Tee’d Off

Episode 1: 2022 Masters Tournament Review

April 27, 2022 Ben Clyburn & Aaron Thomas Episode 1

Tune in for in inaugural episode of Tee'd Off, brought to you by the golf pros at MBGolf.com! On today's episode, Ben and Aaron share candid feedback from The 2022 Masters Tournament, along with their vision for the podcast and latest updates on golf here at The Beach!

Ben Clyburn and Aaron Thomas introduce themselves as the hosts of the 'Teed Off' podcast from MBGolf.com. Ben is the president of Condo-World and MB Golf, a third-generation family business, and has been an avid golfer for over 16 years, inspired by Tiger Woods' dominance in the early 2000s. Aaron is the golf sales director and has lived in the Myrtle Beach area for over 20 years, taking up golf at the age of 10 after being influenced by his father.

The hosts provide a detailed recap of the 2022 Masters tournament, discussing Scottie Scheffler's dominant win, his impressive four-putt on the 18th hole, and his potential for sustained success. They analyze Tiger Woods' comeback performance, his struggles over the weekend, and his plans for future majors. Rory McIlroy's impressive final round of 64 is also discussed, with the hosts debating whether it signals a return to form or was simply a result of playing without pressure.

The hosts discuss the overall state of golf, highlighting the resurgence in popularity post-pandemic and the influx of young talent on the PGA Tour. They analyze the performances of players like Dustin Johnson, Jon Rahm, Justin Thomas, Jordan Spieth, and Collin Morikawa, and debate the likelihood of a dominant player emerging like Tiger Woods. The hosts also touch on the upcoming PGA Championship at Southern Hills, which is reportedly Scottie Scheffler's favorite course.


The discussion shifts to the current golf season in Myrtle Beach, with the hosts noting the high demand and excellent course conditions. Aaron Thomas, the golf sales director, highlights two popular packages: the Barefoot Resort courses and the Myrtle Beach Golf Trail collection. He provides details on the courses, pricing options, and the benefits of each package. The hosts also mention the oceanfront Crescent Shores condos as a featured accommodation option for golf groups.

The hosts emphasize the importance of booking early for the fall golf season in Myrtle Beach, as availability and pricing are directly impacted by demand. Aaron Thomas explains that booking early ensures access to desired tee times, courses, and accommodations at the best rates. He notes that the fall season is already generating interest, and waiting until the last minute will result in higher prices and limited options.


It's time for the teed off podcast.

Ben Clyburn:

It is Thursday, April 14. And this is the teed off podcast. My name is Ben Clyburn. I'm here with my co host, Aaron Thomas. We're with MB golf.com. Power BI condo world. How you doing, Aaron?

Aaron Thomas:

Good. How you doing today? Man? Good.

Ben Clyburn:

Good. It's a beautiful day in Myrtle Beach.

Aaron Thomas:

Great day for golf.

Ben Clyburn:

Yes, it is. So we've got a lot to talk about today. So let's go over the format of today's show. We are going to introduce ourselves to our audience. Thanks everyone for listening in. And then we're gonna go to the front nine, which will be their most recent scoop on the world of golf. Got a lot to talk about. There was quite a weekend and Augusta will go to the back nine and dig into Myrtle Beach Golf. It is a great golf season. We are right in the middle of spring golf season. So there's plenty to discuss as far as packages where to stay and then a look ahead to fall golf. So let's dive in. Alright, so first thing I like to do is introduce ourselves. So I'll go first. I'm Ben Clyburn. I'm the president of condo world and MB golf, third generation family business. I am 30 years old, and I have been an avid golfer for over 16 years. I played a lot of soccer growing up if I could change that I would have just swung a golf club because it is definitely my favorite sport. Being the age that I am. My dad and grandpa got me into golf, but Tiger Woods made it cool for me. So I just fell in love with the game with his dominant play. And I grew up right when he was just tearing everybody apart in the early 2000s. So I love golf. I'm a native of North Myrtle Beach. So I know all the courses in the area. I've played them all and it's just really fun to talk golf to people that love golf and love Myrtle Beach Golf.

