Mind Over Matter: Mindset Development

Black Future Month Ownership and Empowerment (ft. Smart Guy)

February 10, 2024 Deja Wallace
Black Future Month Ownership and Empowerment (ft. Smart Guy)
Mind Over Matter: Mindset Development
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Mind Over Matter: Mindset Development
Black Future Month Ownership and Empowerment (ft. Smart Guy)
Feb 10, 2024
Deja Wallace

 The remarkable Aliko Yusuf Shakur, better known as Smart. Joins me in discussing the importance of knowing yourself, white supremacy, ownership and much more. Join me, Deja Wallace, alongside the trailblazing Smart, as we navigate a transformative discussion on re envisioning Black History Month to celebrate Black Future Month—a time to actively apply our knowledge for community betterment, rather than just passively consume. 

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 The remarkable Aliko Yusuf Shakur, better known as Smart. Joins me in discussing the importance of knowing yourself, white supremacy, ownership and much more. Join me, Deja Wallace, alongside the trailblazing Smart, as we navigate a transformative discussion on re envisioning Black History Month to celebrate Black Future Month—a time to actively apply our knowledge for community betterment, rather than just passively consume. 

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Mind Over Matter linktr.ee/mindovermatterbabyyy
Watch Manhattan Neighborhood Network EVERY Saturday @ 12pm

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DEJA @deja.waja

Speaker 1:

We don't have to feel bad about being who we are. They should feel bad about putting 11 year old boys in electric chairs and capital-y punishing them for crimes that they didn't commit. We don't have to apologize for being gods and goddesses. They should feel bad about hanging black men from trees and cutting their penises off and setting them on fire, or sicken German sepulchers on our sisters and having their breasts bit off by dogs and hosing them, drowning them in the streets. We shouldn't feel anything. You should have confidence, you should have attitude, you should have vigor, you should have fire. We don't owe anybody shit. They owe us every fucking thing, and this is why I stand the way I stand, because I'm tired, but I'm not sleepy, mind over matter is magic.

Speaker 2:

I do magic. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah welcome to Mind Over Matter baby.

Speaker 3:

I'm your host, deja Wallace, and if this is your first time joining me, welcome. If this is, not, welcome back. I appreciate you. Shout out to you, you real, you loyal, like you really came back to listen to another episode of Mind Over Matter baby, episode 85, your infantry. I have a very special guest today. It's after very popular demand. We have it's just smart in the building. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, howdy baby, howdy.

Speaker 1:

Okay, that's good, more like it. Okay, yeah.

Speaker 3:

It's going to be a very informative episode. We're going to be talking about the age of truth, we're going to be talking about building a brand based off of authenticity and the technological age. So that's the main topics we're talking about today. On Episode 85 of Mind Over Matter. Okay, so I hope you like, relax and enjoy this episode. So where do we start with again? So relax.

Speaker 1:

Well, we start with. We have a, we have an opportunity and, you know, I think we should no longer consider it Black History Month. I think it should be considered Black Future Month and we should no longer live in the past. We should focus on the present and beyond. And what can we do to not only share information but inspire the people that are consuming the information that we share and then use that to organize, mobilize and actually create change and build communities and build utopia?

Speaker 1:

This is not just the age of information. This is the age of application, and not apps on your phone, but applying the information that you're consuming and making a better life for yourself, your family, your community and your country. One of the greatest things I've heard was ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country. We built America, our people, we built America. We have an opportunity now to create nepotism. We have an opportunity now to have a true vested interest in America and we have an opportunity to actually produce things and create import, export businesses and companies and get the full payout of CPM, which is a course per milli, and the standardized EPM is anywhere between 20,000 to maybe 100,000. We're talking about direct line between the platform owner and the corporations that advertise with the platform owner, not the small payout which is the standard payout for content creators, maybe 20 bucks per CPM.

Speaker 3:

You're probably speaking over a lot of people heads right now.

Speaker 1:

But this is why we Google and we search so music. Back in the day, words like publishing was unheard of. We didn't know that Words like masters was unheard of. So CPM is for every thousand views. People understand the monetization of the channels. They understand that aspect.

Speaker 1:

So there's a standardized rate that a content creator is supposed to be paid for every thousand views that they receive on their content and that money comes from advertisers who advertise through these content creators, channels and platforms to the people who watch them, because those are consumers and their hope is for them to purchase their products or purchase their services. So Google made about over a hundred billion dollars in ad revenue, but they only paid out less than 200 million to content creators. And being that most content creators don't have POCs, which is point of contacts with the top people at these companies, you can't even negotiate or even begin to question well, how much did you make an ad revenue? Because the payout doesn't even make sense. And then I'm not even. I'm not even getting paid or I'm not getting paid, my just do.

Speaker 3:

So what's the, what is the solution to that?

Speaker 1:

The solution is ownership creating our own platforms, right, understanding. You know computer science, understanding computer programming, understanding software development. Also hardware development. Skill acquisition. You know writing code, understanding augmented reality and artificial intelligence and the fusion of the two. There's websites like pleursitecom, pl, ural, si, ght, pleursitecom, udemy, which is UD Udemycom, and also lyndacom, which is lyndalindacom, where you can start learning to acquire technical skills. Right, that is conducive to ownership.

Speaker 1:

But the interesting thing I mean something that is of interest to me is African Americans were conditioned to be behind. A child's learning curve is the shortest from the ages of zero or seven. So the curriculum that that child is receiving doesn't fully capitalize off of that learning curve. So we have to understand that we've been conditioned to learn things under our learning potential. So instead of ABC, it should be ambition, belief, consistency. Right, instead of giving me a letter, I should be learning a word and then the application of that word into a sentence. And then, how does that apply to my life? Right, as a child, that's what children should be learning. So, but because we have systematic racism, you know, we were conditioned to be limited, and even to today we look at other cultures as if they have some type of a magic wand that we don't have and when, all actuality is, they can't walk a mile in our shoes, right?

Speaker 1:

So I think the focus for us should be to make 2024, because two plus my brother what's your name, greg? I want you to really tune into this episode. This is going to be important, right, it's a no, so we're saying this is just that blue magic baby, right? So two plus zero plus two plus four is what Eight? Right? So it's almost like a completion, like finale, right? This year 2024 is a very important year. Okay, it's a very, very important year. So we have to be mindful of every day within this year, especially the black, black, black future month. Right, because we're no longer considering a black history month, because history is his story and whose story they talking about. They talking about the white man's story. We don't buy and subscribe to that bullshit. So we're talking about black future month. We built the pyramids, we built math.

Speaker 3:

You know, it's also interesting. I was listening to a podcast on my way here and they spoke about history. Right, and it's like his story. They never talk about the team, it's always like one person. That's always at the forefront of history. It's never like, but it's a lot of collective and it was, it was, it was a.

Speaker 1:

It was a point I wanted to make too, right, so we're focusing on sorry, we're focusing on, um, we're focusing on black future month, right, and you know, you have to raise the standard and we have to study the colonizer the same way they studied us. This is why they were in a position to colonize, because they studied us. But we taught them, right, we taught them, we gave birth to them, right, so the Greeks are not the fathers of shit. The Egyptians taught the Greeks, right, we are the fathers and mothers of philosophy, and these are these other cultures. There are children, and there are children that we allowed to be out of line.

Speaker 1:

So we have to put them back in check by being who we originally are, which are the fathers and mothers of our civilization, right, and also understanding that, um, white people are the minority with a majority, okay, and they created this lie to protect against white genetic annihilation. Okay, um, so that's something to be be mindful of, right? Also, white supremacy is a? Um, conscious, uh, uh, a construct, conscious, not subconscious, because it's not innate, right, so it's a lie. Okay, they're. They're not superior, they're inferior, right, so white supremacy is a conscious construct Um, and it's it's been. They have developed avenues to um, condition the subconscious mind of the white man, and which, in turn, um grows into entitlement. Narcissism, which grew into society to acceptance, uh, was growing to a society to acceptance, um of white privilege and, in some cases, expectation of white privilege.

Speaker 3:

When you say white supremacy, right that word specifically. I think, as a collective, for us to even accept that word and to even repeat it is basically like giving the green light for it to exist, in a way, because we're actually like you know, because listen when I say, when you say white supremacy, you're basically saying like white people are superior to you.

Speaker 1:

No, what I'm saying is is they believe this? Why I said white supremacy is a white supremacy is a real thing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it is Right and they have, but I'm saying by even saying it, no, you, you know I understand what I'm saying, like you, and you should know, I know better than that, right. So, not by even saying it, you have to. You have to identify what is being used against you, right? So when you look at police officers that just murder people, right? Like when you look at the judicial system, when you look at, you know racism is real, and a systematic racism, okay, ran by white supremacist groups. So this is why I said white supremacist, you have to understand. Before, my statement was they are inferior, not superior, you understand. So I refuted the notion of it being a, a, a, a, a, a. A actuality like the white white supremacy is not even real, right? So this is why it's a conscious construct. That's what it is. You have to understand what it is, right. So, um, so by conscious construct sorry, by conscious construct I mean they had to develop avenues and institutions to condition the mind of white people, right, so they can. So we're from a conscious construct to a subconscious construct. Now you have to understand the oppressor. You have to understand the enemy. You're taught not to understand the enemy, so you don't. If you don't understand the enemy, you don't understand what the enemy strategy is, this is war. Right, so, um, I understand and I'm studying diligently every single day, right? So this is why you, you won't get any justice or peace from the white man, because he views your elevation as his annihilation.

