Innsmouth Book Club
Hosted by Rob Poyton and Tim Mendees, the Innsmouth Book Club is a fortnightly podcast devoted to Lovecraftian fiction and cosmic horror in general.
We discuss books, film, TV, gaming, art and music and chat with Lovecraftian creatives about their work. Episodes are free, with bonus content and other rewards available for patrons - click Subscribe or visit our Patreon page for details, and to access past episodes.
The Arkham bus is leaving soon...hop on board!
Innsmouth Book Club
Ep 96 Nosferatu
Join us in Innsmouth Picture House for a look at all things Nosferatu - from the 1922 classic to the forthcoming re-make. We chat Murnau, Schreck, litigation, Expressionism, Enochian, Klaus Kinski, music scores, stage SFX and goths.
Pearl & Scream - Innsmouth Coral Society Annual Festival Concert
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Vampire in Venice Innsmouth Excursion British Museum
Spongebob Squarepants
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