know there's new age manifestation as well as me being a Christian, I believe manifestation for me is a bit different because I see it as God's will coming into play and you walking in His will. So whatever he has designed for you, you walk into that. So that's my way of manifestation. The first is people that walk in the path of you know kind of self-rule or self-government. I would believe that God gives me dreams and visions and, based on the dreams and visions that he has given me, I walk into that path. It's almost to say that I have a part to do, you have a part to do. It's not just something that, like what we mentioned, some people just talking, talking, talking, talking, talking. It's in the doing. So I believe that manifestation that's a part of doing and just watching things fall into place when it comes to plans.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I feel like social media always ruins everything. It kind of battered the word Manifestation, yeah, and it kind of just made that word like a buzzword in a way. Yeah, because manifestation is way more work than what I see on social media with just like, of course, speech, speaking your reality into existence is a big part, but the work is what you need to do as well. Yeah, that I feel like, you know, a lot of people are afraid of the work. They don't want to do the work because it's too hard, it's too rigorous and it just, I feel like it breeds contentment. It breeds just delusion in a way, you know, and not the good kind of delusion. Oh yeah, you know, and what I've been seeing a lot in this like social media age is a lot of like. It's a lot of like.

Speaker 2:

It's kind of like a tainted way of looking at self-love, where self-love looks very blissful, it looks fun, it looks like so true, it looks very like pampering yourself, going to the nail salon, but self-love isn't always going to look aesthetically pleasing for your Instagram. Oh no, sometimes you're breaking down, crying because you thought you healed from something, but something triggered you where your faith was tested, and you're not really healed from that and, all that being said, the work is not going to be pretty. God is going to challenge you and I like that. You said that this new age of manifestation Because this word has been around for a time yeah, and that's what we're claiming it about. Yeah, but there's just been like this Tainted view. Like I said, social media love just abusing things, you know for sure. So talk more about God's will, because you said a part of how you interpret manifestation For you is just letting go and letting God and just giving your will over to him God's will. What does that mean to you?

Speaker 1:

Thank you for that question. There's, I think, god's will for me is something where it's His plans, so I can have a plan and I'll share, like with my podcast. Right, I wanted to start podcasting about a year ago and the same topic that you said about Not putting in the work, just having this dream, right? God gave me that vision About a year ago and that vision didn't become a reality, right, it didn't manifest until a year after, and when it did, it was because I started to put in the work. So I would say that was a part of his will for my life, as well as taking responsibility Right in responsibility for the fact that he had given me all the tools that I needed to get it done and there's a lot of procrastination there, but still realizing that things happen in the right timing. I think timing is a big part of his will and there's certain things that needed to happen in my life.

Speaker 1:

Whereas before my faith was wavering and I can be very honest, I was in and out, there was things that I was struggling with that I didn't feel confident coming on camera and talking about if, like. Basically, I didn't want to be a hypocrite, right? I didn't want to say that, oh, I submit to God's will, and then I'm really not like, I'm living a different type of life. I think he had to take me through that process of where I understand what it meant to submit my plans to him and through submitting my plans to him, the vision that he gave me back then it manifested into now, right into where we are right now, podcasting on the beach. You know, my very first podcast. So I would definitely say for me, that is his will, submit in my plans to him and allowing him to take leave and that's beautiful, because you did mention a part where you said that I love to get beat by this palm tree.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, this thing is abusing her.

Speaker 1:

It's like abusing me. The devil is like. I don't want this word to get out. It's gonna get out, though it's gonna get out, it's gonna get out, and you do go and prosper.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know what they're formed against me. Shout Prastha. Yeah, um, so you talk about timing. Timing is everything it is and Sometimes your timing is not God's timing and it's beautiful that you are able to see that and that you aren't too hard on yourself for that waiting period before between that vision and the manifestation into the vision physically, because in that waiting period it can be very discouraging. It was yeah, honest, it was very time that I was discouraged.

Speaker 2:

I'm just happy that you got out of your head and you just took this lethal faith, because you have to take risks in life. At the end of the day, you have to take that risk because without that risk You're not gonna get any new results. You're wondering why your life is so mundane. You're wondering why you're sitting there on the couch and you can't really have anything to do, any new, any new Things manifesting your life. You're doing the same thing, the same mundane routine, and it's like man.