Speaker 1:

If every, if, if, if, if, um, hold on one second, I just got a. Uh, sorry, I got like a, I got like a little thing to do real quick. So, if, if, so, you know Martin Luther King, right? Um, he had a dream, right so if Martin Luther King's dream came true and we, we based love for all and we removed color and everybody was enjoying that and indulging in that, in terms of sex and reproduction, white people wouldn't even exist. Right, if every, if every black person was interracial and making babies and everything, we just kept doing and kept doing and kept doing, and kept doing it, maybe 20 to 50 years, white people wouldn't even be on his planet anymore.

Speaker 1:

Right, so? They know that we have the ability to genetically breed them out. See, so they've created propaganda, they created media, they've created white supremacy as a conscious construct, right To protect against white genetic annihilation. Okay, um, and I'm, I'm, I'm gonna say it again they create avenues and institutions to condition the subconscious mind of white people and then that turns into a societal acceptance of that mindset. And then now you have what is called white privilege. To where you ex. You expect someone white to not get killed by police. You expect someone because if they're white they're better or their life is going to be easier, they're going to have more opportunities. That's a lie.

Speaker 3:

But you just kind of like admitted to what I said when I said like, well, you collectively accept something like you don't hear people say black supremacy. You understand what I'm saying. So that's not the reality of it all. But because we collectively accepted that term, that's kind of like where that's where the illusion kicks in for most people to look at you know the higher ups as white supremacy in a way.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so so you, you basically is just, you know understanding cause and effect.

Speaker 3:

But I feel like every word we say we're going to have like a mental image attached with it and it's going to you have to study.

Speaker 1:

This is you have to study, so you have to study. Right, and you may not understand what I'm saying, but you know, I understand exactly what you're saying. But from what you're saying it doesn't seem like you understand.

Speaker 3:

No, I understand exactly what you're saying.

Speaker 1:

Me, me, I'm, I'm telling you what it is right and it exists.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

White privilege exists, yes. It doesn't mean it's authentic, but it exists Right Like it exists. White people believe that they're better than you.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

That is the reality. I mean, if it's subconsciously, yeah, so so let's not, let's not, let's not make a debate right.

Speaker 3:

It's not a debate.

Speaker 1:

What I'm saying is listen, let's not make a debate, right? You got to understand what I'm actually trying to say, and people, our people, need to understand this information. I'm, I'm, I'm giving you the reason why white people feel privileged. How did it come about? I didn't say I agreed with it, I didn't even say it was real. Cause it's not.

Speaker 1:

And the reason why you don't see black supremacy because you have Egyptology. That's our black supremacy. We've already proven we were authentic, like we, us being supreme. It's already been proven, okay, do history. And it's documented. So this is why you never, you never seen us having that, having that desire to say I'm, I'm black, I'm the best. And we've already proven that right, externally and internally, genetically, was superior. Right, um, the color of our skin is, is, is the, is the tangible evidence of that Right, and neuro melanin our brains produces the physical, tangible evidence of our superiority over every race. Right, so.

Speaker 1:

But if we don't understand why white people think the way they think, if white people don't understand why they think the way they think, then you have false entitlement, right. So, again, white supremacy is a conscious construct and um, because it's, because it's not innate, you're not born with it. Right Is is they have to consciously tell these people that they're better at the consciously create rhetoric and movie and films and songs and media. And every time you see a movie, the black man dies first and the white man saves the day, and Superman is white and and and Indiana Jones is white, and Tarzan some, some, some, some. Honky from nowhere, rich honky. It goes into the jungle and then there's only one that can make the lions bow to him. And when, when, when, the when the so-called real Tarzan got killed by stingray. White man can't even survive a fish, but you think he gonna go into the jungle and make Mufasa and Simba bow to him. You believed it because you seen it in the movie and he got blonde hair and blue eyes, right.

Speaker 3:

I kind of have a memory now, like growing up. There was always like the gifted and talented program in my school, right.

Speaker 1:

Well, let me finish this point real quick, right? So white supremacy is a conscious construct because it's not innate. So they had to develop avenues and institutions to condition the subconscious minds of white people, which in turn, grew into entitlement, narcissism, which grew into a societal acceptance right, it grew into a societal acceptance, which also grew into a societal acceptance of White privilege and, in some cases, an expectation for white privilege. Right. So they worked this mentality into the minds of their people and into the minds of us. I remember being young watching Saved by the Bell, mad at myself because my hair wasn't like Zach, okay. I remember being young looking at my hair, mad at my hair, and I wanted my hair to look like honor Schwarzenegger. I want to go like that with my hair Right, and I felt bad because I couldn't do it. I remember being young wanting to be light-skinned, wishing I had lighter eyes and if anybody's being real, 90% of people in our culture, they they grew up with colorism. They grew up wishing they had blue eyes and gray eyes and hazel eyes. But those are genetic insufficiencies, right? Did the black you are? The more powerful you are, the stronger you are. We've been conditioned to accept white supremacy as a truth when it's a lot right. So when you understand what they did, not only to themselves but to us and they got a, saw the jacket, they got us all to accept it then we can reverse it. But you have, before you reverse something, you have to reverse, engineer it right. You have to understand cause and effect.

Speaker 1:

I'm not, I'm not, I'm not biased, I'm not a fool. I read Hitler's book. Okay, mine come from my struggle. But we taught you Hitler's a bad guy, he's evil. So how many people actually studied Hitler? How many people actually studied a bin laden? Right? How many people know Evil insurgents? Don't al-qaeda? No, no, good. No, I'm gonna study all this shit, because a lot of times when America tells you a person is bad, they're really good. Okay. So we have to. We have to begin to not not be Defensive but be receptive. Okay, because they create things like even this, this whole, this whole platform, right, you know how many black content creators might see my, my, my, my dear friend over my right shoulder and feel like, well, I can't do the same thing he does? They feel like he has some type of a technique.

Speaker 1:

This is, we just started getting into media. Right, it was always the white guys, that was, the editors in. Right, we're better than them, but we're conditioned not to think that way. Right, you walked in. You say, hey, you like to set up? I said, yeah, to set up is cool, but get your own setup Right. You're not building your house in someone else's backyard and you're not uncomfortable to Discuss, to discuss Ownership, because this is what we're talking about. We're talking about building a brand and you have to be diligent and you have to have Internal self-esteem. I'm not, I'm not his house, I'm not his nigga. He don't own me. That's my son, I'm his father. I Know the truth.

Speaker 3:

I want to. I want to go back to Right.

Speaker 1:

But I want to make sure I get this off. This is important right, and I understand that. How to? How to Disembowel, deconstruct or destroy that white supremacy conscious construct? I'm not a. I'm not a Destructed or deconstructed right not to take it apart because it's not real.

Speaker 1:

But first I have to understand what it is, because it's a real thing that exists, even though it's not a real thing that exists. See. So now when I understand, I'm like, okay, oh, this is why you feel like you better than me. This is why when I'm in a line of Starbucks and the old white lady walks up, she thinks I'm just supposed to just move out the way. Even though she came in here later than everybody, she could just skip the line because she's white. This is what, no hell, no. So when I understand why you think this way and how you got that and how you got to that point of thinking that way, right then I can educate myself on how to accept different and go against the society to acceptance of white privilege and white supremacy and create a new Social construct, create a new conscious construct that benefits my people and then create a new Society to acceptance of the social construct that I actually constructed, my motherfucking self.

Speaker 3:

It's a lot. It's a lot. I don't know if I should even backtrack anymore.

Speaker 1:

No, it's okay, Give you if you want to. You Don't mean good, it's all good.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, um, but growing up I went to a predominantly black school. They had a gifted and talented program. Going into the fourth grade they took out the gifted and talented program so my mother wanted to change me to a new school. So the only school in the area that had it now was a white school was in Mill Basin. So I ended up going there and it was interesting. I did not get into the gifted and talented program there and I've been in gifted and talented since I was in pre-k. And it was interesting because Most of the kids in my class this was like the remedial class.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

They literally put all the black kids in the remedial class and all the gifted and talented kids they got to take like more advanced classes. Mm-hmm, it was literally like segregation. Like they had them in the white. They had mostly the gifted and talented with full of white kids and then, like anytime, like a really smart black it would apply. Like they'll deny them, of course. I mean because you understand?

Speaker 1:

right, the board of education. There's a conspiracy to destroy little black boys, right? That's one number two. The board of education is in on it. So what happens is it's no such thing as a child genius. Every child is a genius.

Speaker 3:

Yes, and even putting gifted and talented, even like, made us feel away as if, like you know, we're kids, we like them, like they're the smart kids they could take. You know calculus, we can't only reason only.

Speaker 1:

So again, a child's learning curve is the shortest from the ages of zero to seven. By learning curve I mean that child's ability to learn to consume new information and their ability for skill acquisition is through the roof. Okay, so the only difference between Steve Jobs and me is he got access to computers. I got access to VCRs Right, because when I was young I should take apart everything I should take. I was obsessed with that how shit was built. Right, I should take things apart and put it back together. And when I read Steve Jobs book and I did, you know, I Found out he did the same thing as a child. But then his adopted parents gave him computers Right.

