See You On The Other Side

51 | Unlocking Your Potential with Astrology and Psychedelics (with Nicole Darin)

Leah & Christine Season 2 Episode 51

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Ever wondered how the mystical worlds of astrology and psychedelics can help you unlock your true potential? Join us as we sit down with intuitive astrologer, karma & consciousness guide, and psychedelic facilitator, Nicole Darin. while she shares her expertise in harnessing the power of these cosmic tools to elevate our lives. Discover how understanding your astrological chart can not only guide you through personal transformation but also help you make important decisions in relationships and businesses. Astrology readings can serve as a permission slip to live your best life and attract what you desire.

In this episode, we dive deep into the fascinating connection between astrology and psychedelics. Nicole shares her journey as a psychic intuitive who channels spirit to read astrological charts, uncovering patterns and cycles for self-development and spiritual growth. We also explore how psychedelics can open our consciousness to the interconnectedness of the universe, and help us get 'unstuck' in areas of our life that are stagnant. The combination of astrology and psychedelics can create transformative experiences that align with your soul's purpose.

Lastly, we touch on the power of astrological timing and planetary transits to navigate different life phases and make crucial decisions. So if you're ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and awaken the mystic within, tune in to this enlightening episode and let the stars be your guide.

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Speaker 1:

We just had the most awesome conversation with Nicole Darren. She is an astrologist. She's a professional astrologer and microdosing coach and she integrates the both of them together to help you literally live your best life. Yes, she's also a psychic and I feel like she's a professional tour guide for your life?

Speaker 2:

Yes, and uses astrology and medicine, plant medicine and her psychic abilities to be a lantern for where you are in your life.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and it's like she can help you with finding out who you are. She can help you with you on your healing journey. She can help you find your purpose. She can help teach you how to live in your purpose and make money doing it.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to be honest. Like we both said, we knew nothing about astrology outside of what our sun sign was, and I don't think a lot of people know more past that. You needed something deeper, yeah, so We fucking got.

Speaker 1:

We did So. I'm a Scorpio and I feel like Scorpios get kind of this bad rap that they're dark, that they're, you know, psycho, psycho, incredibly loyal. But will you know, cut your dick off if you wrong them. And I was telling her before this interview I'm like, i feel like you know it's not necessarily wrong. I just feel like there's so much like I'm so much more than that, yeah, than just these few little labels about who I am, and there's a deeper reasoning in, maybe, why I am the way that I am. Yeah, not just like this is who you are. She fucking schooled you She did.

Speaker 2:

Wow, that was crazy. Tell me what you were saying earlier about, like, the summer house episode.

Speaker 1:

Okay, So I watch. I watch a show on Bravo TV called summer house And this past season there's this girl named Gabby and I forgot what her son sign was. But she's single and anyone any male she meets she immediately asks them what their sign is And let's say they're like, oh, i'm a tourist. And she'll say, oh, i can't talk to you because you're a tourist, we're not compatible And we'll just walk away. There was this one episode. This guy was tall, dark, handsome, jacked, seemed incredibly nice, incredibly like soft. And she's like what are you? And he said I don't know. He said he was a cancer. And she's like yeah, no, we don't have anything in common. And just wrote them off. And I'm like there's so much more to that than what their son son is.

Speaker 2:

Those are like cookie cutter horoscope, so they're cookie cutter astrology.

Speaker 3:

And what did she?

Speaker 2:

say that that was She called it pop astrology.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, where it's like we have like these memes and we see these ticktocks about like our, our signs and astrology and it's this is what you're compatible with And this is so much deeper than that.

Speaker 2:

It's so much more than that. I feel like that's with everything that we've ever looked at in our lives, where we take a little bit of a look under the surface of what it actually is, your minds are fucking blown. Because you said that about like the summerhouse girl and me like, oh, you're a tire slumber And I'm like, okay, but like what we learned about, it is okay, that's your, that's your ego, that's not your purpose, that's your soul, like what you're rising to be, like your. Your rising sign is like the potential that you have and what you're working towards. So maybe the rising sign is the thing that you're attracted to, and not their fucking fucking tourist cookie cutter. Astrology sign.

Speaker 1:

And also there are a lot of people who I know, who are like oh, you were one of them. Oh, I'm a Capricorn. That doesn't really add up. I don't really seem like I'm a Capricorn.

Speaker 2:

But Which is why I never got into astrology in the first place. Yeah, and you've said that a lot Doesn't fucking make sense to me, but then when you talk to a professional astrologer your shit got rocked. It's not even a route I would have ever picked to go down. I am so excited that we had her on. I'm so excited that she explained these things in further detail. She really kind of like rocked my world a little bit, and yours too, i'm sure.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, and gave us really good insight of, like, how we're gonna show up together Yeah, like with this podcast and where we're gonna go with it our strengths- There was so much validation in that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, i feel like anybody who's knocking astrology Doesn't know enough about it. You haven't, you haven't meant to call.

Speaker 1:

Well, and it's like so much of what we talk about, like anyone who has knocked plant medicine it's usually people who don't really know anything about plant medicine, right, and it's kind of like that with everything in life.

Speaker 2:

Everything in life. This is very much like our motto. Yeah, this is our bread and butter. Baby, Be curious, because there is always something more to learn when you are open to learning. And I don't know, this is just like to me. This is just gonna be another modality of healing and a tool that we can go to in our journeys.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely, and you know what I love about us.

Speaker 1:

About us, yes, tell me Because we don't know everything and we show up owning that we don't know everything and we just wanna learn. We get put in these situations where our you know, our shit gets rocked. We learn so much about ourselves. We learn about how you know to move forward with our business And it just kind of is a testament of past, our past selves, who weren't in this space, We weren't open to learning. Yeah, We maybe thought we had all the answers and I think what a freeing position to be in, to be like no, I don't know anything.

Speaker 2:

Teach me, I don't know shit about fuck Yeah, teach me.

Speaker 1:

And like again, just to be curious and not judgmental, ted, i'm so close, i wanna hope that this is like something for them, like for our listeners.

Speaker 2:

Like you may not get something out of everyone of our episodes, but something might resonate with you, something might open up your curiosity and you might get something out of it. So, just, you know, be open to learning Something new. Yeah, that's it. You know how you like tease me about being a human design bully. Now I'm gonna be like what's your, what's your? rising moon, sun, star, that's not how you say it. You're in the eighth house. No, i'm gonna. I'm gonna be honest. Like this is not a rabbit hole, like I don't think I will ever go down, i will just utilize someone like Nicole. Yeah, probably it's gonna be Nicole. I will utilize Nicole and her services for when I need a little bit more guidance, because this is too big of a wheelhouse for me It is very confusing.

Speaker 1:

So I highly encourage you know to use her services to help you in whatever facet of your life, absolutely.

Speaker 2:

We love her We do So can't wait for you guys to listen, and at the end we give a little bit of a preview of something that might possibly happen. So stay tuned and reach out to us. Let us know your thoughts. Yes, and enjoy.

Speaker 1:

Nicole, i am so excited to have you on, but you know, leah and I, we have talked to people about human design, but we have not talked to anybody about astrology, and I just kind of want to hear your story about how you even got into this place, this space.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, well, actually, my, my Yaya, which is Greek for grandmother, was an astrologer. She kept all our charts, she like had the ephemeral magazines with, like all the planetary alignments, and she would call. she would call me, she would write me and let me know when Mercury was retrograde, let me know when things were coming up, and just like not to sign contracts, not to do this. And so you know, my Yaya, she read coffee cups. She was like a mystic and a fortune teller too. She passed in late 2020. And it's funny because I wear her. I wear her big gypsy ring.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's beautiful Like.

Speaker 3:

I do the shower like shower with it. She's like, always with me. She's powerful Areas, women, blunt as fuck, and we had this thing. So I always liked it. And then I started on my self-developing journey. Like all of us, we start with. You know something? Mine was like mindfulness, meditation, buddhist Buddhism, stoicism, really going back to my roots, because when I was like in my like 17, 18, 19 years old, growing up in Colorado, i was really attached to spirituality. It was really attached to mysticism. I was really like beat up my own drum. And then I became a sports broadcaster. I was a national sports broadcaster for years.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, Yeah, I'm a Louisville timer too, yeah.

