The Rhode to Health: A Podcast from Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island

20 Years: BlueAngel Community Health Grant

January 26, 2023 Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island Season 6

We’re having a birthday party as the BlueAngel Community Health Grant program turns 20 years old.

Even if you’ve never heard of The BlueAngel Community Health Grant program, chances are someone you know has been touched by its funding – we’re talking about an annual, competitive grant program focused on addressing critical health issues in Rhode Island. The program achieves this by partnering with community–based agencies trying to improve the health of Rhode Islanders. This funding program is the cornerstone of Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island’s community investment activities at BCBSRI, and they’re proud of the organizations they’ve worked with and the results achieved since it began 20 years ago. 

We’re joined by special guests Linda Newton and Carolyn Belisle. Linda is the former VP, Community Relations, Corporate Social Responsibility & Diversity, at Blue Cross and when she while she was in that role she both founded the program and hired our second special guest Carolyn Belisle. Carolyn is Managing Director of Corporate Social Responsibility at Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode island.  The two worked together for many years before Linda's retirement.

To learn more about the BlueAngel Community Health grant go to

Join us for more episodes in this series as we look back and forward on the impact of the BlueAngel Community health grant during a year long celebration.