Hope Unlocked 🔑 | Christian Testimonies, Hope & Healing, Faith-Based Inspiration, Purpose & Calling, Kingdom Business & Ministry
Feeling stuck, uncertain, or overwhelmed in your faith journey? Hope Unlocked is here to inspire and equip you with real-life stories of resilience, breakthrough, and unwavering faith. Whether you’re navigating the highs and lows of business, ministry, or personal challenges, this podcast offers powerful testimonies and practical insights to help you overcome obstacles and rediscover your purpose. Each episode dives into biblical truths, actionable wisdom, and heartfelt encouragement to reignite your HOPE and empower you to live boldly in your God-given calling.
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May the God of HOPE fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in HOPE. Romans 15:13
With His HOPE & JOY,
Kristin Kurtz
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Email - kristinkurtz@newwingscoaching.net
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Hope Unlocked 🔑 | Christian Testimonies, Hope & Healing, Faith-Based Inspiration, Purpose & Calling, Kingdom Business & Ministry
Echoes of Courageous Faith: Navigating Transformation, Finding Purpose, and Hearing God's Voice with Donna Cole
Donna Cole joins me to share her journey—a life of overcoming obstacles, celebrating victories, and discovering profound truths through her faith in God. Her story is one of courage, as she answered the call with unwavering determination. Our conversation is enlightening and uplifting. Donna's transformation from despair to a life of abundance fuels her mission to guide others towards wholeness. She discusses the intimate ways in which God communicates and previews her upcoming course on this topic. Whether you're seeking spiritual growth or insights into hearing God's voice, you'll find meaningful guidance here. Embrace the empowerment found in understanding your role in God's magnificent plan, and join us in a prayer that will offer solace to your soul.
Donna's Contact info:
website - https://www.courageouskingdomwomen.com/
email - info@courageouskingdomwomen.com
Courageous Kingdom Women FB group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/182603689867484
Enroll in Donna's new course 'How to Confidently Hear God Clearly' - https://www.courageouskingdomwomen.com/
Connect with Kristin Kurtz:
Website - https://msha.ke/newwings
Email - kristinkurtz@newwingscoaching.net
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/renew.wings/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/moodykurtz/
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Hello and welcome to the Hope Unlocked podcast. I'm your host, Kristen Kurtz, and I'm also the founder of New Wings Coaching, where I empower and unlock women to soar in their calling and roar with their voices. If you're curious to learn more about how coaching can help you unlock your potential, be sure to explore the show notes for ways to connect with me further. Get ready to dive in as we uncover empowering keys and insights in this episode. So tune in and let's unlock hope together. Welcome to the Hope Unlocked podcast. I'm Kristen Kurtz, your host.
Speaker 1:I pray this episode is like a holy IV of hope for your soul. Please help me welcome my friend Donna Cole to the show. She is my sweet friend from Australia and it's been such a blessing to get to know her better. We actually met through a coaching mentor program with Kerry Olson, a mutual friend of ours, and we've just gotten to know each other better since we've been in this group together and she's been such a blessing. We'd love for you to just share a little bit more about yourself and then we'll get into it.
Speaker 2:Thanks, kristen. It's so such a joy to be here and I'm loving getting to know you as well to soar, and it's so wonderful to talk to another pioneer as well, so thank you so much for having me. So I live in Sydney, australia, and I have been married for just over 27 years. We have six beautiful children, have the best husband I've been seeing in the spirit realm since I was well 18 months old actually. So I just love. I love helping people get free and I love helping people see in the spirit realm themselves and being able to know how God communicates with them.
Speaker 2:Personally, I love prophesying over people and giving them God's heart. That's. My main gifting is prophecy and discernment, and so it's a fun thing. I facilitate a women prayer ministry at our local church and it's just so much fun. And I get to minister to people all over the world. I have a business called Courageous Kingdom Women and so through that I get to do inner healing with people, deliverance with people. I get to mentor them in prophecy. I've done so much training over the last 25 years and just graduated from Emma Starks Raising Profits Program, and so life is fun. Life is very, very fun and God is just so awesome.
Speaker 1:Love it. Well, tell us a little bit more about you know, maybe, what brought you into business? This current season is called launching pioneers, so I'm having a lot of women on who come with a very brave and bold and will use your word courageous yes, doing things that maybe others might be invited into but they might give a no. So what does that look like for you?
Speaker 2:Yes, well, it's been an interesting journey. For as long as I can remember, I love listening to people's stories. I'm just fascinated by how people tick, how they think, how their thoughts create their actions, why people do what they do. I love hearing about their life, and so an interesting story of actually how this formally happened was in 2013. I put that we had a massive plant pot at the front of our house and it was going to rain that day and because it was under a shelter, it hardly ever got rain. So I dragged the pot out to put it under the rain and that was great. And then my husband was going out to get us Chinese for our date night and I didn't think that the pot would be heavy because it had been raining all day. So I go to pick up the pot and I burst three discs in my bag and my husband comes home and finds me leaning up against the wall in pain.