Speaker 2:

For best world tournaments.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. So I spent 15 years as a sports broadcaster. I worked myself up to the national ranks and just like, wasn't working out. I got laid off from a contracted job and kind of tried to hang on. I transitioned into real estate world And then I got an executive job at a law firm and I was just like, making a ton of money. I was married, i had the vacations, i had the gorgeous like home and apartment, and it just wasn't like.

Speaker 3:

My ex-husband was abusive, using narcissist. It was like I was caught in these things like of like this is what society told me I'm supposed to want, this is what, like it's supposed to be satiating. I was addicted to shopping, like I. It was just filling holes. And so I found myself back on this mindfulness path, like meditating twice a day, like back in like Buddhism, stoicism, and then researching just tons of psychology. And that's when I was like, oh, like I started to understand what was happening And I kind of started on that journey.

Speaker 3:

And then I finally got the nerds to divorce the husband. I was making a ton of money in my business development. I was making like a quarter million years just to take people to lunch, so easy, never going to leave that job. You're never going to. It's like it was like shooting fish in a barrel And I went to see my shaman and did an energy ceremony and asked to do a cord cutting and remove all the cords of everything that didn't serve. And the next day that was a Scorpio full moon. The next day I was laid off for my job, shut up. Yeah, spirit took care of that shit. It was like, okay, you needed that job to have the nerds to leave the husband because you thought you're going to have a bunch of money. And that was the message. It was like now you're going to do something with more purpose. And I was like, fuck, i didn't even know what it was. I don't know what I'm like. What is that? I'm like you know you're on the precipice. So when was this? And that's when I started.

Speaker 1:

How long ago was this? This was 2021, April of 2021. Oh shit So this is a pretty new journey, like, yeah, okay, i love it, it's similar to yours.

Speaker 3:

Because I was already like I was using the medicine again and then I was just like full on, like that. And the thing is I've been using psychedelics since I was 15. Like MDMA, lsd, psilocybin, like since I was 15 years old. So I blew my consciousness wide open. At a young age I had this awareness, like of spirit, awareness of the universe, awareness of all the interconnectedness. And then over time, with society and matrix programming, it started to lay the sentiments on top And so I went back into psychedelics and I put all my stuff in storage. I didn't have a, i had just signed my house away. I didn't have a husband, i didn't have a job Jesus Christ And I. I moved to the Canary Islands for the summer.

Speaker 3:

Wow, that is fascinating, yeah, right Like what a fucking journey, and I brought a ton of mushrooms and and I, just I communed with spirit, I communed with mushrooms and I, just I got to be me during that time, Like I just got to remove the land. It was just like you wake up. You're like, well, what the fuck do I want to do? I don't have to do anything for anyone. Like what do I feel like doing? Like who, who am I? Like what? like what's this adventure going to be today? And it was that journey to like rediscovering myself. And it was always like writing my journal, Like I want to help people use mushrooms to help themselves, And it was like writing my like I want to use astrology, and it just seemed like too far away, Like I had these limiting beliefs that I couldn't do it. Like that I couldn't make it work And I couldn't make money doing it. You know.

Speaker 3:

I know you have the same thing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, mushrooms help with that. We were literally talking about that, literally just talking about it. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and that's the thing. It was like how am I ever going to make a decent salary doing this? Or like who am I to, you know, give people the messages that I have? Like who am I to channel or commune with the medicine, when I didn't go to Johns Hopkins and get a master's degree and all that shit, like. And then I was just like, well, fuck it, i'm going to try.

Speaker 1:

Well, and I think a lot of us can speak on what we've gone through and what we've lived through in the that's who you are. We've made like that's. I think people are with us personally, are curious Just to just watch our story, like we're the ones who just authentically put it out there. So yeah, that's who you are.

Speaker 3:

And just like doing it on your terms. Yeah, and that's I mean. the medicine helps so much with that. Like I just dove into astrology. I started taking classes, i trained with some of like the best and Bryce and I just committed myself fully And when I had, when I had service to get like, when I had messages, like I had like people to serve, and then they just they started to come Okay And so, yeah, so.

Speaker 1:

Lee and I are not super schooled on astrology.

Speaker 2:

This is a new arena.

Speaker 1:

This is, yeah, this is you know you're again talking to dumb dumber right here. So why is astrology important?

Speaker 3:

It's important because it's basically a snapshot of the position of the planets at the exact moment you were born, and it is a blueprint of all the things that you as a soul, when you incarnated here, wanted to learn, wanted to do. It's what you're Celestially made of. It's your karma too. Your karma is in there, the lessons you're learning about the growth edges you have, like what you came here to do and why, and who you are, what you're made of. It's all in the natal chart. You know, by communing with this medicine for so long, that everything's interconnected.

Speaker 3:

The position of the cosmos is directly connected to you, incarnated at the exact moment you took your first breath, when this was just so, because these are the lessons you wanted to learn, this is who you wanted to be, and so you wait and you incarnate here at that exact moment for that exact chart, and then it's the path to remembering.

Speaker 3:

And so that journey, like that initiation, when, like, all the wheels fall off and I'm so far gone, i'm not doing my karma, i'm not like, i'm not, i'm not following my soul, i'm not aligned with my higher self. The universe takes care of that, the cosmos take care of that, like during the Scorpio, full moon transit. There was other stuff going on too, you know, and it's, and then it gets you back on track. So now I get to be this guide with a lantern who can assess the chart, and it's like and I'm not just like this is what you're here to do, i'm usually like, hey, this is what the chart says. And they're like Oh, that's what I always wanted to do, but I didn't think it was possible.

Speaker 1:

And you kind of are the one to push them, to tell them that it is possible, and that's the thing.

Speaker 3:

Everyone comes like wanting to do something and they think it's so stupid. And I'm like, well, tell me. Like like what do you see? Like if you could do anything. And they're like, Oh, that's so stupid. And I'm like, no, it's in the fucking chart, And then I can break it down and delineate that for them. I'm like this is part of what you wanted to experience and help them get there. And they're like I'm not crazy, It's not like you just got kicked onto the bus and like sent down to earth. Like you came here, There's a waiting list, and you like couldn't wait to get down here and do all the things that are in your chart that you want to do, And then now you get to be down here and do it. And so with the, the mushrooms and the astrology, it's like. It's like you have the map and now you have the modality that's going to help you unwind some of the programming and align with that map, If that makes sense.

Speaker 2:

It makes so much sense because I have tried I go down rabbit holes and I have tried so many times to go down the astrology rabbit hole and it just seems so overwhelming that I'm like, no, i can't touch that, because if I go into that I'm never coming out.

Speaker 2:

But, also, I have never felt like all I know about my sign is I'm a Capricorn and everything that I have ever read about Capricorns I'm like I don't feel like I relate to that. So what I'm hearing you say like I don't know what the fuck I'm doing, I'm not reading a chart, I don't know how to read the stars, I don't know what that looks like. So you're saying this is like a map and you know how to read it.

Speaker 3:

Exactly. And that's the thing, Like you're not just your sun sign Like you're. Like I saw, i was like oh, she's a Capricorn Weird.

Speaker 2:

That's what I say all the time. I'm like I don't feel like I relate to what people say. Capricorns are Like yeah, scorpio you, yes, that I see Like me. I've never felt like that was. I guess that's why I had no interest in it, because I'm like yeah, no.

Speaker 3:

What if I told you you have three placements in Scorpio Me? Does that make sense? Yeah, you do. I'm looking at your chart right now.

Speaker 2:

I just pulled it up, so what does that mean?

Speaker 3:

That means that you have this energy, you have parts of you that are, like, deeply aligned with that archetype.