Speaker 1:

I got ass whoopings for taking things apart and putting it back together Right. And I and I got to the point where I got good at it, taking it apart and putting it back together. So that hunger for curiosity was starved because I came from a dysfunctional family. And Steve that hunger for curiosity was fed and he became full right and that evolved into you. What you see is an apple, right. So it doesn't mean that the child is smarter or the child is more stupid, it's just who has the type of access and who gets it the earliest Right. So they strategically create curriculums in the ghetto for our people to limit our potential. And when we get past the learning curve then they give you a little bit more access to information, because you've already been conditioned not to even give a fuck about that information. That will benefit you the most.

Speaker 3:

Right. By that time you're already stuck in your ways, right.

Speaker 1:

So the key, the key to changing that is these conversations. Right, you know my mantra how you think creates how you feel. How you feel becomes an emotion, that emotion becomes a vibration, that vibration becomes a magnet that a person can see. So you have to think thoughts that are conducive to your true self, not the thoughts that the colonizer or the recessive, because they're recessive, they're the recessive, right, like you know, we're the dominant, they're the recessive. So you know you're conditioned to think things that limit you, even as an adult. So you have to, you have to, you have to break that, break that mind, fuck right, break those mental chains and truly become free.

Speaker 3:

How did you gain the confidence to even be yourself in every room you walk in and to speak your truth in every room?

Speaker 1:

Well, well, shit, what's a God compared to to a roach? I don't fucking know, right like I'm a God, so I don't. I mean I don't know, like I'm me, right like I don't know. I mean I'm not gonna answer that, right like I'm me. I'm very, I'm very pleased with myself.

Speaker 3:

You've always been like that.

Speaker 1:

A million percent. I've developed it right. I've developed it more because I've done my research. So when you do your research not the question, I would have won the hill or access what, what's the steps to it? Right, like, how do you do it right? You got to study who. Who are you? Who are you? I'm the father of civilization. What, oh how can I not be confident? Talk about calculus. I invented math, psychology, I invented it. She doesn't mean yes, then, like I invented it, like you like, do you understand? Like you understand who you are. So when you, when you know who you are, there's a different level of confidence that comes with who you are. I invented the fucking planet, everything on this planet that ever spent we created. I'm the first man on the planet. This is the first man in the moon. One step for what I say, one step for America one step for man.

Speaker 3:

One step for man, whatever right, I'm like, I'm like.

Speaker 1:

I'm like I'm like um, um, um, the fuck is his name? Armstrong, neil Lawrence, neil Lawrence. I'm like I'm like a chocolate Neil. I've been here, man, I took my foot. Presses is set. So when I understood, when I understood what I come from and who I am, I felt excited about it. I couldn't, you know, I couldn't believe that. Oh, I was a nigger, I was a guy. I couldn't believe that shit. I couldn't believe that I was less. When I felt stronger, I looked better. We never seen a white Michael Jordan's, you haven't got Larry bird, you ain't never seen a white.

Speaker 1:

Michael Jordan's you've never seen a white, michael Jordan's fuck his. Larry bird you ain't never seen a white. You ain't never seen a white. You ain't never seen a white. Wolf Chamberlain's they never seen a white. Chiquillo Nils no white. Kobe Bryant's no white. Lebron's they see no white. Mike Tyson's you ain't see no white. Muhammad Ali's okay, you didn't see that shit, you didn't. You didn't see that. Okay. So if we're gonna talk about superiority, right, let's talk about physicality. You want to talk about physicality, everything physical we dominate. How could I be inferior?

Speaker 3:

but it's up for swimming we dominate that too. I think that we dominate. That too, it's just listen. Let me tell you something have the resources. It's not about the resources.

Speaker 1:

We talk about propaganda people in Kenya.

Speaker 3:

I know they're right.

Speaker 1:

This is why this is why we see the marathon, the runners right. Anything we involve in, anything we indulge in, we dominate. History has proven that we have declined, not not elevated, we've declined. So what that means is, if we dominate everything physical now and we do not even see the best version of us and we're still dominating everything, what the fuck do you think our ancestors was? 300 was Shaka Zulu. That was fake Leonis. I'm in a real person who the movie 300.

Speaker 3:

This is part of okay that story is fake, you know.

Speaker 1:

You know they really was talking about Shaka Zulu and the Zulu warriors with the Spears in the shield. That's our story.

Speaker 1:

I think woman King kind of reenacted that even woman King was bullshit because they try to talk about the Zinger and the Zinger was the leader of the homie tribe. Right and the homie tribe when you see Black Panther right, they made it like the chicks with the bull head. The homie tribe was worked with Nazinga and they were assassins and they cut their left breast off so they could draw their arrows. But it was black women warriors who were just committed to why you said I remind you in the Zinger.

Speaker 1:

Then that was a compliment right, but what I'm saying is is so what I'm saying is is, you know, we, we were forced to be reckoned, right, yeah, and our ancestors was so powerful. Every story that you hear, when you hear of like Stoke, when you hear of like Thor or X-Men, you know, stan Lee created the whole X-Men people based upon inspirational for African gods, right like this, is like Logan Oleg on, right like you got to Google this, so you understand I'm not bugging the fuck out, right, so we are everything, okay, we're everything. And the white man, it, it, it fucks with his ego because it gives him a pinch to wake his ass up out of that dream, from that, from that conscious construct, right, and it's like, oh my god, what the fuck, mother fuck, are you did this too. How much we created martial arts? They made you think it was some Chinese people. You, they made you think that that the right brothers or the fathers of of aerodynamics.

Speaker 1:

When, when Alexander the fake found in the Faro's tomb fucking statues of shit looking like planes, you crazy, nah, man. So do you know? Answer your question, um, and what's your brother name? Again, I forgot his name, greg. I want you to tune in, greg. I want you to tune in because everything happens for a reason, right, you wasn't allowed to see Tupac, but you allowed to see me, okay, you wasn't around to see Muhammad Ali, you're around to see me. So you got to soak up this energy, okay, because energy is real. So when you get in proximity of it, right, this power and proximity, right, you got to do, got to do, got to, and I'm open to you, you, you, you, receiving this right. So, really, lock in, right, um, with the fathers of everything.

Speaker 1:

So this is how I go into any room known who I am, because I know who I am right and I am the original, I am the first, I am a God, and everything that you assign I, everything you add, I am to, becomes added to you see.

Speaker 1:

So there's a, there's a healthy dose of conscious construction going on in my mind and in my subconscious mind, both of them right. So when I step into a room, I'm stepping in with that confidence, and that confidence is developed with due diligence, research, study and asking that question who, who are you, who am I, who are you, who am? I am the original man, see, and then, when you have that, when you have that, then it's proof, it's okay to be, have delusions of grandeur right. Or you be narcissistic and inflate a sense of yourself right. But when you start to look shit up and you really find out that that shit you're saying is true and it's shit in the history books to back it up, you better be confident, you better believe in yourself so when you say I am a God, right yeah have you ever?

Speaker 3:

I know you've always received like backlash for that.

Speaker 1:

I don't see backlash for that. Well, not always, but no, I don't see back. Let me get this question out for you.

Speaker 3:

I don't see backlash, I'm just let me know, when you say I'm a God, do you think that's any form of like, like putting yourself at that standard?

Speaker 1:

I'm at that standard, right I am, I know alright, saying you are a God right.

Speaker 3:

Is it egotistical in a way? Because God like do you feel like you can be humbled, then?

Speaker 1:

you've been conditioned. You've been conditioned. That question comes from a low vibrational place. Right, that question, even even you, even you asking that question, comes from a low vibrational place because you, she's like superwoman captured by Lex Luger, put in a community that has kryptonite in every building. Right, and here I come fresh, fresh from a trip from the sun, ready to throw a tractor trailer over the roof, right so?

Speaker 3:

what's your definition of God then?

Speaker 1:

no, listen, you got to do diligence right and you know you've been conditioned to accept the white man as your God no, I haven't, you have.

Speaker 3:

No, I have, we all have. Tell me that when you walk it.

Speaker 1:

Okay, listen, I don't base things that base like see, when I said it's not a debate, right?

Speaker 1:

now I'm not debating, but let's, let's keep it moving for right, because it because you're debating now, right, a debate is you have to like. I'm not based on this, on what I feel, I'm based on what I know. You can walk in any church right now. You now see no black Jesus. You can walk in any church right now and you can make. And what if you do? You can walk in any church right now. You're talking like we're wasting time. Let me just, but let me just address this right, because, and again, every black person that becomes really woke, he has to be patient with his people. That's not as woke.

Speaker 1:

So when people you say I'm a God, right, you've been conditioned, we all been conditioned, to accept white men as God. If we took, if we took a, we did like a challenge, right, and you say how many churches do you see white Jesus, virtually see black Jesus, you're going to see way more disproportionate pictures of white Jesus. If you see any churches, they got white Jesus in it. Anytime you see the big churches, the big, big churches on TV, what you see? A bunch of white people, the Pope, everybody. Right, you've been conditioned, we have been conditioned. We've been given their religion. We've been given even their interpretation of their religion.