Speaker 2:That was an interesting journey, so I was kind of I wasn't bedridden, but I was very limited to what I could do. So I thought what could I actually learn? Because I'm a sponge and I love learning. So I said what could I learn? And so I went online and I found this thing called life coaching. I didn't particularly know what it was, and then I signed up with a lady in England named Lynn Lee and she's fantastic, and so I learned how to be a biblical life coach through her. And then I started life coaching with people from a biblical standpoint and that was great, and I was doing lots of it for free. At the same time, I was learning more about prophecy and how to prophesy well and how to encourage people more in a formal setting.
Speaker 2:And then in 2020, 2020, 2021, the Lord said to me Donna, you need to start charging for your services because your husband's about to lose his job. Now my husband was a deputy principal of a high school so a government high school and I'm going. How on earth is he going to lose his job? But so I dragged my feet and I started kind of trying to charge people, but then I felt really bad about charging people, so I didn't do it and I thought God was actually going to kill off my husband which is a terrible thing, because God doesn't do that but I wondered how on earth my husband was going to lose his job. Anyway, covid happened, hansi lost his job and now I'm the breadwinner.
Speaker 2:Now this is the strangest part of the story is that my husband and I have completely swapped roles. Before that time, I was a stay-at-home mum, so I looked after all of our children. We'd been homeschooling for 12 years and so then, when my husband came home and I needed to build this business, he completely swapped roles and it was such a transition that I didn't ever realise. So he came home and of course he does things much differently to me and that's okay. But, boy, I found that hard. It was like he overturned everything. He changed everything and I was like, oh, I don't feel a part of the family anymore. And I said to him is this how you felt when you went to work? Is that you didn't feel like you were kind of a part of a family, because I ran such a tight ship? And he said yes, and it was such an eye-opener for me.
Speaker 2:And then we've been living by faith for the last two years and it's very stressful. However, there's lots of peace in it too. But I've also said to James how is this how you felt, like having this burden, or carrying this burden of being the breadwinner of the family? He said yes, and it's been such a blessing for me because I've ministered. I've just started ministering with so many men who are struggling under that burden of being the breadwinner and they kind of get a little bit hesitant with me until they hear that I'm the breadwinner and then they go oh, you know what it's like. And so it breaks down a lot of walls with men, which has been so interesting.
Speaker 2:And then the Lord shows up and so now the business is moving forward and I can't. I'm only one person. So I said to the Lord look, I'm only one person and there's only so many hours in the day. I need some other sort of passive income. What can I do? And he said to me you need you're very good at helping other people know how God communicates with you. I go to a different church and speak at their women's events quite often during the year and I do the activations with people to help people connect with the Lord. And so he said you have the anointing to do that, so do a course in hearing God. And so I said right, tell me what you want. So he helped me write the copy to do the sales page and things and what he wants in the course and everything, and I gave it to Carrie, our business coach, and then I gave it to my husband, who's a fabulous graphic designer artist. You know he's one of those people that can just do everything. He's amazing and he had it all up and the course was up in three days and this is where we are right now.
Speaker 2:And so a lot of my clients are in America, which I love. I'm getting to know all the different states of America and the different accents and and customs and things. I'm learning words that I can't say because they have very different meanings over in America. So that's fun, and I have clients in 11 different countries around the world. So Zoom has been such a blessing and I've actually seen more miracles on Zoom than I have in person praying for people. Like it's amazing, like the miracles that I say even on Facebook Messenger praying for someone over Facebook Messenger.
Speaker 2:I had a testimony of it yesterday, yeah, yeah, well, I actually don't have permission to share that one, so I don't know if I can, but, however, what happened was they had sent me a prayer request. I won't give detail, but they sent me a prayer request and so, because of the time zone difference, obviously it was quite a while after she'd sent it to. When I gave the message, I prayed over Facebook Messenger and she, she was somewhere. The lady was somewhere. She felt the anointing and God's presence come upon her and she went oh my goodness. And she went. I don't have pain. This is really strange. And she didn't know I'd sent her a message until later on. She listened to my message where I was praying over her, and then she looked at the time that I sent it, and the time that I sent it was the time she felt the anointing fall on her. No, it's just like we serve a limitless God. Truly nothing is impossible with him. It's amazing.
Speaker 1:And just the fact that we have these tools that can you have a global ministry slash business.
Speaker 2:Yes, oh gosh, no, I was. It's funny. I had a head teacher at a school once tell me, I can tell you're an uneducated mum. And I just went Right, okay, then that's your opinion, and so it's really interesting. I think that culture is kind of changing, but it was definitely the culture when I, when my kids were little that to be to be a stay at home mum, you are uneducated. Now that's what he said. He said I can tell that you're an uneducated stay at home mum, and I just went. Well, that's really interesting because I have studied different things for 25 years, so I am definitely not uneducated, but it's just interesting. And that taught me a good lesson to go.
Speaker 2:I don't have to take on what other people say about me because I already know like, and that's okay, but no, never in a million years would I have thought that I would be here.