Speaker 1:

Hey, this desire for transformation, this desire for like depth, yeah, i'm very I have And I do want to go into this, but I love that you say that, because a lot of like the talks that Leah and I have with business, like she has limiting beliefs about herself and like what she brings to the table, and I'm like you literally like created this community, like you started it, like I consider her the host and myself the co-host, like I got on this ride because of her, but then she like doubts her capabilities and I'm like can you not do that?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, sounds like I need to like read a fucking map.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and that's the thing, like astrology is such a lifelong practice, like when I say I studied for, like I studied full time, or like I study every day, like I keep studying because it's like one of those things where you like you could study, like for years and you're still like more to look at, like more to see, and the real study isn't like in sitting down and like talking to the people and seeing how the chart is activated and like seeing, like how, like the human is living the chart and embodying the chart and the different ways that it can manifest, because it's archetypal And so like when we have the archetypes, like Capricorn and Scorpio, and we have this like language of, like the planets, we have the language of the signs and there's many different ways that it can be made manifest. There's the low road of Capricorn, which is the workaholic, which is like only wanna work, detached from emotions. There's a high road of Capricorn, which is that entrepreneurial spirit, the desire to build something and leave something for future generations. Like you see what I mean, like that resonates more, doesn't it? That does, yeah, shit.

Speaker 3:

So it's like that pop astrology, that like sun sign astrology, like it doesn't slap because it's so archetypal and you need someone to kind of decipher the map and commune with you and like help you actualize really like the highest manifestation of the chart, cause there's so many like, there's so many different, as like there's all the planets.

Speaker 3:

You know there's your sun, but there's your moon and there's your rising sign. That's what your soul came here to do. That's what your soul really wants to learn to embody, you know. And then there's the, the plans, and there's how they talk to each other. So it's all telling a story And it's like this is not the first lifetime I've been in astrology, like it was just like I started studying it and then it was like like the codes were already in my body, like the mission was activated, wow. And so it's like have someone decipher it for you and then to be able to go home and like know those and know the high road, or know where your edge is, or know what you're missing in the chart that doesn't come easy for you, and then work with the medicine, like with intention, to get there, like that's where the rubber meets the road.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, cause how healing that must be to like I've obviously used the medicine, but I've never gotten super into astrology and using them like hand in hand, like as like, okay, this is your purpose, now go do it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and that's the thing, like I noticed like two things, like in my astrology practice, when I'm just like consulting, like one off astrology sessions, people come, they spend an hour with me. They're like high on it, like they get the shift. They're like I see it, this is amazing. And then they're like all about it and like their energy's flowing and they feel aligned. I can feel the shift. Then they go back into their normal lives, they go back into their programming, they go back into like everything. That is just like status quo and it starts to wear off. And then I hear from them again in two, three months when they're in crisis again and we do it again. And so that's when I'm like okay, they need something more, they need to be working with the mushrooms, they need to be using the medicine, micro dosing to help like shed some of these layers and continuing to work with it. And then, on the flip side, when I was in my micro dosing cohorts and I was like working like in my psychedelic facilitator space, I was noticing all of these people having these dramatic like breakthroughs on the medicine And they're like I feel like something bigger is for me, like I feel like and they're connected. They're like feeling all the signs. I know you guys have felt this before. They have no idea what it is.

Speaker 3:

So my business partner who's the mushroom Mama Sita on her Instagram, who trained me as a psychedelic facilitator in addition to other study that I did she would just send all her. She was like she would just send her clients to me. She was like go talk to Nicole, she'll help you flush that out And then come back to me and we'll do your sessions. And so that's why we work together now And that's why I'm doing this work with her, because we saw that both sides, like you, couldn't just be astrology and it couldn't just be the mushrooms, it's the cosmos, it's the planets and the plant medicine that just You're exactly like how many times have we had this conversation where, like, people are afraid to do you know a large journey, because they're like, well, what if I do it and then I want to leave my boyfriend?

Speaker 2:

or what if I do it and I want to leave my job? And it's like those are already there working for you because maybe that's what you should be doing, but you just don't have the push to do it. And I found that with, like you and I both, when we journey, like when we have these big, big, big epiphanies or like life lessons, like we don't immediately come out and start making these life changes. It's really hard to do sometimes.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, because it's you know people are used to being, to you being a certain way. Most people around us are deeply conditioned. So if you're doing something, living to your authentic self, and most people around you aren't, they're like what are you doing? That's weird, or you know, that's not. that's not you, but you're like no, but it is me.

Speaker 2:

I'm like doing things that actually make me feel alive and like yeah, or you come out and you're like, okay, well, now I know that, like, my job isn't where I need to be, but I don't know where to go from here. So you do like some type of astrology reading and have this conversation with you and you're like, well, this is that makes sense.

Speaker 1:

It feels like you have a direction.

Speaker 3:

And then you feel like you can do it.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, cause you're like, oh, like it's it's literally written in the stars, like that's literally what my soul want. Cause it's like I mean, there's a lot of astrologers who who focus on different, like my specific path is like mine's the path of the soul, like why did you come here? What did you come here to do? Cause, as long as you align with your higher self, as long as you're doing what the like your higher self wants, like what your soul, what your spirit came here to do, you can't fail. So that's why I'm more concerned, like, with the. It's like, yeah, like we could talk about and I do, like I do use it a lot, like psychologically to help you understand your personality and empower you. Like this is like what you're made like this is okay And it's that like permission slip to be that because, as you embody your chart, what the soul wanted to embody like, and that authenticity attracts and magnifies everything too. Like the fact that you two are here like doing this pot and I'm like I'm like pretty much obsessed with you. I'm like I love what you're doing.

Speaker 3:

I love that it's like sisters communing with the medicine, that you guys are doing it on your terms and that you started this from scratch, cause I know there was this part of you that was like like who are we to be doing this? Like is everyone going to listen to this? And it's like no, no, we needed you. That was part of your cosmic plan. Like this, this transformation, and you assisting others in their transformation is like part of it.

Speaker 3:

But you guys knew intuitively. The medicine showed you. You knew in your heart. So it's like, if I can pull up the map and help you get there or help you like burst through the block, like I just read the chart, like I just get the messages, and it's like what your guides are like, dying for you to hear. It's like it's all in there and I'll delineate it for you and I'll help you get closer. So you know, it's not just like a pie in the sky, like, or like, oh, this is something I deeply desire, but it's not meant to. Anything you deeply desire is meant to be, and I can find it in the chart We'll pull that map out girl.

Speaker 2:

Let's hear it Yes, so you pull our charts. Before we came on, i'll go first, yeah.

Speaker 3:

And you know what? I'm reading them cold cause I was running. I had to make the hair look good, so It looks so good.

Speaker 1:

We're so in on all You are. I can't even like it.

Speaker 2:

You are bangles Like literally when I first came across your page.

Speaker 3:

I was like her hair, her hair, her hair.

Speaker 2:

Like it's amazing, i know Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Oh, leah, you're a lever rising, like would you? You're actually a 15 degree lever rising, just like me. So let's talk about this, ok. First of all, the rising sign in ancient astrology, by the way, like describes, like your looks and like how your parents it's where the soul enters the body. So it like describes the body lever rising their hands down, the most beautiful. I just got to say that. Oh, thanks You too.

Speaker 1:

It's ruled by Venus, the planet of beauty, and Libra values and loves, like aesthetics and symmetry and all forms of beauty, especially intellectual beauty, like the ballet, like interior, the way that you just spoke so many truths on that, because Leah is very into how things look and she look and she wants things to be very aesthetically pleasing Where I don't give as give fuck as much.

Speaker 2:

I'm very, very like I very. That's why you were against me.

Speaker 3:

I used to like. That's why you liked my vibe, because we're both 15. Like there's 30 degrees in Libra, we're both 15 degree. The I, the right, the rising sign changes every like four minutes.

Speaker 2:

Oh, my God.

Speaker 3:

You're the exact same 15 degree And you're like I'm obsessed with your. I'm like I'm obsessed with your aesthetic. Can I be on your podcast?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like her videos. Like I don't know where you do them Your living room, like everything in your like background, i'm like I want that, i want that, i want that. I want my house to look like that, i want my room to look like that. Like I am very much into aesthetically pleasing things, so funny. But I literally got mad at my husband one time because he came home with like a Kool-Aid picture that was like red. I'm your husband.

Speaker 2:

I was like you didn't want to run that purchase by me first, like that doesn't go with anything in our house. That's not cute, that's not pretty, holy shit.