Speaker 2:

I'm getting the same results from this day. My days are boring. I'm not. I have no fulfillment, I have no enjoyment because you're doing the same thing and because you're not challenging yourself. You have to take the risk and you have to challenge yourself because, failure with failure, you know that you are actually challenging yourself and a lot of people are afraid to take that leap of faith and take the risk because, back to that last episode, perfectionism and I'm happy that you were able to see that at the time you see that and that's why a lot of people have so many regrets on their deathbed, because they didn't take that risk.

Speaker 1:

They didn't do the things that they wanted to. Yeah, right the thing, the dreams and the visions it died with them.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, agree with them exactly, and they would stay sweet only dream, the only dream when you're sleeping. Yeah once you wake up and you actually foresee that dream into reality. Yeah, it's beautiful. It's beautiful I mean, I be beautiful right away, but the process is beautiful, the growth is beautiful. It just develops you into. Just just gain this confidence.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, definitely, and I like the thought that you shared that, beja, because perfectionism was something, too, that I had to get over and I'm still getting over that because I really wanted things a specific way, and that's when God had to literally pride the idea of the podcast out of my hands. He had to take it away from me for that period of time because I was trying so hard for it to look this way oh, I need to spend money on this, I need to spend money on that, and it's like I needed to slow down is what I needed to do. I needed to slow down, I needed to relax and I needed to look at what was in front of me, because I think a lot of times we do not look at what is in front of us and look at what we have and build on what we have. We keep saying, oh, we need more.

Speaker 2:

The elements of nature was really beating us up, so we're back, you may notice like a little shaking on the camera.

Speaker 1:

But that's just the wind, the beautiful Caribbean wind. It's some Christmas breeze. We don't get snow, so yeah, I would thank you.

Speaker 2:

I would hope you wouldn't get snow. Oh, that would be definitely that would definitely be the end of time.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's, that's, that's that. I never ready for that yet.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, you know what we got a lot to do before yeah we got a lot of souls to win.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and right that's what we left off on.

Speaker 2:

I don't think I shared this with you guys yet I probably did but I created this podcast because I got I got a vision and a dream. Basically, it's always like this, like crossroads that you reach in life where you know that if you choose this, if you make this decision, you're gonna go down a whole different path and if you choose that decision right and I was also talking about, like, when you take risk it's important to take risk in life because sometimes you want a better reality and you cannot have a better reality if you're doing the same things that even created that feeling of that void you created in your reality in the first place. You can't do the same thing expecting different results. That's literally the definition of insanity. So back to like me getting this vision.

Speaker 2:

I literally came to a crossroads in my life where I was like, do I want to start this podcast, be vulnerable with the world and share my story, or do I want to just continue down the path of like journalism and like go and be a news anchor? And you know, and that's two different crossroads. And I trusted God, I trusted that vision and I didn't even hesitate. The next day I was making logos for Mind Over Matter, because it's like I'm not going to take this for granted. God told me Mind Over Matter and I'm like, okay, this is what I need to do. And, all of that being said, like when you are in that vulnerable state, going from your dream to manifestation and bringing it out from your head into reality, it is the hardest part no one talks about that, though, but thank you.

Speaker 2:

The hardest part of the journey because you are literally taking a thought and making it real. You have to use your creativity, you have to use your willpower. You have to use, you have to just manifest it. And manifestation is not easy. Like I said, you have to do the work. But, like I said, starting is always going to be the hardest part because it's like Burden a child, almost it is. You know, you don't really see the child. A child is the child that you're carrying, the child for nine months. And the most painful part, the most painful part, curse because your mother. The most painful part is bringing that child into the world, into the world right out of the womb into life Exactly, and bringing that into this physical form.

Speaker 2:

That's the hardest part and that's gonna be the hardest part. Hardest part that's going to be the hardest part when it comes to manifestation is Actually starting and bringing that reality into life. Bringing it into life. All of this being said, for you, what was the hardest challenge you faced? Bringing your dream into reality. I.

Speaker 1:

Would say the hardest part I faced bringing my dream into reality, based on the analogy that you gave of this being something like a birth. Right, you have a vision, you have a thought, you have a dream, and Manifesting that, I would say the continuation, because a lot of people emphasize on the start. The start is great. You can start anything really right, you can have that thought, you can get it out, but it's the continuation. For example, deja, you started this, you had a dream, you run with your dream, you made it a reality and you didn't just make it a reality and leave it on that. You didn't leave it at episode eight, right, you didn't leave it out one season. You're now on to episode 83 83.