Aaron Thomas:

And my name is Aaron Thomas. I am the golf Sales Director for condo world nwmp golf. I am from Maryland originally, but I have lived in the Myrtle Beach area for over 20 years actually moved down when I was the age of 18. And I've been here ever since. So I'm actually 43 now, and I just really love the Myrtle Beach area. I've always loved the game of golf. Never started playing until I was about 10 years old. Of course I was in everything that everybody else is into at that age football, baseball, basketball. My dad was out in the yard swinging and chipping, getting ready to go play golf on a Sunday morning and I thought it looked pretty interesting. So after he left I picked up one of his old clubs and just started playing around and never put it down I've been playing ever since and played played a little golf in high school you know a more of a casual golfer I liked the competition but for me it's just more laid back you know having a couple of drinks while you play and just enjoy in the company in the golf course couldn't have said it better

Ben Clyburn:

Okay, so the front nine masters recap, Scottie Scheffler for put on 18 to win by three that's that's a pretty good position

Aaron Thomas:

greatest four putt you'll ever have.

Ben Clyburn:

Seriously, and you know people are like, Oh, what was he doing? I was like, you know, once he got it on the green. It was locked up and his you could just see the relief and and his game mode just leave him.

Aaron Thomas:

Yeah, it was it was evident it was it was certainly evident. So there was

Ben Clyburn:

nothing really to worry about there. But impressive performance. And I hate to say it because he he's definitely came into the tournament being the best player in the world was playing better than anybody else had one all those tournaments. I just didn't expect it from him. I just didn't. I don't

Aaron Thomas:

believe he was the betting favorite for the week either. I know he was world number one. The one stat that stood out to me going into the tournament was in the last was it 2025 years that nobody outside of the what top 25 in the world has won, I think it was a status interesting. So and there's only been the number one players that have won or DJ. Obviously Tiger, and now Schaeffler, and I feel like there's one more in front of that. That was back in like maybe early 2000s. But But yeah, though the number one doesn't always win.

Ben Clyburn:

Well, you know it. It was interesting because it And it was a different tournament, you know, they had to battle the elements until Sunday. But a lot of big names didn't make it to the cut. Yeah. And but the best two players in the world right now, I know Camp Smith ranked sixth that I believe last week, they made it to the final pairing. So that was you know what everybody asked for, really,

Aaron Thomas:

it was the best grouping of the weekend. Certainly the two best players of the weekend, even though the world rankings don't show

Ben Clyburn:

that and once again, another player foiled by number 12. So that was that was exciting to see. It, it didn't really get very interesting because Gotti had dominated Friday and Saturday, so much. So but like I said, I just did not expect it from him. And I know, that's tough to say, based on his performance coming in, but I wonder how sustain the success is gonna be?

Aaron Thomas:

He is certainly on a streak right now. And I for me, I think one of the most impressive things from him for the for the weekend was he found himself in trouble multiple times, even in that final round. And he was able to make shots or not cost himself any more, you know, strokes when he was in a bad situation. And he stayed calm, and I think that's what won it for him. A lot of players have followed, you know, he he was getting out of on day three Saturday. What was that off of 18? Oh, he's searching and searching in the trees to confirm it was his ball before he could even do anything with it. So he he had himself in some trouble but he he managed to stay calm and not not make it worse. Yeah,

Ben Clyburn:

his recovery shots were wonderful. Scotty finished the tournament with a four putt. Let's talk about another four putt Tiger Woods for putted. ones on Sunday or was it on Saturday? I don't

Aaron Thomas:

remember which day it was. I can't can't remember which day that was he did

Ben Clyburn:

not have his best stuff over the weekend. But it was still great to see him back

Aaron Thomas:

his his first two days were actually exceeded my expectations my personal expectations form because I know the media puts a lot of hype on it when Tiger plays but he came out of I mean a career ending you know injury car wreck whatever you want to call it life altering really Yeah. To just play again was was big to make the cut was huge.

Ben Clyburn:

Very Ben Hogan asked. I mean, Hogan I believe in the in the 50s got hit by a bus. Yeah. Yeah. And, you know, in the 50s didn't have the technology they had today, of course, and he came back and won multiple majors. So there's still hope for Tiger and, you know, I believe that when he says he thinks he can win a tournament, he is not somebody that's gonna just ceremoniously show up. No,

Aaron Thomas:

no tiger is not there for what are they call it the pomp and circumstance he is he is there for the for the win. He wants to win.

