Will's Birdbrain

Halloween Special

Will Valentine Episode 4

Imagine, if you will, a world of unease. A realm in which the land, sea, and most importantly sky, offer ceaseless horror. Where psychological and bodily harm lie just outside your window. This place is not for the faint of heart, and the permanent residence for those living ornithophobia, the fear of birds. Proceed with caution as we travel to the outskirts of this world, your next stop... the Birdbrain Zone.

Join Will as he uncovers a host of ghoulish bird facts sure to ruffle your feathers, from small but terrifying, to colossal monsters. The night ends with a spooky story, written by Will, which reminds us when we take from nature, nature takes from us.

Be sure to check out the Will's Birdbrain Instagram account for complementary episode photos and videos, plus many other awesome bird photos/stories! There is currently a GIVEAWAY going on on Instagram as well, active until November 4th 2022! Get your free entries in before it's too late! https://www.instagram.com/wills_birdbrain/?hl=en 

Thank you Ontario Wildlife Photography for sponsoring this episode! To learn more about today's sponsor, check out the following websites:
greenravenphotography.com & canadianimages.net

Got a favorite bird you'd like to hear discussed on the Podcast? Shoot Will an email and let him know what you'd like to hear, share a birding story, or just say what's up! Email inquiries - willsbirdbrain@gmail.com 

Your support and interest is extremely helpful and encouraging! If you liked the show, please consider dropping a rating to show your support. Got suggestions for improvement, those could be added to a review! The goal of the Podcast is to share the love of birds, so be sure to share with your friends and family too. Together let's show some love to these common critters that so often get overlooked.

Love the show, consider supporting me on Patreon! Click the link to sign up: https://www.patreon.com/willsbirdbrain

Remember, always be spooky, birdbrains!

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