Speaker 1:

And when there was things that gave us credit, like the Apocryphus right, the missing parts of the Bible, they took it out and they assassinated Martin Luther. Martin Luther was the one who deciphered. He was a German guy. He deciphered the missing parts of the Bible. They killed him and took it out, the Bible. And you got King James Version.

Speaker 1:

You've been taught, but in the very Bible you've been told, did I tell ye, ye were gods? You've been told in the Bible, but you wasn't taught that in Sunday school, you wasn't taught that in church. In the Bible it tells you you are a God. But you gonna say to him you're like no, I'm not, I'm a man and Jesus is coming from the sky. And Jesus, get the fuck out of here with that bullshit. I'm a God and whether you know it or not, or accept it or not, that's your problem. Okay, you are a God, my brother. Okay, you are a Goddess. Whether you accept it or not, that's your choice, because you have free will. Okay, so you know, there's what they call irrefutable truths, and when people try to refute an irrefutable truth, it means they have self-hate, it means they don't have confidence, it means they don't really love themselves. But you've been conditioned not to love yourself. You've been conditioned to hate yourself and this is why hold on.

Speaker 3:

So do you think there's like a consistent truth? And let me bring it and I got you.

Speaker 1:

I know you got your questions, but let me get back to this point, right, because you know I go against the grain. This is why the white supremacy is a conscious construct. Okay, they conditioned themselves to believe the lie as truth and they conditioned you to believe the truth as a lie. What is our truth? We are gods and goddesses. This is the truth. This is the facts. We are genetically superior. We are designed to live forever.

Speaker 1:

We have a third eye, we have pituitary glands, we have shit in our bodies that, if activated and used properly, then that shit that you say God, you will see. You will see shit floating and stuff like that. Why do you think when you go to the hospital, you get immunization shots? Why do you think you go to the hospital, even to this day, if you might hear a sudden ring in your ear out of nowhere, even to this very day? Right, you be like what the fuck? You hear a ring in your ear.

Speaker 1:

They did things to block our powers. Okay, if you ever see, if you ever see, it was like a Marvel thing, right, and they had took the God's powers, right, like, like, like, they have shit to block shit, like. No, like Magneto puts the thing on his head. And when he put the thing on his head, professor Xavier can't read his thoughts. They block our shit from us. They genetically did shit to us. They're shit in the foods, right, and that's the next point I'm gonna touch on too as well, right? So we've been conditioned to believe the lie as the truth, and they have created avenues, institutions, studies, systems to get us to forget who the fuck we are. If you take a baby out, if you take a baby out of the belly and throw them in water, what happens? What happens?

Speaker 3:

I mean, the baby was already in water, kind of it happens, he swims.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he swims. He already knows that he swims. So you take that same baby, let him grow up. Don't teach him how to swim, how to fuck he drown. How does he can't swim? Now? Why he can't swim? You tell me why, right, because he forgot. So this is why part of his story is to get you to accept that you're not a God, that you can't. There's no difference between. Let me ask you a question what's the difference between this and this? Hold that thought. What's the question between? What's the difference between this and this? Right Now, check this out.

Speaker 1:

David walked on water. This is in the Bible, right, and he walked on water. He took a couple steps. Jesus said come with me, have no fear, have no fear and have faith and not no fear. Right, take courage and be without fear. Right, take courage and be without fear. Right, and he took a couple steps on the water. He walked on water, okay, so when people lay in the water, relaxed, right, they float.

Speaker 1:

So what's the difference between this and this? Just your belief, right? So when I'm saying this, we have the power to walk on water, we have the power to heal, we have the power of telekinesis, we have the power of transportation and time travel, okay, but you've been taught always magic a Harry Potter right? You don't understand voodoo. You don't understand certain things that we have. That is real White man. Make it seem like cause. He can't. It's magic. No, I'm not fucking. It's the God. It's the God in us. It's the God that's in us. There's certain people in Haiti right now that could fly. What you talking about Could fly. Go study the Haitian revolution and how them French motherfuckers were saying they seen black men, black women flying through the fucking sky.

Speaker 3:

It's interesting that you bring that up, because didn't they assassinate the prime minister? And well, he wasn't assassinated, but apparently he was killed during the pandemic because a lot of people were.

Speaker 1:

So the pandemic and the Haitian revolution is two different things.

Speaker 3:

No, I'm trying to like make a connection to like the power of Haitian, the Haitian people.

Speaker 1:

What I'm saying is so. The point I'm trying to make is not the power of Haitian people, the power of black people, the power of people the power of the original people right. So, during the Haitian revolution. This is why Haiti is independent. They killed the white people, they slaughtered them. French motherfuckers, they killed them, okay, and they use their powers. It got called voodoo and magic and the heebie-jeebies and all that bullshit, but it was them activating their high itself.

Speaker 3:

Right, I was just making a point because, like during the pandemic, there wasn't any cases in Haiti.

Speaker 1:

But what I'm saying is they still brought vaccination there and I'll just add into your point no, I get it, but I want to make sure like okay, so I'm here today to get my points off right. So we have, if you want to have, another episode where we just have like a debate and free conversation.

Speaker 3:

No, it's not a debate. I was just like.

Speaker 1:

Cool, but I don't want to talk about the pandemic, because the pandemic was just a catalyst for martial law. That's a whole other conversation and what happens is when you got so much information, people get distracted. That's the tool of the white man, too right, To distract you. The point I'm making, and the point I'm a continuously make, is we are gods and goddesses, okay, and white supremacy is a conscious construct, because it's not an ape that was developed and they had to develop avenues and institutions to condition a subconscious mind of white people, the white man, which in turn grew into entitlement, narcissism, and which grew into a societal acceptance of white privilege. Okay, so now it's a lot of white men that are not even fucking happy because that privilege works like a double-edged sword. Right, it's narcissism, it's this inflated sense of self, okay, and if the colonizer and the European would humble himself, then he and she would be more happy, they would be more at peace because they're taking their proper place in this world. Second to us, okay, so that's important. And then, just because I've been conditioned to think I'm a nigger, it doesn't mean I'm gonna live life like a nigger. Okay, Just because I've been conditioned to be limited. I got an eighth grade education. I'm smarter than a motherfucker, though, okay, my mother's smoked crack. I didn't have a father. Okay, I've been in prison, been homeless, been in the system. I rehabilitated myself, I educated myself. I'm self-educated. I'm self-motivated. Okay, I'm getting it. I'm gonna figure out how to fly and float and walk on water. Okay, Skill acquisitions, everything. I'm learning new skills. I'm learning martial arts. I can box. I'll beat the shit out of somebody, but I learned it. Then I'm gonna learn marksmanship, right, Firearms. So, the same way I could learn these things, I can learn how to use more of myself, more of my neural melanin. I got a self-mastery. There's no limit and I'm gonna let nobody not you, not, nobody, not him, not you, not, nobody watch this fucking episode, stop me from being me, and that's a God period. So I'm gonna learn.

Speaker 1:

I learned Shakespeare. I learned Ophelia and Hamlet and To Be or Not To Be. And Hamlet had a dream that his father's brother killed him in a dream. So he reenacted that same dream he had in a play and seen his fucking father's brother's reaction. I didn't fucking. I learned Hamlet, you understand. I learned that I learned Oedipus Rex in a psychological component which is the Oedipus Rex complex, because Oedipus Rex killed his father and married his mother and had daughters, and once he found out that that was his mother, he cut his own eyes out.

Speaker 1:

How did I learn? It's a kid growing in a fucking ghetto, Ain't gonna know. Fucking college. I learned it. So, the same way, I learned the information. I could learn how to be me a God. I could learn how to fly and be stronger. I've already lifted 800 pounds. I've already done things physically in the gym that I shouldn't have been able to do, right. So, and I'm saying all I have to say this is we have to change our mindset and we have to understand the things that are conducive to the changing of that mindset. Okay, and that is knowing who we are and repetitiously indulging in things from our history, our true history, our history, right, and using that as reinforcement to be who we are. God's and God's assist. Now, you see, I want the white man in the picture.

Speaker 3:

No, I already knew from the jump what you were doing.

Speaker 1:

No, you didn't. No, I didn't Sure, I promise you I did. Yeah, go on. Next one, get ahead.

Speaker 3:

Okay, I think the truth is relative, then, or the truth is consistent for everybody.

Speaker 1:

Truth is the truth. They ain't know. The truth is the truth, point blank, fucking period Cool.

Speaker 3:

So, even if people are living in illusion and just confiding in illusion, go on the roof and say, yo, I don't believe in you, and jump off.

Speaker 1:

Yo, gravity, I don't fucking truck, gravity, I don't know who you are. And you jump off. You're gonna fall, just like every mother, every other fool you're gonna be. Or go stand over alive and say, fire, I don't believe in you, you're not true. And you jump in yeah, good written, terminated thumb. You ever see terminated two. He's going down in the. Yeah, you terminated thumb yourself. Okay, and you won't be back.

Speaker 3:

Right. So do you have any like? Because when you speak it's pretty consistent across all platforms, across all podcasts?

Speaker 1:

Oh, you see the cohesion. It's pretty consistent yeah.

Speaker 3:

So do you have any like fear when you speak?

Speaker 1:

because Fear is four seven. It's a pin real.

Speaker 3:

Okay, okay. Even like studying what has happened in the past, to like Four, seven.