Speaker 1:

So I think it is the longevity of it, the continuation and the resilience, because a lot of times we start things and I can even say in my life there's so many things that I've started and then I haven't finished. So I would say the fact that you've started something that is all fine and dandy, but the continuation of that dream and vision and we know that things are for a season, at time and a place but the fact that that vision was birthed in 2020, right In 2020. We're now in 2023 and we're going into 2024 and mind over matter is boom in. It's still going. So I think that Continuing whatever you have in staying course, that's the hardest to like staying course consistency.

Speaker 1:

Consistency. Thank you perfect. She just summed it up.

Speaker 2:

Consistency. That's the name of the game. That's what's gonna separate the greats from the people that get left behind completely, like that's what separates these one hit wonders.

Speaker 2:

Yeah from the most listened to artists. You know a lot of people think that everything is going to be perfect with their consistency. You know, consistency is more so about growth. If it's not perfect, that's good. Now you know, the next time you do it what's the fix. You know, like I said, failure is Good when it comes to being consistent, because then it shows you how to maneuver, yeah, what not to do next time, yeah, and I love that, you, I love that. You said that that was, I feel like that's, the most challenging part for most people, until Until they're able to, like, get past this threshold. I feel like there's this threshold that you have to get past, where you start to see the work as Fun fruitful yeah the fruits of your labor.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and once you get past that threshold, you're actually going to Crave the work. You know, it's true, it's not even really gonna be working. Yeah, it's not really like you got over the hardest, hardest part. Yeah, and you know that. You know this is what I'm doing and you're committing to it. You know, yeah, and then I think that's going to play in so many different Aspects of your life now. Now you're like, wow, I did this with my podcast. Okay, I have a podcast. Now, let me see if I can do that with the gym. Okay, let me see if I can do that with eating healthier. And it just encourages growth, you know, in all aspects of your life, when you're walking in your purpose. It just encourages you to have yourself walking with more faith in all aspects of your life.

Speaker 1:

With manifestation and specifically from the perspective that I shared it from, with God's plan for my life. It was a lot of surrender. It was a lot of taking away the expectations that I had in realizing that if his word says that his plans are greater than mine, what more do I need to worry about. And what that did was that removed the worry when I surrendered, because there's this weight that I had on my shoulder because, like I said, it goes back to perfectionists, like being this perfectionist and perfectionism, I wanted to dictate how it's gonna be, what's the name gonna be? I tried to and I think more so, perfectionism is actually control.

Speaker 1:

There's a lot of control rooted in that you don't wanna release control and you don't wanna trust the process and trust the fact that you know obviously God got you, and trust the fact that there's other people around you that have more knowledge and reach out Because, like, pride started to set in a way, because I've been so used to being independent I was like no man, I can figure this out on my own.

Speaker 1:

Like I must be able to do this on my own. This is something that I can do YouTube, I've seen it done and it's like no reach out for help, lean in to others to encourage you. Because if it wasn't for, like, I remember doing my first episode I'm on episode three, gonna record four and my first episode I started to be like a deer in headlights and one of the things that you did was you, you put your foot down and you were very stern when I wanted to kind of like quit and give up, and I think that that is very important too in terms of having an environment and having people around you that are gonna encourage you. So, in the process of manifestation, God's gonna put people in your path that's gonna help you see that vision true.

Speaker 1:

No man's an island and I'm sure you can attest to that as well with Mind Over Matter and how it's been in the people that has contributed to Mind Over Matter, Even down to the camera person the person that has sold you any equipment for it or whatever that you can be grateful for. It took a team to get it where it is today.

Speaker 2:

And also I like that you mentioned it's the people you're around too.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Like the people around you, can really kill your dreams. You know how much parents, as I speak right now, was killing their child's dreams. Cool, major, yeah, and it really affects your self-esteem. It affects your entire life. You choose things out of fear instead of out of love. Now, because a lot of Caribbean parents especially oh yeah. They have the lines very thin when it comes between love and fear.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

It's very thin. A lot of Caribbean children. They fear, Very fearful of their parents. They fear their parents and that affects their dreams and visions. Yeah, that affects how confident they move when it comes to executing their dreams and even speaking about it, because even speaking about it you're putting it out into the reality of possibilities and God is hearing you, other people are hearing you. You never know who wants to help you and by keeping that to yourself, you're really blocking your blessings.