Speaker 3:

No, that's and that's the thing. Like the rising sign is like what you're rising to in this lifetime, it's like it's a part of you. It's like a part of you at the soul level. And so, if we're just talking about the significations that like our beauty and harmony, balance. Also if you're trying, if you're embodying the highest road of that sign. It's like diplomacy, It's fairness, it's justice. Lever is the scale, so it's like you value. You have a deep desire for fairness and harmony, in addition to beauty and balance.

Speaker 2:

Yes, Wow OK.

Speaker 3:

That makes so much sense. You're a Libra rising.

Speaker 2:

OK, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Let's see what your soul assignment is, christine. Oh, i know what yours is. Yours is fucking lit. You're Scorpio rising and a Scorpio sign.

Speaker 1:

I feel like Scorpios get like a really bad rap.

Speaker 3:

They get such a bad rap. That's why I'm just going to like burst this down First of all. Ok, in esoteric astrology, scorpios consider the highest sign, and you're going to fucking love this, because Scorpio is the only sign willing to destroy its ego to align with its soul. Oh, i just got chills. That was a message for you, i needed that.

Speaker 1:

I feel like Scorpios get I like and get scared to tell people I'm Scorpio, because people are like, oh, you're a fucking psycho.

Speaker 3:

I have. I have some hard Scorpio placements. Both my more difficult planets are in Scorpio conjunct and it's very powerful and it's this desire for deep transformation, it's this ability to see what's underneath to your bullshit meter. to you, by the way And you know, leah, you have three Scorpio placements. to you, you have a lot of Scorpio energy as well. That's why you guys are doing this work commuting with the medicine, transforming ego to do I have a bullshit? That's some Scorpio shit right there.

Speaker 1:

I don't think your bullshit meters as good as mine.

Speaker 3:

I don't think it is No there's no way hers is as good as because the sun is your natural gifts. It's what comes naturally. So you, Leah, like. your natural gifts are like capricornian things like this, you know desire to build legacy and have excellence and integrity and to really be grounded and an entrepreneurial spirit. That's just a gift that comes naturally when you have your son. in that science You're like identity, your ego, like just what comes naturally Scorpio sun, natural gift at spotting bullshit. natural gift at seeing what's underneath. It's very, it's very psychic, intuitive. It's like you can just see, like you know people's intention, You know when someone's lying to you and you don't like fake, you don't like shallow and you don't like that you have whore, lack of depth.

Speaker 2:

That is a hundred percent you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, i literally just had a conversation with somebody yesterday about like I don't think we're on the same path, like these are the things that I like. I like deep conversations. I don't want to do surface, you do that and that's okay, but like we don't have anything to talk about anymore.

Speaker 3:

Damn, i didn't say it, that I'm not sure if there and you have your rising, what you're right. So it's like you like already have the gifts. You stacked your deck. This is how I like to think when, like the sun and rising and the same, you stacked your decks So you like, you have the gift, you have what you're made up.

Speaker 3:

You probably, you know, done this in other lifetimes where you're like I want to do it right because, like when you're doing it as the soul assignment, as the rising, you're like trying to do the highest embodiment of the sign. So it's like that's why you're like Scorpio's get about in pop astrology, get the word. They're like obsessed with sex and they're always depressed and they're so dark and they're miserable. Like it's just pop astrology, that's just bullshit. Like when we're talking the archetype of Scorpio, it's like the emotional water sign ruled by Mars, that, like that is strategic and drives and can see through things and can can use their intuition to really like align with spirit, with your higher self. Like rather than like going down to the depths. Now with Scorpio, like you, like you may have our times earlier in your life, like where you just like couldn't get out of the depths is, you're comfortable there. You're like I'm just going to swim around in here and be miserable.

Speaker 3:

And in this lifetime you found the medicine. You're learning and you're growing into that highest embodiment of the archetype, the one where you're like, screw my ego, like I want to ride with my soul, and that's. That's where you got four play. You got Venus and Scorpio too. I'm upset. My best friend, Biju the mushroom, obviously does. She has Venus and Scorpio and it's like this, like, oh, i love the pain, feeling like the pain is beautiful too. It's like this, like God, like dark, like I, just I just want to melt with you, like when you're in love, i'm sure. Like when you're like you're so in love with Leo, you're just like, oh, i'm so obsessed with you. Scorpio, yeah.

Speaker 1:

No, i've like I'm, i'm if. If I ride for you, i ride hard for you.

Speaker 2:

But if I don't.

Speaker 1:

I don't like faking it. I don't, i don't want to fuck with you. I've always, sometimes I just noticed, i just noticed struggled because I feel like I've noticed bullshit in other people and people are like no, no, they're good, they're good. And I've come across as a bitch. I'm like no, there's just something about them. There's just something about them that's fake as fuck. I can't stand it. But I, you know, i don't have anything to just go off of, it's just my intuition.

Speaker 3:

You can and you can trust it too. I actually I just noticed your moon is in areas too, scorpio, and areas are both ruled by Mars. Like you're passionate, you have this drive, you have this fire, you are relentless Like you, like you play hard, like Mars is just this, like passion and drive, and your sun, moon and rising are all ruled by Mars. So it's like you have this like fire in you and like people, like people who are just like burning with warm.

Speaker 3:

It's just like. What is that? What is that? It's not for you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I'm not for everybody. I've really realized that because it is there is very fiery. My fiance says I run hot, but now with mushrooms he says I'm a light to medium simmer. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

No, and you do like, and having like a moon in areas is like the moon is your emotional nature like this. So it's like. And Mars is like heat, like areas is fire. It's just like when you get mad, you're fucking mad.

Speaker 2:

Jesus Christ.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, it's scary. It doesn't come out very often, but like if I really got really like mad at you.

Speaker 2:

I don't want to see it. You'd be super terrible. I'd be, i'd be like cowering in a corner. I don't do well with that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, you just pop off, yeah Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Okay, moon is Leah, oh, you have a tourist moon. First of all, tour is the moon's favorite place in the entire sky to be. It's where it's said to be exalted. And so the moon loves being tourist. You're so Venusian, no wonder you like beautiful things and pleasure, because tourists is also ruled by Venus And so, like you have, like tourists, is ruled by Venus in the sense that they love to use their senses for everything They love sensual.

Speaker 3:

You're very sensual, you sensual, yeah, oh yeah, yeah. Like you love to touch the softest things, you love to smell the best smells and taste the yummiest food. Tourist wants to use all of the senses to experience pleasure. It's ruled by Venus, but it's like an earth science, it's like grounded in the earth senses and very, very sensual. And the reason the moon likes to be in tourist is because it's stable. There Tourist provides resources and is grounded and stable. And so your emotional nature, like when you're feeling safe, secure, like you have enough money in the bank, like you have your creature comfort, you have your like pretty home and all that, your yummy things, that's when you feel best emotionally.

Speaker 2:

So the touch thing This came up. I feel like after conflict like I kept hearing this word like I need connection after conflict And I was trying to explain this to my husband like no, i don't need sex, i need touch. Like I just need a hot. Like I need a touch. Like even if we're like laying in bed, like if there was conflict, it just feels good to have, like your leg touching my leg or your arm touching my arm. You don't have to rub my back like just physical touch period, calm me down.

Speaker 3:

It's because it activates your senses and you're very sensual Like your, your smell, your taste, your touch, like all of those things like really affect you out on an emotional level. I will also say your moon is in the eighth house of transformation, death and rebirth, so it's like that's also something that really speaks to you in this lifetime. Like, you also love to go deep, love to transform, are interested in intimacy and intimate connections and really like going deeper. Plus, you have three planets and Scorpio as well. So, yeah, you guys are both very like big. The eighth house is associated with Scorpio. You guys are big Scorpio vibes. I'm obsessed. I have big Scorpio vibes too. So I'm like, yeah, i'm like, i'm obsessed with them. I have to get on their pod. I know we're cut from the same cloth, and then I saw the charts is like, oh, yeah, i love that, so can.

Speaker 1:

what is the eighth house?