Ben Clyburn:

He's somebody that when he can't compete, he won't play anymore. No.

Aaron Thomas:

Now he'll, I think he'll gracefully bow out. And I think it'll be he's gonna be a great ambassador for the game as he gets, you know, gets into his older years.

Ben Clyburn:

And it's great to see him back though. It was a perfect storm, really, because the galleries are finally full again at Augusta to see that Monday practice round. You know, 25 people deep on the first tee. Yep. That's just amazing. And he's

Aaron Thomas:

just great for the game of golf brings. It brings more people to it every time you play. So he's, you always want him to be there any tournament.

Ben Clyburn:

I hope he plays. You know, he's up in the air. He's registered for the PGA in the US Open. But that was just the deadline to do so. So we don't know if he's gonna be there. But he did after his round say he was going to be at St. Andrews in July. Yeah. So that is amazing.

Aaron Thomas:

I will look for his own. He's already said he's going to be playing a reduced schedule the rest of his career, but I look for him to find a way to squeeze out the majors, especially this year. Now that he knows, I think walking Augusta is the toughest part. And with the other courses, I don't think he's gonna have to deal with as much from a walking standpoint, I don't think they're St. Andrews is pretty well flat. So he'll be fine there. And with the other two majors this year, I don't think they're going to be anything crazy for him. So I look for him to at least try and try and make a cut on him.

Ben Clyburn:

Definitely. I was impressed by his driving. So I mean, he's a sprayer anyway. And he was he was fairly accurate. The whole week. So that was good to see. So and that will prove well for the PGA in the US Open where you know, you have to hit fairways.

Aaron Thomas:

Yeah. And he's, of course driving accuracy has not been his friend in recent years. But with what I saw his swing has certainly what hasn't changed. I think it's tempo has has changed a little bit, which will maybe give them a little more control.

Ben Clyburn:

Yeah, but the speed still up. I mean, it's still above average, compared to tour players ball speed, and clubhead speed.

Aaron Thomas:

zealots good he wasn't sure to set off the tee by any me know so

Ben Clyburn:

well, somebody they got hot on Sunday was Rory he had the round of the day at Augusta a 64 with that awesome chip and Maury cow followed right behind him. Same bunker on 18. That was That was awesome. And it's gotten some buzz that says, you know, Rory can still push the gas pedal down and give a great round. Can you do it for a full tournament? I don't know. Is there too much hype? Here is my question. Because starting the day, how many back was he? Yeah, he I mean, he was used eight strokes back.

Aaron Thomas:

I feel like he was right around that even minus one somewhere in there. He wasn't I mean, he wasn't really in contention with you know, with with Schaeffler,

Ben Clyburn:

so he had no choice. It wasn't a it wasn't a point where you're sitting on the first tee saying, I can't give this away. It's I've got to go get it. And if I don't go get it, it wasn't expected of me to reach it. So I think that there's a different attitude there with Rory. And that's why we saw the round we had, I don't think we would have seen around like that. If he were closer to the lead, and was expected to perform in I think that's been kind of his MO since his last major one was 2014.

Aaron Thomas:

Yeah. And you can you can play fearless if you don't have, you know, anything to lose. You know, why not go out and gun it all day? Because you're really at the end of the day. You're just playing for a place you don't think you got a chance when you're that far back? Yeah. So I mean, but great round for was a

Ben Clyburn:

great round. Yeah. And I like to see him play. Well, I just, I wouldn't put too much hype into it that you know, he's back. It's not that he's really left. I just think this is who Rory is. I'm not

Aaron Thomas:

sure. And I'd have to look at the history. But I don't think he's ever been able to put four consistent rounds together at the Masters. He's He's always had good rounds, but he's always had that one lingering round that seems to either keep them out of contention or put him where he's at. They're, you know, on Sunday, not not in the mix. And or, you know, with the year that he had to lay up on the bat and lost it on the last day, so I don't think he's ever put for, you know, solid, consecutive. Same type of rounds together. It seems like he's always got one round that seems to get out there and affects us all weekend.