Speaker 1:

It's a pin real. Okay, so you can do it. Yeah, I'm sorry, queen.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I'm trying to see the direction I'm going with you, because you just shutting out everywhere.

Speaker 1:

No, we go. I mean because, no, what we're going is this we're changing your mindset, right? So I have the no labels tour, right? So I'm here today to promote my tour, obviously right, which is a seminar no labels tour, you know 24. Have the website nolabelstourcom. My good old Instagram is thesmarki underscore T-H-E-S-M-A-R-T, g-u-r. Underscore. My number is nine one, seven, nine zero, seven, three, six, eight, seven, and I'm pushing that right and I'm also pushing for black, black future month, right, and in, or black future quarter man, man, fuck, I don't know about a month man.

Speaker 3:

So what does that look like too?

Speaker 1:

Oh man, shit. Institutions us, us building, utopia building, you know, building our communities right, creating opportunities in our communities, creating institutions in our communities right and putting our people in a better position and having an actual goal and deadline for those positions that we feel our people should be in. So, when you see these rallies and these protests, justice or else well, we don't know else. And and and and and and or else means self right. Give us justice or else well, else means. Or else means self, self reliance. I'm not here, I'm not, I'm not a slave, I'm a free man. So I don't, you know, I understand that there's people who still struggle with confidence and self-esteem and they think the white man is God and he's not. He's not even a God. You know, you know, and I'm here to build institutions and be alive, to see it and enjoy my life's work. Okay, because there's people that died for us to even be in this room and have this conversation. They died so they can't even see and they're not here to enjoy it. And they died for us to be beneficiaries of their death. And we're not even collecting all the fucking, you know, money from the inheritance. You're a great grandfather to die for you to have $2 billion and you ain't even get $20. Fuck, wrong with you, man Right, and nothing is in the way. Unless you believe that it is in the way, nothing has power unless you give it power through your fear in it. And what is fear? False evidence appearing real, why I got the evidence that you, that shit ain't fucking real, so I ain't gonna fear nothing. Fuck, you mean right. And when there's no enemy on the inside, no enemy on the outside Can ever do it, can ever do us any harm. So we have to remove the enemies that the white man put inside of our subconscious mind. That creates a limiting conscious construct, that is a destructive construct inside of our subconscious minds, and we're creating things Based upon. You know that thought process. But that was given to us by, by the people who try to oppress us and Continuously try, and they will try forever.

Speaker 1:

We won't get any type of a Peace for anybody who calls himself white. We're not gonna get any type of opportunity from someone who causes of white. Because they can't, you can't, the fuck. Lowest lane, don't save Superman, see Superman and Superman. Okay, we're not looking at the guy, do? The guy was a guy named in Peter Parker's fucking Building. I forgot his name, man, we ain't like this, peter. But Spiderman is coming. We're calling the guy with the with the shit, the shit face beard and not gonna bend, the guy that works in the fucking newspaper place. He's. Oh yeah, you call him spider-man.

Speaker 1:

So you expect somebody to do for you what they can't do for you and they don't want to do it for you anyway. So we got to do for self right and and and that's my focus, and that's my expectation and for 2024, this is what we doing. This is the year, this is our year. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. We're building skew, we're building schools, we're building pharmacies, we're building black police departments. Okay, we're not worrying about political positions anymore, because the government has done nothing to help us.

Speaker 3:

Why do you think there's such a lack of execution? Does that go back into self-esteem as well?

Speaker 1:

Of course because, but. But it starts with again. This is why I can't get back and bring me back to my notes. Man, what you think white supremacy is a conscious construct. You have been fucking Subconsciously, you've been brainwashed, you've been mind fucked. They condition us. Listen, even in the foods. A baby right. There's chemicals in the milk they feed babies. That creates autism. There's chemicals in a food that creates emotional disorders. There's chemicals in a food that creates bipolarism, dementia, arthritis, schizophrenia. They put those chemicals in the food. The fuck us up. Msg. So every time you go to change restaurant, you use MSg in yourself.

Speaker 3:

Okay, it's funny because I work at a vegan restaurant now so I kind of see like a lot of the back end of it and it's funny because people they're labeling Things that are vegan and it's still bad Of course, because, again, this is, this is the agenda.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I've been on a. I've been on a juice, a juice, fast, right, every morning I'm waking up, I'm just drinking juice. I feel better in the morning. I should wake up in the morning and I have to over mantra myself. Now I just feel I feel different in the morning. I feel good. I don't, I don't, I'm. My emotions are being more stabilized now Because I'm only eating fruit and vegetables. This was happening to me. Now, see, I feel more excited, more I'm getting more energy.

Speaker 1:

I'm like, oh shit, okay, but we were, but we wasn't taught that. Right, we were given a dietary plan to fuck up our emotions. My fuck is evil. That's why they said the white man is the devil. Okay, so I don't have no expectations on peace from the motherfuckers. They can go their way. I'm going my way, but my way is the way. So I'm focused on that right.

Speaker 1:

So, um, you know, in 2024 you got to get more serious. Great, right, gotta get more serious. Right, you got it. You know you got to make the name change. You got to get dual citizenship. Okay, stop taking the slave master's name. Are you a slave if he called you boy and said nigga, go get my water, but you go get his water. Yes, I must, yes, I boss. I Slapped the shit out of him and say who the fuck you talking to? And then and then we'll you man, it'd be some furniture moving. This motherfucker. Now I ain't no fucking night, your boy See. So you, so we. This is this is our moment, and you have to be mindful of what promises you made at the end of 2023. What the fuck are you gonna do? Right, build your podcast, build your platform up. Right, get your own shit and Just get it and go through the process and stop looking for other people To drive you to work when you the best driver and you can go get your own fucking car. That's what it's about.

Speaker 3:

How important is it to build your brand right now, in this day and age?

Speaker 1:

It's not important to build your brand. It's important to build the platform that your brand is built on. It's important to own the platform before you try to build a fucking brand. I want to build a brand, oh, I'm a brand. Look at me. Oh, I'm on YouTube. Now, I got a problem with that, I got, I got, I got a me price. I got a problem with that, right. So everybody says, yo, I got, I got four billion views on tick tock. I got like seven billion views on fucking YouTube. I'm everywhere. Right, I don't got a podcast because I own radio station, yet I.

Speaker 3:

Don't start a podcast.

Speaker 1:

That's not a podcast. I'm not starting a podcast. Did you hear what I said? No, I said you wouldn't right. I don't own a radio station, yet Okay so you rather own I don't own a satellite yet. Okay, so this is a process you have to. You're not ambitious because you condition not to be so. This is what I'm talking about. Right conscious fucking construct.

Speaker 3:

No, I'm ambitious, I'm ambitious. I'm not saying you, I'm saying you, you just saying, in general, don't.

Speaker 1:

I be defensive.

Speaker 3:

I'm just saying so, so no.

Speaker 1:

Listen, you being defensive. Elon Musk, right. Elon Musk, right. Look what he's doing. What fuck is buying satellite satellites is 12 million dollars. Okay, we can purchase the satellite. We can build the website. We can build our own streaming service. We can have our own servers. It's all about having our own. 2024 is about ownership. That's. That's the fucking brand. I need to own this shit.

Speaker 1:

I Keep trying to depend on somebody else. When I got to depend on myself, and just because they had a head start and I've been, I developed the habit of dependent, of Codependency doesn't mean I'm gonna stay that way. I can't do it. I'm not gonna do it now.

Speaker 1:

To get here in this podcast, you had to wait, didn't you? You had to wait outside. He came in, probably, took his time a some hummus, drunk some coffee, did what the fuck he did, because it's his he's. He got the keys. He got the keys. He ain't doing that wrong. Okay, I'm gonna get dressed. I got my nice little truck downstairs, right? I'm gonna take my fucking time. Yo, bro, you gotta take me here, cool, but yeah, I'm gonna make sure I take my motherfucking time. So I'm good and ready and comfortable, right? So you, you, you either gonna accept it or make a change. And the way to make the changes Stop worrying about what you don't have and utilize what you do have and become happy with what you have.

Speaker 1:

Get your cell phone, greg, okay, and shoot to start shooting the episodes off the phone. And it only makes sense to do a work with my good friend right here. If it's for a bigger play, right, what's your name? So if you go to Felix, you say Okay, so, and what's up? Man, alright. So you say, hey, felix, we got this McDonald's play set up, we trying to do something with Mickey D's man, you know my podcast mind over matters and you, let's, let's, let's put this together, man, collaboration, right, not, not, not, not.

Speaker 1:

Fake collaboration. So, in order for it to be a true collaboration, you gotta have peanut butter and he gotta have jelly beans. Somebody has some fucking bread, okay, so we're in anything. Anytime I get on camera or I do an interview, I talk about, I talk about us moving ourselves forward. Okay, and the mindset, right, like how you think creates how you feel. How you feel becomes an emotion, that emotion becomes a vibration, that vibration becomes a magnet that attracts Things to you. And then tapping into that mindset and fucking doing something that's not a good thing To you and then tapping into that mindset and fucking doing and getting you just do and Now waiting. It's no way in hell. You guys can't make a hundred million dollars this year, see.

Speaker 3:

So when would you suggest somebody start when it comes to ownership?

