98. Saint Maria Goretti, Radical Forgiveness and a "Revolution of Tenderness"
Upfront with the Archbishop
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Upfront with the Archbishop
98. Saint Maria Goretti, Radical Forgiveness and a "Revolution of Tenderness"
May 28, 2024 Season 1 Episode 98
Catholic Archdiocese of Edmonton

Maria Goretti was just 11 when she forgave her would-be rapist and the man who killed her. How does a person do that? How do we grow in our ability to have mercy and forgive?

Join Archbishop Smith to hear his advice on growing in the virtue of radical forgiveness, the story of St. Maria Goretti, Pope Francis’ call for a “revolution of tenderness,” how to respond to the modern “culture of outrage” and the how the Sacrament of Reconciliation opens us up to forgiving, even in the hardest circumstances. 

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Upfront with the Archbishop is a weekly podcast where our goal is to strengthen the relationship between the hierarchy and the faithful through informal conversations about our Catholic faith. Featuring Archbishop Richard Smith (Archdiocese of Edmonton, AB) and our host Jenny Connelly. Produced by Matthew Bodnarek.

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