Coffee House Coaching

Ep 19 Kara Trousdale (CLIENT) - Acute situation with immediate results / Useful tools / Sabbatical / Fill your own cup

Season 1 Episode 19

Kara is the client of Adrienne Kortas (chc EP# 18)

Highlights from my conversation with Kara

  • First coaching was 6 years ago / Getting the wonderful introduction from her Mentor to Adrienne Kortas / Foundational Period - Initial time in "getting to know" each other / Useful exercise - Mapping out life's highs and lows / Tackling an acute situation instantly and showing immediate value / Shocking EQ assessment results / Working with consumables when Covid hit / Getting called out in an accurate way on work - life balance / Really defining resilience / Taking a sabbatical to reassess / Thinking of her career without coaching / You need to fill your own cup first