Speaker 3:

What does that mean? The eighth house So basically the chart is like divided into 12 different houses and where the planets are falling in the houses, like is telling you a story. So it's like if the planet is the energy, so it's like the moon is your emotional body and the sign is kind of like the flavor of that energy and that's Taurus and it's very sensual. The eighth house, like the house it's in, is telling you kind of what area of your life you're experiencing that the most in. So we can look at it in a psychological lens and know she likes like deep transformation and all that. I can also apply ancient timing techniques to determine what phases of your life you're in.

Speaker 3:

If you're in an eighth house year, i'm like, oh well, you're supposed to go inward, you're going to be going through some dark shit, like it's going to be a hard year for you, and delineate that way. Or if you're in a seventh house year, issues with relationships, you know contracts, like commitments, are going to start coming up. So it's like the houses can also tell a story of you. Know, i do this from a psychological lens but, like during the course of a consultation, it's like people want to understand where they are and where they're going And like, why do I feel so isolated? It's like you're in a 12th house year. That's the house of isolation, hidden things, you know, mental institutions. That's when you go inward and just like, do this, like, and it feels lonely. You feel lonely when you're in a 12th house year And so, like, when I look at transits and when I apply ancient timing techniques, like I can even get more specific to the person of, like what they're going through, why, and also when it's going to end.

Speaker 3:

Because, like, because we know, like that's the thing, like we know it's not going to last forever, but it's really nice. Like I got this big book, like this big book of where every planet is in the sky for a hundred years, every single place. So it's like I can tell you exactly what. I can look at the trans and be like okay, but you're going to be out of it on this day, or like it's going to start to ease up on this day, or you're going to have your next birthday and then you're going to be in a new type of year. So it's like people want to know, like when's it going to end? And I actually can give them like really precise information on that, which is great, because then you don't feel like you're just going to drown.

Speaker 2:

That is phenomenal, because, okay, so the houses like are almost like phases that you're going through.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly. And then can you go over like the rising that what Yeah? yeah, so like because a lot of our listeners aren't don't know very much about astrology, and they're like us where they're like. Oh, I just know I'm a Pisces and that's it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and so you probably know your Sun sign and that's just like that's your ego, that's your identity. I say it's like the avatar you're playing in this lifetime. Come down and you want Pisces gifts and you want to like, you want to just be really good at Pisces stuff, and that's why the Sun sign is most recognizable. A lot of times, like, people are like, oh, don't seem like, you don't seem like a Pisces, and like maybe they have their Mercury, which is how you think and communicate in Aries, and they're loud and they're like obnoxious and you're like, oh, you're not inward and like quiet, like Pisces. And that's because, like, the different planets say different things. So Mercury is like your mind and your communication. Venus is how you love, how you show love and how you like to experience love, what your values are, what brings you pleasure. The moon is your emotional nature, your emotional body, like what you need to feel safe and satiated emotionally.

Speaker 3:

The most important thing hands down is the rising sign and you need a birth time to calculate that. You know you need to because the rising sun changes every two hours And so the rising sign is what you're rising to in this lifetime, in soul based, evolutionary astrology, esoteric astrology. That's what you are, that's the archetype you're trying to embody in this lifetime, that's what you're rising to, it's the sign that was rising on the Eastern horizon at the moment you took your first breath And and you, mars is what drives you, your passion, so that all these planets have different meanings, different significations, and they describe a different part about you. When we're looking through a psychological lens, like when we're looking through a timing lens of, like, the phases, like you're supposed to be in, you know, if you're in a Mars activation, mars is difficult. Mars cuts, burns, breaks.

Speaker 3:

Mars is like the tower card in tarot, like I was in a Mars year when everything fell apart, when I had my tower moment, you know. So it's like it also just can describe the phases that you're going through and what you're going to experience in this time too. And so there's a lot of different ways to read the chart And that's why it's just people getting a consultation because, like, maybe people are more concerned about embodiment and like being more of themselves, or maybe people are more concerned about the upcoming year and what themes are going through and like when it's going to end. But, like, you can read it all in the chart and delineate that based on what the soul needs at that time. And that's why there is like an intuition, there is like this like psychic channel aspect to my guidance, because it's like you can read this a lot of different ways And that's one of the messages that the soul needs to hear at this exact moment.

Speaker 1:

Wow, can you give us some insight with how we work together, like in business? Oh, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And like what are.

Speaker 1:

I guess maybe our strengths or our roles are in this. Yeah, because we're just winging it. We are, we it's. It's one of those things where we're at this position where we really have realized how much influence we have and we don't really know where to go with it. Yeah, and what to do, cool.

Speaker 3:

Which I think that's an amazing place to be.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, i mean, first of all, you guys, i can't believe how much you've grown and how how professional like that I mean usually like I jump on a podcast, i'm just on zoom. You guys have this like whole platform, like you can set up, like you're like it'd be, like proper instructions. Your social media is popping like it's, it's really speaking and it shows that your passion and drive is like really in this project. First of all, and I just want to bring to your consciousness like how fast you've grown in such short amount of time. So I know you probably feel especially the Capricorn in the house is like are we doing enough? like have we built enough? have we gone fast enough? You're going fast as fuck. Can I just say that that's your message, baby girl. Thank you, thank you. We did not. Me and Christine did not talk prior. I swear Everything about you.

Speaker 2:

I feel like you were on the conversation before you came on is what I feel like I get that a lot The way this just pieced together so many little Yeah. Okay, i'm getting chills. I get that a lot.

Speaker 1:

I'm a psychic, i'm getting chills, i'm booking a call with you For real Okay keep going.

Speaker 3:

So two things that are jumping out on Lea's chart right now. First thing is like the best indicator I have of career you have cancer on the mid heaven. This is like an intuitive, nurturing sign that's like meant to like assist and help people through like accessing emotions, through holding emotions, through like being there for people, on holding space. It's this Like it's cancer is. I'm at cancer, son. Cancer is the most intuitive sign in the zodiac. So it's like when you are, when you are tapped into your intuition, when you are connected to spirit, connected to your higher self, and like holding emotions for people, your job, what you're supposed to give to society, is this ability to nurture and help people, transform and like hold, hold space for people. Now she feels that I know I'm obsessed.

Speaker 3:

So you have a destiny point. We all have a destiny point in the chart is called a North node and it's the North node of the moon. It's where the eclipses happen. And the South node is where we've been over and over and over. It's our karmic path and North node is where we're going, like where we're headed. It's where what the soul is hungry for and when we start tapping into the North node, we feel incredibly satiated, although it's a growth edge at first.

Speaker 3:

So your North node is in Gemini. Gemini is like I know my North nodes and Gemini was a broadcaster for 15 years. Like this is the sign of communication, this is the sign of broadcasting, this is the sign of podcasting, literally reaching people and communicating is part of your destiny and it's a growth edge You don't have. Oh shit, aside from your liberalizing, you don't have a lot of air in your chart. So it hasn't always been easy for you to speak out, hasn't always been easy for you to broadcast or talk to people I love. I like this. Better be on video because I love your. It is dropping these dimes.

Speaker 1:

It is, don't you?

Speaker 3:

worry? Yeah, but did you notice, like how, when you leaned into this podcast, when you started doing it, when you started talking to people, when you started showing up, how fucking good it felt, how fun, like it's an edge, but what's?

Speaker 1:

what's interesting about that is she knew she wanted to do this, but she didn't want to do it alone because she didn't have the confidence to do it alone.

Speaker 3:

Here's the thing she's a liberalizing. She has to have partnership. If there's one sign in the zodiac, especially like rising sign, that's supposed to do partnership in this lifetime, i know because I'm a liberalizing That's what Libra Rising needs. That's what she needed you to activate this And, by the way, your Mars in Libra is right on top of her Risenstein. You guys have soul contracts. You were the drive, the energy, the passion she needed. It sits right on top of her Risenstein And it activated her.

Speaker 2:

It's incredible. I told you I needed you, No you did. And I did you. I needed you, I needed you, soul sister.

Speaker 3:

Like to really start doing this work, like and she knows I'm a Libra Rising And so now we travel the country and we hold these retreats and we giggle and we go to festival and we get to be sisters. It's like I'm a Libra Rising, like I knew at the soul level. I needed that. Now I know I'm. So I also have North Node because we're born at similar times, similar time You and Jan, you and me in July the same year, and so we have some of these same placements in common.