Speaker 2:I did have a prophecy 25 years ago of a gentleman who came to a previous church we were in and he said he gave me this like outrageous prophecy of what I thought you'll be speaking on stages and people will ask you to come and speak and blah, blah, blah. And I went seriously like how on earth? And I was very, very insecure at the time and I thought, okay, well, if I'm on stages and people will know that I'm okay, which was ridiculous and, as I often say, I really praise God he did not let me loose back then because I was very wounded and would have just like left a trail of destruction in my wake wherever I went because I was so wounded. So I spent the last 25 years with the Lord and getting help in prayer, ministry and things to get really healed. Like everyone, we're not completely there yet, but I am so like totally different person than what I was 25 years ago. And it's really interesting because the more healed I got, the less I wanted to be on stage.
Speaker 1:Can you like a little bit of your journey there? Because I you know, whenever I'm interviewing, I kind of do a little stop sometimes where I'm always imagining one woman who's listening to this and I'm wondering if she is wondering about your journey and like where have you, you know, found that healing? What were the things that came across your path that really helped you along the journey? Because I am running into a lot of women. You know myself and, as we know, there's a lot of. You know people who have gone through a lot of trauma in their life and I know you've gone through things. I've gone through a lot of things and I'm a completely different person too. Would you be open to sharing a little bit more Whatever you feel comfortable with in?
Speaker 2:that realm. Yeah, sure, I don't particularly share details, simply because I want to protect people. But, yes to say, I grew up in trauma, would find yes, say things. And then that led me to. I chose, not led me to, but I chose a very destructive path.
Speaker 2:After I left home and I kept making very bad decisions, I got myself into very frightening situations, all because I wanted to be loved. And that was the bottom thing. I didn't know that I was loved by God, even though I saw in the spirit realm. I was very tormented by the demonic realm, very, very tormented. And so it wasn't until nearly eight years ago, actually, that I went and got some prayer counseling from a guy who didn't know me at all, and I walked in and he said oh, donna, do you want this torment to stop? And I just burst into tears and I said, yes, I would give anything for this torment to stop. And so I spent two hours with him and his prayer team and the torment stopped. It was just amazing. And then I began to see more angels, I began to see Jesus, I began to see what the Lord more of what the Lord was doing rather than what the enemy was doing.
Speaker 2:But in that process I went and sought help. I went and saw counselors, I went and sought psychiatrists, I went and sought psychologists and I seemed to get to a point with nearly all of them where they went I don't know how to help you anymore. And so it got to the point when that happened for the third time and I just cried out to God and I said Are they you heal me or show me what to do, or I'm out of here because I don't know how to live in my own body, I don't know how to live in the space that I'm in. Now that can sound really selfish to someone who has not had trauma, who has not had dysfunction, who does not have the enemy tormenting them all the time, because on the outside I have the most fabulous husband. My children are our children, are fantastically amazing. None of us are perfect, but they're amazing. So on the outside everything's wonderful, but on the inside I could not get away from my mind. I couldn't get away from the pain, I couldn't get away from the heartache. I just I couldn't get away from anything.
Speaker 2:And so then, when I was pregnant with one of our children, I things got really, really bad. It was actually, before I was pregnant, Things got really, really bad and I actually made a plan, and I had the plan to go and commit suicide. And I just said to God I can't, I can't do this in my head, I can't live with me anymore. This is just so painful and the only way I can describe it is like a massive black, thick fire blanket is wrapped around your head and your chest. You can't see, you can't breathe, you just despair. That's what I like, and to despair that there's just no hope. The very life and hope has sucked out of you. And it's awful. I wouldn't wish it on my, I wouldn't wish it on anyone. It is just horrendous. And so I said to the Lord that's it, I'm done, I am pleased to give me, but I just I can't do this anymore.
Speaker 2:And then I was going to a prayer ministry counselling session that night and I I didn't say anything at all because that afternoon I'd actually taken a pregnancy test. And lo and behold, I was pregnant and I was a blubbering mess at the prayer, at the prayer time, because God knew that I would never do anything and this is just me. There's nothing to say about anybody else, but this is just me. He knew that I wouldn't do it if I was pregnant, and so I didn't do it and praise God I didn't, because I had more children after that, which then they're just the blessing of my life, they're just wonderful, and so I. It was a long journey. I couldn't find anybody who would actually disciple me, which I, I must admit, I have a massive gripe about in the body of Christ that discipleship is so lacking. So I actually disciple people now because I want to be for someone else that I didn't have. So everything that I learned, I went and learned on my own. I didn't have anybody walking beside me to go. This is the way you should go, or how about you learn this? Or I had to go and find the other courses and stuff.
Speaker 2:I recognized that I had a prophetic gift. I knew things before they were going to happen. There was quite a lot of things. One night my dad was an interstate truck driver and when I was a kid I woke up bolt upright at 12 o'clock at night and went dad's been in an accident and five minutes later the police are knocking on the door to say yes, my dad had gone to sleep at the wheel. This was before there were seatbelts and he went through the windscreen. So I know I knew that I knew stuff.
