The Rhode to Health: A Podcast from Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island

The Rhode to Your Blue Store

Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island Season 5 Episode 6

Today we’re talking about how an innovative approach to retail ensures that Blue Cross of Rhode Island members get the most value from their health plans. How that same space can get help them with tough health questions, and how Your Blue Store can even get them up and moving. I’m Mark Sheldon and this is the Rhode to Health, a podcast from Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Rhode Island. Today's episode: The Rhode to Your Blue Store.

You can learn more about Your Blue Stores here.

Thanks to our guests  Michael Fernandez, Nytasha Watson, Ericka Newman, Robin M Lussier as well as Eric Rodrigues and Melissa Cummings who could be heard with the Blue Bus at the top of our show. I’d also like to thank Carilyn Flynn who can be heard singing under our closing credits. 

Special thanks to Paul Ryan, Chantel Cuthbert, Mel Coon and all of our hard working Your Blue Store associates.

Be well, Be healthy, and keep your eyes on the Rhode.