Speaker 3:

And for you, this talking to showing up, this broadcasting, but you wanted to do it through partnership, because the soul really wanted to experience how to be the best damn partner You can be, not lose yourself, but still be in partnership. That's the Libra Rising. Wow. And I also have to double down on this North Node because it's in the ninth house of spirituality. Higher learning, expansion That's the house of shamans, priestesses, religious leaders, astrologers are in the ninth house. Like this is where we expand, it's where we expand our mind, it's where we travel, it's where we experience higher learning and spirituality. And so what you're going towards is exactly what you're doing, like you're sharing this medicine work. You're sharing it like higher learning. It's like you're sharing everything you learn with the masses. You're communicating, you're broadcasting. So yeah, that's what's jumping out to me professionally on this chart, for sure. Wow, let me pull up, christine now. I needed that.

Speaker 2:

I did.

Speaker 3:

I did need that. I love when if this is how you always slap, people are like why do you do it To learn about you?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, it's like, Yeah, it's like I do it because it hits.

Speaker 2:

And it's like so validating right, yes, extremely validating, like you have. No, i mean, i want to say you have no idea. I'm sure you have an idea. I'm like A little idea, like I wish that we had started recording this podcast like two hours ago, and the conversations that we were having, because everything is and we weren't expecting to like talk about any of this with you in that way.

Speaker 3:

But it's just. That's the thing about spirit is like, when I get messages, it's like and I don't give a fuck, Like I'm like I just give a message, Like it's like I'm going to give you what you need to hear. So, yeah, I'm honored that I could contribute in that way, especially in the light and equal.

Speaker 1:

What an amazing role that you have, yeah, in this life. Yeah, i mean really.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I love it, Thank you. It's awesome. It's so empowering And it's like I just to be a lantern for incredible souls like, and to be able to like, help people on their path to remembering, to self actualization, It's just, it's way better than taking people to lunch as an executive. You know that's, that was the purpose And it was like. That's why I had to lean into that like dark phase and really know what I was capable of and trust, And then the universe provided for me as I was in alignment with that. So it's like, when we're in alignment with our cosmic design, when we're in alignment with our soul, you can't go wrong. You'll be endlessly supported.

Speaker 2:

Wow, okay, duke, christine, duke, christine, duke, christine Duke.

Speaker 3:

Christine Duke, christine, duke, christine. What's your U? Perfect, i'm gonna stick with the mid heaven, which is our career indicator and the destiny point too For you. Your career indicator, which is the mid heaven, is in the sign of Leo. Leo is the star archetype.

Speaker 3:

Leo takes up space. Courageous leader is able to shine and be upfront, center stage and really take up space authentically. So when you are embodying, like your big star and I'm thinking like, okay, my favorite Leo is her like reference in sessions, jennifer Lopez, okay, she gives zero fucks, she is authentically her, she's like, she shakes it, she does her thing, she like takes up space and she loves and she's authentic about it. And so, like, the more you show up, take up space, shine And the thing is, the highest road of the Leo archetype is like you shine to give other people permission to shine, like you're shining, you're taking up space, shows people that it's okay And that's what you're doing here. Showing up, like being on social media, talking on the podcast, like saying like unpopular truths, things that you've learned that trigger people, probably trigger in all the other moms on the block which I freaking live for. I have an Aquarius Moon. I'm like, yeah, shake things out, be different.

Speaker 2:

Let's push those buttons.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. So when you're embodying like that and you're taking up space and you're shining, like that's when you're succeeding, like that's what you're supposed to be doing and putting forth in this lifetime This is your legacy is to take up space, to shine, to show other people how to do that too, cause Leo's ruled by the heart. Like Leo rules the heart, so it's like this big lion heart that leads the way, that helps you shine forth, take up space, be authentic, and then your career will be advanced through that Love. That, yes, that's so accurate. Your North note is in Aries. Oh, which is cool. You're having your nodal return, like this summer.

Speaker 3:

The North node is like where we're karmically going, like where what our destiny is, it's right on your moon too, in the sign of Aries. This is the sign of the war. This is big fire engine. You have one, two, three, four, four planets. What's the North node plus the mid heaven. You're just so much fire and passion And that's like where Aries is like paving the way. I like to say about Aries like shoot first, aim second, like just get out there and go. You know what's funny. So when you're doing that, is earlier.

Speaker 1:

Does that resonate? Yeah, because earlier I was talking about like Leah is like worried about like I guess maybe someone saying no or shooting us down where I'm like ask for forgiveness.

Speaker 2:

She says aim high.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, ask for forgiveness instead of permission.

Speaker 2:

You always say aim high, yeah, shoot high.

Speaker 3:

And just try it. Yeah, and just like. That's the thing. Aries is the first sign of Zodiac. Aries starts everything out. It's just this like rocket booster, just like going, trying, like just shooting your shot. And so in this lifetime, when you have North node and Aries, it's all about like being a leader, being your own North star, just going for it And the rest will follow. It's happening in your sixth house of work. Health. Pets are all. Do you have pets? Yeah, i do. Yeah, pets are in the sixth house. Usually you got like three plants. Jupiter there's. You have a few pets, right? Yeah, i do. Jupiter is abundance and it expands. So typically when I see Jupiter in the sixth house, like, people are like oh yeah, i got three cats, i got a mouse, a gecko.

Speaker 1:

I literally used to host puppy yoga classes.

Speaker 3:

For work. It's in the sixth house of work too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, i literally had a gym named after my dog, so yeah, literally the name of it was your dog's name. The name of my gym was my dog's name.

Speaker 3:

I'm obsessed. Yeah. The sixth house is also like health, like so having your room, which is where you feel safe and comfortable. Jupiter, which is where you expand, and the North node, like having an interest in all matters of health and fitness and your daily routine is very important. Your pets are very important. your like work your day to day work is also very important to you.

Speaker 2:

Wow, holy shit. I wanna backtrack What were you saying about this summer with her?

Speaker 3:

What was I saying about this summer?

Speaker 1:

We were, because we were having a conversation about summer earlier, before we talked to you, so I'm curious about what that meant.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, Oh, cool. Okay, I'm glad you mentioned that, because Venus is going to be in the sign of Leo right now, until October, and Venus brings gifts, niceness, pleasure, like all the good stuff, and so Venus is transiting your 10,000 career and legacy, like how you show up right now, how you take up space and this, and as a Libra, as a Libra rising Leah it's in your 11th house of Friends, groups, networks, associations. Also it'd be like broadcasting, how you reach networks and associations, things like that. So the area of your house that Venus is transiting because, like usually, venus just blows through signage just a month long, but there's a retrograde happening And when we have a retrograde happening it doesn't happen often with Venus We get a review of our values, remember Venus's values and what we love, and so, like your values around you know your career and your legacy and how you show up and how you take up space in that.

Speaker 3:

And for Leah, it's like how you associate with your networks, groups, friends, associations. Also, hopes and dreams are in your 11th house. It's a really positive house to have this transit happening in. So it's like when Venus goes retrograde, i think in a week or so, then there's gonna be this like reflection, like I think of retrograde as like reflection review of like where are my values, like, where am I going? Like, how am I aligned with my values. And in the sign of Leo it's like how do I take up space? How do I be authentic? How do I show the fuck up? How do I say it with my chest? You know what I mean. Holy shit, i know.

Speaker 1:

The wheels are turning. This is crazy. Okay, so I've seen a lot on TikTok. I mean the New York times. that Not TikTok. New York times, new York times.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna use that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the New York times I read, not watched on TikTok that this is the year of Scorpio, aquarius and one other one.

Speaker 3:

I don't remember, It was probably Scorpio, Taurus, Aquarius and.

Speaker 3:

Leo, the fixed signs, Yeah, and I think that probably has to do with the fact that the two greatest benefic, so the two like seemingly okay, I'm Buddhist, so it's like what is good, what is bad, you know we can do that, but like, the two planets that bring the most good good by our standards are Jupiter and Venus. And so Jupiter is transiting the sign of Taurus for the next year And that has an effect on all the fixed signs because it forms an aspect to all the fixed signs. So that would be Taurus, aquarius, leo and Scorpio, and now we have this four month of Venus going through Leo, which is another fixed sign. So all the fixed signs are getting this like really like boost of energy, really through the whole time. That Jupiter, which is the greatest benefit and really provides like a lot of gifts, abundance, expansion, is in that sign. So I think that must be what the New York times was talking about in that case.