Ben Clyburn:

Do you think Rory will win a green jacket? I know he can. He's got the game to do it. But you think he will? Yeah, he's young

Aaron Thomas:

enough. And I think he'll he'll get one. I just he's won too much to not complete the Grand Slam. He's got too much talent. And it's kinda like you if you look at look at Phil Mickelson who went all those years without winning a major one, his first one at the Masters once he got his once he got it out of the way he came rolling in. Yeah, every all the other majors came rolling in. I think this is his. This is the one that's gonna fight him the longest. He's gonna get it. But it'll you know, it'll be when the time's right for

Ben Clyburn:

him. I think he deserves it. I mean, he's been definitely a generational talent. Oh, absolutely. So I'd like to see him get the grand slam that will kind of put that last nail in of a of a Hall of Fame career. So we'll see. Looking ahead to the PGA Championship at Southern hills. I saw a Scottie Scheffler quote from like 2019. So this isn't like, you know, just blowing smoke. This is his favorite golf course. That's gonna be interesting, though, that that'll be that'll be interesting. I'm not going to tell the guy this time.

Aaron Thomas:

Well, what we need to look at if this is his favorite golf course, he obviously played there as a junior or amateur, as you'd like to say. The most impressive stat I kept hearing all weekend was his his junior golf record was he won 67% of the tournaments that he entered as a junior. So if he played this course when he was a junior and he loves it would have put some money on him because it's

Ben Clyburn:

fantastic. Yeah, that's Tiger esque really. And I know we we're not going to have a dominant player like Tiger Woods ever again. So we're looking at streaky players, which we've had the last several years Brooks Katka Roy McElroy had his streaky moment. Justin Thomas.

Aaron Thomas:

Yeah. And I think to be honest, I probably the longest streak, at least in my opinion, is Dustin Johnson. He seems to I mean, he's held he helped number one, and was consistent with it for it seems like the longest but I think we're gonna see a change. It's going to be you know, few months at a time. I think that number one spot is going to change unless, you know, unless we're wrong. I don't know Schaeffler. As I mentioned, we were talking earlier today. His last year in the majors. I don't think anybody really saw it coming but he was top 20 in the Masters 2021 and top 10 at the other three majors,

Ben Clyburn:

and I didn't know that you know, so he's in I mean, I remember I I remember the Ryder Cup dominance dominated the world's number one that day. Yes, he did. So that was, you know, that really put him on frame of mind for me. But I don't recall his performance in the majors. I don't

Aaron Thomas:

I think the Ryder Cup really put them on the map. For the average golf fan, you know, for that person that watches tournaments week in and week out, and is constantly paying attention, I think was probably aware of what he was maybe about to do, just based on his consistency. And I mean, to me, he's you. I mean, I didn't look at the other tournaments he played in last year. But I feel like if he played that, well, in the majors, he was probably pretty consistent in his other tournaments, too. So it's just a matter of time for him to start winning.

Ben Clyburn:

We'll see if he can sustain it. So I mean, just in a vacuum, it's an incredible run. And it has really caught fire at the right time. So I hope he keeps it up his swing dictates that he won't keep it up. By the way that foot slides like he's swinging for, for the outfield is just incredible. So that puts him to me. In the Bubba Watson, Justin Thomas box with that style of swing, and they are streaky players, they have a whole lot of success. Very short amount of time, then they kind of lose it then they come back.

Aaron Thomas:

Yeah. And he he definitely fights fees got to hit a draw. I mean, it was very evident on on television, watching him a demonstrative follow through there. Yeah, yeah, almost like he was playing baseball, but he made it work. You know, there might be might be a time when it's not working for him. And he'll struggle a little bit. But I think we all know that golf. Doesn't work that way all

Ben Clyburn:

the time. Definitely. And you spoke about consistency with Dustin. I think last year was the streak that broke for the longest active player with a win every year he was on tour and Dustin didn't win last year. So he has been impressive, but I think golf in general is in a great spot. It's great to have tiger back. He doesn't move the needle. He is the needle when he plays but the young stars I mean, Scottie Scheffler Dustin is still in great form when he when he's playing John rom so great player Justin Thomas Jordan Spaeth is trying to get his game back. Brooks is getting healthy. The game is in a great spot

Aaron Thomas:

due to how you know it's in a great spot is because we're talking about Dustin Johnson, who is considered one of the older players on tour is still in its 30s. So all these young talent that is out there, they are set up for years. And hopefully it continues with the surge in golf that we've seen. You know, a lot of new people taken up the game, hopefully younger people. Yep. Middle continue to grow. And it's been it's been great to watch. But so many so many great young guns out there right now that you want to root for every weekend.

