The Earliest Manuscripts | Mark 16:9-20 | Week 10 Day 5 Study of Mark
The 10 Week Bible Study Podcast
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The 10 Week Bible Study Podcast
The Earliest Manuscripts | Mark 16:9-20 | Week 10 Day 5 Study of Mark
Mar 25, 2022 Season 29 Episode 50

Mark is the shortest of the gospels, but it still packs a big punch. I like to say that Mark is mysterious and magnificent. My English teacher would be proud of such aliteration. 

I’m excited to jump into the last of the four gospels on our podcast series. If you’d like to check out the previous series on the gospels of Matthew, Luke and John, head over to and check out the archives.

As always, I want to encourage you to read through the book of Mark once a week for the next ten weeks as we go through this book. You will be amazed at how much more you get out of God’s Word by filling your mind with it on repeat over the next two and a half months.


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Episode Artwork The Earliest Manuscripts | Mark 16:9-20 | Week 10 Day 5 Study of Mark 21:14 Episode Artwork The Resurrection of Jesus | Mark 16:1-8 | Week 10 Day 4 Study of Mark 12:40 Episode Artwork Jesus Dies | Mark 15:33-47 | Week 10 Day 3 Study of Mark 21:40 Episode Artwork The Crucifixion | Mark 15:16-32 | Week 10 Day 2 Study of Mark 15:14 Episode Artwork Crucify Him! | Mark 15:1-15 | Week 10 Day 1 Study of Mark 16:26 Episode Artwork Peter Denies Jesus | Mark 14:66-72 | Week 9 Day 5 Study of Mark 7:08 Episode Artwork Jesus Gets Arrested | Mark 14:43-65 | Week 9 Day 4 Study of Mark 15:26 Episode Artwork Before the Rooster Crows | Mark 14:27-42 | Week 9 Day 3 Study of Mark 18:08 Episode Artwork The Last Supper | Mark 14:12-26 | Week 9 Day 2 Study of Mark 14:38 Episode Artwork The Poor You Will Always Have | Mark 14:1-11 | Week 9 Day 1 Study of Mark 16:34 Episode Artwork The Day and the Hour | Mark 13:32-37 | Week 8 Day 5 Study of Mark 10:16 Episode Artwork Signs of the Times | Mark 13:1-31 | Week 8 Day 4 Study of Mark 21:20 Episode Artwork The Widow’s Mite | Mark 12:35-44 | Week 8 Day 3 Study of Mark 15:46 Episode Artwork The Greatest Commandment | Mark 12:18-34 | Week 8 Day 2 Study of Mark 22:44 Episode Artwork Give to Caesar What is Caesar’s | Mark 12:1-17 | Week 8 Day 1 Study of Mark 14:12 Episode Artwork Jesus Curses the Fig Tree | Mark 11:12-33 | Week 7 Day 5 Study of Mark 20:50 Episode Artwork Hosanna | Mark 11:1-11 | Week 7 Day 4 Study of Mark 8:42 Episode Artwork Let Us Sit At Your Right and Left | Mark 10:35-52 | Week 7 Day 3 Study of Mark 13:06 Episode Artwork A Camel Through the Eye of the Needle | Mark 10:17-34 | Week 7 Day 2 Study of Mark 21:12 Episode Artwork Let the Little Children Come | Mark 10:1-16 | Week 7 Day 1 Study of Mark 20:22 Episode Artwork The First Will Be Last | Mark 9:30-50 | Week 6 Day 5 Study of Mark 21:14 Episode Artwork Everything is Possible | Mark 9:14-29 | Week 6 Day 4 Study of Mark 11:50 Episode Artwork The Transfiguration | Mark 9:2-13 | Week 6 Day 3 Study of Mark 14:52 Episode Artwork You are the Messiah | Mark 8:22-9:1 | Week 6 Day 2 Study of Mark 20:42 Episode Artwork Yeast of the Pharisees | Mark 8:1-21 | Week 6 Day 1 Study of Mark 12:58