VINCUE: CUE The Next Leader
Cue the Next Leader is a series of conversations designed to share a common journey to help automotive leaders go further, faster. Go beyond what your team is achieving today with valuable lessons from other managers and owners in our industry.
“We study the successes of others deeply, so that together we rise.” – Danny Zaslavsky.
For more information on VINCUE, go to https://vincue.com/customer-wins/
VINCUE: CUE The Next Leader
DriveCentric - The leading CRM with innovations helping dealers make more money
Steve Roessler (pronounced wrestler) is the Chief Evangelist Officer for DriveCentric. DriveCentric is the leading Customer Relationship Management (CRM) - the first to build A.I. (Powered by ChatGPT-4) and engagement tools into one platform. Listen in as Steve tells us about some exciting new capabilities DriveCentric recently released that leverage Chat GPT to enable interactive conversations with their customers. These AI-driven sessions will then automatically flow into conversational streams with live agents.
Steve is the architect of DriveCentric's DC-20, which is held 3 times per year. Dealers will gather in St. Louis July 17-19 to collaborate in interactive sessions to learn how to get the most value from the DriveCentric CRM. The focus is to help dealers learn modern approaches to sell more cars such as eliminating business rules and templates, building culture with personalized video, & working with GPT4 technology.
Steve and his family recently moved to Nashville to help his 18-year-old daughter, Jenna, launch her singing career. Be on the lookout for Jenna Roessler’s first 5 songs which will be available soon on Spotify.
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