Speaker 3:

Okay, because it is nice, like a lot of like difficult transits happen and effected the fixed signs, and so that was part of our destiny. Like you have like hard Scorpio placements, you have a lot of Leo placements. It's like it was kind of getting you right, like getting things sorted out. Saturn, the planet of karma, was an Aquarius affecting all the fixed signs until March of this year, and that was two and a half years. So it's been like a hard. It's been a tough time for the fixed signs, like karmically just kind of crunchy, and now the greater planets are kind of smoothing things over. So that must be what they were talking about.

Speaker 2:

Okay, i have a question. Yes, so I think astrology gets a lot of like skepticism And I was reading that there are like billionaires who use astrologists and astrologers to make decisions based on where the stars are, where the planets are And there have even been, i swear to God. There's something like there have been studies and papers written and research written about the stars and where they're placed and how it affects decisions. So this isn't like it's not just witchy woo woo. It's like stuff that has been used by very people who are very, very, very high up in society who pretend like it's not a thing.

Speaker 1:

You think it's the same thing with sex to dogs.

Speaker 2:

Look, you think it's because they don't want everybody to know.

Speaker 3:

I Think it's because, like it's considered a pseudo science and so it's like one of those things where it's like they use it because it works. I use it because it works, like I get return clients, like I'm doing this work because it works, like you guys are like.

Speaker 2:

Oh, we will be clients.

Speaker 3:

That's the thing is like it works, and so they know it. I think it was like. I want to say it was like a JP Morgan or Something that was like millionaires don't use astrologers like billionaires.

Speaker 3:

Yes, i literally saw that, yeah what the quote you're thinking of and it's like why wouldn't you want to incorporate the knowledge of the cosmos, like if you're gonna do something anyway? and like I like I do some electional astrology, like for clients too, especially for like big ceremonies that I do, projects that I do with my business partner or like anything that I just like want to work. It's like I'll look at the astrology, i'll like figure out, like when I'm going to do it, based on the date and time. A lot of people like to do it for their wedding Like have a look at the astro weather, because if you have like difficult planets and they're squaring and they're telling a story That is like not a great story, like why wouldn't you want better Astrological weather? like to elect your times, to like make your contracts and to like do things that like really matter never even thought about that.

Speaker 1:

I know I'm engaged, so I'm gonna be calling you up for a wedding date.

Speaker 3:

We'll have to find a good election or at like whatever. If you already have a date, I'll be like I don't know.

Speaker 1:

But what you were saying about, like how like billionaires do that like and how other people think it's like weird or don't understand, my immediate thought was, before you even said that, was then they shouldn't do it. Leave it like I'll take it, i'll do all this stuff and I can see. Yeah, they can, i'll succeed and be killing it and they can be judging and hating, whatever.

Speaker 3:

And that's the thing is like. Why not like use all of our opportunity to communicate, like with the universe, to like communicate with the cosmos? I have, time and time again, like I've had so many experiences where like and part of my study you know early on like, i studied archetypal astrology and its effect during, like altered states of Consciousness with Stan Slavcroft and Richard Tarnas, who's a gifted, you know, renowned astrologer, and all we did was study the correlation of the position of planets during altered states of consciousness And how it would shape the journey. I've experienced that firsthand on like an 8 gram hero dose, like that was, we actually had to change the date of when it was going to be and It and and I went into it, being such a Scorpio like punish me, show me what I'm doing wrong. Like pain, i want pain, and the mushrooms were like No bitch Pleasure for you.

Speaker 3:

You're too serious, you take things too seriously. And it was this like pleasure journey Happened to have been rescheduled for Valentine's Day. There was a gorgeous like Venus and Neptune, like dreamy aspect. That was all about pleasure. Like the way the planets are on the time You're journeying to like has an effect on the experience. That's something I studied and I'm grateful for those teachers because they gave me proof that what I'm doing, like astrology and plant medicine, like it's it, like maybe no one's doing it, i'm probably the only star which doing psychedelics and I kind of like it that way because it's flat.

Speaker 2:

I love it that way.

Speaker 2:

I'm obsessed with you literally like I, you, we were just talking like we feel like another journey is coming up, like you know, as like a maintenance type thing. I think last time we waited a little too long and things got really heavy and we were like fuck, like you know, starting to lose ourselves a little bit, and I think when you're in the medicine space, you know what we're talking about. Oh yeah, but we're like maybe we should you're well, you were saying maybe I feel like I should be doing one soon. This would be a really good resource to like reach out and and book in a point with you and be like alright, when should I look into doing something like this?

Speaker 3:

And it's not just when to like for like our couples medicine retreats that we do Like I'll do like many readings for the couples before they journey, and so because astrology is so archetypal and I'm explaining like It helps tremendously with connection before like the couples retreats to, because it's like I'm explaining these different parts of the couples So you understand each other from a cosmic perspective, because a lot of times it's like why do they do that? Like why do they do this thing? that makes me so mad? They're doing it just to make me mad. And then I can read the chart and I don't know them And I'm just like, hey, you do this thing because this is how you're made. And they're like, oh, and it's so funny because the couples would be like, especially the husband's, like this is crazy, you don't even know us. I'm like, yeah, i know everything about Star chart dude, i know your soul contract.

Speaker 3:

And it's like when I'm able to delineate and like, help them explain and create this like compassion for the archetypes and understand these parts That they have inside, like it's since it's like parts work. Essentially, you have these different parts and you have these different archetypes talking to each other And then go on the journey. So funny because, like I could hear them, like when they're like journey and they're like talking and they're like Oh, my god, it's like it's like my deeper moon, or it's like oh, and like the husbands are brilliant because they feel understood and they feel seen. So it's like planting these codes of embodiment in the psyche Before you go on the journey and you actually, like I, can make sense of them and like experience that have that archetypal experience.

Speaker 1:

Like not only can it help you with just healing and learning yourself, like it can help you be successful and. Actually Relationships. Yeah, there's so many tools the whole.

Speaker 3:

Thing the whole thing, because it helps you be you Without the bullshit, without the programming, without society telling you, without the matrix telling you like all that stuff, it helps you be you. And when you align with your soul, the universe fully supports all the abundance. That's saying people like, if I just have enough money, like I'll do my sole purpose and it never works out. If you just do the sole purpose, everything's gonna align to support you in that purpose. Spirit wants you to be in purpose, like the universe wants you to like live your purpose and embody like what your soul came here to embody. And when you do You can't fail.

Speaker 3:

It's when you get off track that things go really bad. When I was just telling myself I like I could never do this, like and it was just a limiting belief I started day trading in the stock market. I lost my ass I can't even tell you how much money I lost and I looked at this guy. I was like thank you, universe for showing me what I do not want. And I started my practice that day.

Speaker 3:

Geez I'm gonna keep pushing to do something that just to make money, so I can keep studying astrology In psychedelics like why don't I just start doing it and see what happened?

Speaker 2:

and the universe has come together in incredible ways to support every single time so, the way I see this, the same way, because I really feel like The universe is here to work for you, not against you. But there are also times where it's like I need you to see this before I can give you this gift. I need you to see your potential before I can. I'm not gonna just give you this gift before you're ready You need to embody it.

Speaker 3:

Yes, and when you start to embody your chart and own who you are and not shine away from it and do your lessons and understand your karma and And and like and lean in, then then the universe is like okay, boo, i got you. And sometimes it'll be like Did you really learn? Because I did the hard thing I divorced the narcissist but I didn't really learn. I had to lose the job, had to lose it. I had to go down to the underworld again and again In order to be here and I'm the happiest I've ever been. And it's because I'm living in alignment with my soul and in service. And I know both of you know that because you're in service, you're not just doing this for me, you're doing this to serve. And there's something that hits different. When you're serving the collective, there's something that hits different. And when you are in service, using your gifts to be in service, that's when you get the full support from the universe.