Ben Clyburn:

And I didn't mention more Kowa I think he's got nine major starts. He's medicine, the top five and five of them to weds. So you know, there's somebody there that also has got some sustained success early in his career. Yeah, absolutely. All right. Well, let's move on to the back nine and talks in Myrtle Beach Golf. All right.


Back nine.

Ben Clyburn:

So golf in general has had a huge resurgence through in post pandemic. And that is none more evident than in Myrtle Beach. We are just to the rafters with golfers right now in April. And we are so happy to have him back.

Aaron Thomas:

Absolutely. I mean, everywhere you go in town, you see you can you can pick out golfers you see them, it doesn't matter if you're stopping at the grocery store and they're getting something to take back to their condo, obviously you see him out on the golf courses, but a lot of golfers in town and I think it's probably one of the best springs. Actually, I know it's the best spring that we've seen in a number of years. Definitely. You know, I don't like to say that. You can thank COVID for anything but I think you can probably thank it for helping the golf. Golf world. I'm sure a lot of people picked it up with one of the few things you could do.

Ben Clyburn:

Let's get social distancing built in. So yeah, I think it's a combination of people taking up the game. I think it's a combination of people finally feeling safe to travel and it's all converged in what looks to be a great golf season.

Aaron Thomas:

And courses are in fantastic shape right now. Everybody seems to be good. Our our spring has been you know, spring weather has been very mild. Yep. Which has helped out a lot too. So you know, it's it's just making more people when it comes down because my understanding is there's still some winter weather up north. This is deep this deep into the year so that that also helps us our winter

Ben Clyburn:

was was pretty mild here. So and that's good for the courses. And I hope that Mother Nature continues to cooperate through the rest of the spring, and we look forward to seeing everybody down here in Myrtle Beach to hit the links. Aaron, you're the golf director here. Can you give me two popular packages that you've been quoting and booking?

Aaron Thomas:

Yeah, this this year we have seen, it seems like two of our most popular which one is kind of a mainstay on our list is our barefoot golf packages. One of the main reasons the courses are second to none, they've got four championship courses. Pete Dye Tom Fazio, Davis Love Greg Norman, their exceptional shape year round, so you never really have to worry about conditions with them. And there, they've got several package offers that you can do, you can play all four on a special, if you want to play other places, they've got to play deals. But location is also another reason they are pretty much in the heart of the grain strained area. Whether you're north and south end, it's kind of in the middle. And it always remains a popular package with us. And then the second is the Myrtle Beach Golf trail collection of courses, they've got 20 Plus courses. Here in the area, they're pretty much south, the north end, majority of them are north end, which for a lot of our properties are great because we've got a lot of North end properties. So they've been a very popular selection. And they've got a number of options available that you can choose from if you're if you're wanting to play, you know, just golf, all kinds of golf while you're here. They've got free replay packages, multiplay and gift card packages, things like that. So the variety that their courses offer has been very popular with our groups this

Ben Clyburn:

year. Those are two great packages. I mean, I love I love the Barefoot courses. We're locals down here. So in the offseason, when we get an opportunity to play we try we try to get out to as many as we can. We love the Barefoot courses. I would say out of the four championship courses there. I like to fazia the best. Which one do you like the best?

Aaron Thomas:

I liked the Norman people were surprised by that. But I think the Norman offers some of the prettiest views while you're playing with the intercostal waterway.

Ben Clyburn:

I won't argue with you there. They definitely have the best views. For some reason. I'm just a big fan of the Fazio layout. I like them all. I think the dye the dye and I just don't get along because I don't get along with Pete Dye design,

Aaron Thomas:

which just toasted the Monday after the masters. Yes, they did their yearly charity tournament for Hootie and the Blowfish. And

Ben Clyburn:

they had some great weather. Yeah, it's great. Because I know that before the pandemic, they had a couple of years with some rain, but it doesn't matter. It's always a great turnout.

Aaron Thomas:

It's a lot of great celebrities this year. Yeah.