Speaker 2:And then, when I learned that I had a prophetic gift and I was learning from God, I made a mistake and gave a prophetic word in a wrong way and I really hurt someone and I caused a lot of damage. And so I went to the pastor at a different church not the church right now, but a different church and I said can you please help me, can you please teach me how to do it? And they shut me down and said no, you are never to prophesy again. And I was always encouraging, like every one of my words, except this one was encouraging. And so I went OK, I have the choice Either I can shut this down or I can try and find out about it and learn. So from that point on, I've spent the last 20 years learning.
Speaker 2:I've sat in a course probably for the last 20 years on the prophetic because I want to get better at it and I want to encourage people, and then, when I do get warnings, I'm able to give it in a way that can be received by the other person in a kind, redemptive way, because God always has a message of redemption.
Speaker 2:So for me to answer your question, I had to go on a long like a 25 year journey of trying to do it myself and having God say OK, this is what I want you to go and learn this course.
Speaker 2:I want you to go and sit under this person, I want you to reach out to this person and, as I said, this is why I have a massive gripe about the body of Christ, because the discipleship is so lacking and we wonder why people leave the church and why they don't want to stay because the discipleship isn't there. And this is freaking hard, like doing the Christian, doing life is freaking hard and we need people to come alongside us who have gone before and gone. Hey, you need to slap up side the head right now. What are you thinking? Or, hey, you're doing really great. How about we hone this? How about we increase this in you? So, yeah, it's really tricky and people kind of don't know what to do with me because I do see in the spirit so well and so it can be a bit threatening to people, and that's OK.
Speaker 2:And another thing that I encourage your listeners to as well the more you get healed, the more that I've discovered other people's insecurity get raised up around you and so I've had some very interesting conversations of late and I've gone. I have no idea what's going on and the Lord has shown me that it's not even because I've said anything, it's because I'm in the process of getting so healed that it actually raises up other people's insecurity and I just love on them and be really kind because I remember. I remember what it was like being there and I'm not totally there, like I do still have some insecurities, but I can deal with them really quickly now. So I'm very kind to other people and loving most of the time. Sometimes I get frustrated, but most of the time I'm loving when other people's insecurities rise up because I remember. I remember what it was like.
Speaker 1:When we've been on this journey and some of the things that you've mentioned definitely some parallel things that I've walked out as well, just feeling like I've been on this journey without obviously he gives us direction, but not having someone alongside to be like, well, this might be a key for you for healing, but it's been more my own, like him showing me and or me doing my own quote, unquote research, if that makes sense, absolutely it really ties. It does it really ties into being a pioneer, being a trailblazer, being one that's willing to kind of go first and go okay. This is what I've found and I want to teach you because that's you have a huge teaching gift like you. We did a workshop with Donna last week in my Facebook group and I mean it just pours, it emanates, you have walked through, it comes out just naturally and then you get to set others free through that.
Speaker 1:I think, the big key that you know, for those of you who have walked through things and you have these gifts, you know you have a calling on your life. You can't just stay on the sidelines.
Speaker 1:No, there's people that are waiting for what you carry. You know, I'm a coach too, donna's a coach. I'm not a coach for everybody, donna's not a coach for everybody. So that's why we need to like raise up other voices, right? Yes? And when things there's no competition, I know I'm for everybody and everybody's not for me. You know what I mean.
Speaker 2:Yes, ten years ago I maybe wouldn't have thought that I don't know, I think we all start off that way, though Kristen we're going to go and save the world and we're going to help everybody, and it just doesn't work like that, does it?
Speaker 1:It's not like bull and we've talked about this before. Like I, you know, we both have, you know, learned things in the business world. Yes, and for me personally and maybe this is just a little side conversation for those of you in business but for me personally, like I don't feel like I'm one who can like niche down into like a micro chasm of who I'm supposed to work with. Yes, I'm not actually set free. Actually, donna was one who prophesied over me, you know, just really confirming that that is not for me personally, like that's not something that I'm to grab on to and run with when it comes to my own business. Now, do I have the vision of who these women are that I'm called to work with? Yes, donna mentioned that she's working with men. Now I'm like, oh, I don't work with men, but God could change that, you never know.
Speaker 2:I didn't up until December last year.
Speaker 1:No, it's like how can you like? We don't want to put God in a box, and we also don't want to put ourselves in a box either, Right? So what does that look like for you personally?
Speaker 2:Personally, especially over the last two years of really living by God's direction and God's provision and all of those sort of things. It really is tricky because it's really interesting. My husband doesn't ever get anything said to him, but I'm the one who gets the comments Well, why isn't you should make your husband go out to work? Well, one, I don't make my husband do anything and two, god said no. So if my husband goes back to work, then I can't do this because we're still homeschooling, we're kids who run around, go to work and do all these other things. So I'm like it's not a feasible thing.
Speaker 2:So it really is a bit about being obedient in every day. So I have what's like CEO meetings with God and I say, ok, what do you? You know everything that I need to get done for the part of the business, but what is it that you want me to do today? So he directs and he, he lets me know of things and it's and it's very interesting it's. I've had to, I've had to learn to trust. I could either learn to trust or I could just give away what I'm doing and James could go back to work and we could just stop, and then I wouldn't get to help people, and I've totally forgotten the question you asked me, Kristen.