Speaker 1:

You're blocking your blessings. Deja Dast is very deep, yeah, just to add to that, right, that is something that I think breaks a lot of confidence within children, like when you don't have a parent. That's saying great, that's wonderful, we know, obviously they're there to guide us and some of our ideas can be very far-fetched, but I think it has been seen, and I think a lot of people will be able to relate to this, that there's things that they want to do but because of the way that they were raised and who their parents are, they can't even utter it out of their mouth because if they do, their parent will say something like and I'm just, you know, throwing the Jimmy Can accent there. Really, that doesn't make no sense, right, that doesn't make no sense. So what? So we're going to talk about singing, yeah, about singing, about being a movie star. You better go pick up a book.

Speaker 2:

But a movie star, book yeah.

Speaker 1:

You better be star at school and it's like we understand that push and that discipline that they instilled and we're grateful for that. But there's a way that you relay those messages to your child, right, and encouraging them in the arts, specifically creatives. I find that Caribbean parents can kind of they can cripple that. They can cripple that Because, if you think about it right like I think of a friend right, and this is a guy.

Speaker 1:

He loved to dance, he loved to dance, dancing was his thing, and his mom never showed up to any of his dance recitals. She never went to any of his stuff because she just figured that this is just a hobby, this is nothing, you know. And for him he's an adult now and that killed his dreams of dancing. Yes, he went off to college, got an accounting degree, all of those other stuff, but he's actually really miserable. And I said to him the other day I was like why don't you get back into dancing, why don't you revive that dream that you had? And he was like I just felt so beaten down. So I think too, once you're not encouraged and once you're not in that right environment and once you don't have people around you that are going to push that dream and vision that you have. It makes it so hard.

Speaker 2:

And it's crazy because I had a dream before and it was killed because I didn't have the support that I really needed to push me through securing that dream. My willpower alone, unfortunately, and my faith alone, unfortunately, wasn't strong. And I had a dream of playing basketball and I can say that no family member of mine ever showed up to a game. I had over 100 games, probably 200 games, and not one game a family member ever showed up to, and just seeing a family member in the crowd that could have really helped me.

Speaker 2:

You know what I mean. Yeah, and I'm not mad at it because at the end of the day, I chose another path that I'm very, very happy with. Yeah, but that is something I still think about time and time again. Man, if I was to still have that support, I could have got college paid for, I could have been traveling the world playing basketball, but that wasn't in God's will, for whatever in his plans, for whatever reason. But that's to show, if I had that support, I would have definitely been known in that area, because I believe that anything attached to me will win.

Speaker 2:

You know, Yep greatness, yeah, so Favor. Of course, I'm going to be great at what I'm doing now. Whatever I'm doing I'm going to be great at, but it would have been nice to have that support. Even with this, it would be nice to have a little bit more support, but it's like at this point I've grown and matured so much that I know that I support myself now you know what.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I choose my self, I choose my faith at the end of the day. I'm not going to wait for anybody to be like. I believe in myself at the end of the day. But I was very young then so I kind of needed that.

Speaker 1:

I like the thought that you brought that up. In terms of the game in supporting, I used to be very athletic when I was younger Super athletic and my mom didn't come to basically none of my games and because of that I gave up on a lot of things. I was really great at track and field. I was wonderful at netball, played a bit of basketball just all around her. In terms of sports, and I'll never forget inter-scholastic is when it's all of the schools competing and I had to compete for a race and I just remembered looking up and seeing the parents of the kids that I was racing against they were there.

Speaker 1:

And when I saw them and I saw the way that this mom was insecure you were insecure, right yeah.

Speaker 1:

This mom was making sure that the child's shoes when you're on track, so you need the little spike stuff. She was just making sure that her shoes were good and all of those other stuff. And I was just there kind of looking at it made me kind of look at mine too, and I didn't have someone and I just I'll never forget that race and I'll never forget seeing to myself well, what sense does this make? There's no water really cheering for me in the crowd, and I had to get over a lot of those stuff throughout life and I had to realize and I think it was from then that I said you know what, regardless if anyone supports me or not, if there's something that I put my mind to, I believe that God has given that vision to me and I'm going to do it.

Speaker 1:

And I'm going to do it, and I now believe that there's an army of angels behind me protecting me, guiding me and leading me and clearing and cutting the way to ensure that the plans that I have, they come into reality, that they're manifested, Gotcha.

Speaker 2:

If you listen to the end year, if you listen to the end of another episode. I appreciate you.

Manifestation and Following God's Will
Manifesting Dreams and Overcoming Challenges
Finding Strength and Motivation Without Support