Ben Clyburn:

And then talking about the golf trail, they have so much variety. So they've got championship level courses, they have mid level courses, and they have economy courses. So it's really a great package for choice. And like you said on the north end, they've got some great courses, we are located in North Myrtle Beach with most of our accommodations. So that is a great place to build a package around.

Aaron Thomas:

Yep, prime they've got and they've got a you know, as you said, from a pricing standpoint, you can pretty much do, you know, economy to, you know, premium, because their courses are, you know, all, all great price. So if you want to, you know, if you want to try and save a little money, you can mix in a few courses that will, you know, help with the total cost of the package. But all in all, even though the cost is a little lower on the you know, the course, don't let it fool you. They're in great shape

Ben Clyburn:

they are and they they've got some quality designers as well. Arnold Palmer River's Edge is one to definitely mention

Aaron Thomas:

another another one with great views while you're playing. I think probably you know, second to none, especially North Carolina. You know, even though it's just right across the state line from us, it's it's not far at all from the accommodations. So it's well worth the what I consider to be a short drive, I think it's about 25 minutes if you're staying in North North Myrtle Beach area, so which is really nothing at all to get to so

Ben Clyburn:

well that covered about 30 Plus courses there with both of those packages that you really can't go wrong. And is there another golf course out there? We have a variety of different packages. You can also build your own and have a combination of any course you want really South Central or north end of the beach. The weather's been great, which has been great for the courses to keep them maintained and any renovations they did in the offseason have taken well yeah, with the good spring start we've had is there a course that might be budget friendly or an economic course that would be great to fill your itinerary

Aaron Thomas:

one that I have been using this year. And I won't necessarily say it's a most improved course, because they have been very consistent and have won actually golf course of the year honors in in recent years, and actually, we're up for National Golf course of the year. But from a price perspective, is Meadowlands Golf Course, which is just right at the North South Carolina State Line, always in great shape, I think their their price is fantastic. You get really more than you pay for when you play there, at least in my opinion, because of the the course conditions, the layout, everything is great. So that's probably my personal favorite. If you're looking for something that's not going to break the bank, but you're going to get a great round of golf and good conditions. You know, I think that's the one to go with as Meadowlands.

Ben Clyburn:

That is a good choice. I've I've enjoyed playing the Meadowlands over the years, and I've never been disappointed with it. So definitely have Meadowlands on your mind when you're planning your next golf trip. It would be a great addition to any itinerary. Absolutely. So you know, all these packages, we're talking golf courses. We also have some great accommodations to pair with these courses. So stay and play. Our featured property of this episode is Crescent shores right on the ocean front. It's right near our office off of 16th Avenue South. And they've got two three and four bedroom condos, we can sleep up to 14 people. It is just a great place to stay. If you're coming in with a package.

Aaron Thomas:

Yeah, it is. It's definitely one of our most popular location is great. With golf groups, we get a lot of requests for it because it is located right beside a popular Irish bar that's in the area which is Molly Darcy's very easy to walk over if you want to grab a drink after your round relax right on the ocean front to right on the ocean front and you can walk back to your room it's it's close but big thing that we get to the bedding in Crescent shores King of Queens. So you know it's real popular with with the golfers of course everybody likes to have a bigger bed when they're on vacation. So absolutely,

Ben Clyburn:

yeah, it's it's a great luxurious, high rise building. All the units have granite countertops, you know, full kitchens, washer dryer, big expansive balconies, and the furnishings are new and updated. It's just a great building. It's always popular with our family vacations with condo world is just as popular with our golf packages. Absolutely. So spring is spring has been great. And I hope it stays that way. You're already getting interest for fall. So I really wanted to touch on the importance of booking early golf is definitely back in action. And if you want premium accommodations, and the best courses, you need to book early, yeah,

Aaron Thomas:

then the the biggest reason is not not just because of your tee, time availability and your accommodation, availability is pricing, everything is priced structured, many more based on the availability that the course and the accommodations have. So the fewer available, the higher the price you're going to pay. If you get in early, get your reservations and everything booked, you get your price locked in, and you're getting the you know, the times and the accommodations that you want. If you want to, you know hand select certain certain room numbers or certain tee times with courses, you know, the more availability that we have to work with for you makes it a lot easier to to get what you want. But definitely from a price standpoint, if you wait till the last minute, you're gonna pay a higher price for for all of it

Ben Clyburn:

for sure. Yeah. And I know it's tough, especially when you get into the higher number of players in a group. But, you know, try and start planning now so that you can get the best price, the best courses and the best accommodations. Like I said, Erin, you're you're sending out quotes and booking for the fall now and it is April. So you know, it used to be you could wait till the summer to book the fall. That's not the case. Really. You need to really start planning your trip now.