Speaker 1:Well, I mean, I love this because I want to. I want to wrap back to that in a second Because I can't do something there and I'll have to remember what that is, but so sorry, Like in your business, what does it look like for you? Like, has it been something that you felt like you need to?
Speaker 2:like micro niche but I think you that's right out of the box.
Speaker 1:Yes, yeah, you want to just kind of go down that route a little bit.
Speaker 2:Yes so sorry.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I've done all the niching things as well. And then I'd kind of get a picture in my mind and I'd yes, I want this person. But then I kept attracting different people and I've gone, I don't understand, this isn't working. And so then I kind of pick a different niche and then I would attract different people to that and I would go, oh, whatever, okay, god, who do you like? I thought he was telling me who my niche was, but obviously I was missing something and I just started saying, to be completely honest, I just said, lord, you bring me who you want to bring me. You tell me who you want me to minister to, who do you want me to reach out to? And honestly, that's how I did it. And then all of a sudden, within two weeks, I had seven appointments with husbands and I went what the heck? That was awesome, like I was so pleased and really happy. But I would. I'd never dreamed of working with husbands, because what do I have to share with husbands? I have no idea, but I do.
Speaker 2:I've discovered that I actually do, being in this situation of living by faith and being the sole breadwinner when I say that God is our provider. So I'm fully aware of that, that God is our provider, but he also uses us to bring in resource and finance for our family. So it's yeah, I've had to learn to say when God says jump, I say how high. And it really is a life laid down, like we often sing. There's so many songs about I surrender, I surrender. It's a whole other story. I loathe that word, surrender. The Bible talks about submission, not surrender. But that's just my thing, and so I've been submitting different parts of my life to the Lord over the years. And then last Sunday I had a mini meltdown and I laid in bed and five o'clock in the morning I said to God I hold nothing, I totally submit to you and I hold absolutely nothing in my hands. You can do whatever you want. And that shocked me that I'd actually got to that point. And then the opportunities that have opened up this week and crazy, like just crazy, and I go, wow, this is really interesting. So I have learned to answer the question of being.
Speaker 2:I've stepped out of the box. Like he showed me and this is just for me, but it might encourage somebody else Is that God actually is an inner box. He can't be contained. However, we are in a box and we act and we live like there's small holes cut in the side of the box, and so we're peering out the side of the box. Well, we can't see very much. We can't see above, we can't see below, we can't see behinds, we can't see to the side, we just can't see. So we then think, from our perspective, that God is actually in a box. But he isn't. It's actually us who are in a box.
Speaker 2:And I said to the Lord okay, I choose and I did a prophetic act, which means that I did in the natural something that's mimicking what's happening in the spiritual realm. So I stood up, lifted my arms up like I was lifting the lid off the box, and stood up and said I am no longer in the box, I wanted to see all that you want to show me. I want the full perspective. And then, since then, god has just been moving in all of these different ways of life, like in every area of our life. So a real key is to say when God says jump, we say how high? And the key is to go and do what he says, because he's so good and everything he gets us to do. There's always a blessing. On the other side there's always someone that we can help.
Speaker 2:Terri Savelle Foy says that somebody is waiting on the other side of your obedience, and that has so stuck with me. If I don't keep getting healed, if I don't keep sharing what the Lord has given me to share, if I don't keep prophesying over people, someone else is going to miss out and that I just I can't do that I want to get when I graduate, to go and be with Jesus. I want him to say well done, good and faithful daughter, and I don't want to bury my talents. I don't want to be like the guy who has the one talent. I want to be like the five talents or the 10 talents and says, yes, you have done well with what I've given you, and it really is about obedience. Submission and obedience. They're my two key values really submission and obedience to the Lord.
Speaker 1:So good. I really. I love how you did that prophetic deck with the box, because we definitely are not meant to fit in boxes. I like to say I don't fit in a box, I burn them. Yes, amen. So when I captured something, when you said, you know, basically kind of that posture of laying down to write this, laying down to jump, it sounds opposite, like you get into a posture of laying down so that you can jump. It seems so opposite, doesn't it?
Speaker 2:But what I say is have you met God? Like he's so upside down and he's so he does sing in a different way, however it's so the way he does things is so different to the world and that's why I love it, because it's it brings so much more fruit. We don't have to strive. When we're doing that, like it's really interesting, I have people saying and don't get me wrong, I do get. I do get tired when I'm prophesying a lot, because there is a lot of mental, emotional, spiritual, physical energy that does go out, but while I'm doing it, I'm so energized and I just love it. When we're in our lane doing what we're called to do, we are so empowered by Holy Spirit that we can just keep going and going and going. And obviously, yes, we do need to rest and yes, we do need to take time out, which I do.