Speaker 1:

You, well, you got a reverse engineer, what, what, what does ownership look like? And? And see, this is why you got to understand white, white supremacy is a motherfucker right. So, yeah, most people not even thinking like, okay, a radio tower is, I can get it for 75,000, I Can, I can literally put myself on radio Right and then and then film myself and be on my own. Okay, like we don't even think, to even think about owning shit. That bothers me because I know what that is. And Felix over here, he gonna be thinking ownership, he gonna be thinking curation, but he can't do nothing without what we do, you see.

Speaker 1:

So that's why it's narcissism, right, because you know, it's like you think that you're more valuable than what you are, but it's only because we are not Implementing our true value position and what we're doing, right. So the first step is you got to know who you are. When you know who you are, you're gonna start to. If you know, prime example, right, if you knew your family left you some money and they left you 500 million dollars, are you gonna tell something? Are you gonna accept somebody giving you 5,000? Bro, you're gonna like what? Like you mad motherfucker money? Mess up, play on me if I bust you the motherfucker head man, right? So you got to know who you are first and you have to create a new value system. You have to create a own personal conscious construct for yourself, rooted in the truth. Start with your ancestors not people swinging from trees, because those are not our ancestors. Right, the ancestors are not slaves with fucking rulers. So I'm not. So that image of ancestors. When somebody say ancestor, first thing pops up is chain and whip and in slave. That's the, that's the construct, that's white supremacy.

Speaker 1:

If you did a survey of black people, had him sit down, say yo, think about your ancestors and make more drone sketch, sketches. Them small fucks gonna be looking like koota kente. That's the mind. Fuck, that's the conditioning. So you can't even tap into who you are. Then they gave you a month for his story. Fuck, out of here. It's black future bitch, black, future bitch. Black my month. Let's say that black my month, fuck, black history. Yeah, see how they condition you To accept his story. I'm cool, I don't want, and you can keep that shit, motherfucker, okay, yeah, so I mean so, so, so the key to so the key is first queen is just um, you're mindset right, and then asking yourself, okay, what do I want and how do I get it? What do I want and how do I get it? Then I know what I want, I get what I want, I got what I want, I know it right. So you, you have the, the affirmation, and then the proper steps for for application. Okay, and then taking some time to understand your research.

Speaker 1:

In your business You're gonna make money of advertisement, right? So every episode it gives you, depending on the length of the episode, it gives you about five in video ads, slots, right, and you can sell those ad slots between 20 and 75 dollars. So, greg, do the math 75 times five is what Greg. Greg gotta calculate it. Man, 75 to 75 is what? 150, right? Correct, 75 to 75 is 150, right? 150 times two is what? 300, right? Good, so 375. Okay, so you should be making a minimum of 375 of each of each episode because you're selling $75 ad slots Per like every five minutes in a video. So one episode of mine over matters has about $350 of ad revenue just on the video itself, just to start.

Speaker 1:

Then you have the watermark, right, which is gonna be consistent in the episode, right, and that watermark goes for a hundred bucks. Now you how much you making of one episode, greg 475, great, wake up man. You don't got 80 D man. This is why I said you gotta be focused and tap in right. So you intern. So interns are all the backbones to companies. The most important person is the fucking intern, okay. So so now you looking at 475 per episode right now. So you got the watermark right. Then you got the, the, the, the, the conversation advertisement man. I'm thirsty as a motherfucker man.

Speaker 3:

Now I'm gonna.

Speaker 1:

That was an ad. Now, I'm just joking, that was an ad right.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, that would have been a son.

Speaker 1:

That's an ad, right, so now that's, that's another hundred bucks for the conversation ad. So how many, how much? We got of ads? 575, right. And then, and, um, yeah, so now, if you have a thousand episodes, right, how much did you make an ad revenue just off your, your, your, your, your ad solicitation? 575 thousand. And then with the 575 thousand, now you can take and reinvest and own everything you want. So you can do, if you, if you bust in your ass what's the thousand divided by 90? Greg, just use your calculator, man, you too slow man, I was going come on, man. Thousand divided by 90. So you're looking at Maybe 11 episodes a day, right, so you get. So, you, right.

Speaker 1:

So three months, three months, thousand episodes, right, you like, right. So you, how, like, how many episodes you got to shoot if you're gonna get a thousand episodes done in three months, right, so you spend three months of balls to all content creation and then another four to five minutes, maybe six months on, just Finding ads for all the content that you fucking created. So you split it up, right, content creation and then monetization. So creation and then monetization. You split up to two, right.

Speaker 1:

And then now, now you and and again the ad, the ad revenue. The good thing, greg, is the ad revenue is gonna increase. It's gonna increase, you're gonna make more ad revenue. So, instead of it being 500 is five hundred seventy five thousand. It might. It might Tally up to maybe a little little close to five million, as you did in eight months. And that's low-end because I Just told you Google got how much, right, so the money is out there. You just have to know how to probably get the money and create the infrastructure that's gonna actually bring the money and cultivate the mindset that makes you want to go get the fucking money and and remind you that you're good enough to get the fucking money and that you are.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, thank you for that information. I'm gonna watch that and see what's up.

Speaker 1:

So for sure.

Speaker 3:

Okay, um, when it comes to like monetization as well for content right.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

I Think it's really important for ownership, but a Lot of people really do need the information and I'm glad that you're here to provide that information, because they don't know, like, where to even Start when it comes to ownership, you know it kind of lost in that sense.

Speaker 1:

Well. Well, we start from. Is is the affirmation I am a owner, I Am a owner, I am a owner. You keep talking that shit. I am, I am a owner. Who are you? I am a owner, greg, who are you See? Yeah, and you, and you keep talking, and then now you raise that vibration, and vibration as a what a gravitational pull, see. Then now things start coming to you it's already coming to use the information we get in this episode, and Then you have to have a conscious construct, a new conscious construct, a new conscious construct to create the confidence For you to apply the new information that you need to apply to get what you trying to go get owners, right.

Speaker 1:

I Got to remind myself every day I'm the one, goddamn it, I am the one, I Am this generation's Jesus, I am this generation's Mohammed, I am him, I'm coming, I'm coming like a, like a, like a, like a, like a, like a, like a man on a mission on a horse riding saying do you know? Do you know? We are? The British are coming, the British are coming, the British are coming. No, they're not. The black man is coming, the black man is coming, the black man is coming.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah okay don't forget about you what you said Echo mirrors or something like that.

Speaker 3:

Are you reading my mind? Like what the heck? I was about to answer that exact question.

Speaker 1:

I'm like it's okay, I'm with you, don't worry, we're keeping it right on. I think you should. I think this isn't. It's an important thing. It's important.

Speaker 3:

That's literally a question.

Speaker 1:

I was an it's a great pivot. Get ahead, ask the question.

Speaker 3:

It's truth seeking, hindered by the echo chamber effect created by personalized content algorithms.

Speaker 1:

See, well, there's a difference between seeing and searching, right, true, right, there's a difference between seeing and searching, right, so AI can only study patterns, but they fall short in terms of understanding innovation, right. So that echo is what you're seeing, but your interest is what you have to search out for. And when you're adamant and consistent about getting to true for understanding something, then you shatter that mirror, right, and now you have to search, right, you have to search, and it might not be cohesive with what your outlook is right, and it might not be no pre-existing content in that echo to authenticate. So you're going to be forced to push past that, right. So, understanding the difference between seeing and searching. And then there's a big difference, right. So the echo is more about what you're seeing. But getting to the truth and information is about I'm going to search. When I'm searching for something, all those glass, all that glass and mirrors are going to be broken.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, All circles back to knowing yourself as well.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Because when you don't know yourself and you're going through social media, you can be told what to think, easily susceptible to the information that you're receiving.

Speaker 1:

Right, conscious, construct, interesting, see, right, you know it's probably talking about class school conditioning. We talk about operant conditioning and we talk about media being used as a tool to misinform you. Right, to condition you through misinformation and to take the lie as the truth and forget what the fucking truth is. Altogether Right, and it was another question that you had that that was important to as well. Right, and I think that we need to understand that our accumulation of information has to be based upon experience and studying experiences. The best teacher not off, he say she say right, like this generation is learning from. Oh, he's a specialist. So fucking what? I don't believe that shit. Right, we're going over what we're hearing and what we're seeing, more so than what we're going over for what we experienced or what we actually studied. Right, I'm not speaking on things that I feel passionate about. I actually studied this shit, actually looked up.

Speaker 1:

Well, who's Dr D D the oldest? You know he proved that the oldest fossil was a black man. There's this documentation approved that we're the oldest people on the planet. We've been, we've been. We've been on on a planet for over 200,000 years. Why people build a white people been on a planet for less than 75, for less than 50,000 years, and we've been on this planet for over 200 to 300 to maybe 500,000 years, right? So again, you know, no echo, can, can, can, can contain truth. When there's a, when there's a, when there's a want and a desire to, to, to understand or get to the truth, the truth is the truth, untainted, unquestionable, undeniable.

Speaker 3:

Because having a lot of truth bring you any like grief, in a way like seeing people now my. God understand how does bring them.

Speaker 1:

How does me saying I'm a God, bring me. I got money in my pocket right now. Man, that's what I was my pocket man.

Speaker 3:

So you don't care to try to preach to people, you just that wasn't a question you asking.