Aaron Thomas:

Yeah, it's an it is that way across the board for everybody. It seems like everybody is planning earlier these days. So it's certainly well worth you know, getting, getting your information and getting things set up early. Because you'll get you get the best rates and best times that you can get.

Ben Clyburn:

Well, there's no better place to book your package. And then with MB golf.com. You can do your own search and book online. You can call us we've got in addition to Aaron, a whole group of golf experts ready to assist you with your package needs.

Aaron Thomas:

Absolutely, they're there. If you're not able to find it online, just give us a call. We'll be glad to help you but there's there's plenty of information available to on our website and MB golf.com where you can check out courses If you need course information, we've got course ratings yardage descriptions, you can view all of our packages if you want to, you know, price it out. You don't necessarily have to book it. If you just want to get an idea of a price you can put your information in, it'll give you all the details. And if you've got any questions or anything, feel free to give us a call or if you're not sure what you want to do, fill out a quick quote on our website. Just give us your basic information and we can we can take it from there for you.

Ben Clyburn:

It is the easiest golf booking site in Myrtle Beach to use. We have the most expert staff in the golf.com So Aaron, this is the teed off podcast which is a play on a golf tee as well as being ticked off maybe. So a little fun to close the show we we play a lot of golf. So we need to discuss something that we might have experienced on the golf course recently that might have teed us off so I want to go first. Okay, I played this weekend, teed off on the first hole hit into the fairway was it was a busy day. But I'm not a slow player hit end of the fairway was lining up my shot and I was getting a yardage for my second shot and I turn around, and somebody has already teed up the ball on the tee. And they're standing watching me with their hands on their hips as if they had been waiting for me for two hours. And we were on you know, the 12th hole. We were on the first hole there round hadn't even started, mine had just started. So that teed me off, you know if even on a busy day, you know, maybe take some practice swings on the tee, but don't tee up your ball and, and watch me from afar. I could feel as glare from 200 yards away.

Aaron Thomas:

It's yeah, and there's no point to be in a hurry. Because I mean, courses are busy. And while pace of play has been great in this area, you know in the area for the spring, but that many people were playing, you're not going to be able to go anywhere I know. So there's no point and getting getting excited as my

Ben Clyburn:

buddy I was like should I let him play through after I've hit one shot to start my round? And just see what his reaction

Aaron Thomas:

that he probably would have held you

Ben Clyburn:

up? Well, I would have been on him. So what's teed you off recently on the link? Well, I

Aaron Thomas:

don't know if it's really teed off, but it is it does tee me off. And it's more of my luck is when I get on the first tee and I see the beverage cart coming my way. I'm the type of golfer that likes to have a few beverages and I relax while I play. I don't get too excited. But you can I know you've already been in the clubhouse. So you probably already have a beer or drink in your hand when you get to the First Tee. And you know if you see that beverage cart in the first hole, you're not going to see it again until the at least the middle of the round, which is going to be you know, ninth or 10th Oh, you're making the turn. You've probably already got another drink by the next time you see him so that just it's just more by luck. I don't know how many people that happens to but it seems like for me every time it's first intensity, where I see a beverage cart.

Ben Clyburn:

And it's hilarious. Especially coming down coming down one that yeah, like go see you.

Aaron Thomas:

And you know, yeah, they know you just left the clubhouse. So there's really no need to even stop.

Ben Clyburn:

Yeah. And if you make the turn you you've already made a stop. So it's just you know, unlucky really,

Aaron Thomas:

it's yeah, it's just it's it's my luck or it's bad timing, whatever you want to call it.

Ben Clyburn:

Well that that would be something that definitely teed me off. Well, that wraps up this episode of The teed off podcast. Thank you everyone for listening and tune in next time and we'll have plenty to talk about in the world of golf, I'm sure and plenty more to talk about the world of golf in Myrtle Beach. Thanks, guys.


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