Speaker 2:I was telling Christen before that I had great calls yesterday and then I prophesied in a group for two hours and then after that I went and watched some how to Train your Dragon episodes with one of our daughters, and so that was my downtime in the afternoon and then I went back and did some more work. So there is. I don't like the word balance because I don't think there is such a thing, but I think that as long as we're staying in our lane, not taking on other people's things and not trying to do other people's things, we're not trying to jump into somebody else's lane, the empowerment of God is there, and then we really are energized by it. And so then when we take the time to rest even watching how to Train your Dragon God fills us with rest and that refreshing. And then you know, because I had the rest and then I was ready to go again.
Speaker 2:So it really is that laying down, like God says give everything to Him. And then say God, what do you want me to do? Now? I have had a lot of people say well, that's just stupid, donna, you've got a brain in your head, so just do what you know you think. And I go yeah, try that. It doesn't really work. So I, of course, I do have a brain in my head and I do do things that I know how to do, but I submit everything to God and say what do you want me to do in this? Is there a different way that you want me to do this? And then he may interrupt and say OK, now I need you to send a text to this person. Now I need you to pray for this person. So it's just being really attentive to His nudgings, as it were.
Speaker 1:Just even your you know recent example with this new course that you're doing. Yes, it was a download, very quick, kind of like something I got a couple of years ago. It was just I knew when it was him. He gave me a name for something three years ago. It went on a show for a little bit, got the name, and then I woke up one day and I heard the name and it was like now, and then the whole thing just dropped the whole print and then creating a landing page that I'd never done before.
Speaker 1:It was like it was ready in one day, like, and I knew that that was him because it wasn't me trying to like go learn all of the tricks to make a landing page and then look at all the things and try to copy somebody else's thing. It was like quick, like boom. So tell us a little bit more about your recent experience with this course, because I got a little sneak peek of you know bits and pieces of what you're going to be doing soon and it is so powerful and I know that you know I would imagine that a lot of people could very much utilize this course to have a lot of breakthrough. But I'm going to let you just kind of talk more about that, because I could just go on about why and how people need this.
Speaker 2:Oh, thank you, and it's so great that you stepped out and then you created the landing page and you, you did all of that. So that's applaud you as well, kristen. I have the blessing of having very gifted computer it son and my husband is very, very clever at all that stuff too, so he does that for me, which I'm very grateful for. So I have been teaching for a really, really long time, having the prophetic gift. Part of walking in a high level prophetic anointing is to teach others how to how God communicates with them personally and teach them how to prophesy. The Apostle Paul talks about I wish that you would all prophesy. Well, to prophesy you have to know how God communicates with you. So there's actually a step before it and, like everything we learn and with all the prophetic gifts we learn, we can have the anointing to do it. But say that somebody is gifted in piano. They could be a prodigy and just play it really well right at the start, but a lot of the time to get refined they need to go and have lessons. It's just the same with the spiritual gifts that we have, and learning how God communicates with us is another thing that can be learned. So I've been teaching it for a long time, so the course name that God gave to me was how to confidently hear God. Clearly Now, because there's four main ways, overarching ways, that God talks to us, and that's through seeing, hearing, knowing and feeling. So the hearing part is thoughts in our head. We can just have thoughts drop into our mind so just say, you're just going about washing up, for example, or going for a walk, and then all of a sudden somebody's name drops into your mind and then it's like, oh, I need to call them. That is God communicating with you and you're hearing God. Another way is if you I love talking to a couple of my friends who are really Holy Spirit filled I shouldn't say that because we're all Holy Spirit filled. If we're a believer, we are all Holy Spirit filled, but they really tap into what a Holy Spirit is doing. That's a better way of saying it. And so when we're talking to each other, holy Spirit comes in and revelation starts coming out of our mouths and we just go. Did you know that before? No, I just heard myself say that. So you can hear in the natural realm, holy Spirit speaking through someone else and you're getting revelation through someone else.
Speaker 2:A very not so common way is to hear God audibly. I in person, I only know one person that that happens with on a regular basis. I know a couple of people that have heard God audibly, but it was because they weren't paying attention and God needed to be loud. But it is another way that God can communicate. So that's what they're hearing with the seeing, if you, imagination is a really good thing.
Speaker 2:So a lot of what I see is in my imagination. I see the person in front of me. Then, in my imagine overlaid on that person, I can see what the angels are doing. I can see what demonic is attacking or tormenting that person. And whenever I see them and the person allows me to, I get rid of it. I don't pay them any attention. They're a nuisance, they're a pain, they're liars. I get rid of them.
Speaker 2:But in your imagination, if you have a picture, that can be from the Lord as well, some people have what's called open visions, where it's like they're watching a TV screen right in front of their face, like in the natural realm. So I know people that have those as well and that seeing and knowing a lot of men walk in this. Women do walk in it too, but I've noticed that it tends to be a lot more men that walk in. This is knowing. You just know in your gut, you know something, you know that, you know that. You know. You have no clue how you know it, you just know it. And the last one is feeling, and this is quite a female thing, but men do have it too, and that's okay, because Holy Spirit is the same in everyone. But feeling. So we can walk into a room oh my goodness, what's happened in here? Like we can feel what is going on in the room, or if we're near somebody we can pick up. Now they can be called like an empath or an intuitive that's kind of what they're called in the new age realm, I think. But that's what it is. They have the feeling gift and they can. They can feel what's happening in a person's life, or they can feel what's happening in, in the atmosphere around them.