Speaker 1:

Man, oh, I got chills. I know I did too, because it's like I'm like you, like I've I've gotten divorced. I thought my life was over. I've closed the businesses, like She's closed the business and you think like all right, that's, that's the end, yeah, but it's like that door closed because that door was not meant for you. Yeah, we got a new door.

Speaker 2:

Jesus Christ. I want to go on one of her couples retreats too.

Speaker 1:

I know you said that. Well, you know what We like.

Speaker 3:

We are we will come to Louisville. Is that where you guys are? Yeah, is that where you guys are? Yeah, cool. Like, if you guys can get a group together, like we'll do an event And like that's what we just started doing. Like we had people in Dallas ask us to come out and they got a bunch of people together, like we'll roll, like me and Biju will roll out.

Speaker 2:

Well, where are you?

Speaker 3:

I'm in Washington DC.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And Biju is for those who don't know your business partner and is Mushroom.

Speaker 3:

She's my business partner. The Mushroom Mamacita.

Speaker 1:

Mamacita on Instagram, which she has a great, great account to. I know She's on our list, she is our list.

Speaker 3:

Oh, she's so magic We need to get the four of us in the same room together, because that is just, it would be too much. But yeah, we do just incredible retreat experiences all over the country. We're just calling in this life of service. We do our one-on-one Zoom consulting where we help people with microdosing, consulting and all of the that good stuff and self-actualization, and then we actually get to do in-person retreats like all over the country.

Speaker 2:

Let me say something real quick. We have a retreat space here in Louisville.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we do.

Speaker 2:

Like that is meant for medicine and for healing, and it is literally. It was built for that, i bet. I guess we need to utilize this. I was literally just going to say. I feel like our listeners would so be on board to do something like this with you, with us in Louisville.

Speaker 3:

And that's what you're supposed to be doing. That's how you are serving. You're getting the word out, you're sharing, you're doing the unpopular thing that was like, and it's helping a lot of people. So it's always like how can we serve the collective more? So it's like, yeah, just let me know, i'll roll out.

Speaker 1:

All right.

Speaker 2:

So I just want to put this out there for our listeners. If you are interested in this, shoot us a DM And we'll get the balls rolling. Ball rolling One ball or several balls.

Speaker 3:

I think it's one in the decade. We'll get the ball rolling.

Speaker 2:

And also we're going to put all of your information on our in our bio for the podcast, So you don't have to like go into that. We'll.

Speaker 1:

We'll put all your links, all your services, But I have a question and it's we've talked so much about just me and Leah. Can you give and I don't know if you can can you give like a brief overview of, like the other signs of the podcast? No, just of like the other, like like somebody who's listening and there are Pisces, somebody who's listening and they're a Leo, so they just have insight. a little bit about themselves.

Speaker 3:

I feel like that's going to be a little tougher. That's like like a lecture length type thing, i'm sure.

Speaker 3:

But I'm sure we could do some, we could figure out something. Again. I will say the collective energy right now with, if you're listening and what is today, it's like the 14th of June, yeah, it's like all like fire and air in the sky right now. So like the energy is like how do we take up space all summer long with, with Venus and Mars and Leo right now transiting the sign of Leo, the energy is asking you to take up space. It's asking you to live authentically. It's asking you like how you can shine more, how you can play more Because Leo rules the inner child, by the way, to Christine like when you're like in your inner child, when you're like following joy, like you can't go wrong in your career I forgot to say that, but Leo's big like inner child, like play energy.

Speaker 1:

So it's like, yeah, See, we're literally just talking about that. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

I just, i was like I like interrupted my thought because then that's and that's how spirit works, like in Chalester. Me It's like Oh no, you have another thing for. And sometimes I'm like guys, hold on.

Speaker 1:

Like I'm trying. I know I love that. I just got back from the beach and I had sent me a picture of me and my stepdaughter in goggles and I'm like I'm not that adult at the beach, She's just sitting there, She literally. I am playing in the water, i'm playing mermaids, i'm doing all of the things like I am 12.

Speaker 3:

The more you show that, the better your career and legacy and the way you are seen in the world and the projects you put out are, the more you tap into your inner child. So I was like thinking about like how everyone should be playing right now. That's what I'm saying. It's hot girl summer until October 8th, like when Venus leaves Leo. it's like finding pleasure in being seen, finding pleasure in play, finding pleasure in like showing up and shining and being big. That's like the big collective energy right now And as the sun moves into cancer on the 21st, it's it might.

Speaker 3:

it's going to be more of an like inward time as well. So it's like how do I shine and also honor, like what I need to feel safe and comfy, like how do I make myself feel like good and yummy and emotionally fill up my cup too? So that's that's just some of the energy that collectively you know we're working with right now and how it interacts and how it talks to your own birth chart. Like we can get even more specific and that's why I recommend people.

Speaker 2:

So that message is for everybody.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

Like. That is not the collective energy.

Speaker 3:

That's what's happening in the sky.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so that's the play this summer.

Speaker 1:

I love, I love that Pull in my air.

Speaker 2:

Take up space.

Speaker 3:

Take up space, please take up more space. Like after everyone who like feels like. I feel like society is just like, oh, don't be too big, like, don't be too flashy, like don't. And it's like. And then we get in this thing where we like celebrity worship, so it's like okay, but so celebrities can be flashy and we worship them, but like we can't like tap into that And like the energy is archetypal, like we're supposed to shine, We're supposed to take up space, we're supposed to give our sisters permission to take up space, like us looking hot and sexy gives other sisters permission to look hot and sexy, like to feel themselves, like that is so important in society.

Speaker 2:

Yes, okay, my last question, closing question. Okay, you had to sit with one medicine the rest of your life.

Speaker 3:

What and why. Mushrooms till death? Mushrooms till death because there's this, and I love a few of the other ones, But the mushrooms have such an intelligence. They're like my little, like alien friends that just have this incredible intelligence that bring us back into the earth, that bring us back into our bodies. especially that connection to be able to be in your body when you are. you know, using the mushrooms is so special. So, yeah, And also just the fact that they're just God, they're just helpers. Like the other ones are like cool, like you know MDMA, but she get that serotonin dump. It's like no, these are just they're helpers. They help with whatever you need and you always get exactly what you need.

Speaker 1:

They always know.

Speaker 3:

No more, no less. Remember, I'm like punish me, and they're like no, it's a pleasure for you. And I'm like cool, I'm like great, Yeah, But they know, they know better than us sometimes And that's why it had to be Absolutely.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely do. That's what I'm like. I always say that mushrooms feel like home, Like that's the medicine that feels like home to me Oh, okay, we lied, so we've been doing this with our guests.

Speaker 1:

We have this game called the, and this is the last one, i'm sorry.

Speaker 3:

I love I could be here.

Speaker 1:

I could talk to you all day, but we just asked our guests random questions. So this card, it says, and I think I already kind of have an idea Describe a time where your failure resulted in the best thing that could have happened.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

I think I already said the thing that just I mean like losing my ass And the stock market, getting divorced, like what are you doing? Like you're trying everything to avoid what you're really meant to do? Yeah, like, and it needed to hurt. It couldn't just be a little, it needed to hurt And it hurt. I've heard enough for me to do this and commit to this, and to commit to serving and sharing my weirdly unique gifts and ultimate just the experience of such pleasure and alignment. I had to lose my ass, i had to really go to the depths in order to come back up and do it right. And now I don't question anymore. Now I just roll with spirit.

Speaker 2:

I just trust You're like, whatever you say, okay, Exactly, i hate the beating.

Speaker 3:

I'm sorry, no, but my Scorpio placements sometimes love them.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I love a beating.

Speaker 3:

Oh my God, I'm like be nice, That's a Scorpio beat. I'm like show me the shit, oh shit.

Speaker 2:

We love you, we do love you, thank you. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. We love you We do love you Thank you so, so so much, And we will put all your information in the bio again, like I said, and we'll work on all the other stuff too. Thank you so much for everything today.

Speaker 3:

Thank you for your service, absolutely.

Speaker 2:

We all just became best friends Thanks to our listeners.

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