Speaker 1:

you double question to me now. The first question was does the truth bring you grief? I don't, I don't you answered it though.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

I don't have no grief for being phenomenal, being a supreme being. What grief is that? Fuck, I'm happy every day. She told you I'm feeling better, but myself I've been drinking more juicy vegetables.

Speaker 3:

Does your environment change as well, like when you?

Speaker 1:

of course, because you're, you're, you're, you're moving, is energy right? How you think creates how you feel right. How you feel becomes an emotion. That emotion becomes a vibration. A vibration becomes a magnet that attracts things to you, and it's things that you attract internally and it's things that you attract externally. It's things that you repel externally. It's things that you are repel internally, right. So you're gonna. Your environment is naturally going to change. I'm not at the clan rally. Fuck, I'm not some clan rally. What, paul, I said what Paul? Who said what Paul? Who said what Paul?

Speaker 1:

who said what Paul?

Speaker 3:

right, we get it.

Speaker 1:

Who said what, paul, I ain't over there, right? So so you gotta understand that's very important, right, and I don't give a fuck who doesn't jack my state of being no kid. I'm unapologetically me. That's a confidence. I'm happy with myself and see that happy creates a vibration that sometimes is a conflict of interest for people who don't feel the same. Well, you know, fuck them.

Speaker 3:

For no type of way, so you don't read the comments.

Speaker 1:

For what I don't. I mean if I did, I mean I'm not moved by that. I'm not moved by people's opinions of me does not bother me, they're just opinions and the facts on me are not negative. See, the opinions are the opinions and they're not facts. But the facts are amazing. I'm resilient, I'm beautiful, I'm handsome, I'm blessed, I'm consistent, I'm dedicated, I'm determined, I'm powerful, I help my people. I'm becoming a voice of a generation, the voice of a fucking century. Oh yeah, I have, no, have no issues with the facts. I love, I love the facts. The facts are the facts, the opinions. Okay, well, the sky is purple. No, it's not smart, you can't dress. Fly the motherfucking man.

Speaker 3:

Fly the motherfucking thing on today I'm flying the motherfucking man.

Speaker 1:

I'm flying, I'm flying the motherfucking man. Huh, wait, wait, you feel me? Wait, what about that shit man? So, and again, you have to practice being comfortable with yourself and take yourself to places like a new car you're learning to drive. Take yourself to places where people don't fuck with you and train yourself how to have thick skin and train yourself how to deal with adversity. Train yourself how to be comfortable with a difference in opinion, because the facts are the facts. Fuck about your opinion. Look at the comments, look for the bullshit and laugh at it and enjoy it. Okay, we got to make. We make in us cool. I'm going. I got to make this guy. I'm gonna be one of the people that make being this cool again.

Speaker 1:

Malcolm X did it. Tupac did it. Muhammad Ali did it. Shoepe Newton did it. Freddie Hampton did it. Saad Shakur did it. See, nizenga did it Right. They made this shit cool to be who the fuck we is Right on brother, back in the view. You ever see them all on pictures. Everybody had an afro Right on brother, right. That was like the cook, like we had our thing Right. We got we going back to that, making it cool again to be black chocolate. Yeah, man, I'm happy this. I'm happy with Dresden, I'm happy with the locks. Yeah, give us that.

Speaker 3:

Do you, do you think the truth was set us free?

Speaker 1:

We're already free.

Speaker 3:

Ready free.

Speaker 1:

I like that. So setting, see, that's the social contract, that's the, that's the, that's the mind for you, the truth. So I'm already free, motherfucker, I am the truth, the fuck, so I'm free. If the truth will set you free, I'm already free because I'm the truth, I'm the absolute. You were that, you, the, you, the original mother, you, the original mother, you the mother, you're the mother of civilization.

Speaker 3:

For God's sakes man, she, how long did it take you to study all this information and just like be able to speak on it?

Speaker 1:

How long did you take a bird to fly? How long to take a fish to swim? How long does it take a pig Hold on. How long does it take a bird to fly? How long does it take a fish to swim? How long does it take a fish to fart?

Speaker 3:

So we've always known it.

Speaker 1:

Wait, hold on, I'm trying to get you, you mentioned, up to real. You had the perfect out of you. You try to go viral, right, I'm trying to give you, let me give it to you. Yeah, go ahead. Yeah, god you fucking.

Speaker 3:

Yeah man.

Speaker 1:

Um damn what I asked how long did it take, damn.

Speaker 3:

Oh, how long does it take. How long did it take you to study this information?

Speaker 1:

How long does it take the fish to swim? How long does it take a bird to fly? How long does it take a pig to fart? How long does it take for Valentine's Day to come in for you to see a heart? And it is February, you know me, so it's relevant.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, wink, wink, damn. You want a freestyle for us, like I don't know. These all these questions is just.

Speaker 1:

No questions are good Listen you stop being so anal, oh Jesus. Oh, he's like yo listen, I can't get this question at this time. God, what's gonna happen? Oh my God, no man, let it flow.

Speaker 3:

This is conversation, it's not you mean so do you think people are craving the truth right now?

Speaker 1:

Um, I think people are craving the benefits of living a truthful life, right, I think. I think we crave what comes from the truth, the results of the truth, right, the benefits of the truth. We crave that. We're in need of utopia. We want ownership. Okay, greg, you got goals. Right, so you can't be emasculated. Right, you can't be trying to run in no man's butt, right, so you have to be powerful. You got to. You have to be powerful. Not a homosexual, not a homosexual. God, god, god believing, right, I'm not even feeling wrong. Why would I fear God? I got to start questioning all the shit. They told us oh, god, fear man. Well, wait, hold up. I got a question is man right? Why am I afraid of God? Right? So I think, I think, I think that we are in need.

Speaker 1:

We want what comes from the truth, because we've heard the truth our whole lives, most of us, right? There's been a lot of people talking about the truth. We want what comes with the truth, what comes with the truth. But what is the truth? The truth is I'm the original man. The truth is you're the original woman. The truth is there's no limit placed on you, my brother. That's the truth. So don't you want the benefits from that? Don't you want the benefits of being an original woman? Don't you want the benefits of being a mother of civilization? Don't you want the benefits of creating the decimal? It's almost like fucking music publishing. You didn't wrote every fucking song ever. That pub check looks supposed to look fucking crazy, right? So we don't just want the truth anymore. We want what? The benefits of the truth.

Speaker 3:

So what are the benefits of the truth?

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah man, that's a long list. It's a long fucking list. Now I'm going to make it smaller for you. Okay, generational wealth, let's start there. Fucking mula money, okay, god level health. God level health. No more depression, no more desire, no more anxiety, no more doubt, no more suffering, no more pain, see. No more fear, no more procrastination, no more laziness, no more anger, just love, see. I think we want that, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, man, fuck yeah. Do you think people gravitate towards authenticity more or towards the illusion more?

Speaker 1:

What people gravitate towards doesn't, you know, doesn't matter. Right Cause and effect right. So how you think creates how you feel. How you feel becomes an emotion and emotion becomes a vibration and vibration becomes a magnet that attracts things to you. So if you think bullshit, you're attracting bullshit to you. So is there value in bullshit? Because it's coming to you. You created it coming Right. So doesn't matter what people are gravitating towards. What matters is that we condition our people to create the thought and the thought patterns and the conscious constructs so they can have things gravitate towards them that is conducive to them and is actually good for them and not harmful.

Speaker 3:

Is there any last words you want to finish off with?

Speaker 1:

How you think creates how you feel. How you feel becomes an emotion. That emotion becomes a vibration, and vibration becomes a magnet that attracts things to you we don't have, we don't? We don't have to feel bad about being who we are. They should feel bad about putting 11 of your boys in electric chairs and and and and and capital punishment for crimes that they didn't commit. We don't have to apologize for being guys and goddesses. They should feel bad about hanging black men from trees and cutting their penises off and setting them on fire, or sick and German sepulchre on our sisters and having their breasts bit off by dogs and hosing them, drowning them in the streets. We shouldn't feel we, we, we shouldn't feel anything. Okay, you should have confidence, you should have attitudes, you should have vigor, you should have fire. We don't, we don't owe anybody shit. They owe us every fucking thing, right? So, um and this is why I stand the way I stand, because I'm tired, but I'm not sleepy Okay, and um, I'm bringing the change and that's what I'm doing. Right, and I know the history. I'm not waiting for some white man. Biden ain't doing shit, obama ain't doing shit. They ain't passing the executive orders to help our people to help to plight our people. So who's gonna do it? We're gonna do it, so anyway it's gonna happen, right, and I'm not here to give a fuck about anybody's opinion.

Speaker 1:

I got eight brothers. Let one of them get hung. I would murder that person's whole family and wouldn't even think and wouldn't even blink twice. Kids, babies, dogs, grandmothers, old people every single person from your family existence would be no longer here if one of my brothers was lynched by one of the motherfuckers. God forbid my brother get killed by a police officer. Everybody in that cop's family is gonna die, every single one, including the cop and his lawyer and the judge. That won't give the conviction. I'm getting them all and I'm gonna get away with it and be on the run for the rest of my natural fucking life and join the memory of those cowards begging me for their life while I put a pistol in their mouth and emptied the trigger and then pissed on them. I have no remorse. They gave us no remorse. They gave us no peace. Okay, rape in our women, rape in our sisters. Black women screaming to their lungs oh, stop. White men laughing, having fun like it was some type of a game 30 men on one woman, raping her in front of their kids, in front of their dead husband.