Speaker 2:They'll be often times when I'm just going about my day, normally not sad about anything, and then all of a sudden I burst into tears and I go what on earth is that? And my husband needs to remind me to say ask God what he's sad about. Oh yeah, that's right. So then I go and ask God what he's sad about, and he'll tell me what he's sad about and I'll say do you want me to pray? And then he'll say sometimes, yes, this is what I want you to pray, and I go great. And sometimes he'll just say, no, I just want you to sit here with me. And I go okay, so I'll just sit here and I just take a moment and I sit quietly with the Lord, because it's like we have this two way relationship and he wants to be with us, and so that's feeling. But there are keys to knowing this. Some people just don't know. I often hear people saying, oh, I never hear God, and my response is always have you ever had a good idea? And they go yes, and I go, yes, that's God, you've had a good idea, so that's God. And so then it's kind of like, okay, well, how do I recognize that really quickly?
Speaker 2:One of our sons has ADHD, and so he doesn't get a lot of pictures in his mind, and so what I do with him is or what I've taught him to do is he can sit in a room and he'll say Holy Spirit, can you please highlight something to me in my room and then Holy Spirit will highlight something to him. It'll catch what that means is. It catches his attention and then he stops and focuses on it. And then he says, holy Spirit, what are you telling me in this? And then he will know, something will just come up in him, he will just know it and he'll go oh okay, that's what that is. Or he'll see patterns. I was telling Kristen before, like he'll see numbers on street signs and when there come three or four or five of the same number on different street signs, he'll say Mum, I'm seeing a pattern again. What does this number mean? And so then we'll discuss that.
Speaker 2:So there's so many different ways that God communicates and my heart is to help people know these ways. I was once ministering with a CEO of a company and she says to me Donna, you have a terrible business plan. And I said what do you mean? And she said well, you've just helped me get healed, you've helped me get answers, but you taught me how to do it myself. And I said yes, that's what I'm supposed to do, cause I'm not the guru. You need to know how to do this stuff yourself. And she said yeah, it's fantastic, but that's a terrible business plan. So it's the key of helping people to get to the point where they can do these things themselves, because we're not meant to keep going to other people all the time to get the answers. We need to know how God communicates with us. Does that mean that we never go to someone else? No, of course not.
Speaker 2:Community is very much on God's heart. Relationship is on God's heart. He wants people to come together. So in the class that I'm running, we come together as a group and we learn each of these subjects of the seeing, hearing, feeling, knowing, and we put it into practice. We have it's all very biblical teaching and we do lots of what I call activations, so we put it into practice. Let's see if this is your primary way that God communicates with you.
Speaker 2:I don't often say how God speaks or how you hear God, because people automatically go. They tend to go automatically go audio voice but it hardly ever is, and so God communicates in so many ways and I often hear people saying God goes silent. No, he actually doesn't. He may not be speaking about or communicating about one subject that you want an answer to, but he's always communicating. To use something about something In Romans, one it talks about. God speaks through creation, so that no one is without excuse, and so he's always communicating. But I love helping people get into that space of knowing how he communicates with them. On a personal level. It's so exciting when you see someone's face where the lights have gone on. I just heard God. It just thrills me. It is so very, very exciting.
Speaker 1:Such a gift you are. I mean, I feel like they're my world and I would say my boxes opened up quite a bit years ago when I learned that it wasn't just the audible voice. They're so much more. He is so fun, Like God is so fun. Yes, Just say that he is.
Speaker 1:He put me outside, Like you take me outside of my house, especially, and you put me out in nature and he speaks to me through all the things numbers, Like I see numbers, repeating numbers all the time, or different little, like it'll, literally and I don't know if you ever have this happen too, but I might be walking on a trail and literally it feels like my body needs to turn, Like I'm not thinking about it, yes, but I turn. Or I'm led to like I'm literally looking straight ahead, whether I'm driving or walking, and all of a sudden it's almost like something's like kind of hitting my chin, like you need to look up now. And I've had times like multiple times, over and over and over again and you know me, I love eagles and I see them all the time but like I have had times where I literally am led to look up and there's an eagle like right over my face.
Speaker 1:And I'm like I am going to fall over Sure, and I know, and that's not for everybody, right, it's not something that everybody experiences, but for me it always reminds me of Psalm 91. And I feel like I'm, if I were to be like I said this to a friend earlier I feel like I should be a bird, like I'm called to fly, I'm called to soar. I don't have wings, but you know what I mean.
Speaker 2:So whenever I see, them.
Speaker 1:I'm like oh my gosh, laura, do you see me?
Speaker 2:Yes, it's a good reminder, isn't it? And he loves to do that in the ways, and that's really unique to you. I'm sure he does it for other people too, but that's how personal he is, that's how interested he is in you, kristen, and in every person on the planet. He loves to communicate in the way that that one person understands there is no one size fits all. They just isn't in the kingdom of God.
Speaker 1:I love that you get to so like that isn't something you can necessarily niche, because everybody needs this.
Speaker 2:Yes, hence my dilemma.
Speaker 1:For all like for all, for real. So, goodness, well, I would love for you to share if anything else is on your heart today. We will be sure to link your you know the link for the Confidently Hearing God course and make sure that that gets into the show notes. Anything else that's on your heart. I always like to end the show with you know, if you have on your heart right now, you know that one woman who's been listening, anything else you'd like to share with her and would you be open to praying over her today?
Speaker 2:Absolutely. I'm really sensing that the Lord is saying to your listeners that you are really important, like the person who's listening to me now, hear me say you are really important to the Lord. You are part of the bigger picture of all of creation. You are valued, seen and heard by your Heavenly Father and no matter what is happening in your life, no matter what has happened, no matter what is going to happen, he is always so close to you that you can feel His breath on your cheek. He is that interested in you.
Speaker 2:Matthew talks about how he knows the number of hairs that we have in our head. Now, being women, being ladies, we have hair that goes down the drain and I often think, wow, god knows how many of my hairs just went down the drain. He knows how many are on my head. Now. That might seem like a really silly thing, but that's how personal he is. That's how personally he knows you. He designed you and fashioned you exactly as he wants you to be. Yes, we all have to have the rough edges smoothed off and that's okay. But with the personality and the quirks and all of those sort of things that you have, the Lord says there's nothing wrong with you. You are not broken. You are not broken. There's nothing in scripture that says that you are broken. You are wounded. You have a wounded heart that needs to be healed, and God is more than interested and far more than capable of healing your heart. I am a walking testimony of the healing power of God and he can do it for you. I am no different. I have the same Holy Spirit living in me. I just have a different gifting, maybe, to what you have, or maybe you have the same gifting as me, and people aren't sure how, what to do with you, as it were. But be encouraged. The Lord knew that when he created you, when he fashioned you, you are here for His purposes.
Speaker 2:I was reading a blog the other day that said God is not here for our story, we are here for His. So we can ask God where do we fit into your story? Where do we fit into your plan of creation, of history, of life itself? And so know, sweetheart, that you are so important to the Lord. He never leaves you. He is always with you. Nothing is impossible for you. Whatever breakthrough, whatever miracle that you need right now, he can do it. He can do it. Read the word. Look at the miracles. I've been reading two Kings, three, four, five and six. Read the miracles. He's the same God then as he is today. He can do these miracles and I pray great blessing.
Speaker 2:So, father, I thank you for this person who's listening to me today. I thank you for Kristin. I thank you that she is sharing her beautiful message with the world, her powerful message with the world, and I pray that her message will go far and wide throughout the earth. I thank you that she gives opportunity for other people to share the message that you have given them.
Speaker 2:And this precious lady, this precious person, whoever they are, who listens to me now, I pray, father, that you would show them, without a shadow of a doubt, how you communicate with them, how you love them, what you love about them, what brings you great joy, what brings you great delight about this precious and mighty person. Now, in Jesus' name, I pray right now, jesus, that you would release your shalom piece into this lady's atmosphere, into this person's atmosphere and into their heart, their soul, their mind, their body, and that they would know your closeness, they would feel your healing power and they would have an encounter with you, even right now and in the continuing days and weeks. I thank you so much, god. I praise you, King Jesus, for you are totally awesome, and I pray great blessing upon everybody who hears my voice in the name of mighty Jesus, amen.
Speaker 1:Amen Ooh. Thank you so much for sharing today. I just love you.
Speaker 2:I love you as well. You are just totally an inspiration and such an encouragement to me, and I so value your friendship, kristen.
Speaker 1:See you too, my friends, right back at you. High five all the way across the ocean. Right, absolutely Well, thank you for being a brave voice who sets others free. I'm gonna close the podcast today with our anchoring verse. It's May the God of Hope Fill you with All Joy and Peace and Believing so that, by the power of the Holy Spirit, you may abound in hope, and that's Romans 15-13. So thank you again, donna, and, like I said, we will link in the show notes the access and the link for you to join the course. Can you just share? I didn't ask you when does it start?
Speaker 2:It starts on. For my lovely American people it starts on March 6th, but anybody in Australia it starts on March 7th. So it only goes for five weeks, which is really exciting, and the last week is where we are going to be doing really like the whole hour and a half. The other classes go and you go for an hour, but then the fifth one will go for an hour and a half and we are doing full on activation. So people bring their questions, that they have for God, the things that they wanna hear about, and we will be really diving into the, into getting God's answers and getting God's solutions and hearing from him himself. So it's gonna be a very exciting time.
Speaker 1:I cannot wait. I'm gonna take part in it too. So if you happen to hear this podcast in a year, in the show notes there'll be some contact information for Donna as well. I'm sure she'll be running some more goodness at that point as well. So thank you again, Donna. I will talk to you soon and I'll see you guys next week for another episode. Bye, Thank you.