Speaker 1:

You think I give a fuck about somebody's opinion? I'm not desensitized. I didn't forget. I make sure I remind myself to fuck these motherfuckers be doing. I give a fuck about Gaza, give a fuck about Israel and Palestine. Fuck all of them.

Speaker 1:

This shit been going on in the ghetto for over 400 fucking years. Little black babies being murdered and acting like it's not happening, blowing up churches, setting people on fire, laying anybody. We been dealing with shit. Third World countries been. We been dealing with this shit for over 400 fucking years.

Speaker 1:

You think I feel sorry to say I'm a god? You think I feel sorry to give somebody watching this that looked like me hope. You think I care if Felix is unfucking comfortable, the fuck you talking about. We gotta wake up and I'm not the go easy, go lucky motherfucker. I'm not an integrationist. I don't give a fuck about Felix. I don't give a fuck about Kelly. I don't give a fuck about Karen.

Speaker 1:

I don't give a fuck about them and they didn't give a fuck about us.

Speaker 1:

That's why they in power and they murdered, raped, lied and they still do it to this day. You didn't see the thing about the black girl in a cop. They smoking, they smoking, we just chilling. And they grabbed the black lady and the black guy and took him to the precinct, made the black girl strip, butt naked, feeling on her body beat up, punched it in the face. Or the black woman pulled over the side of the highway by the state trooper and he beaten her to death. You think I give a fuck how they feel, I'm not a victim. So I'm not going to create a generation of victims, I'm going to create a generation of black people. That's with the shits. You ain't going to just pull me over and think you're going to kill me, but we have to be educated on marksmanship, firearms, jujitsu, wrestling, chemical warfare right, and now drones, because that's what these cowards are planning on doing next. So instead of police brutality, they're going to have drone brutality right, some fucking flying object pulled over the car.

Speaker 3:

There's some in the subways. You seen the little robot things in the subway, the police, but they don't got firearms yet.

Speaker 1:

They're not out, but they don't have firearms yet.

Speaker 1:

So the scary thing is it's not weird what happens is when you let a coward go too long without being unchecked, you give him an inch, he's going to take a mile. That's what happens, right? So this is a very serious thing. I'm not speaking for likes and views and ooze and I was like this is real. You know life or death situations and we have to be prepared for the future, have to be prepared, and the only way to be prepared is fucking. We got to own shit so we can laugh and joke and say whatever, I'm not, I'm not dumb, I don't smoke weed, I don't drink, I don't want no drugs, I'm not popping pills, I'm cool, I don't.

Speaker 1:

I don't vape, I don't want hooker. I'm learning now how to fast and diet too, because I was supposed to do four days, now I'm doing two weeks and after this interview it might turn into a fucking month. Or my juice fast, okay, because I want to cleanse, I want to detox, I want these chemicals that these fucking devils put in my body, out of my body, so my mind can activate at its highest level, so I can be the most productive, the most inspiring, the most motivated, and I can not just talk and walk in and get shit done and build shit for my people. Shit, that's what I'm on. I'm on that for real. I mean yeah.

Speaker 3:

Thank you so much.

Speaker 1:

Anytime, anytime.

Speaker 3:

Coming on again.

Speaker 1:

I really appreciate it, for sure.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

You look better than last time. Are you ovulating?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, nah, I'm coming off of a fast. Oh you, fast, Okay, did you break up with your? Did you see the skin. Did you break up?

Speaker 1:

with your boo? Did you dump him?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Oh, okay, so you still in a relationship? Are you single, marry? What's the deal?

Speaker 3:

I'm single. Oh, okay, you know that though.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I just wanted to hear it again.

Speaker 3:

I got a TikTok question before we leave.

Speaker 1:

Okay, let me hear it. Let me hear it.

Speaker 3:

I know you're not a TikToker, but we got TikTok questions.

Speaker 1:

I'm big on TikTok, though, man.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you are.

Speaker 1:

You are Shout out to the talkers or the tics.

Speaker 3:

You're viral on TikTok without a TikTok. Yo, for real Not many people could say that.

Speaker 1:

Somebody sent me a message. I got four billion views. I said what the fuck, somebody, I ain't gonna put them out there. But somebody big on TikTok reached out to me and said yo bro, you need to do a TikTok man. I ain't doing no TikTok man, but yeah let me listen again, all right.

Speaker 3:

So okay, it's kind of random.

Speaker 1:

Okay, random, okay, random.

Speaker 3:

You don't drink, you don't smoke, you don't pop pills. I don't. So specifically, what are the effects of weed?

Speaker 1:

Because weed is very important in our community.

Speaker 3:

So the question is weed?

Speaker 1:

Weed is not important in our community. Well, it's not important. It's been a long day. It's been a long day, it's okay, I get it. You say popular, I get what you're saying. Right, it has been glamorized, right right, right.

Speaker 3:

It has been glamorized in our community, so you see that, did you see that?

Speaker 1:

Did you see that, greg? Five minutes that's all. I was trying to wrap it up. No, no, but you see why I'm speaking to you, man, I'm speaking. Why am I speaking to you, man, I'm speaking? Wait what? Yeah, you see you ain't paying attention. You got ADHD, motherfucker, because you don't own this shit.

Speaker 3:

So you don't own it. You're putting your hand up and saying, yo, five minutes, ten minutes, you gotta cut you short.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 1:

In the same effort you put in it in the same effort. So let me answer that question real quick. So they use crack to break down our communities in the 80s, right? They use music to break down our communities in the 80s. They're now using weed okay, and they're putting synthetic hard drugs and synthetic prescription drugs in the weed. Synthetic crack yes, there's crack in the weed. Synthetic cocaine yes, there's coke in the weed. Synthetic heroin and dope there's dope in the weed okay, and then synthetic prescription pills uppers and downers. That's what weed has.

Speaker 1:

They display the behaviors of people who own fucking crack and when they say I'm a quit smoking weed, they get sick. They throw up Like what the fuck is that Okay? So back to what I was saying is now, that's why we ain't no good. But if it ain't a seed, it ain't a fucking plant. What plant doesn't have a fucking seed? And the shit that it got seeds, which is ary yaku, yeah, that's like that. I ain't smoking that bullshit. So the shit, that's even a plant that you probably would be weed. You don't even want. You want the crack, okay. So again, but this is why I'm saying, why you have to be adamant and take that as motivation, but you don't see that as a sign. See, felix is comfortable because we have empowered Felix with a position that you can be in position of. So it's a comfortability that we give them to us.

Speaker 1:

Yo, yo, five minutes. Yo, what came to this? Five minutes, yo, yo, five minutes. Now I'm cool in your five minutes, man, and it's the last time you put your hand up and tell me five minutes. And, greg, when you and your hut and your build and you talk about how to get your own, so there ain't gonna be no more five fucking minutes. She mean five minutes. You got to fill some type of way about that. Five minutes. She mean you know I'm cool, but if you're not conscious, if you're not woken up, that don't bother you. It don't bother you, it got to bother you. Right, you can shoot it in your phone.

Speaker 1:

You go on Peer Space. First of all, this place ain't even that good. You can go on Peer Space, peerspacecom, and get a better spot for the same price. You spent longer, cheaper. You can pay less and have longer. Even if you don't want to own your shit, you should own your shit. But there's a better second day option than this. So it didn't ever know. Five minutes. And then a Phillips for doing five minutes. He's just doing his fucking job. Okay Doesn't mean I agree with it, but he's doing his job. Nothing wrong with that. Okay. So let this be the last time somebody put a hand up in the sky to tell you fucking five minutes.

Speaker 3:

I appreciate you smart Appreciate you more. Bless the podcast once again. You listen to the end. Shout out to you. Listen to the end.

Speaker 1:

Acts, acts, acts. Not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.

Speaker 3:

God bless America.

Speaker 1:

It is.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

No, there it is, and we, and no, no, no, not. God bless America, we bless America, god damn it. We people look like me. Bless America. We built this fucking country. This is our fucking country. Now, what the fuck? These fucking liberalists and whatever the fuck that word is in right and left? Where are you motherfucking? Liberalist? Yeah, yeah, you got it. Liberalist, you got it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, if you reach the end of another episode, shout out to you Like you really love yourself. You were listening all the way to the end, like really. I appreciate you Like what. I love that for you. I love that for you.

Speaker 1:

I got to say black power because I already know I'm black, black is powerful. I ain't got to say black power, because I already know black is power. I'm saying so, yeah, black on two.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, black on two, but yeah, so, yeah, we out, we out. Tell a friend a. Tell a friend a. Tell a friend mother, that is mine over matter, baby, thank y'all. It was good, thank y'all, thank you.

Building a Black Future
Exploring Black Future and White Supremacy
Breaking the Chains of White Supremacy
African Gods and Identity Conditioning
Believe in Yourself, Overcome Limitations
Building Ownership and Independence in 2024
Mindset, Ownership, and Monetizing Content
Search for Truth in Personalized World
Authenticity vs Illusion
Police Brutality, Self-Empowerment, and Weed Effects
Opinions on Peer Space and Identity